Evidence to support the "fragile healthcare hypothesis" and genetic "vaccine" mediated incidence of infection and disease, without which there may have been no unusual excess death in Europe.
Indeed, it's entirely logical. If our healthcare systems were worth the huge investments put into them then they must be saving lives? It's inevitable then, that if you slash capacity by up to 50% in some cases, you must expect an increase in avoidable deaths?
You then look at the factors that support good metabolic health and immunity - sunlight, fresh air, exercise, low stress, social welfare. All of these were abruptly withdrawn as COVID "measures". Inevitably this will cause deaths too.
The vaccine harms register off the normal scale in the surveillance systems and the likelihood of disease enhancement has been known in the scientific literature for decades. So, no surprises there either?
Nothing on Earth beats fresh air, exercise, sunlight, organic food, a good night's sleep, and joy!
What were the mouthpieces of Sauron's plans- be terrified, stay inside, block your airways, and die.
"There is no treatment!" "It's a novel virus!"
"No one can help you!"
And if anyone says they can, or God forbid does, we will throw them into prison for eternity and bankrupt their entire family line!
Once you are 100% ill, (with whatever,) we will tie you down, deny you food and water, and hook you up to Remdesivir, a profoundly toxic, unapproved and wildly expensive drug, plus a Ventilator, which, bty, if you actually have Covid, will kill you.
That's America today.
Dear God people, we must end Pharma's rule over the world!
Nothing, nothing absolutely nothing is more important today than bringing accountability to the (inhuman) people who did this! It is so EVIL most people cannot even wrap their minds around it.
Think Midazolam in the U.K. and Benzodiazapine + Morphine here. I lost one friend who's family refused the Vent and Remdesivir, only to lose their loved one to the other "option." Our hospitals were killing fields and many good people walked out when they realized what was happening. The horrifying part of this is how many did not, and how many are still pushing the Covid Jabs into people knowing it has an appalling risk profile and an appallingly poor efficacy profile.
The world needs to come out of this trance and it cannot happen FAST ENOUGH!!
As another commentator on another blog has commented about the Dutch Government forcing up to 3000 farmers to agree to compulsory purchase ( so more houses can be built for the immigrants these Marxists want to attract which will require greater dutch agricultural output, already world class, or higher imports from.......same countries which will experience emigration press "and repeat"), we are fast approaching a "world of shit", violence and revolt. ( at least you have a Second Amendment and a private arsenal to boot) . I have been dragged to a position of 100% hatred of Big Pharma, swathes of bought off medics ( respect to very brave medics who fight against this tide ) Politicians, Civil Servants, MSM clowns who either 100% are brainwashed or 100% evil - there aint no middle ground. UK Care Homes were a killing ground sanctioned by Hancock; UK version(s) of Fauci and Walensky are too well educated to believe the crap they uttered.
"Nothing on Earth beats fresh air, exercise, sunlight, organic food, a good night's sleep, and joy!": how right you are, add forests and mountains and I'll be there.
Thanking my smart hardworking father for the money he made and the businesses he built, (functionally bankrupted by lockdowns, but still leaving me fiscally healthy,) and Divine Providence, I live in the mountains very near the forests, and with all of God's, or Mother Nature's, wonders around me.
Nature is the one place where all of the human generated insanity dissolves.
Those of us planning on keeping our mental and spiritual health intact are often drawn to those places. I am grateful to live where they are!
A warm ocean with healthy wild cetaceans who tolerate us humans among themselves, even briefly, is one of the most the most soul- lifting experience I've had.
I seem to recall that at least one study was done, isolating SARS COV2 variant (A) from the integral spike protein (B) and it showed that cohort that was given A suffered nothing like the level of the effects of B on the other cohort - or did I imagine that? I also seem to recall many medics/scientists (not compromised by "the narrative") demonstrated and still do that the infection of the whole chimeric SARS COV2 variant led to wide spectrum "natural" immunity (unless it led to a mortal reaction for some secondary reason) whereas the mRNA induced spike protein is far more harmful because of the priming/damage done to the immune system ( plus the known toxic effects of the LNP delivery "probe")...?
