Makes sense. Here is a thought experiment: Say states were gone and we instead had such "regions". In some regions abortion is banned and in others it is not. Everyone now lives in driving distance of a place that offers abortion. Thus the concept of banning abortion effectively does nothing. Not sure what insights to gain from that. I guess maybe there could be some law that you have to move and stay in that other region for at least some time either before or after having an abortion. This would effectively segregrate society to conceivably positive or negative ends.
Decentralisation favours the individual, empowering them to take control of themselves and hold themselves accountable to themselves and their brethren, rather than be beholden to the whims of others. Freedom to choose which camp you want to be in is fundamental to everything.
Hi Joel here are my observations from South Central Florida where I live. I moved here from one of the epicenters of lib/prog lunacy in the Northeast (think Ivy League) during the Covid racketeering operation as I was one of the few protesting the Covid con from day one and was in constant confrontations for over two years and had to get out.
First observation is to note the majority of people that inhabit such lib/prog communities and particularly those who form the foundational ideologies of these places possess an impenetrable wall of smug superiority that precludes any possibility of self examination. They are not and never will be interested in this "unity" that they cite, they are only interested in ruling over and controlling their "lessers."
Of note in the rigged 2020 election those who voted for Biden/Harris possessed 70% of US wealth. It's important to understand that this isn't so much about Red/Blue or Trump/Harris it is about the haves and the have-nots and the have-nots expressing their populist sentiments in a big way in 2024 based on what they have experienced over the past four years where their lives were decimated.
I live in the reddest of red counties and in my neighborhood and throughout the county it is a collection of Hispanic, blacks and rednecks- mostly working poor. Virtually everyone here supported Trump/Vance even as quite a few don't particularly like him (some worship him) and again it was mainly due to these people understanding what WAS DONE TO THEM and who did it.
These people are NEVER going to unify with the above arrogant elites (nor should they) and this is the way it is throughout the country. That is a good thing.
I would also suggest that the lines of division are changing radically in the urban centers here in the US- yet again due to people's everyday experiences. One example was that Trump became the first GOP Presidential Candidate to win Miami-Dade in 36 years. We saw similar (less extreme) trends throughout the US. Hint to intractable Dem pundits: this wasn't because a bunch of white crackers moved there.
Another data point- from Florida. In 2020 Biden won Osceola County (HUGE Puerto Rican community and "majority-minority" demographic) by 14%. In 2024 Trump won that county by 1%- a startling 15% turnaround. So two reliably Blue counties in Fl had massive changes. Why? Well smash small businesses to bits and watch the people rise up against those who did so.
One last data point. In Anson County, NC Trump became the first GOP Presidential candidate to win in over 100 years. This county is 47% black and quite poor. Yet another indicator species that the "unwashed" understand that the non-stop race baiting is a smokescreen used to cover up harsh economic realities and that these realities were CAUSED by certain people and their lackeys.
Overall this was a thorough repudiation not only of Biden/Obama/Clinton and the gaggle of globalists but of the entire subset of limousine liberal suckerfish and their psychotic Hollywood drug fueled celebrities and the entire deranged woke agenda.
People have had enough and understand what is going on- no amount of gas lighting is going to change this.
I know. I tell people but they don’t listen. I’m allergic to meat so I’m not exposed in that way, but it’s shedding from people around me so no escaping the exposure
Let’s not forget there is a global effort to unite under government control and we’ll all like it. I don’t even think those who voted for Harris/Walz even know that what they accuse Trump will do, is what the controlling government was ultimately working towards. 15 cities and such.
We need to change the language around abortion, make it more nuanced. I think the word ban is problematic, too absolute. I don’t know if there are any states that would not intervene if there was a risk to life, or severe deformity, and this should be made explicit to prevent the screeching about a ‘ban’. Explain that pregnancies that are a risk to life can be terminated, and decide on term limits. Then change behaviours, losing the victim mentality and introducing personal responsibility - it should not take beyond 12-16 weeks for most women to recognise they are pregnant and be provided with a mostly non-problematic solution. And if you were mean like me you’d test their cognitive dissonance by questioning why someone with string beliefs in a rules based order would want to ignore the rules.
Radical decentralization is required, shifting political power away from the Federal government to States and from States to counties and municipalities. Of course, the communists will resist every step of the way, because their collectivist schemes require centralized power to staunch the flow of freedom lovers out of blue gulags.
