I had noticed that those taking the flu jab almost immediately had....flu. As you know, I spent my life as a Headteacher surrounded by hundreds of children. I never took the flu jab despite repeated invites and only once had flu. We have an immune system--fighting infection is what it has done for ever and is what it is for. I strongly object to babies being forced to have a flu jab and to young parents being coerced to have their child jabbed.

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Yes Hugh, it’s diabolical that children are in the frame to be flu-jabbed to purportedly protect the elderly, please see my comment about this.

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Indeed. "I had noticed that those taking the flu jab almost immediately had....flu." Yes, the blindingly obvious observation we must make. As a consequence don't have the 'flu jabs!

I used to think that vaccines were of some use apart from the 'flu jabs for that exact reason. Then I realised in 2020 that they were all bad.


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"Count those people as unvaxxed!" -- The 'experts'

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I never took one. In the Netherlands we get a flu jab invite from 60 years onward. I figured I should be able to survive a flu. If not, its apparently time to meet the grim reaper. Already realised that these viruses mutate rapidly, so its a Russian roulette anyway. Did do a bit of research, and apparently in the past it was possible (even in MSM) to express doubts about certain medical interventions. Found an article from 2014 that basically said no evidence of efficacy of flu jabs was ever found.

Which leaves the possible adverse effects, and makes the scale tip towards a no.

I am afraid its another money making scheme.

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With an added kick of weakening the olds already weak immune systems methinks.

I am so cynical nowadays...but why would they give free flu shots to the elderly when

they always complain they are a drain in terms of $$$$ on the government and the planet?

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What I didn't mention but is apparent from the charts is that, prior to the regime change, it looked like there was going to be a lot of very old people in the not so distant future!

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Joel, I'm at the tail end of the boomers....and it doesn't surprise me. I have watched

this bulge in the snake move through our society driving everything up...and I remember a lot of alarm, as we were gonna break social security and the pension systems...I don't think they will last much longer than 2028.

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I firmly believe "covid" and the Covid vax were a magical answer implemented by governments to reduce the elderly population and thereby social security and medical expenses. There was no thanks to the hard working baby boomers who productively boosted our economies in the 70's to 2000+. The WEF were delighted by the start to their population reduction agenda. The iatrogenic hospital protocols boosted what otherwise was a mostly recoverable infection.

In Canada the government keeps ramping up the payroll deductions for the national pension plan so there is no reason to off the elderly.

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I have thought that too but haven't seen evidence of a decent model or a decent person interpreting it that could give them the long term prognosis like mine! :-)

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Yes, I don't have any evidence to prove my view. I am shooting from the hip so to speak.

I do wonder why governments so quickly recommended the new iatrogenic Covid 19 treatment protocols when experienced ethical hospital staff knew they would kill patients.

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Not to mention the depletion of the pension funds - stolen or squandered (or both), which has so many consequences!

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Duchess, partially agree. The burden on the state expenses is artificial. They did spend billions on the insane covid measures. And our societies spend around a third of the annual budget on 'healthcare'. Are we really this unhealthy as a population, or are they feeding a sick system, full of perverse stimulators and huge bureacracries? And there is a major influence of the big pharma. Healthcare should be about health, not about fixing things afterwards, allowing the farmacists to roll out more and more pills.

Read a book from a retired medical professor. Very alarming. His estimate is that 30% of surgical intervations is not necessary to name just one conclusion. What I am trying to say is that we, as a society should award the seniors with a proper pension scheme. That's not where the money is thrown away. Look at the cost of government itself, with its hired consultants (revolving door), its crazy projects, its mismanagement. Depressing thought, but thats where your tax money goes. Down the drain. We CAN afford proper pensions. I think its a false argument to use increasing costs as an excuse to reduce care for the elderly. Its a disgrace.

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In the UK, we only have to look at the woeful track/test and trace system. We have to learn not to panic - which starts with the mainstream media and filters down into social media. Unfortunately, in terms of social media, I think the genie is very much out of the lamp.

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Well said.