Apologies, I cannot find the link as I did not save it; However, I do recall numerous comments from non narrative driven specialists confirming that LNP were known to be toxic to humans from a study in 2011 and many such persons have confirmed that the spike protein delivered - let alone it is only a synthesised version and has not necessarily replicated the spike protein of the variant targeted - is toxic, dangerous, and the inflammatory response was also a known factor well before 2019. Purified isolation or not, these gene therapy drugs are demonically evil, as are their proponents and those who profit, and their capacity for adverse harm and death - Pfizer have not been successful in hiding that detail - should have stopped their trial if a Safety Board had been convened. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but out is very difficult not to conclude they were not developed for the good of humanity, just another "cab off the rank" in the post WWII "vaccine" horror story the latest chapter of which is an attempt to scare the pants off people that Measles is the next epidemic virus according to the WHO ( but no mention that Measles had diminished world-wide by over 90% and THEN vaccines were mandated in the 1960's - result seems to be a far more vicious variant entirely due to vaccine primed immune systems revving the measles variant to be far more harmful - ever heard that train of events before). May I be the first to recommend a trial where the only participants to receive either the drug or newly dangerous variant are all those "actors" behind SARS COV2......
In other words, lay mans terms, the weak as water virus, is NOT causing ANY deaths, but the Toxic mRNA Injections, are killing Millions, and are continuing to do so.
Conclusion, - Ban the Toxic Injections, and save Millions of lives, and rid this world of Globalist de-population Mass Murder.
I cannot help but wonder what the reaction would be if your analysis, and those you have previously prepared, coupled with those of Prof Fenton , were put before Whitty, Vallance, van Tam, Raine, Hancock, Johnson, Farrar, SAGE (both versions), NERVTAG, Nudge Unit Commissars and the "straw people" of the JCVI. Hands up those who would like to see these bestial examples of the human race squirm before these data?
Never gonna happen. They will remain in their ivory towers, supported by the chumps in the media, heralding the millions of lives they saved with their actions.
Agreed; but it should be aired more especially given the gutless whining for amnesty (aka clemency) and Fauci squirming for 7 hours recently by all accounts, being forced to admit he lied many times...you only have to look how far "the envelope" is being pushed by WEF/WHO/Gates/Pharma/Tech axis re: CBDC/Social Credit/mRNA poisons so why not "push back"?
I would start with "firing squads" for all those who participated/backed/lied/enriched themselves in this scam and go further from there....
"Options!" I have for a long time been against the death penalty but with what I see now happening all around me ,the psychopathy etc. I am now willing to make exceptions.
Nah, not nearly painful for long enough ...The Spanish Inquisition, and various monarchs of England and then Great Britain were also self confessed Christians but they are able to invoke the name of God whilst ordering their painful punitive actions. I reckon the Russians know a thing or to about slow death, certainly Vlad and perhaps the very slowest form of extinction used by North American Indians might fit the bill. Amnesty is an anagram of "Em, Nasty" so full speed ahead with that then....
Your analysis is exactly correct and is relief, that we have data to support this. This hypothesis has been mentioned long time before. I noticed that at Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium in August 2021 when Denis Rancourt was talking about that - https://ibb.co/VWjPYWW
I recommend anyone to watch the video from time 54 min where he speaks about mortality and how the virus has changed regarding borders of state, not to any geological or climatic zones. That mean's the virus has been not the cause of excess deaths, but the restrictions were.
I remember from one of the government press conferences that peak covid hospitalisations in England were in early april - so those covid infections had peaked well before lockdowns could have made any difference.
So wether there was a new virus or not - whatever they were measuring with PCR was bloody weak. The subsequent death waves can be explained by ventilators, midazolam, c19 shots.
"whatever they were measuring with PCR was bloody weak." - it wasn't as good as "weak", as I understand it, but it certainly was not either alive or dead nor infectious, as one K.Mullis succinctly pointed out to the entire world that wanted to learn from him, to say nothing of the cycle rate and DNA code sampling ( one segment or three?).
Very persuasive. In my latest article, I argue that virus spread was actually "petering out" by late March and April 2020 - just when officials said cases were exploding. I think maybe a third of America had already been exposed to the virus by the time the lockdowns occurred. I'd love to read your thoughts on how many people you think had already been exposed to the virus by the lockdown dates.
