I had a notion today. Klaus and Bill and Tony are not the problem. We the people are the problem. The millions of mindless peons who allow these individuals to have sway over our lives through complying with their outright tyrannical demands.

Well not me. And not you. But you know... The other billion who just follow orders. That is the anatomy of 'evil' if there is such a thing. If nobody listened to authority, there would be no pandemic. That's why you never here Burkina Faso on the news. Because who the heck in Burkina Faso is listening to Tedros Gabajeezus or whatever his funky name is. It's the rank and file of the lobotomized 'good citizens' that fuels this trainwreck.

Take back your autonomy bitchez. Be ungovernable.

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Unfortunately 3 of those mindless billions are my grown kids. All jabbed and masked to the hilt and they still got Covid more than once and still think their parents are toxic conspiracy theorists in the misogynist racist stupid selfish etc. category of citizens identified by PM Trudeau as having unacceptable views that need punishment. And here in Ontario, if you're a doctor and you even just sign up with this courageous bunch, you can lose your medical license because there are actual hired minions at the College of Physicians and Surgeons whose job it is to troll and surveil social media and petitions for the names of physicians.

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Wow, and people are still oblivious to the worldwide shift to totalitarianism underway.

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Yes, I think the fact of it is too much for the fragile imaginations and egos of many. The biggest news about tyranny is the high number of people who support it. Even when England was destroying the 13 colonies the founding ancestors had a difficult time selling a way (the only way) out. In the Weimar Republic professionals, industrialists and middle class people actively supported tyranny. In the USA right now many average citizens support the obvious tyranny.

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Yes, I have two (out of six) grown kids among these mindless billions also. But the fact remains the only way out of an abusive relationship is OUT. I don’t give up on people easily and I refuse to give up on any of my kids. But there may come a time when we must leave them behind to the decisions they have made.

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My opinion as a father, do not give up on your kids unless they are unrepentant axe murderers.

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Yes, my opinion as a mother too. But leaving them behind is something they may insist on. I do mean to imply leaving them behind is giving up on them. We give life to hostages to fortune when we have children. There’s a deep intelligence to it.

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Spell checker madness, lol. I do NOT mean to imply. Lol.

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“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”

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Lets be fair....they did a great job of hiding the truth and scaring the shit out of most everyone.

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No, the signs of propaganda and manipulation were clear. Willful ignorance and apathy is inexcusable.

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Yep, they are still doing so. Building up to the next series of lies and deceptions.

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I have been autonomous. Refused to play Covid right from the start. Not on “social” media, ever. No google. Use cash. Engage with folks as often as possible about the authoritarianism, not popular. By nature, I am a pretty ungovernable bit**. I am wearying, however, with exhortations such as yours. I completely agree with the sentiment, but find any plan for action missing. I am willing to do more, just stymied. Just as taxation without representation was tyranny, exhortations without actions is bs. I don’t mean to insult, merely expressing my thoughts. Maybe posting your comments in a less agreeable space and dealing with the blowback could get one person thinking.

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Even fighting the long defeat; maintaining integrity, being honest and sticking to your principles can't be taken from you. They are the proverbial treasures stored up in heaven! I'm not a religious man but I feel the universal feedback when courage is expressed in the face of adversity. Indeed having the courage of your convictions is the only real wealth in this world.

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Basically in the face of the lies of evil and deception there’s nothing moral or right to do but stand against it. It matters.

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Yes, it’s a conundrum especially since the American people and the planet have been dealing with this fallout for many many years. The lack of skepticism and lack of action is paralyzing. I’m not a strategist, just a thinker & writer.

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You obviously need to stop being autonomous and read more of my observations.


Bill told you what he was going to do. If you took time to look up his two decades of accomplishments you would have realize what his plan was with mRNA sipike protein injections.



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I am not surprised. Just looking for a way to do something more than internet ranting. Maybe I should stop being autonomous, but it’s not likely.

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So agree…

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Yes, good point. Tyranny always exists and is easily diffused by a populace who recognizes it quickly and renders it impotent. Abusive relationships require the abusers and their willing abused. The way out of an abusive relationship is OUT.

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The same as we are the solution, not grubs like Musk, Trump etc etc etc. If this shit is tracking us all than it'll need satellites, yet people expect me to believe Musk wants to bring cheap internet to poverty stricken africans.... Sure

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Our choices are few. Backs against the wall.