And that's what they will tell us they're doing (in the UK) when they bring in citizens assemblies and everyone will go 'yippee; power to the people'. Then they will use tactics like the Delphi technique to get what they wanted anyway. Then when things go awry they will blame the people for steering us in the wrong direction! (I'm an eternal optimist but we must be wary of things being handed to us on a plate!)
Lotta lessons available to those that study (or minimally, are merely aware of) history. As I'm sure you're aware of ("handed out on a plate") the role of the "Trojan horse" (apparently recently they've located the location of Troy and what was previously thought of as a fable is now shown to have really happened) is a "goody" or "keeper" and should be told to every human growing up. By kindergarten at the latest.
I have a book "Triumph of the Sea Gods" which places the origin of the Troy story at Cadiz. Some interesting arguments are made, some of which are a bit stretched and many which make sense to me as an amateur and very briefly commercial seaman. Geographically there is no reason to expect that the site of Schliemann's Troy would not have been a strategic location for millennia. London, Paris, New York, Moscow, and Shanghai all have important riverine and maritime reasons for their locations. I have also read but have not kept the reference of the biblical origin of "King Solomon's Mines" and the Greek story of Jason's Golden Fleece. West Africa is the source of the gold (I have done well with a couple of gold miners in Mali and Burkina Faso.) Timbuktu was the centre of trans-Saharan trade and it does not require much insight to see Cadiz as the place for waterborne commerce.
We are living through an interesting historical moment. It would be fun to be revived five hundred years hence and read the reports.
This evening CBS News reports the Pennsylvania Senate election with a fifty thousand vote R lead as "leaning." I think they hope for a repeat of "2000 Mules."
Why would anyone want to be governed hard by a group of strangers who call themselves politicians. There job should only be to ensure our infrastructure runs efficiently for the benefit of society. All I want to see are these people working in the background too busy to lift their heads up to cause problems. I have reached the end of my patience with the blowhard windbag politicians, they cause many, many more problems than they solve.
One side wants to be left alone and the other side wants to crush and rule *everyone.* It would be fine if they just wanted to crush and rule the people who wanted to be crushed and ruled in a certain area, but the problem is that this ideology believes they have the only acceptable way to live for all people.
We saw this with the Peanut the Squirrel fiasco. An out of control bureaucracy that had to crush the people (and literally, the life of the squirrel) who dared to live a life that did not adhere to an ideology of some DEC cop and her political boss. People, who harmed no one and never infringed on anyone.
We are having a very interesting example of that now in Spain with a massive flood that occured in the mediterranean coast. Governments do not solve anything, they cause more problems than they solve, as you say. But, they are one step forward, they use the problems they create to grab more power and create more problems.
London invested in a 'Thames Flood Barrier' that opens and closes in very high tides - following the disastrous floods of the 1950's that cost many lives.
London is a socialist-run city.
The flood barrier - and socialist urban planning generally - has saved many lives.
Not sure if you’ve seen the reports of the weather modulating ship in the area? That is an extreme example of the kind of problem creating/fixing the left excel in. Not to mention all those likely backhanders for non-existent dam building contracts that never bear fruit.
Oh, I don't know about the ship. I have found the info but they say is debunked, the fact-checkers, LOL. But this kind of rains in the fall are very common in the area, no ship needed. The first reports are from the 14th century (400 hundred people died):
On Thursday, August 17, 1358, after having endured a devastating and relentless drought that left the fields barren and drove farmers and small landowners to misery, the waters of the Guadalaviar river, 'swollen with excessive rainfall,' rose so high that they soon invaded the city, flooding streets, squares, and houses with unexpected fury. [...] All the bridges disappeared, and entire neighborhoods collapsed, with around a thousand houses falling and crushing entire families under the rubble and ruins. Four hundred people perished. [...] The part of the city that suffered the most was the Tanner's district. The devastation was no less severe in the fields, hamlets, and villages of La Huerta.
Joel - your theory completely fails as it does not recognise the way Leftists think. You are probably tongue in cheek here, but unfortunately the idea of coexistence is faulty on so many levels and as an aside, they need you and I to exist and pay for their awful schemes.
They will never let you and I alone! I agree with CS Lewis that I would rather be subject to a brigand rather than to a harping Leftist, who is never satisfied at trying screw up our lives whilst their govt funded lives continue on.