When I looked just a excess deaths of the middle aged, it is clear that the event starts in mid-Feb 2020 and is not attenuated by any measures until it peters out in April.
The direct evidence I have from my observation post on Canadian barstool, is that my 94 year old (at the time) stroke-disabled mother got sick along with about 100 people living and working in the nursing home, within weeks of March 9 2020 lockdown here, and 26 residents (all over age 85) died "from Covid", a case fatality rate of about 40%, but not one employee died. Up to lockdown, I had been visiting my mother daily and feeding her bone broth, real sauerkraut, kefir, fresh fruit and leafy green salads and administering cod liver oil, quercetin, C, D3, K2 and zinc, and at bedtime she got melatonin and magnesium. A supportive nurse and director ensured that she continued to get these supplements (but unfortunately not the nutrition) after lockdown. No other residents got this protocol. Mom developed a fever and cough, just as so many other residents did during their outbreak, and I got a call telling me to prepare for her death, but on my instruction Mom was not given acetaminophen or ibuprofen or Tamiflu (which is their medical standard of care for ILI) and was over the illness in less than a week. I had refused flu shots for her for years. She never did test positive by PCR but all the other 'cases' did. Residents got gene jabs but I refused for my mother. Workers who refused got fired. So she's the only one in the building who doesn't have any shots. Mom continues to get supplements. Despite everyone being jabbed now, up to 5 now with bivalent, the home continues to have "outbreaks" with positive PCRs and ILI, but residents don't die from Covid any more and sick workers are back at work within a week. The provincial funding for diet in long term care homes is about $11 per person per day. Heavy in processed carbs, GM sugar, GM soy, and GM canola, and deficient in fibre, essential nutrients and minerals. However, the province fully funds prescription drugs and vaccines - but not vitamin D supplements. So, our provincial "standard of care" is the reason for Covid deaths in nursing homes. PS I am still not allowed in to visit or care for my mother, because I refused the jabs.
The virus is "benign"; the GoF inserted CGG codon (Furin cleavage site) which injects, via the ACE2 receptor, the specific spike protein>inflammation>elevated morbidity. and then , in some cases, mortality. I read that no CV in history has this codon, the Fauci cabal (including Vallance as a senior GSK bod at the time) were informed of this in circa 2017 ("...it looks engineered to me") and then conspired via the Lancet to deny it in the "Letter of 27", and no CV in history kills humans in and of "itself". I also now read that antibodies as a "must have" for countering viral disease is not entirely true; studies in decades past ( conveniently ignored by sections of the medical/Pharma/Health quango axis) revealed that people recovered from infectious diseases with little or no antibodies present and people with no antibodies did not contract a disease to which they were deliberately placed in close proximity. This casts an entirely different light on the UK MHRA ( the "new" old UK Government Quango that is now a "drug enabler", as decided via personal fiat by Empress Raine, not a drug Regulatory body) originally stated reliance ( and I understand recently re-stated in connection with the massively under tested bivalent experimental drugs which they have "nodded through" as "EUA"in an extremely sinister manner) on these experimental gene therapy drugs to produce antibodies - and THEN they give the game away by saying that such an immune reaction MAY prevent infection which "we all know", from Pfizer no less, does not happen along with no effect on transmission or increased survivability. What a dystopian nightmare. This has some very chilling disclosures on this topic:
I've long suspected that the jabs did nothing; that they were only shown to be effective through sleight of hand and number lies. I also suspect Covid isn't a thing or if it is/was then it was very much hyped into existence. I think the jabs are a bioweapon. That they do nothing but harm.
Healthy humans do (of course) not need MRNA gene therapy to live on earth. Never did! For those immune compromised, I really hope the MRNA genetheraphy they received has benefits outweighing the risks of this unnatural genetherapy. If not, and this was on purpose, the guilty stupid evils behind this attack on humanity should be jailed for life. Nuremberg 2.0.
In times of crisis the individual brain is better that a SYSTEM FAILURE panic brain. Globalistic pandemic response is more dangerous than nuclear bombs. WHO, TNI, EU, etc Cancelling of 2. nd opinions by political motivated Big Tech isn’t just stupidity, but also extremely dangerous. A mass formation machine.
