Ever since they posted this, which is a GREAT way to explain how to read a study by the non math brains (myself included), I have reposted everywhere.

Can't get my family to watch....they are too busy going in for scans.

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Sure they lied from day one. And continue to act stoopid.

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The Government knew and the courts are complicit.

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There is surely a case for Fraudulent Misrepresentation from the outset....the trials said that the 'products' weren't designed to prevent transmission nor infection just reduction of symptoms. .so not a Misrepresentation? However, the adverse reactions of trial participants was not made evident to recipients of said 'products', and Pfizer wanted the data associated with the trials to remain unpublished for 75 years. Thus, the company has materially and fraudulently misrepresented the safety and efficacy of their 'products'.

How could governments mandate medical 'interventions', which were not honestly presented and whose drawbacks were requested to remain secret for decades?

It is the speed at which this medical fascism unfolded without due diligence which demands retribution, multi million dollar fines and imprisonment for those who brought the 'products' to market and those who rolled them out en masse.

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Uh, yeah.

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Let me think..........

YES !!

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Frightening and very, very sad. Thank you for this presentation. I have already talked my children out of having anymore. I will try and be brave and talk to more people.

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Great statement of Truth by Scott Atlas. Still, the March for Covid death jabs still goes on even here in the state of Florida, while Florida bans the jabs for young adult males and for children, it should be absolutely obvious that the jabs are also UNSAFE for all age groups if our youngest and healthiest young adults can be severely injured or killed by them. Where are you Governor DeSantis?

We need a complete ban for CV19 jabs, period.

I am 72 and will never take another vaccine as long as I live. The mRNA jabs have killed the frail elderly more than any other group. As Edward Dowd mentions in his book Cause Unknown, excess deaths for millennials are higher than all US deaths in the Vietnam war (over 10 years) at 66,000. For boomers and all of those over age 65, the excess deaths of around 300,000 are about equal to USA deaths in World War II.

It is clear all vaccines cause serious health issues,can cause death, and may be based on fraudulent science. They lack true RCT’s and do not use inert placebos. Read the many books about vaccines and their true ‘efficacy’ versus their injuries or deaths, and you will conclude that mantra about ‘safe and effective’ is not only a lie for the CV jabs, it is basically a marketing slogan for which the science is not at all proved by properly designed RCT’s or safety studies for any vaccines.


Dissolving illusions, Suzanne Humphries

400 Critical Vaccine Studies, Neil Z Miller

The Vaccine Friendly Plan, by Paul Thomas, MD (look at the appendix for the incidence of autism for unvaccinated versus other groups, you find the unvaccinated have ZERO autism).

The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Turtles All the way Down, Anonymous, with vast references available via internet Links; reveals the past and present fraud of vaccine ‘science’.

The Pfizer Documents book, presenting 54 reports summarizing the data to date presented to the FDA to gain approval for Pfizer’s mRNA jabs (documents released by a Texas judge’s order at 55,000 pages a month). Put together by the teams out of 3500 volunteers working for Naomi Wolf’s group at www.dailyiclout.io. Note available for $9.99 as an ebook download using free Kindle app, via Amazon. Over 1,200 deaths, thousands of serious adverse events BEFORE THE EUA, and the FDA let these bioweapons loose on the American people and the world. After a jury trial, all of the perpetrators deserve the maximum penalty of the law to be carried out for Causing severe Injuries, deaths and disabilities...LL

May God continue to allow the truth to be revealed.

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Great video! I used to be a pharmaceutical sales rep so I know all about designing the studies to get the desired results and spinning negative data to sound positive. I am ashamed that I contributed to their deceitful business practices. I am so thankful that I found a new career!

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Their official line in court is they have committed what the states asked them to do. They aren’t stating that publicly on their website still.

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Here's the thing. The people can decide who is responsible and what their fate should be. There's 8 billion of us. In fact, only a few million of us all around the world can change it.

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Like who decides what? Baby perhaps cannot decide! But all the grown ups? They could at least scream! I do not want to go into details, what they could do or still can do.

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We just need the numbers. Or to live in a parallel society where these things are important. It works for the Amish?

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Not really. Moreover, most of us cannot be Amish. In fact even some Amish cannot be Amish.

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Just an FYI. Canadian Covid Care Alliance have a Rumble channel.

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Good luck getting a meeting with your MPP in Canada as they suggested in the presentation. My MPP is now the Minister of Health for Ontario, at the time of Covid she was Solicitor General. I repeatedly tried to get a meeting with her with zero luck….so much for representing your constituents.

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Excellent video

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It actually does not matter whether Pfizer committed fraud. They were given indemnity from fraud in the contract. They were also executing orders from the DoD. The US Govt and by proxy, the US taxpayers, are liable for this fraud. The US will be tried in World Court eventually, and the US taxpayers will go destitute paying the bill. Riots ensue. The dots are there to be connected.

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I mean yes they did

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