If we could somehow transfer all Leftists to another continent then the leaps forward in the USA would be astonishing, and the collapse of where they went to would be horrifying....
Oddly enough, you need leftists too. If you want leading Universities and schools, then you need academics and teachers, if you want good medical or social care, you need qualified and caring people. If you want workers to have rights to health and safety, then they need to be organised, and if you want to move people around a big city efficiently, you need public transit. Same with public housing - its essential to people with disabilities or poor families and pensioners.
SO: all these public-focused service occupations tend to attract educated and caring liberal-minded people. And this helps to explain why cities tend to be socialist, and rural areas, the opposite!
This is insightful and thought provoking Joel. Accepting a dual society of independent critical thinking individuals living alongside but separate from compliant comfort seeking state dependant zombie citizens is an interesting idea. I approve this message.
It doesn't work like that, because everyone is on a spectrum between extreme self-reliance and extreme dependency - and some individuals might make that transition in a single drive to work, if they end up in a crash and disabled for life.
The Democrats wanted to unite America - by subjugating and trashing the rights of the rural majority in favour of a ruling minority metropolitan elite and by opening the doors to the world. They were the very opposite of American exceptionalism. Trump voters have reinstated the UNITED States as a NATION, SEPARATE from the rest of the world and they have reclaimed the rights of the few and the many to disagree with the too powerful state.
Perversely, American exceptionalism and national self-interest will ensure that the world is a safer place, a more harmonious place, even if that world does not conform to the Woke ideologists' dream of 'we are all in it together'. Because we are, but we're not - and there will always be those who are more equal than others!
Divided we stand, united we fall, like it/it works everytime. Many say we our close to another Civil War in this country, we may but it would be over quickly. 35 states are RED, 15 BLUE.
Thats just being silly: the lead was only a couple of percentage points, and many communities will have voted in Trump by a narrow margin . If you want the USA to go down the road of Rwanda, then there are all losers, and no winners.
But I think many of the blue circle die-hards don’t understand the project they’re engaged in. It used to be the case that mainstream journalism reported and criticised rather than just spun dangerous, exploitative official narratives.
I am going to slightly disagree with your analysis. Yes, you have the camp (where I am firmly sat also) whereby we want to be left alone to make our own choices and decisions. The other camp wanting the state to make those choices and impose them on the behalf of others however is not the preference of those on the other side of the political divide. They BELIEVE that their values and their choices are the right ones and so should be imposed on others. It doesn't affect them, they are free to continue to make their own choices and be left alone, it is everyone who disagrees with them that needs the state control and manipulation
The problem with the analogy is that the Amish live alone, want to be left alone, but THEY DON’T TRAVEL ANYWHERE. The minute they want to fly, or just go somewhere else, the “You don’t have the right to kill my Grandmother” midwits will be able to impose their will upon them with masking mandates, vaccine mandates and all the other stuff that makes them feel that they can control nature and otherwise deny the fact that old and infirm people die. If you want to be left alone and be left in peace, you will have to get legislation enacted to ensure that the Frightened Shitless can’t control people who understand and accept that life is chock-full of risk and are happily prepared to live with that fact.
Thank you Joel for your explanation of what took place in our election this week. It is the first time in four years I have felt the crushing weight of crazy lifted from my shoulders. People can say whatever they want about Donald Trump. My own thoughts are America will be heading in another direction for the next four years. It won’t be a smooth transition. If you listened to ms. Harris’s concession “rant”, you can see President Trump and his team will have their work cut out for them. I for one believe they will succeed in removing the crazy and restoring our ability to live our lives freely.
Perhaps this could only succeed in practice if states were to undertake a ‘degree’ of secession from the Federal governance. Those individuals who subscribe to the notion of state dependence would be free to gravitate to places that meet their societal expectations, same for critical thinking independentalists (that’s a word, I have decided).
This is not as brutal as “if you don’t like it there’s the door”, no person should feel compelled to abandon their home city or state. Society need not suffer a binary shock of immediate change. Over time people migrate towards environments and regimes they favour if the benefits outweigh the downsides.
Just noodling on the implications of Joel’s interesting thoughts.
Not just federal but also state. The dividing lines are more fine-grained than state-level - they are county-level. That's decentralisation, all the way down.