My personal trust in goverment, MSM and health authorities is gone forever.
This nightmare has been awful. Never took the mrna shots. Had covid for 3 days, 8 months ago (like a normal cold). Now I am natural immune for life no matter what BBC, CNN, MSNBC says.
I am so tired of MSM idiots and groupthinkers. Now they are agaist free speech. Complete. That says it all. Complete useless bullshitt. «Agaist free speech»??????
a) your post-vax era chart should perhaps not refer to years 2020-2022
b) @olafgarber's charts on "excess mortality vs booster rate (from 4/2022)" and "excess mortality vs. fully vaxed rate of population (for 2021)" might be a good amendment to your excellent presentation and considerations, see here: https://twitter.com/olafgarber/status/1583436748562259968
Great article. As to Conclusion 1, obesity/diabetes has a massive effect on health and resistence to disease. Many countries have a crisis in both areas. As to Conclusion 2, the NHS was effectively shut down for two years to cater for the influx of ConVid 19 victims, which never materialised. Conclusion 3 is affected by the build up of health problems due to closure of the NHS for two years. BTW has anyone developed a test for ConVid given the current one is innapropriate finding even a baked bean positive.
The NHS was shut down internally by gutless management including some ( but not all) equally gutless senior medics. Those that participated willingly ALL agreed, tacitly or otherwise, to reduce the number of beds at one point; ALL agreed that "staff" who tested positive had to isolate - thus causing massive staff shortages and equally massive strain on the rest of the people who stayed at work ( remember the French ordered their medics who tested positive they had to be "on parade or else?) along with colleagues even though ( as more than one "honest" medic has pointed out, one on camera to Savid Jabid ) clinicians already had exposure from late 2019 onwards so any PCR false positive test was utterly unnecessary and irrelevant as they had immunity - if you recall Jabid was not able to reply adequately - and they ALL participated in the Hancock diktat of releasing sick elderly patients back into Care Homes with the result we all know about, an exercise which had included DNR noted on medical notes without disclosure to relatives and therefore without informed consent, the use of Midazolam and no prior to release testing - all sanctioned by (I'm a Non Entity) Hancock when he was married and Health Secretary.
What I would like to see, and maybe you have the data to put together, is a day-by-day or week-by-week comparison of covid positive test rate versus total deaths. If 10% of your population has a virus, you'd EXPECT roughly 10% of your deaths to have a bit of that virus in them, even if it had nothing to do with what killed them.
It seems like if we had the data we could establish a 'baseline' of expected covid deaths by using the positive test rate as a rough proxy for prevalence in a community.
I think John Dee may already have baked a tasty analysis of something like that. I’ll see if I can find it. He may want to chime in to correct me if I’m wrong.
Edit: Couldn’t find exactly what you were suggesting quickly, you might enjoy his substack,
Last day of a terrible year, 2022, but one good thing has come out today, today the Toxic Toad Fauci, has retired, he has escaped the Gallows for crimes against humanity, but hope fully we can nail him, in 2023.
I entirely agree with your conclusions, not just by seeing those datas, but I just can feel it's about right by observations over the last few years.
Indeed, it's entirely logical. If our healthcare systems were worth the huge investments put into them then they must be saving lives? It's inevitable then, that if you slash capacity by up to 50% in some cases, you must expect an increase in avoidable deaths?
You then look at the factors that support good metabolic health and immunity - sunlight, fresh air, exercise, low stress, social welfare. All of these were abruptly withdrawn as COVID "measures". Inevitably this will cause deaths too.
The vaccine harms register off the normal scale in the surveillance systems and the likelihood of disease enhancement has been known in the scientific literature for decades. So, no surprises there either?
Nothing on Earth beats fresh air, exercise, sunlight, organic food, a good night's sleep, and joy!
What were the mouthpieces of Sauron's plans- be terrified, stay inside, block your airways, and die.
"There is no treatment!" "It's a novel virus!"
"No one can help you!"
And if anyone says they can, or God forbid does, we will throw them into prison for eternity and bankrupt their entire family line!
