It's very interesting to see the different time points highlighted - thank you for doing this.

I don't agree with your interpretations though. I think there are 4 seasonal surges in respiratory virus infections. See this thread: https://twitter.com/ClareCraigPath/status/1555098139928952833?s=20&t=f43Ipa_4TMsYdiRPjiNqJg The winter one, peaking in Jan, has the most hospitalisations and deaths associated with it. The spring and autumn ones have intermediate levels and the summer ones are pretty tame. All four were evident when we tested like crazy for swine flu in 2009. Therefore the winter surge was not all vaccine related and the summer wave does not need an explanation beyond us mindlessly testing.

The key is that these four seasonsal waves always peak around the same time suggesting outside factors are the cause for each rise and their fall. Attributing these natural phenomena to changes in human behaviour is the ultimate in vanity.

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Many thanks for your posts on the bird, Dr Craig

"The key is that these four seasonal waves always peak around the same time suggesting outside factors are the cause for each rise and their fall." Therefore, it cannot be: "attributing these natural phenomena to changes in human behaviour .............."

Arkmedic repeatedly hinted that "outside factors" also were the causes of the regular new strains of the flu.

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The "summer surge" in the US was largely due to forced "Covid" protocols that prohibited the use of antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia. This happened primarily in The South where never in the epidemiological history has there been "excess" due to a viral event in the middle of the summer.

No, there was no pandemic anywhere and no unique viral event- what occurred was massive medical malpratice and administrative slaughter.

We are talking about a sociological event here not an epidemiological one.

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What outside factors?

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The Mutton Crew are bots or bot boosted accounts. Twitter is an incredibly toxic environment for debate. I wish people Like Francis Hoar and others would just abandon the site altogether.


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Alas, they love their analytics too much to migrate to Gab, GETTR, Substack, or Telegram.

I was surprised to see babe Dr Tess Lawrie just joined the nest - https://twitter.com/lawrie_dr

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Yes, Twitter format represents a convenient format. We pay dearly for this convenience however by giving up rights we are (presumably still!) granted as Americans through the Constitution. It stuns me how many seem to overlook the huge price we pay for convenience by submitting to tyranny to obtain it. My dog has a Twitter account which I am deleting out of abundant respect for my dog.

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I can understand in some ways. I was only just lamenting my 78 impressions in one whole week on Gettr. Even with Twatter HQ throttling my account, I got more impressions than that in just a few hours on Twitter. Telegram I find awful to use. Gab is OK but not great.

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GETTR has 6 million active users vs 300 million on the bird.

Don't assume the analytics on the bird are all legit - I suspect they inflate them for obvious reasons.

Gab has less active users than GETTR.

Telegram is a chat; not like a SM platform like GETTR. However, it is excellent for uploading infor. I use it as a public and private storage - of public stuff, of course.

It has a neat function to hoover all the posts on any public channel onto your hard drive.

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One cannot have a debate with such a high censorship rate, or with such short replies available on Twitter. And it's difficult to look at the conversation thread as a whole. That's why I think forums or forum-like structures are a better area for debate.

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By way of an update to the Twitter issue, it's now been revealed by a whistle-blower that the company is in cahoots with the communist Chinese dictatorship - also known as a 'government'. They will ban you permanently for pointing out that the 'vaccines' cause permanent harm and death, that men are not women, that the US 2020 election was a fraud etc., but they'll blue-tick CCP apparatchiks and let them say what they like on the platform.

"It is time that all Twitter users think long and hard about whether we should continue to support this social media platform and let it profit from our activities and information while risking our privacy and safety."


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I kind of agree with you.

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Met a GP the other night at dinner. Middle aged woman who insisted “Jair Bolsonaro killed millions of Brazilians, by denying Covid was real” (at the beginning of the plandemic). Hmmmmm let’s see a GP who like most other GPs went into hiding at the start of covid, and who are now witnessing the most awful aggressive cancers and serious adverse events and deaths post multiple covid vaxx. She still believes there were no early treatments available, that venting patients and medicating them with remdesivir and later midazolam and morphine to finish the job was all we had in our arsenal.

I am doubtful, anyone will EVER change the minds of brainwashed people like this GP. When I mentioned who my previous GP was, I thought I saw a sneer on her face. She certainly did not have anything nice to say about him. He was kind, smart and into healthy lifestyle. My GP left the practice in Sept 2020. He very obviously did not want to participate in the fraud being committed by his colleagues and the NHS. I miss him.

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Ask that individual how it is that the wealthy were excluded from viral transmission (as the data shows) and how it is that in Canada there was no notable excess mortality during the "height" of the pandemic but there was in the US BUT in the US only 15 States experienced that excess during that "wave."

Does this virus recognize borders and boundaries or did something else happen?

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In relation to the rise in cases over summer 2021, my own thoughts are that it coincided with the roll out of the vaccine to the under 40 age group around June/July 2021 who then promptly went on holiday to packed resorts all over the Mediterranean.

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Great work Joel. Those with closed minds should be largely ignored as they will have to face the truth eventually and the longer it takes for them to wake up the more painful they will it.

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Great work again Joe and hopefully these ignorant bigots are brought to book by Francis et al. If it had been the other way round I bet Francis would have cancelled. 😉

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Brilliant! Your updated analysis - and - Francis Hoar - thank you both 😊🙏

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Keeps a close eye on those muttons.