The essence of decentralisation (using decentralised governance systems, enabled by current technologies) means all decision-making is undertaken (efficiently) by the people and only enacted, thereafter, by the people elected to do so. No decisions are made by the elected representatives, none.
If there’s a requirement that political leadership actually live in their district, then local government officials have to look their neighbors in the eyes. One of the (many) problems with centralization is that the big bureaucrats messing with our lives live elsewhere.
Horses, not donkeys. And tractors and bicycles too. Part of the appeal. You can walk round the whole island in an hour or two. It's a lovely walk. No need for motorised transport.
Broken & brainwashed people like to hand their power to others. It is easy, you can always blame someone else and get that sweet hopium hit when they allow you to pick a new master.
Makes sense. Here is a thought experiment: Say states were gone and we instead had such "regions". In some regions abortion is banned and in others it is not. Everyone now lives in driving distance of a place that offers abortion. Thus the concept of banning abortion effectively does nothing. Not sure what insights to gain from that. I guess maybe there could be some law that you have to move and stay in that other region for at least some time either before or after having an abortion. This would effectively segregrate society to conceivably positive or negative ends.
Decentralisation favours the individual, empowering them to take control of themselves and hold themselves accountable to themselves and their brethren, rather than be beholden to the whims of others. Freedom to choose which camp you want to be in is fundamental to everything.
Hi Joel here are my observations from South Central Florida where I live. I moved here from one of the epicenters of lib/prog lunacy in the Northeast (think Ivy League) during the Covid racketeering operation as I was one of the few protesting the Covid con from day one and was in constant confrontations for over two years and had to get out.
First observation is to note the majority of people that inhabit such lib/prog communities and particularly those who form the foundational ideologies of these places possess an impenetrable wall of smug superiority that precludes any possibility of self examination. They are not and never will be interested in this "unity" that they cite, they are only interested in ruling over and controlling their "lessers."
Of note in the rigged 2020 election those who voted for Biden/Harris possessed 70% of US wealth. It's important to understand that this isn't so much about Red/Blue or Trump/Harris it is about the haves and the have-nots and the have-nots expressing their populist sentiments in a big way in 2024 based on what they have experienced over the past four years where their lives were decimated.
I live in the reddest of red counties and in my neighborhood and throughout the county it is a collection of Hispanic, blacks and rednecks- mostly working poor. Virtually everyone here supported Trump/Vance even as quite a few don't particularly like him (some worship him) and again it was mainly due to these people understanding what WAS DONE TO THEM and who did it.
These people are NEVER going to unify with the above arrogant elites (nor should they) and this is the way it is throughout the country. That is a good thing.
I would also suggest that the lines of division are changing radically in the urban centers here in the US- yet again due to people's everyday experiences. One example was that Trump became the first GOP Presidential Candidate to win Miami-Dade in 36 years. We saw similar (less extreme) trends throughout the US. Hint to intractable Dem pundits: this wasn't because a bunch of white crackers moved there.
Another data point- from Florida. In 2020 Biden won Osceola County (HUGE Puerto Rican community and "majority-minority" demographic) by 14%. In 2024 Trump won that county by 1%- a startling 15% turnaround. So two reliably Blue counties in Fl had massive changes. Why? Well smash small businesses to bits and watch the people rise up against those who did so.
One last data point. In Anson County, NC Trump became the first GOP Presidential candidate to win in over 100 years. This county is 47% black and quite poor. Yet another indicator species that the "unwashed" understand that the non-stop race baiting is a smokescreen used to cover up harsh economic realities and that these realities were CAUSED by certain people and their lackeys.
Overall this was a thorough repudiation not only of Biden/Obama/Clinton and the gaggle of globalists but of the entire subset of limousine liberal suckerfish and their psychotic Hollywood drug fueled celebrities and the entire deranged woke agenda.
People have had enough and understand what is going on- no amount of gas lighting is going to change this.
Wow. Next to last paragraph! Awesome
Like 👍
I know. I tell people but they don’t listen. I’m allergic to meat so I’m not exposed in that way, but it’s shedding from people around me so no escaping the exposure
Brilliant insight 👆 thank you Allen.
Nailed it!
Let’s not forget there is a global effort to unite under government control and we’ll all like it. I don’t even think those who voted for Harris/Walz even know that what they accuse Trump will do, is what the controlling government was ultimately working towards. 15 cities and such.
For many, economic reality is evident.
I still wonder about the 97+ million voters for Harris.