Once you are 100% ill, (with whatever,) we will tie you down, deny you food and water, and hook you up to Remdesivir, a profoundly toxic, unapproved and wildly expensive drug, plus a Ventilator, which, bty, if you actually have Covid, will kill you.
That's America today.
Dear God people, we must end Pharma's rule over the world!
Nothing, nothing absolutely nothing is more important today than bringing accountability to the (inhuman) people who did this! It is so EVIL most people cannot even wrap their minds around it.
Think Midazolam in the U.K. and Benzodiazapine + Morphine here. I lost one friend who's family refused the Vent and Remdesivir, only to lose their loved one to the other "option." Our hospitals were killing fields and many good people walked out when they realized what was happening. The horrifying part of this is how many did not, and how many are still pushing the Covid Jabs into people knowing it has an appalling risk profile and an appallingly poor efficacy profile.
The world needs to come out of this trance and it cannot happen FAST ENOUGH!!
As another commentator on another blog has commented about the Dutch Government forcing up to 3000 farmers to agree to compulsory purchase ( so more houses can be built for the immigrants these Marxists want to attract which will require greater dutch agricultural output, already world class, or higher imports from.......same countries which will experience emigration press "and repeat"), we are fast approaching a "world of shit", violence and revolt. ( at least you have a Second Amendment and a private arsenal to boot) . I have been dragged to a position of 100% hatred of Big Pharma, swathes of bought off medics ( respect to very brave medics who fight against this tide ) Politicians, Civil Servants, MSM clowns who either 100% are brainwashed or 100% evil - there aint no middle ground. UK Care Homes were a killing ground sanctioned by Hancock; UK version(s) of Fauci and Walensky are too well educated to believe the crap they uttered.
"Nothing on Earth beats fresh air, exercise, sunlight, organic food, a good night's sleep, and joy!": how right you are, add forests and mountains and I'll be there.
Thanking my smart hardworking father for the money he made and the businesses he built, (functionally bankrupted by lockdowns, but still leaving me fiscally healthy,) and Divine Providence, I live in the mountains very near the forests, and with all of God's, or Mother Nature's, wonders around me.
Nature is the one place where all of the human generated insanity dissolves.
Those of us planning on keeping our mental and spiritual health intact are often drawn to those places. I am grateful to live where they are!
We drive 850 miles each way, twice a year just to be spiritually renewed by forests, mountains (and snow).....can't beat it. IMHO of course.
Swimming in the ocean let's add, or walking on a beach...or seeing open fields..
So much to love in this world..
Duchess I am with you!
A warm ocean with healthy wild cetaceans who tolerate us humans among themselves, even briefly, is one of the most the most soul- lifting experience I've had.
I wish we all could experience this.
Very well put. Thank you for doing that. It is absolutely a nightmare we are living in isn't it?
Slow and stupid, they will catch on, eventually.
In a geological year.
Were Those healthcare dollars w put into "free vaccines for all"...Joel you probably said but I am reading fast because I am late for work.
.although I am not sure countries like Israel...did they have to pay Pfizer? Or did they get them free in return for being the experiement?
I seem to recall that at least one study was done, isolating SARS COV2 variant (A) from the integral spike protein (B) and it showed that cohort that was given A suffered nothing like the level of the effects of B on the other cohort - or did I imagine that? I also seem to recall many medics/scientists (not compromised by "the narrative") demonstrated and still do that the infection of the whole chimeric SARS COV2 variant led to wide spectrum "natural" immunity (unless it led to a mortal reaction for some secondary reason) whereas the mRNA induced spike protein is far more harmful because of the priming/damage done to the immune system ( plus the known toxic effects of the LNP delivery "probe")...?