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In the U.S., at least, a lot of very old people = a lot people to whom social security and Medicare benefits must be paid.

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I’m 73 and never had a flu jab or any other vaccination since childhood. I do however remain slim and fit and have taken 10,000iu vitamin D daily for 7 years. Never had any lingering colds or flu. I regard myself as being in the treatment group and those who think that a good immune system will come at the wrong end of a big pharma injection as the control. My clinical trial of one is demonstrating good results so far.

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Glad you avoided them. To have a 'flu jab is to give oneself the 'flu. Vaccines possibly the biggest fraud ever, at least medically. Stick poison in people to protect them? Hmm, since when has poisoning oneself been a good idea.


As regards viruses these do not mutate rapidly, this is all propaganda to make the masses fearful and take the jabs and other big pharma poisons. All part of the money making scheme as you indicate.


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Yes. I'd love to see you plot last seasons flu jabs administered with excess deaths/respiratory for Scotland. A clear massive spike in hospitlisations/deaths etc 10 weeks post flu jab rollout which followed peak population uptake. But this just means it's working ? Another fact is the more jabs administered in Scotland the lower life expectancy became.

This is a good resource- https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/flu-vaccine/


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There is something called regression discontinuity design (RDD). These are where you look at people just before and just after a cutoff where an intervention is or is not applied. This seems timely as I just saw this study yesterday of people in the UK:


If flu vaccine is kicked up when people pass 65, then you can look just before and just after this age. This approach found no benefit. In fact, reading the paper and the replies to the paper actually suggest a signal of harm. Perhaps you could look at the death rates of just the 60 to 70 age group and see if there is a disconnect that happens at 65. BTW, sci-hub has full texts of like 90% of papers if you aren't yet using it:


Just append the DOI to the url

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When I get the full dataset by date of occurrence, it is exactly this sort of detailed investigation that we will do and also seek to get published in a medical journal rather than these social media outlets.

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Thanks. The thing about all vaccines is we do not actually what is in vial. Big pharma could put in just saline and we wouldn't know. All they need to do is make a very weak poison and sell it to governments and then have stronger batches to ramp up fear every now and then.

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In a co-authored article published in January this year, Anthony Fauci admits: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases." https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/pdf/S1931-3128(22)00572-8.pdf

So how are these flu vaccine products still being approved today?!?!

It's mind-boggling how people have been exploited for years with rubbish flu vaccine products - how much has this racket cost taxpayers I wonder? How much damage to health is being done with these repeated medical interventions that are of little or no benefit re flu?

It seems to me this is out and out fraud...

Consider for instance flu vaccination for children…a medical intervention which is administered to them to purportedly protect the elderly.

This was admitted during a Lords committee meeting in the UK in June 2020, by Peter Openshaw from Imperial College London (also home of the notorious 'modeller' Neil Ferguson).

Peter Openshaw was present at the meeting as one of the members of the UK's Sage scientific advisory group Nervtag, advising on the Covid-19 response. According to a report in the Guardian, Openshaw was advising the Lords committee that "A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease...which may mean immunising others around them, such as children."

Openshaw said: "Sometimes it is possible to protect a vulnerable group by targeting another group and this, for example, is being done with influenza. In the past few years the UK has been at the forefront of rolling out the live attenuated vaccine for children."

According to the Guardian, Openshaw said "giving the nasal spray flu vaccine to children who do not often get severe flu protects their grandparents". Openshaw was using this example to justify giving Covid-19 vaccine products to children and health and care workers, to "also help protect older people who have the most contact with them".


What do people think about this? About children and others such as health and care workers being given flu and covid vaccines to protect the elderly? That is, adults and children who aren't at serious risk of either flu or 'Covid' being pressed to sacrifice their own naturally effective immune response, and being vaccinated, repeatedly, to purportedly protect elderly people - is this ethical?

I was so shocked after reading the article in the Guardian, I raised this matter in August 2020, in a BMJ (aka The British Medical Journal) rapid response, please see:

Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly?