Are we confident that the populace can see three layers deep and identify the globalist lackeys?
We need to change the language around abortion, make it more nuanced. I think the word ban is problematic, too absolute. I don’t know if there are any states that would not intervene if there was a risk to life, or severe deformity, and this should be made explicit to prevent the screeching about a ‘ban’. Explain that pregnancies that are a risk to life can be terminated, and decide on term limits. Then change behaviours, losing the victim mentality and introducing personal responsibility - it should not take beyond 12-16 weeks for most women to recognise they are pregnant and be provided with a mostly non-problematic solution. And if you were mean like me you’d test their cognitive dissonance by questioning why someone with string beliefs in a rules based order would want to ignore the rules.
A great nuanced word to use is infanticide! There is no compromise between life and death.
For a more equitable and inclusive arrangement would one also have to document and prove that conception took place in a blue zone?
Radical decentralization is required, shifting political power away from the Federal government to States and from States to counties and municipalities. Of course, the communists will resist every step of the way, because their collectivist schemes require centralized power to staunch the flow of freedom lovers out of blue gulags.
And that's what they will tell us they're doing (in the UK) when they bring in citizens assemblies and everyone will go 'yippee; power to the people'. Then they will use tactics like the Delphi technique to get what they wanted anyway. Then when things go awry they will blame the people for steering us in the wrong direction! (I'm an eternal optimist but we must be wary of things being handed to us on a plate!)
Nothing will be handed to the people by the political elite, it must be taken.
Absolutely. Read Paul Foot's book 'The Vote'.
Lotta lessons available to those that study (or minimally, are merely aware of) history. As I'm sure you're aware of ("handed out on a plate") the role of the "Trojan horse" (apparently recently they've located the location of Troy and what was previously thought of as a fable is now shown to have really happened) is a "goody" or "keeper" and should be told to every human growing up. By kindergarten at the latest.
I have a book "Triumph of the Sea Gods" which places the origin of the Troy story at Cadiz. Some interesting arguments are made, some of which are a bit stretched and many which make sense to me as an amateur and very briefly commercial seaman. Geographically there is no reason to expect that the site of Schliemann's Troy would not have been a strategic location for millennia. London, Paris, New York, Moscow, and Shanghai all have important riverine and maritime reasons for their locations. I have also read but have not kept the reference of the biblical origin of "King Solomon's Mines" and the Greek story of Jason's Golden Fleece. West Africa is the source of the gold (I have done well with a couple of gold miners in Mali and Burkina Faso.) Timbuktu was the centre of trans-Saharan trade and it does not require much insight to see Cadiz as the place for waterborne commerce.
We are living through an interesting historical moment. It would be fun to be revived five hundred years hence and read the reports.
This evening CBS News reports the Pennsylvania Senate election with a fifty thousand vote R lead as "leaning." I think they hope for a repeat of "2000 Mules."
Exactly. Leave me the F alone. I’m no genius. But I am supremely confident that I can make far better decisions than “the experts”.
If you choose to not think and allow demons to do that for you, best of luck to you. I won’t protest or stop you.
Why would anyone want to be governed hard by a group of strangers who call themselves politicians. There job should only be to ensure our infrastructure runs efficiently for the benefit of society. All I want to see are these people working in the background too busy to lift their heads up to cause problems. I have reached the end of my patience with the blowhard windbag politicians, they cause many, many more problems than they solve.
Indeed. And yet, here are the two camps that seemingly cannot reconcile so they should agree to live in parallel?
Unfortunately that will never happen.
One side wants to be left alone and the other side wants to crush and rule *everyone.* It would be fine if they just wanted to crush and rule the people who wanted to be crushed and ruled in a certain area, but the problem is that this ideology believes they have the only acceptable way to live for all people.
Therefore, all people must obey.
They cannot and will not leave us alone.
We saw this with the Peanut the Squirrel fiasco. An out of control bureaucracy that had to crush the people (and literally, the life of the squirrel) who dared to live a life that did not adhere to an ideology of some DEC cop and her political boss. People, who harmed no one and never infringed on anyone.
There was a similar case here in Australia with a magpie. Thank God the state saw sense and returned the bird alive to the people.
We are having a very interesting example of that now in Spain with a massive flood that occured in the mediterranean coast. Governments do not solve anything, they cause more problems than they solve, as you say. But, they are one step forward, they use the problems they create to grab more power and create more problems.
