The "money part" is 13:39: this is all to get global mass vaccination every 6 months.

The simplest explanation is that this is a depopulation agenda.

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If it was depopulation, they aren't doing a particularly good job. It's about the money.

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I think they are. Look at the birth rates in 2022. Of course it cannot be the lethal injection, too obvious. And we'll see what happens with fertility 2 generations down the road.

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Follow Igor Chudov's substack...here is a small snip it: You can see that the five least vaccinated counties experienced only a 4.66% drop in birth rates between Q1 of 2021 and Q1 of 2022. At the same time, five most vaccinated countries experienced a 15.2% drop in birth rates! (NOTE: birth rate decline numbers are averaged without weighing by population. Feel free to weigh them by population)

This is a tremendous 10.5% difference between birth rate outcomes! Put in other words, the birth rate decline in most heavily vaccinated Hungarian counties was THREE TIMES greater than the decline in least-vaccinated counties!

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Its certainly money but most importantly to TPTB its about complete digital biosecurity and control over everyone. Also the population culling is just starting.

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Yes indeed. Like I said, you can't kill a lot of people without noticing...much better to kill and depress birthrates just below the level of notice (oh, poor man, he had a stroke at 55?...unfortunate but it happens)....and then you can give people something TO notice....RAMPANT inflation, no energy, no food...you can starve or freeze a bit more, and no one will think it is planned at all....

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They are not doing a particularly good job, but the original plan was for every 6 months. They are way behind the schedule. Fortunately the evil is tempered by incompetence.

Even agreeing that it is for the money [although I would argue that power, control, domination fit the facts better] by this point the official response is proceeding with a reckless disregard for human life and well-being,

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i found it interesting Dr M said "evil" was stated at a scientific meeting about what we are seeing... approx minute 19... followed by the questioner's remark, "i think it's just sign of the times..." JUST...?? as if it can be ignored... let's hope not!

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No, my feeling was the senator was rattled by this and not for the first time. He looked very uneasy at the end.

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We can't do this, he said, we are only part time...we are not scientists...okay, then, if you can't, resign and let someone in who WANTS to REPRESENT your fellow citizens. This guy....

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Actually, they are doing a horrifyingly "good" job in terms of depopulation:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/ece104662c33

The numbers are absolutely astronomical:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_ece104662c33_4d42fa5152b5_d3536ac8

And the preceding data doesn't even take into account the fact that the injections are also causing infertility in both men and women ~ and, some believe, in subsequent generations.

More on the money agenda in my previous comment:

> https://metatron.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-testifies-before/comment/7429200

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It would be really hard to separate infertility incidence from the vaccine or the QUATs-based cleaner that everybody was soaking everything with during the height of the scare. Ev erybody suffered extreme exposure to that infertility-causing class of chemicals from the beginning until now. Getting rid of control groups is ALWAYS explicitly a big agenda item for any of the proponents of vaccines in general. It's right up there with immunity from suits or prosecution for applying shoddy science. If any of the pandemic stakeholders even suspected that there would be a finger pointing at their product due to endemic infertility post-shot rollout- and some of them likely did- it would behoove them to muddy the waters by adding routine exposure to something like QUATs to mask the effect from their patented stuff via an environmentally ubiquitous generic chemical. Like smearing grease over fingerprints at a crime scene..

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Good point! Well said.

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Depopulation is a big part of their “Reset.”

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tick tock.. tick tock.. tick tock..

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Tess Lawrie has some sensible words to say on this:

"Whether you believe this is part of a conscious depopulation agenda, or the devastating side effect of untested vaccine technology, clearly the regulators and their big pharma paymasters feel that these alarming findings are not sufficient to halt the vaccine roll-out.

Again, why is that? Plenty of opportunity for speculation here, but I have a theory.

It seems to me that materialism as a paradigm drives this entire exercise. In this paradigm, humans are no more than passive consumers: a drain on this planet and its resources. If one takes this point of view, it is not much of a leap of logic to then surmise that perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing if birth rates did decline.