Dear Editor

In his rapid response, Dr Anand says "Are drugs, including vaccines and blood products, monitored conscientiously by the good doctors? I believe not."[1]

I also have my doubts in regards to doctors conscientiously monitoring the growing number of vaccine products being pressed upon the community.

There are many vaccine products on the burgeoning vaccination schedule for children, including annual flu vaccination, and now fast-tracked coronavirus vaccination is looming.

Do any doctors wonder about the extraordinary number of vaccinations and revaccinations given to children nowadays? We have no idea of the long-term cumulative effects of this ever-increasing vaccine load.

I was astonished recently to read in The Guardian that children in the UK are given the nasal spray flu vaccine to protect their grandparents, even though children do not often get severe flu.[2]

This was acknowledged by Professor Peter Openshaw, from Imperial College London, one of the members of the UK's Sage scientific advisory sub-group Nervtag, during a House of Lords science and technology committee meeting in June to discuss COVID-19 vaccine development.

And now there are plans afoot to vaccinate children against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 to protect the elderly.

According to The Guardian article "A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease..." and this "may mean immunising others around them, such as children".

It's been reported that most paediatric cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are mild and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare. (See comment published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health[3])

How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against SARS-CoV-2 to protect the elderly if most SARS-CoV-2 infections in children are mild, and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare?

How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against flu if children do not often get severe flu?

Vaccinations are medical interventions which have risks. It seems to me unethical to vaccinate someone against a disease which is not a significant threat to them to protect others, e.g. the elderly. This is a particularly serious matter to consider in countries which have coercive vaccination policies, e.g. Australia and the United States.

And now Reuters reports "AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine hopeful by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements..."

According to Reuters, Ruud Dobber, a member of Astra's senior executive team, said "This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in...four years the vaccine is showing side effects".[4]

So AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability, and children around the world will be left with the risk of side effects in order to supposedly protect the elderly.

In my opinion this is not ethical.

What do doctors think about this, about vaccinating children with flu vaccines and future coronavirus vaccines to supposedly protect the elderly?

This is not to negate the risks of flu and SARS-CoV-2 for the elderly, but efforts should be concentrated on finding medications to help them directly, children’s right to their own natural defences should not be sacrificed in this regard.

Can Fiona Godlee and Rapid Recommendations editors please urgently consider this matter?


1. on Fiona Godlee. We can change practice - can we also change culture? BMJ 2019;364:l108

2. Covid-19 vaccine may not work for at risk older people, say scientists. The Guardian, 24 June 2020.

3. The immune system of children: the key to understanding SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility? https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(20)30135-8/fulltext )

4. AstraZeneca to be exempted from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries. Reuters, 30 July 2020.

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 August 2020

Elizabeth M Hart

Independent citizen investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy

Adelaide, Australia

Again, what do others think - is it ethical to vaccinate people who aren't at serious risk of disease to purportedly protect another group - e.g. vaccinating children to purportedly protect the elderly against flu or covid?

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Indeed - $$$$. But to the last question, of course not! Even if the products worked, it would still be unethical and even illegal if the law did its job properly!

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Also Joel, you'll be aware that Australia is probably one of the most Covid-jabbed countries in the world under mandates...

At the height of Covid madness, much of the population was subject to employment jab mandates, and also mandated to have at least two jabs to access travel, restaurants, sport, entertainment - voluntary informed consent was absolutely trashed.

Mandates remain in place for some people, e.g. medical folk...who ironically appear to be unaware of the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

See for example the NSW Government policy statement which demands that: "All workers and new recruits are required to receive 2 doses of a Therapeutic Goods

Administration approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine to commence employment/

engagement or continue to work within a NSW Health service."

How outrageous is that? That's not based on scientific evidence, that's simply demanding that people prove their compliance with the original two dose demand, and excluding people who are unvaccinated.

Here's the link to the document, you might be interested to see other mandated vaccinations in place: https://www1.health.nsw.gov.au/pds/ActivePDSDocuments/PD2023_022.pdf

I don't think vaccines are mandated for medical staff in the UK?