The same thing happened in Appalachian areas. (Still happening.)
(Same thing happened in BC and Alberta during the recent firestorms.)
FEMA: Fuck Everyone Move Aside.
London invested in a 'Thames Flood Barrier' that opens and closes in very high tides - following the disastrous floods of the 1950's that cost many lives.
London is a socialist-run city.
The flood barrier - and socialist urban planning generally - has saved many lives.
Prove me wrong.
Not sure if you’ve seen the reports of the weather modulating ship in the area? That is an extreme example of the kind of problem creating/fixing the left excel in. Not to mention all those likely backhanders for non-existent dam building contracts that never bear fruit.
In which area: Spain, USA or Canada?
Coast off Valencia. I can try find the photo?
Oh, I don't know about the ship. I have found the info but they say is debunked, the fact-checkers, LOL. But this kind of rains in the fall are very common in the area, no ship needed. The first reports are from the 14th century (400 hundred people died):
On Thursday, August 17, 1358, after having endured a devastating and relentless drought that left the fields barren and drove farmers and small landowners to misery, the waters of the Guadalaviar river, 'swollen with excessive rainfall,' rose so high that they soon invaded the city, flooding streets, squares, and houses with unexpected fury. [...] All the bridges disappeared, and entire neighborhoods collapsed, with around a thousand houses falling and crushing entire families under the rubble and ruins. Four hundred people perished. [...] The part of the city that suffered the most was the Tanner's district. The devastation was no less severe in the fields, hamlets, and villages of La Huerta.
Yes I agree, it is a never ending vicious circle.
Joel - your theory completely fails as it does not recognise the way Leftists think. You are probably tongue in cheek here, but unfortunately the idea of coexistence is faulty on so many levels and as an aside, they need you and I to exist and pay for their awful schemes.
They will never let you and I alone! I agree with CS Lewis that I would rather be subject to a brigand rather than to a harping Leftist, who is never satisfied at trying screw up our lives whilst their govt funded lives continue on.
If we could somehow transfer all Leftists to another continent then the leaps forward in the USA would be astonishing, and the collapse of where they went to would be horrifying....
"Joel - your theory completely fails as it does not recognise the way Leftists think"
Find the oxymoron
Might Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs have an opinion on that?
Oddly enough, you need leftists too. If you want leading Universities and schools, then you need academics and teachers, if you want good medical or social care, you need qualified and caring people. If you want workers to have rights to health and safety, then they need to be organised, and if you want to move people around a big city efficiently, you need public transit. Same with public housing - its essential to people with disabilities or poor families and pensioners.
SO: all these public-focused service occupations tend to attract educated and caring liberal-minded people. And this helps to explain why cities tend to be socialist, and rural areas, the opposite!
They might be off to Planet Jabsbad soon.
This is insightful and thought provoking Joel. Accepting a dual society of independent critical thinking individuals living alongside but separate from compliant comfort seeking state dependant zombie citizens is an interesting idea. I approve this message.
It doesn't work like that, because everyone is on a spectrum between extreme self-reliance and extreme dependency - and some individuals might make that transition in a single drive to work, if they end up in a crash and disabled for life.
"Only a few prefer freedom. The rest seek nothing more than fair masters." Sallust
I think you're correct.
The story of the 2024 US election is then:
Divided we stand, united we fall.
The Democrats wanted to unite America - by subjugating and trashing the rights of the rural majority in favour of a ruling minority metropolitan elite and by opening the doors to the world. They were the very opposite of American exceptionalism. Trump voters have reinstated the UNITED States as a NATION, SEPARATE from the rest of the world and they have reclaimed the rights of the few and the many to disagree with the too powerful state.
Perversely, American exceptionalism and national self-interest will ensure that the world is a safer place, a more harmonious place, even if that world does not conform to the Woke ideologists' dream of 'we are all in it together'. Because we are, but we're not - and there will always be those who are more equal than others!
Divided we stand, united we fall, like it/it works everytime. Many say we our close to another Civil War in this country, we may but it would be over quickly. 35 states are RED, 15 BLUE.
Thats just being silly: the lead was only a couple of percentage points, and many communities will have voted in Trump by a narrow margin . If you want the USA to go down the road of Rwanda, then there are all losers, and no winners.