Was it a purified isolation? I’ll bet you every dime I have it was not. 🤡
Apologies, I cannot find the link as I did not save it; However, I do recall numerous comments from non narrative driven specialists confirming that LNP were known to be toxic to humans from a study in 2011 and many such persons have confirmed that the spike protein delivered - let alone it is only a synthesised version and has not necessarily replicated the spike protein of the variant targeted - is toxic, dangerous, and the inflammatory response was also a known factor well before 2019. Purified isolation or not, these gene therapy drugs are demonically evil, as are their proponents and those who profit, and their capacity for adverse harm and death - Pfizer have not been successful in hiding that detail - should have stopped their trial if a Safety Board had been convened. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but out is very difficult not to conclude they were not developed for the good of humanity, just another "cab off the rank" in the post WWII "vaccine" horror story the latest chapter of which is an attempt to scare the pants off people that Measles is the next epidemic virus according to the WHO ( but no mention that Measles had diminished world-wide by over 90% and THEN vaccines were mandated in the 1960's - result seems to be a far more vicious variant entirely due to vaccine primed immune systems revving the measles variant to be far more harmful - ever heard that train of events before). May I be the first to recommend a trial where the only participants to receive either the drug or newly dangerous variant are all those "actors" behind SARS COV2......
In other words, lay mans terms, the weak as water virus, is NOT causing ANY deaths, but the Toxic mRNA Injections, are killing Millions, and are continuing to do so.
Conclusion, - Ban the Toxic Injections, and save Millions of lives, and rid this world of Globalist de-population Mass Murder.
In the post-vax era, yes. IMO, the virus is getting a "leg up" from the "vaccine" through continued interference with the host immunity system. This is consistent with "expert" opinion - https://metatron.substack.com/p/credentials-for-me-but-not-for-thee
I cannot help but wonder what the reaction would be if your analysis, and those you have previously prepared, coupled with those of Prof Fenton , were put before Whitty, Vallance, van Tam, Raine, Hancock, Johnson, Farrar, SAGE (both versions), NERVTAG, Nudge Unit Commissars and the "straw people" of the JCVI. Hands up those who would like to see these bestial examples of the human race squirm before these data?
Never gonna happen. They will remain in their ivory towers, supported by the chumps in the media, heralding the millions of lives they saved with their actions.
Agreed; but it should be aired more especially given the gutless whining for amnesty (aka clemency) and Fauci squirming for 7 hours recently by all accounts, being forced to admit he lied many times...you only have to look how far "the envelope" is being pushed by WEF/WHO/Gates/Pharma/Tech axis re: CBDC/Social Credit/mRNA poisons so why not "push back"?
I would start with "firing squads" for all those who participated/backed/lied/enriched themselves in this scam and go further from there....
I want them "drop-kicked" to the Moon, frankly.
More truthfully burned at the stake, as the witches and demons they are, but am trying to remember that in my heart I am a Christian....
Wait! Maybe there are options?
; ))
"Options!" I have for a long time been against the death penalty but with what I see now happening all around me ,the psychopathy etc. I am now willing to make exceptions.
Christians did plenty of witch burnings and torture in the past (Inquisition). :)
Nah, not nearly painful for long enough ...The Spanish Inquisition, and various monarchs of England and then Great Britain were also self confessed Christians but they are able to invoke the name of God whilst ordering their painful punitive actions. I reckon the Russians know a thing or to about slow death, certainly Vlad and perhaps the very slowest form of extinction used by North American Indians might fit the bill. Amnesty is an anagram of "Em, Nasty" so full speed ahead with that then....
Boy, is this a cracking analysis or what?!
Your analysis is exactly correct and is relief, that we have data to support this. This hypothesis has been mentioned long time before. I noticed that at Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium in August 2021 when Denis Rancourt was talking about that - https://ibb.co/VWjPYWW
I recommend anyone to watch the video from time 54 min where he speaks about mortality and how the virus has changed regarding borders of state, not to any geological or climatic zones. That mean's the virus has been not the cause of excess deaths, but the restrictions were.
What we all said, but of course those running the Operation kept it going.
When all is said and done it looks totally contrived and totally premeditated.
That conclusion is inescapable for me. The question is can we stop their next plan before it locks into place?
And can we hold them accountable for what they have done?
I remember from one of the government press conferences that peak covid hospitalisations in England were in early april - so those covid infections had peaked well before lockdowns could have made any difference.
So wether there was a new virus or not - whatever they were measuring with PCR was bloody weak. The subsequent death waves can be explained by ventilators, midazolam, c19 shots.