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Here's the latest exploitation campaign for children in the UK...

Annual children's flu vaccination programme gets under way, UK Health Security Agency, 8 September 2023: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/annual-childrens-flu-vaccination-programme-gets-underway

"Over 8 million children in reception to year 11 will be offered the free nasal spray flu vaccine, delivered in schools by immunisation teams up and down the country. Children aged 2 and 3 years (on or before 31 August) are eligible for the free nasal spray via their GP practice."

Free vaccine? I don't think so... Someone is paying for those 8 million nasal sprays...

That would be Fluenz Tetra...produced by AstraZeneca UK Limited - how much are they making out of this gross exploitation of children?



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Exactly Joel!

But there we have Peter Openshaw in June 2020 openly saying to the Lords committee "giving the nasal spray flu vaccine to children who do not often get severe flu protects their grandparents".

Outrageous, admitting children were being vaccinated against a disease of little or no threat to them! And they were planning to do the same thing re Covid vaccination...

Notice that Sarah Boseley, the author of the Guardian article I refer to, provides no commentary questioning children being vaccinated against diseases of little or no threat to them. Similarly it seems the Lords committee didn't pick up on it either...

Seriously!!! Think of how children have been exploited with just flu and Covid jabs alone, let alone all the other junk on the ever-increasing vaccination schedule!

I challenged Peter Openshaw about this in an email I sent to him and Arne Akbar in September 2022, see this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/09/peter-openshaw-and-arne-akbar-is-it-ethical-to-vaccinate-the-young-to-purportedly-protect-the-old.pdf

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A universal flu/respiratory viruses vaccine has long been the goal for Fauci et al

The egg-based approach was creating major problems, including with children.

They needed an off-ramp and to launch a new platform.

They also needed to "make good on" the pandemic they had prepared for and invested in.

What they didn't have was fear of flu.

So what do you do? How do you solve THAT problem?

I think we now know.

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"THE CORONAVIRUS MONSTER IS GOING TO EAT YOU!" says government. Lemmings rush towards vaccine cliff and fall off.

"April Fool!" says government. The lemmings were unavailable for comment.


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You are referring of course to Fauci's excited call, at a cutting edge vaxx conference in late 2019 , I believe, to 'blow up the whole system!'.

Which is what they are proceeding to do globally: rapid approval with minimum trials, regardless of whether there is a pandemic situation; to culminate in 'from design to arms in 100 days' as their clearly stated goal when Disease X hits.

And that's coming soon I'd say, maybe the second half of 2024; and accompanied by even heavier censorship which will erase Substack and all independent sources of info.

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I’m referring to more than that

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Well done for writing. I will continue to repeat this, but all vaccines, all vaccines ever are a fraud, the biggest fraud of history perhaps along with pharmaceuticals in general.

It only keeps going because so many are invested in the scam. Those that wake up tend to have been poisoned by such things and struggle to have the energy to fight.

When the MSM is bought by big pharma and in the hands of a few mafia type families in the world, then it is very difficult to get the word out to people who are in any event distracted by many other things (deliberately by the same MSM etc.).


It is not ethical to inject anybody, let alone children, but big pharma etc. care not for ethics only the money.

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I often thought the 'flu' deaths during winter could be linked to the useless snakeoils.

I only ever took one , in the winter of 1999, and have never been so ill in my life. It went on for 3 weeks, yet when I'd previously had flu, I shook it off inside 3-4 days. I thought at the time what is the point?

Since then I have found NOT ONE study exist for ANY of the snakeoils involving a control group.

The greatest sin I committed against my 2 children , in the early 90s, was getting them jabbed through ignorance and following the mantra.

The pro vax lobby, and I include GPs, are the thickest people on planet earth on the subject of vaccination. They are utterly useless.

Virology is junk science with less credence than the tooth fairy , and the germ theory is total bullshit.