But I think many of the blue circle die-hards don’t understand the project they’re engaged in. It used to be the case that mainstream journalism reported and criticised rather than just spun dangerous, exploitative official narratives.
I am going to slightly disagree with your analysis. Yes, you have the camp (where I am firmly sat also) whereby we want to be left alone to make our own choices and decisions. The other camp wanting the state to make those choices and impose them on the behalf of others however is not the preference of those on the other side of the political divide. They BELIEVE that their values and their choices are the right ones and so should be imposed on others. It doesn't affect them, they are free to continue to make their own choices and be left alone, it is everyone who disagrees with them that needs the state control and manipulation
Like 👆
The problem with the analogy is that the Amish live alone, want to be left alone, but THEY DON’T TRAVEL ANYWHERE. The minute they want to fly, or just go somewhere else, the “You don’t have the right to kill my Grandmother” midwits will be able to impose their will upon them with masking mandates, vaccine mandates and all the other stuff that makes them feel that they can control nature and otherwise deny the fact that old and infirm people die. If you want to be left alone and be left in peace, you will have to get legislation enacted to ensure that the Frightened Shitless can’t control people who understand and accept that life is chock-full of risk and are happily prepared to live with that fact.
I think Musk has to start an airline. 😉
Oh, will it travel underground like his failed 'Boring ' company? Or overground, like his failed 'Hyperloop' ?
Thank you Joel for your explanation of what took place in our election this week. It is the first time in four years I have felt the crushing weight of crazy lifted from my shoulders. People can say whatever they want about Donald Trump. My own thoughts are America will be heading in another direction for the next four years. It won’t be a smooth transition. If you listened to ms. Harris’s concession “rant”, you can see President Trump and his team will have their work cut out for them. I for one believe they will succeed in removing the crazy and restoring our ability to live our lives freely.
You have been unburdened by what has been!! ;-)
unburdened from that has-been
Exactly!! That’s how I feel.
The problems are:
- We the people that want to be left alone are not, because the idea behind global warming and covid is that what we do affects the other group.
- The other group thinks that we harm them by doing what we want because we kill grandma and eat meat.
Perhaps this could only succeed in practice if states were to undertake a ‘degree’ of secession from the Federal governance. Those individuals who subscribe to the notion of state dependence would be free to gravitate to places that meet their societal expectations, same for critical thinking independentalists (that’s a word, I have decided).
This is not as brutal as “if you don’t like it there’s the door”, no person should feel compelled to abandon their home city or state. Society need not suffer a binary shock of immediate change. Over time people migrate towards environments and regimes they favour if the benefits outweigh the downsides.
Just noodling on the implications of Joel’s interesting thoughts.
Not just federal but also state. The dividing lines are more fine-grained than state-level - they are county-level. That's decentralisation, all the way down.
Are not local governments more easily corrupted?
The essence of decentralisation (using decentralised governance systems, enabled by current technologies) means all decision-making is undertaken (efficiently) by the people and only enacted, thereafter, by the people elected to do so. No decisions are made by the elected representatives, none.
If there’s a requirement that political leadership actually live in their district, then local government officials have to look their neighbors in the eyes. One of the (many) problems with centralization is that the big bureaucrats messing with our lives live elsewhere.
Read Elizabeth Nicholson's Substack reports from Salt Spring Island.
The door Death showed Jim Jones?
Oh to be left alone! I'm still searching but from a tax POV Cyprus (although they had a bank bail in) and the Isle of Man look interesting.
Have you ever been to Sark? You do realise that the only form of public transportation is a donkey cart, don't you?
Horses, not donkeys. And tractors and bicycles too. Part of the appeal. You can walk round the whole island in an hour or two. It's a lovely walk. No need for motorised transport.
That's my concern with Sark.
What's the tax situation?
Currently 0% but they are debating some changes. They want to levy a £1 meal tax on tourists!!
Which half of Cyprus?
South - 0% tax on pension and divi income.
Fine if the Israel Iran war doesn’t blow up
If the nukes start flying then I'll be heading down to Zanzibar with Joel!
Broken & brainwashed people like to hand their power to others. It is easy, you can always blame someone else and get that sweet hopium hit when they allow you to pick a new master.
I think there's ten states that have prohibited mRNA kill weapons, not sure how many were democrat states🤔
Let's hope that Robert Kennedy stops it altogether and Trump gets Zelensky and Putin round a table for a chat ASAP👍🏁