Thank you 😊🙏 and yes throughout I have found Mike Yeadon to be a most honourable and brave man

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WEF = Workd Economic Fantasy.

They have no enforcing power. However, I'd watch WHO but more so UN. They can get "teeth" by military support from member nations...

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To me personally World Economic Fantasy is just a perfect distraction from the real issues brewing behind the scenes of the WHO, which is just a branch of the UN. WEF is not a government and it has no enforcement of whatever their ideology is, like the great reset etc. It appears to be nothing else but a feel-good-church for the rich and influential people who don't want to feel guilty for not sharing their wealth with the poor. They'd rather pay some of their fortune to WEF rather than give it up for the less fortunate...

I can tell you what is likely to happen soon. The WHO, but more so the UN, will try to take control of the world affairs under the pretext of the world order, safety and security. But this is going to be just a veneer for a real agenda. Most organized religions bought into the covid-19 prerequisite, or a setup, in exchange of a promise of greater things to come. Some churches even took money from governments in the exchange for the covid-19 agenda support, like lockdowns and vaccinations. But this is soon to be exposed because it was a setup. Once the majority realize this, they will withdraw their support for organized religions. Yes, many politicians and organizations will go down in flames too but the real target of this scam isn't obvious yet. Not yet…but be patient. It is coming soon...

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WEF foundation was proposed by Kissinger, who selected & nurtured Schwab.

I assure you they’re connected at the hip to the other globalist bad actors which includes WHO & U.N

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Yes Tomas I agree I think it's the World Economic Fantasy too! It's a mistake to think that evil dynasties, clubs in Rome and vanity projects in Switzerland are controlling us in a certain way.

The 'global reset' is indeed a distraction (and a mad megalomanical idea if they think they have that much power over BRICS) but I think is was also deliberately created by the industry funded Heartland institute and others to cast doubt on climate change https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/what-is-the-heartland-institute so that we'll all continue to happily use the products that made the industrial and political elites rich in the first place, which acceptance of the evidence of climate change would jeopardise.

As regards the WHO, they continue with their business as usual of regulatory capture by organised crime (big pharma) though boosted to a new global level by the fake pandemic. Yes we are in big trouble there https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-power-grab-by-the-who-is-not


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I don't claim WEF is not connected to WHO, which is just a branch of the UN. My point is unless UN steps in and with the support of the majority of member nations first, no organization, like WEF, can tell nations what to do or else, because they have no means to enforce it or place sanctions etc.

That's why those who play WHO try to change the policies and how they are enforced.

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You are correct, my fathers very very small church here in Northern Ireland received over £40,000 in “covid relief funds”, what they needed relief from is anyone’s guess as the doors were closed so they didn’t have their usual overheads, but it tells me one thing, these so-called men of God didn’t have much faith when it came down to having their palms crossed with money!

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The reliance of most religions on governmental support is just one of the nails in the coffin of the self-annihilation. Once the governments cut off the funds, the church will close.

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Thank you so much for cutting out Mike’s video, Joel. I am glad I joined in this excellent Zoom session on Sunday but missed part of Mike’s talk due to my laptop battery dying in the middle of it. That said, I was thrilled to see he used both “philanthropath” and “Mistakes Were NOT Made” (twice), bless him!

I could not agree more regarding Mike’s unassailable integrity and authenticity (hence my crowning him the King of Integrity to Tess Lawrie’s Queen of Integrity in my one-year anniversary post: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary). I feel privileged to consider him one of my dearest and most precious friends, and it is an honor to participate in this journey toward global awakening with him—and you, too, Joel!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Absolutely 💯 true and inspiring words . Everyone needs to wake up!! We're going to find our selves in a wretched situation. I think this guy is amazing I applaud him and you Joel !

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We are already in a wretched situation.,

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr Yeadon was instrumental in me stirring from my slumber in early 2020 by offering simple explanations of why what appeared to be utter garbage from the UK Government, its advisors and the mainstream media actually WAS garbage. From there I deduced that it couldn't possibly all be due to incompetence but there was clear intent to lie and cause harm.

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Must agree with your comment on Dr Mike Yeadon, but I was also fortunate enough to be introduced to Dr. Stefan Lanka at roughly the same time ... and between them them covered EVERYTHING I needed to know and in ways that a non-medical bloke like me, could perceive and understand in a "relatively" easy sort of way. I shall leave my views on the MSM and government away from this site as I do not want to be chucked off.

PS You may want to watch the UK Column shows (top left)... Debi Evans (Evans?) is the women reporting on the Covid hoax...= https://www.ukcolumn.org/

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Yep, I watch UK Column 👍🏻

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the only real news coming out of the UK

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I wonder what Yeadon says about the No Virus camp? Has he engaged them, or does he do what all the other Great Barrington folks do, dismiss without a discussion (let alone a debate)?

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Yeadon has said he does not believe that there was any new respiratory virus circulating in the last few years. He is close to believing that respiratory viruses do not exist at all and is (I believe) moving closer to the No Virus position but he won't commit to a position he cannot be 100% sure of at this time but is happy to entertain the idea.