"whatever they were measuring with PCR was bloody weak." - it wasn't as good as "weak", as I understand it, but it certainly was not either alive or dead nor infectious, as one K.Mullis succinctly pointed out to the entire world that wanted to learn from him, to say nothing of the cycle rate and DNA code sampling ( one segment or three?).
Superb analysis (as always) thank you
Very persuasive. In my latest article, I argue that virus spread was actually "petering out" by late March and April 2020 - just when officials said cases were exploding. I think maybe a third of America had already been exposed to the virus by the time the lockdowns occurred. I'd love to read your thoughts on how many people you think had already been exposed to the virus by the lockdown dates.
When I looked just a excess deaths of the middle aged, it is clear that the event starts in mid-Feb 2020 and is not attenuated by any measures until it peters out in April.
The direct evidence I have from my observation post on Canadian barstool, is that my 94 year old (at the time) stroke-disabled mother got sick along with about 100 people living and working in the nursing home, within weeks of March 9 2020 lockdown here, and 26 residents (all over age 85) died "from Covid", a case fatality rate of about 40%, but not one employee died. Up to lockdown, I had been visiting my mother daily and feeding her bone broth, real sauerkraut, kefir, fresh fruit and leafy green salads and administering cod liver oil, quercetin, C, D3, K2 and zinc, and at bedtime she got melatonin and magnesium. A supportive nurse and director ensured that she continued to get these supplements (but unfortunately not the nutrition) after lockdown. No other residents got this protocol. Mom developed a fever and cough, just as so many other residents did during their outbreak, and I got a call telling me to prepare for her death, but on my instruction Mom was not given acetaminophen or ibuprofen or Tamiflu (which is their medical standard of care for ILI) and was over the illness in less than a week. I had refused flu shots for her for years. She never did test positive by PCR but all the other 'cases' did. Residents got gene jabs but I refused for my mother. Workers who refused got fired. So she's the only one in the building who doesn't have any shots. Mom continues to get supplements. Despite everyone being jabbed now, up to 5 now with bivalent, the home continues to have "outbreaks" with positive PCRs and ILI, but residents don't die from Covid any more and sick workers are back at work within a week. The provincial funding for diet in long term care homes is about $11 per person per day. Heavy in processed carbs, GM sugar, GM soy, and GM canola, and deficient in fibre, essential nutrients and minerals. However, the province fully funds prescription drugs and vaccines - but not vitamin D supplements. So, our provincial "standard of care" is the reason for Covid deaths in nursing homes. PS I am still not allowed in to visit or care for my mother, because I refused the jabs.
Thank god your mother has you to advocate for her health and to keep her healthy during this absolute madness.
hee hee no the virus did not kill anyone. Thought you might like my positive vibes about would does kill people and what we can do about it https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/brainwashing-about-contagion-is-a
The virus is "benign"; the GoF inserted CGG codon (Furin cleavage site) which injects, via the ACE2 receptor, the specific spike protein>inflammation>elevated morbidity. and then , in some cases, mortality. I read that no CV in history has this codon, the Fauci cabal (including Vallance as a senior GSK bod at the time) were informed of this in circa 2017 ("...it looks engineered to me") and then conspired via the Lancet to deny it in the "Letter of 27", and no CV in history kills humans in and of "itself". I also now read that antibodies as a "must have" for countering viral disease is not entirely true; studies in decades past ( conveniently ignored by sections of the medical/Pharma/Health quango axis) revealed that people recovered from infectious diseases with little or no antibodies present and people with no antibodies did not contract a disease to which they were deliberately placed in close proximity. This casts an entirely different light on the UK MHRA ( the "new" old UK Government Quango that is now a "drug enabler", as decided via personal fiat by Empress Raine, not a drug Regulatory body) originally stated reliance ( and I understand recently re-stated in connection with the massively under tested bivalent experimental drugs which they have "nodded through" as "EUA"in an extremely sinister manner) on these experimental gene therapy drugs to produce antibodies - and THEN they give the game away by saying that such an immune reaction MAY prevent infection which "we all know", from Pfizer no less, does not happen along with no effect on transmission or increased survivability. What a dystopian nightmare. This has some very chilling disclosures on this topic:
I've long suspected that the jabs did nothing; that they were only shown to be effective through sleight of hand and number lies. I also suspect Covid isn't a thing or if it is/was then it was very much hyped into existence. I think the jabs are a bioweapon. That they do nothing but harm.