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When will the dam break on this? I keep waiting and hoping........ just when I think no one within our authority structures can possibly ignore the evidence of mass deaths and harms anymore - they do. I cannot comprehend how, I dismay.

It does appear that more and more professionals are willing to call out what is actually happening here and I think that's what's needed. Those voices need to keep increasing getting louder and louder until they are so deafening and incessant they cannot be ignored any longer.

If the medical profession as a whole system had stood up to this as soon as the fraud and deception became apparent for anyone with a brain cell, many could have been saved.

It makes my head, heart and soul hurt.

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You hit the nail on the head. In the words of the infamous Charles Mackay - "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

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It will take a long time to acclimate to the idea that we are ruled by our enemies. I began on that journey 35 years ago and the evidence for that conclusion keeps piling-up.

The 2020 plandemic is just the latest, most impossible to ignore evidence for it.

If you have the courage to choose this path, you can start walking back through time and finding more.

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Yes, it goes way back into the depths of the first civilization. Whenever humankind accepted a ruling class in exchange for food, defense, community, shelter, etc. “Peaceful slavery”.

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Excellent! Let's get this passed around in the United States. We have a HUGE number of doctors who agree with this (many more than you might think), but a shortage of those who would risk their jobs and livelihoods by publicly signing. However, I'm confident my doctor will sign it!

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It’s a start! It will grow.

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"The declaration, which originates among concerned medics and professionals in India, "

India, Mexico hm. I'm sceptical of dailysceptic.

Karina's work seems to have been in studying health issues in sea lion and seal populations. That is actually a good background for evaluating population level statistical aggregates, like gene-jab harms in humans.

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We in Britain now have a 'head of state' who seems to have been best friends with, and protected from prosecution, not one but THREE paedophiles (that we know of: Louis Mountbatten; Jimmy Savile; that bishop) and whose brother was a friend of Epstein. How is that going to protect vulnerable children caught up in grooming gangs? Not only that but he is a key WEF globalist, prioritising the WEF agenda over his own country, ie, a traitor. When your own head of state is seemingly both a criminal and a traitor, it's long past time to wake up.

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Yes, we have those in the US too. Traitorous “leaders” who have acted on many occasions clearly against the best interests of the people they are sworn to serve and protect. In Joe, Kamilla, Boris, Trudeau, Macron, Chuck and Liz we do not Truss.

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Call em 'misleaders' whenever you can. (I got that from James Evan Pilato)

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Brilliant news, this is the way forward. I'm a fan of any pro choice movement especially when it comes to the covid death shots.

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Would you join my 'choose theft and larceny' movement? :)

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Depends if its got a health scheme!

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We need lawsuits, not declarations.

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Both are needed, imo. Declarationa of a sufficiently big number of doctors can be eye opening for vaxed people. Justice takes much longer. For declarations, we only need brave doctors, nurses, scientists, ...

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"For declarations, we only need brave doctors, nurses, scientists, ..."


Lawsuits aid in discovery of the facts. Maybe we can prove fraud and help people collect damages from pharma and its media-marketing subcontractors. Maybe we can then pursue a RICO action against various bad actors.

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General Smedley Butler long ago told humanity that war is a racket. Wars are carefully engineered for a variety of reasons. The goons that plan, and wage them use the term theater of operations for a reason.

The element of deceptive theater is perhaps the most critical aspect of warfare. The rest is just more icing on the cake for the socio-psychopathic death cult of which the Cult of Covidiots is merely the latest iteration.

This global exercise in eugenics bioweaponry warfare, and fear-based mind control, primarily developed, and run, with a HUGE money laundering operation, by the U.S. Armed Services with numerous supporting actors in the civil public sector, including the U.S. Congress, and many state governments, the private sector, Pfizer, etc., and the fascist blending of both public/private sectors as in the CDC, has been long in the making, dating back in some forms at least a century when poisons, and deadly pathogens were used in WWI, and the use thereof by Japanese military on the Chinese.

Numerous other new weapons of warfare were tested on humanity in the orchestrated, and carefully engineered WWII, and the Korean War, with the Viet Nam War being one in which numerous deadly instruments of war were tested, along with CIA narco trafficking, psyops, and other unspeakable barbarous acts in which the fascist sexual deviants that founded, and run the CIA specialize.