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Surely it’s clear to everyone that people got ill with something new and that it spread from region to region. Also the virus has been isolated. So what’s the alternative?

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No, it did not spread from region to region. On the contrary, Dr Denis Rancourt and his research team has categorically debunked any evidence of pathogen spread using "all cause mortality" statistics. Here, Tom, listen for yourself: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-cause-mortality-with-denis-rancourt/id1552000243?i=1000595890555

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There was definitely something here. My partner got dragged into Covid wards at the start here in Barcelona. It's not her specialty and it was stressful for a couple of months. Because it's not her specialty it was just following protocol (she wasn't in ICUs ). I wonder if that was part of the plan?

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Thanks I’ll have a listen. But surely we saw deaths occurring in China ,ie Wuhan, then Italy , then Western Europe / US? I’m willing to countenance it wasn’t a virus (though what would it be?) but clearly we saw a huge spike in deaths in multiple countries, and anecdotally I became ill with something I’d never had before, and so did family / friends!

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Sorry I called you Tom, Tony. No it did not spread from region to region ... as for your illness there are a few explanations that don't include a virus. But watch the Denis Rancourt talks to RFKJr video and then let's discuss.

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Check out the book "The Invisible Rainbow, A history of Electricity and Life" by Arthur Firstenberg. It is the most well-researched book I've ever read.

The introduction of 5G in New York City, Wuhan and northern Italy all directly coincide with the spikes in new sickness and death. This has happened before as well and it has always happened directly after the introduction of a new electrical technology. Telegraph, phone, radio, radar, internet, wifi, and now 5G.

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In Italy, deaths everywhere peaked on same day.

Impossible if it’s a spreading pathogen

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The only way we know about those deaths is through the media. Given their corrupt and deceitful and nearly insane behavior throughout the Covid Shitshow, I no longer trust their numbers nor anything they say on major narratives they are pushing.

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The world got sick because of the release of some kind of weapon these evil bastards released on the world and all for the sole purpose of getting the REAL weapon on the market and into the arms of billions of people! There was NEVER a virus, just a war waged against humanity.

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There wasn’t more illness than usual. They lied about that as they’ve lied about everything else.

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About as sobering as it gets, and a fascinating insight into how he started his career.

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Yes, I didn't know all of that personal history about him. Makes sense that he would have more integrity and respect for truth and justice than his peers!

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Yes indeed, I can relate to what he said about his early life re losing his mother early on etc. I believe things happen for a reason because we are here to fight in this spiritual war. We were following each other on twitter fairly early on in the scamdemic since a friend of mine sent me a DM and said you need to listen to what this whistelblower is saying. He's absolutely right, we all need to speak out about what is happening. We need accountability.

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OH !... "Spiritual war" hey ?, not many can see that... have you seen how everything the globalist parasites have instigated on us, need to be accepted by the masses on a voluntary basis.... if not just have a think about that. "If you do not take your jab, you will lose your job".... pressure, but our choice.... "If you do not comply with masks, you will not see a doctor or enter hospital" .... pressure, but our choice... and on and on and on...

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This is absolutely a spiritual war….do not consent. Blessings to you and those you love.

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The problem is, trying to wake ppl up doesn’t seem to work. Or maybe I’m exhausted from trying.

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We all are. Hence why I left the whole 90 mins. I won't force anyone to watch it but if they don't, they are now immaterial to me in my life, blood-relative or lifelong friend. My children's future is my only priority and those who can't even be bothered to consider people like Mike are a grave danger to them.

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It doesn’t make sense to cut off my family because they’re a danger to my family. My family knows my views. People at work know my views. They think my views are crazy and misguided. There’s nothing I can do but be an example. I can’t persuade anyone.

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I too have reached this conclusion. It’s like climbing a mountain with no shoes on but puts steel in my heart. With the grace of God.

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Yes, it’s exasperating and yet we who see it all coming are inherently compelled to voice the obvious despite people plugging their ears and covering their eyes.

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Thank you for all the work that you, Mike Yeadon, Prof Fenton and everyone are doing.

As for the future, and the destinies of the next generation , I strongly recommend two things:

1/ Read 'The Collapse of Complex Societies' by Joseph Tainter; there are some videos on YT featuring him as well. This will establish the historical context.

2/ Catch up on the articles published on two very important unconventional economics sites: Gail Tverberg's 'Our Finite World' and Tim Morgan's 'Surplus Energy Economics'.

These will illuminate our predicament - the looming end of abundant viable cheap energy, and the resultant complexity - and where we are likely heading in consequence, even if we get the well-named 'global predators' off our backs.

Limits to growth are very real, I'm afraid, and not just a pretext invoke by the Cabal for genocide and control.