My opinion.
Healthy humans do (of course) not need MRNA gene therapy to live on earth. Never did! For those immune compromised, I really hope the MRNA genetheraphy they received has benefits outweighing the risks of this unnatural genetherapy. If not, and this was on purpose, the guilty stupid evils behind this attack on humanity should be jailed for life. Nuremberg 2.0.
In times of crisis the individual brain is better that a SYSTEM FAILURE panic brain. Globalistic pandemic response is more dangerous than nuclear bombs. WHO, TNI, EU, etc Cancelling of 2. nd opinions by political motivated Big Tech isn’t just stupidity, but also extremely dangerous. A mass formation machine.
My personal trust in goverment, MSM and health authorities is gone forever.
This nightmare has been awful. Never took the mrna shots. Had covid for 3 days, 8 months ago (like a normal cold). Now I am natural immune for life no matter what BBC, CNN, MSNBC says.
I am so tired of MSM idiots and groupthinkers. Now they are agaist free speech. Complete. That says it all. Complete useless bullshitt. «Agaist free speech»??????
Why did people die on the Streets of Wuhan 2020?
Answer: they didn’t.
a) your post-vax era chart should perhaps not refer to years 2020-2022
b) @olafgarber's charts on "excess mortality vs booster rate (from 4/2022)" and "excess mortality vs. fully vaxed rate of population (for 2021)" might be a good amendment to your excellent presentation and considerations, see here: https://twitter.com/olafgarber/status/1583436748562259968
Great article. As to Conclusion 1, obesity/diabetes has a massive effect on health and resistence to disease. Many countries have a crisis in both areas. As to Conclusion 2, the NHS was effectively shut down for two years to cater for the influx of ConVid 19 victims, which never materialised. Conclusion 3 is affected by the build up of health problems due to closure of the NHS for two years. BTW has anyone developed a test for ConVid given the current one is innapropriate finding even a baked bean positive.
Correct. I added a line or two about metabolic health.
The NHS was shut down internally by gutless management including some ( but not all) equally gutless senior medics. Those that participated willingly ALL agreed, tacitly or otherwise, to reduce the number of beds at one point; ALL agreed that "staff" who tested positive had to isolate - thus causing massive staff shortages and equally massive strain on the rest of the people who stayed at work ( remember the French ordered their medics who tested positive they had to be "on parade or else?) along with colleagues even though ( as more than one "honest" medic has pointed out, one on camera to Savid Jabid ) clinicians already had exposure from late 2019 onwards so any PCR false positive test was utterly unnecessary and irrelevant as they had immunity - if you recall Jabid was not able to reply adequately - and they ALL participated in the Hancock diktat of releasing sick elderly patients back into Care Homes with the result we all know about, an exercise which had included DNR noted on medical notes without disclosure to relatives and therefore without informed consent, the use of Midazolam and no prior to release testing - all sanctioned by (I'm a Non Entity) Hancock when he was married and Health Secretary.
I sussed it out thusly:
12 nominally healthy people dead after two jabs; one old sick guy dead from The Actual Disease.
In addition to that:
Two others crashed in the doctor's ofc.
Sent home to suffer with their "strong immune reaction".
My chart resembles your chart.
Cool. :)
What I would like to see, and maybe you have the data to put together, is a day-by-day or week-by-week comparison of covid positive test rate versus total deaths. If 10% of your population has a virus, you'd EXPECT roughly 10% of your deaths to have a bit of that virus in them, even if it had nothing to do with what killed them.
It seems like if we had the data we could establish a 'baseline' of expected covid deaths by using the positive test rate as a rough proxy for prevalence in a community.
I think John Dee may already have baked a tasty analysis of something like that. I’ll see if I can find it. He may want to chime in to correct me if I’m wrong.
Edit: Couldn’t find exactly what you were suggesting quickly, you might enjoy his substack,
Last day of a terrible year, 2022, but one good thing has come out today, today the Toxic Toad Fauci, has retired, he has escaped the Gallows for crimes against humanity, but hope fully we can nail him, in 2023.