Bottley has no bottle to debate him - or others.

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Even if reducing mobility of healthy people has a benefit, even a large benefit, it is still wrong in the circumstances given the risk stratification of this virus.

The comparison should not be between lockdowns and no Lockdown, but among Lockdown, no Lockdown and active focused measures.

Of course, the effect of active focused measures can never be known, as Governments intentionally denied and outright vilified any measures that a vulnerable (or irrationally fearful) person could take to protect themselves, such as antiseptic nasal sprays and mouthwash, n95 masks to protect oneself (as opposed to mandatory costumes for everyone) and rapid tests for visitors to nursing homes or in multigenerational homes, improved ventilation etc etc.

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Is disease causing microbes just a theory? Is there any valid scientific evidence of disease causing microbes? Can it be shown that dis-ease is not caused by microbes but by the organism’s cells inability to detoxify due to a lack of sufficient nutrients, access free radicals and / or poisoning of the cells in that organism? Are there any scientific studies that show that you can not ‘catch’ a cold / flu or disease despite healthy participant’s best efforts to “catch” the disease (Spanish flue)? Is it highly unlikely for a healthy individual with a robust and resilient terrain to “catch” a disease? If so, why might these studies be suppressed despite its existence and availability for anyone to study?

When maggots infest and feed on a carcass, did the maggots kill the organism or did the maggots move in post mortem? Similarly, when microbes are found at the scene of the crime in a distressed organism do we assume that the microbes caused the dis-ease or do we understand that microbes are opportunistic and that they will feed on specific “foods” that are required for its existence / survival? Do we see microbes able to multiply exponentially in an environment when “food” is scarce or abundant? Has the accepted narrative of disease causing pathogens been accepted by us without adequate critical thinking? Does a believe in pathogens cause fear in the general population? Who stands to benefit from such a narrative? Is there an industry who claims to have the antidote / solutions for the fear generated in the belief for disease causing pathogens? Is this industry massively profitable in an environment of fear or the absence of fear? Is said industry’s existence / survival dependant on the fear persisting? What is the track record of this industry? Ethical, moral or fraudulent and immoral? Has this industry paid record fines on numerous occasions due to committing FRAUDULENT activity and immoral actions and each time sinking to unthinkable levels of depravity?

Can an investigation into the scientific literature and a modicum of critical thinking demonstrate that microbes are not the cause of disease and as a result need not to be feared? Would it hurt to consider and perform an investigation into “germ theory” in order to satisfy oneself that the scientific method was followed by studies that conclude that you microbes are the cause of disease?

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Great. What we all can do is keep sharing the information and data analysis--I have shared this widely ,including to some of our politicians who are using the evidence both at Westminster and Stormont.,

Joel, plz don't leave the conclusions to us---remember I am sharing your analysis with people who may not have the time nor inclination to really think !---so hit us on the head!--even if it is pointing out the blatantly obvious.!

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Based on family and friends Dec 21 was our first experience of healthy, young people changing mobility patterns through SADS. Our previous experience of “Covid” deaths was Feb/Mar 21 in care homes and again the cause due to the timeline of the injectable seems to be the same.

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On the Swaledale Mutton Company, whose reply tweet you included: https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/whats-going-on-in-swaledale?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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That there was never a pandemic is another issue- but alas I digress.

Meanwhile in the US...

...there is a sustained mass death event that is underway which is unprecedented at any time in the country's history during “peace time” excepting the Spanish Flu (it wasn’t the flu) event of 1918.

Here are some US all-cause mortality figures to consider:

2015= -2,072 excess;

2016= -17,489 excess;

2017= +17,687 excess;

2018= +7,452 excess;

2019= -15,694 excess;

2020= +431,122 excess;

2021= +508,437 excess;

2022 is on pace to resemble 2020/2021.

From 2015 to 2019 not once was there a week of 5 digit mortality excess. In 2020/2021 combined there have been 50 such examples.

Every single week in 2020/2021 the US had a + rate of mortality excess off the baseline except the first 9 weeks of 2020. Weeks 10 and 11 of 2020 had negligible increase.

The corresponding massive increase in excess corresponds with the March 11, 2020 WHO “pandemic” declaration. Leading into that decalaration there was nothing notable that would have caused one concern based on direct observational experience.

Going up to Weeks 12-16 of 2022 in the US there were 104 straight weeks of excess all-cause mortality- the first 10 weeks of 2022 saw extremely high all-cause excess. Nothing like this has ever occurred in the country's history, not even close, other than times of cataclysmic events such as WW2.

And since Week 16 of 2022 the + excess has kicked in again every week up to Week 28 the last week where data exists.

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"The data is there, the analysis is there, despite what the COVID policy disciples and paid operatives believe or want you to believe."

Paid operatives--how many people are on either the government and/or pharma payroll that are spewing provaxx propaganda, muddying the waters of real public feedback?

Modern representative government now seems to exist solely to allow the politcally connected to grift. What a world.

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Ironically, all the ones that accuse us of being the grifters! Ha ha! But, yeah, in fact, all of them! You would not believe how much sleuthing is going on pulling all the threads together. The names I have on my radar are a tiny drop in the ocean of names that are going to find themselves with an awful lot of explaining to do when the day of reckoning arrives. The hubris of some more obvious ones is intriguing. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the first ones thrown under the bus.

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