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Sunday tried "Red Pilling" a good friend with a good friend. Every time she had understood what we said , she replied, "That's dark." I don't she will research any of what we said. Monday , saw a post on facebook in the group for my village, about getting the covid vaccine. I posted underneath about ICAN/Daily Clout and that no one has sued them despite them putting out damning facts for 12 months. I looked back an hour later and the original post had been deleted and a new one put in it's place. Tuesday - I remembered seeing a musician friend's status from before the weekend , asking for prayers as his wife had develeloped a life threatening illness out of the blue. The original post is gone and no news.

Conclusion : some do not like "the dark" because they want to keep living in a happy virtual world and that there are forces that are pretty clever , which are currently sanitising history as it is being written. Just nuts

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I was sending links to a friend who seemed receptive. She told me later that she was deleting them unopened because the information was 'too depressing'.

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The current situation reminds me of movies where whole villages have some Utopian dream world they live in that is carefully controlled by the powers that be, like the Matrix,

the prisoner, etc. Finally after 2.5 years I nudged my son to investigate for himself and his reply was it was his civic duty to get jabbed. He did look into my references a little bit but I have not swayed him yet.

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Yes, as travelling musicians, we saw marked differences in behaviour. Some of the more liberal towns were the most militant. One town in particular was proper scary , with banners everywhere for Extinction Rebellion and signs on shop doors "no mask, no service".

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It’s easier to live the lie than face the truth

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You cannot take the product out the recipient👍

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My girlfriend at the time was upset by constant reporting of the 2008 GFC: 'It just makes us miserable!'

No one wants to hear they are likely to be either dead, crippled or destitute in the near-term, understandably.

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I UNFORTUNATELY think we are passed the phase of "awakening" the hardened... it will maybe happen one day, but not by us; but by themselves. BUT and a big BUT; the "booster" jab rate has fallen into the minority... which we have assisted in doing; so certainly no shame in that.

Onto the next repeat ... under a different name; new strains, viruses, food and water shortages, inflation and interest, alien invasion, climate change and Granny comes back to haunt the anti-jabbed... yawn.

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Rest recover and resume.

Blessings to you and those you love.

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Sheep gonna Sheep. I worked out late 2020 that my efforts were pointless regarding friends and family I tried to reason with. Put stuff out there for those not fully comatose.

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the exhaustion is real. I've stopped trying to change the minds of people that are "locked in" to the MSM.government narrative and I am searching for those that "get it". I am still unearthing folks that recognize the BS and propaganda especially with this "new" masking crap (august 2023)...unreal Do NOT comply!

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Don't think I can disagree with any of that!

I remember seeing Dr Mike talking in his garage with his motorbikes right back at the start of the madness - an early voice of sanity.

What's so depressing is he's talking sense into an echo chamber - his audience mostly agree with him. Getting the message out to the masses has proved practically impossible. People simply do not want to know. Even people who agree that the lockdowns were a bit crazy or the masks didn't seem to work don't want to talk about the jabs and certainly don't want to talk about a New World Order. The only thing I have noticed is more people telling each other to use cash.

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The wheat has now been separated from the chaff. It is done.

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…so it seems

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Still in process I reckon.

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That’s hopeful.

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@Mistakes were not made “ - except by me - just might be my epitaph. A truly good man thank you Dr Mike Yeadon for your honesty, integrity and courageous in the face of extraordinary malevolent planned evil (but we’re still in an almighty pickle even if it’s not if the almighty’s making) 🙏❤️🙏

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr Mike Yeadon knows what’s coming and is desperately trying to warn and motivate the sleeping masses

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I shared Mike's very first video from his garage, surrounded by his motorbike, with my Mother, back in 2020. Sadly she was not at all convinced and called him all sorts of names. Important to say that my Mother was usually very circumspect and hyper critical, she preferred C4 news to the BBC, so I was very upset by her strong reaction to Mike's warnings.

Sad to say our relationship went downhill after that with her calling me a shill and saying I was dangerous for spreading misinformation. Even more sadly, she died suddenly in March 2021, shortly after having her first ykw and before discovering she had cancer (she hadn't wanted to bother the doctors with her non Covid issues...).

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Many stories like yours. Very sad and sorry for your loss.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Dear Mike, thats so awful, Im glad you came through to the other side. Youre awesome and I so appreciate your work and expertise

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Yes, my lack of trust has been building over the last 30 years. It now includes just about everything. It is dangerous to blindly trust anything. So many people and institutions have hidden ulterior motives.

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And our churches focus on “ donations “...

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you Joel...

Rofim is quite a title. It means doctors in modern Hebrew, but it’s also the word for “healing” or “healers” in the Bible.

I will share it with the rabbi at the Chabad house in my area.

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Thank you so much for sharing these wise words from a man of integrity. Dr Mike Yeadon has been like true north, never wavering in his warnings to humanity. He also is prepared to take on new information which is becoming a rare thing with intelligent people who have been sucked in by the machine.

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Agreed, Mike has gone way beyond the call of duty, if there was a metal for bravery for scientists he should get it.

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I can appreciate Dr Yeadon for being a voice of reason in this insane world!!!

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