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If there is one regret in my life, like you, it was allowing my children to be poisoned as babies. I was as ignorant and feeble-minded as everyone else. How I wish I could wind back time and reverse that decision and pray that I have not caused them any long term harm.

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Re "The pro vax lobby, and I include GPs, are the thickest people on planet earth on the subject of vaccination. They are utterly useless."

I'm not sure one can put it better except that profanity can sometimes express the utter astonishment that they can be quite so utterly useless.

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I am 80 and could go a few rounds with the average non-pro fighter, never get sick, and never get jabbed. Why?because my own research showed: unvaccinated kids are the healthiest, only jabbed kids develop autism, and I twice sat public health exams in the1960s that showed civil engineering in the form of sewerage schemes, drinking water resevoirs, slum removal, improved nutrition, refrigeration, public health education, hygiene, penicillin and antibiotics are what reduced disease, NOT VACCINES. In fact, historic data show no correlation with vaccines. Big pharma and the medical mafia simply lie to us.

Moreover, the flu jab is contaminmated and will set you up for dementia and vulnerability to new infections. I say all this as a health product consumer who researches what goes into my body. If I sound incompetent, by all means ignore me becasuse I have no medical qualifications. Nor would I waste my time studying drug pushing and treating cancers with slow death.

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100% more competent sounding than any one in public health agencies!

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Aw... shucks. Come to think of it, I have never heard good avice from a public health agency, or from a dieticion or nutritionist. They all seem to be signposts to the cemetery.

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Tony, I .beleive every. word. you.said.

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Thanks, Duchess. Good for you. I hope you live long and well, but I guess you are going to anyway LOL.

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The very fact you have no medical qualifications (a.k.a. indoctrinations) is a huge plus. I don't have such things by the way for which I am eternally grateful.

'Trust me, I'm not a doctor' may become a byword for reliability, although in reality one should just check, double check and triple check everything.

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"Trust me, I'm not a doctor." LOL. Gotta say that again. Thanks mate.

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My pleasure, make the most of it!

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My Dad died of a heart attack shortly after his flu jab which he was given despite having a cold. I've always thought it was responsible.

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a colleague had a flu jab it seems last week, and AFTER it his BP was taken, turned out to be 200 over something. he was raced to the gp and kept there and given bp pills. Could've turned out very badly. He had been feeling bad for a while, so it's not necessarily implicated, although probably did not help.

sadly he only a year ago lost his son age 30 from sudden and unexpected dying in his sleep.

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So sorry to hear this but I’m sure you’re right.

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Probably. :(

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"The truth about “thoroughly tested” traditional vaccines, can be found in the Package Inserts on the FDA website."

The Depopulation Industrial Complex: FDA Licensed Vaccines Are Not Evaluated for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility. The truth is hidden in plain sight on the FDA website


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If I'd read this 4 years ago I would have been outraged, now I'm like "oh".

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I have never had a flu jab and I’m 68. Because of the medical system where I live and my choice of doctor I have never been offered one here. Ironically the only time I was offered one was at a branch of Boots at St. Pancras Station which I thought odd! My sister once took one at work. She said she spent the whole winter feeling snuffly and on the brink of getting something. She’s not taken one since. Neither of us has had flu for donkeys years. In fact it’s been 38 years since I had any vaccine - a record I do not intend to break.

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I'm in the UK, am 64, and have never had a flu 'jab'. I've been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years (carried out one hell of a lot of scholarly research into those things called 'vaccines', back then). The last time I had a so-called 'vaccine' was when I was a 12/13-year-old kid at school, ie, 52 years ago. When I THEN was not aware that they, 'vaccines', are a medical fraud.

HONEST doctors and scientists 150+ years ago knew, then, that 'vaccines' are a medical fraud, and some of them spoke out about it, and wrote about it, too. Their words can be found in some books, and in some articles online.

One of the latter is the one at the link below:

"Vaccines - shocking truths - doctors speaking out", at:


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Great link, thank you! I have seen some things to this effects already but It is utterly appalling that doctors knew all this so long ago, yet the lies and fraud persisted. I suppose two world wars did not help matters.