This is just one of many operations to enslave humanity. The attacks of 9/11 orchestrated by Don Rumsfeld, GW Bush, Dick Cheney, John Brennan, James Clapper, numerous CIA, and Mossad filth, and others was another. The sexually deviant trash that founded, and have always run the FBI also play important roles in waging warfare on Americans, and the world.

We in America pay for our government to wage war on us, and the rest of the world.

People around the world are awakening in large numbers and pushing back against the death cult. Never forget that Jim Jones persuaded a large number of people to commit suicide. They were of the same mentality as the people still wearing masks. There are still many maskholes. Politely explain to them that they're being tormented by fear based mind control, and that masks can make them ill, and offer no protection whatsoever against air born pathogens.

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Good comment. "You cannot have an empire abroad and liberty at home." - Ron Paul

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Absolutely. Great comment. But the fact remains - we can see what is wrong but no way to act with most docile and accepting.

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It's likely not quite that cut, and dried, althoug I understand your sentiment. I'm astonished to still see maskholes, but I feel sad about them. They're pitifully weak, easily frightened people who can't face how evil the people they trust are.

Yet, a substantial segment of the population is awake. It voted for Trump, and knows criminals stole the election, and have been running things for decades, while many understand the greater depths if depravity of ancient death cults dating back much longer than decades. I'm quite optimistic about humanity's future because so many people are taking concrete action, and more, and more whistle-blowers are emerging.

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Bill told you what he was going to do. If you took time to look up his two decades of accomplishments you would have realize what his plan was with mRNA sipike protein injections.



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This is great, however, going through the signatures section, for "doctors, scientists and health care professionals", one can immediately spot several entries which do not correspond to doctors, scientists or health care professionals. These should go to the Citizens group. It just ends up discrediting the declaration and shows poor validation.

The telegram chabnel does not allow normal users to write messages, so there's no way to try to help...

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This declaration needs to be circulated worldwide to doctors, scientists and other medical professionals.

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This is undeniably important thanks. Although this declaration is important we face now, over several years into this fact, the threat of an even larger menace to our human agency than perhaps previously realized. Since the beginning of the Covid crisis many have realized the role of the globalists in all this. The threat is so large and made so intentionally amorphous, heavily disguised by the MSM as conspiracy theory, that many cannot even imagine the scope and framework of it. We will need a copious Declaration of Independence going forward that stipulates and puts forward in a clear and unambiguous manner the collective rights of human beings. It needs to be memorized by every person to state orally as they learn to speak and reason. “Unalienable rights endowed by a creator”. “Dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” With all this entails going forward. These kleptocrats and their agenda must be rejected out of hand.

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Prepare to resist CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)

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Yes, and a great deal more. In Europe so far setting thermostats above 66 degrees Fahrenheit will earn a 3 year prison sentence. Other countries follow? Just the beginning.

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The only country I know of that has passed such prohibitions is Switzerland. Though Europe can be increasingly considered a country due to the metastatic cancer in Brussels, it is not nominally one.

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The important issue is far larger than individual nations. This is planetary and involves supranational forces.

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That's not acknowledging your error now, is it?

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Amusing. Which one?

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Forgive me I played the sheep and now suffering skin blisters and venous insufficiency. This plan is so evil but it’s never to late so begging you all not to or if you have NO MORE: think the booster was the planned big one…. it also hurt like hell - the first two didn’t ….

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You probably got blanks the first two. A lot of the tested vials have no mRNA in them. God bless you Wendy. Know that we live under the reign of Esau. It is the time of Jacob's torment. It will end.

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The problem in Australia anyway was the fact that anyone in a govt job was blackmailed into getting the vaccine or lose your job. I know a lot of young couples that did not want the poison ,but with kids and a mortgage had no real choice. When the whole pandemic lie collapses these govt leaders should be jailed for forcing blackmail measures on the people they are supposed to be governing for.

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You have choices, but the State can make the right choice exceedingly expensive.

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Twitter censors will not allow me to Twitter your article. What are they so in fear of? Who has threatened them?

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Try again night before more relaxed with Elon at the helm?

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