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Re the station, possibly the logic is that by the time someone is taken ill on the train or tube they will be far enough away to make the connection, if you see what I mean!

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Purely anecdotal, but I have a funeral director friend who looks forward gleefully to the flu vaccine season. He is adamant that it's great for business!

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A vaccine is a vaccine when it prevents disease. No vaccine is 100% as it depends on the state of an individual’s immune system, but mostly we can say ones that work are 99% effective. So when we see CoV-2 still circulating extensively, and influenza circulating extensively (seasonal), despite in the former case 85% approx vaccination, with repeat dosing twice a year, and large numbers ‘flu jabbed every year going back decades, do we really need ‘studies’, ‘research’ or university degrees to conclude neither of these jabs are effective in preventing disease? The ‘got it less seriously’ cover story doesn’t wash either, but nice try.

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It's always and forever about the money! The pharma companies invent new "medicines" to "cure" or "prevent" illnesses which are generally not particularly lethal. The medical authorities are clearly easy push-overs for the sales patter. The general public are taught to be terrified of getting ill. This starts young - parents are told they must innoculate their children and then must give them medications for every sniffle. Older people are terrified of getting ill and dying - everybody is terrified of dying! It has also become the fashion to think humans should be always happy, always healthy, always physically fit and the only way to achieve this utopian state is through medication. I reckon most people die not from their illness or from their age but at the hands of their "caring and compassionate" doctor. How many people are not on some sort of daily medication? Most people take blood pressure tablets or statins or anti depressants and will get hysterically self-righteous if questioned as to why. Even my elderly dog is on pills to stop her having strokes (pointlessly as she has had 2 minor ones anyway). It's all about the money!

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I don't think the first interpretation of this finding should be to blame influenza vaccines.

In the first instance, the timing of the rise does coincide with a period of immigration and it was not just working aged people coming to this country. If you have a cohort of those born here and that gets added to then the model will stop working. It will stop working at the same time for all ages.

You really need death by place of birth data - which is recorded.

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This is why we need a collaboration when the dataset is also improved! I have indeed, asked ONS to filter the data for domestic births only. However, I don't think immigration can explain a sudden spike in deaths of old people? Immigration over several years (decades) prior to the periods shown should have a gradual impact each year, not suddenly emerge in one year?

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Clare in our joint paper we noted:

"We can also ask if the historical mortality of these ethnic minorities might explain the differences. Well, again, this is not supported by published data on life expectancies by ethnicity, [12], where we find that the life expectancies of these groups are at least as high, if not higher, than those of whites".

See: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357778435_Official_mortality_data_for_England_suggest_systematic_miscategorisation_of_vaccine_status_and_uncertain_effectiveness_of_Covid-19_vaccination

So overseas immigrants would have likely improved the mortality of the overall population, maybe because the older people coming in would not have received the benefit of flu vaccination?

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It's not a question of health or otherwise of the immigrant population - it's just numbers.

If you have a population size x and plot the Gompertz based on their deaths you'd get the blue line. If you then added a cohort size y the deaths that you would expect would fit an (x+y) Gompertz.

As soon as you change the population that is being measured the model will fail.

Having said that, looking again at the 1930s cohort is telling. The peak deaths is 50% higher than the model. So unless 33% of the population born in 1930s and dying aged 90 were born abroad - then something else is going on here.

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Yes, but that would manifest gradually , over time, not suddenly in one year?

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But it is gradual - over a decade from when they were 80 yrs old i.e. 2010 onwards?

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One could argue that no statistics can be used to claim something one way or the other.

What is irrefutable is that vaccines contain poisons/foreign bodies, they must to create an immune response.

But that is all they will do. They must, if anything harm and not protect.


Arguing over data will get us nowhere when it is blindingly obvious vaccines are a huge, nasty fraud.


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I am trying to convince my aunt who is super healthy and active, to not get the flu vaccine. She mentioned the covid too which surprised me. Ugh....so dangerous.

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Please share this is our helps at all.

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