This belief may not be conscious, but it would certainly contribute to the blatant lack of care about diminishing fertility. It is indicative of a worrying disregard for life itself, and a brutish diminishing of what it means to be human. This reductive perspective has infiltrated so much of our culture: we see it everywhere and it can infect our own thinking."


They might not be doing a great job so far, the main intention might not have been to wipe people off the face of the earth, but they sure as hell are not bothered by the fact that the 'vaccines' are at least contributing to deaths and declining fertility. A 26 sigma drop in birth rate in Taiwan is not to be sniffed at!

These people are profoundly misanthropic which is unsurprising given that they are in bed with the neo Malthusian climate crisis fanatics and Green activists for whom depopulation is a stated and highly desirable goal.

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Thank you for this. True true true. Dr. Tess Laurie is one of the heros of this entire


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Dr David Martin states when and how the SARS COV2 vaccines are depopulation drivers in a recent interview here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FgvsNdQS0V0b/

He has detailed this before and it was intimidating to view then, no less so now - his recall of relevant dates and facts is astonishing but he has by his own admission, been involved in this since the late 1990's. Put mid July in your diary for the initial outcome of the initial hearing into his court case - indictment can be read here: https://www.davidmartin.world/attorney-general-document/

A revelation to me was he was partly responsible for the US Judicial system judgment in Florida about Airline mask mandates - not surprisingly this got zero column inches in the UK from what I can remember.

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I see that David Martin received his PhD from the University of Virginia. Any idea what it was in, or the title of his thesis? Seems like a curious omission given the size of his website.

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I have nothing against this, but . . what on earth is it?

There is no indictment, there is "the proposed indictment" and "In the United States Courts" is not a venue.

This looks to me like a Nothing Burger.

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With the greatest of respect, view the video and he explains the Nothing Burger Court case towards the end. If you still have "nothing against this", you can always get in touch with him directly to put your "curious omission doubts" and ask him about his thesis.

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The worst effects of circualting spike protein were shown in humanized mice to occur after about three months in a MedRXiv study up for review; Spongiform encephalopathy with Lewy bodies present. All or nearly all of the specimens showed signs of it. In human time scale, that's about 2.5 years. Luc Montagner, before he died, discussed analyses from France of the type of protein stacking in the spike that is also seen in prions. If any of that is going to happen, the next year will see tens of millions of people getting something similar to Kuru or Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, or Alzheimers at all ages.

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That is so frightening.

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You know, I remember Dr. Richard (oh DAMN I can't remember his last name) said the same...he saw it in the macaques..said about 6 years...oh what is his name...he gave a presentation in Texas last summer...

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I have to write his name down. Thank you again!!

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Do you have a link for that study? Is available as a pre-print anywhere? Thanks

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Initial study from 2020- https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.23.432474v1.full

Later study from 2020- https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202003.0422/v1

"Compared with other viruses, a striking difference was observed in the distribution of prion-like domains in the spike protein, since SARS-CoV-2 was the only coronavirus with a prion-like domain found in the receptor-binding domain of the S1 region of the spike protein."

From 2021- https://cms.galenos.com.tr/Uploads/Article_50671/TYBD-0-0.pdf


Seneff's model-https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetings/2021/SENEFF~1.PDF

Jessica Rose on reports of (UPDATE JAN 1, 2022) 24 cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in VAERS- https://jessicar.substack.com/p/prion-diseases-are-no-joke

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The heinous neurological effects are already showing up in epidemic proportions:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_526b35afac9a_eabcc135a09b_61b933dceda2

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Oh I think they are doing a bang up job. Remember, you can't have massive noticeable deaths or people will notice. You can't have crematoriums belching out smoke 24/7/ People will notice. But if you have about a 40% increase in excess non covid deaths long after the shot, in the working and healthy class...coupled with a 15% decrease in live births...you can certainly get away with poisoning slowly your population. And look on the even better side...if the children who do get born today turn out in 20 years not to be very fertile, well, that could be a long term bonus.

Slowly slowly catchee monkey.

Otherwise, you would disrupt your economy too much...people would notice.

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And rememer, whatever data is in Vaers (and they have been removing a lot) you have to multiply it by at least 41....because a study by Harvard said they only pick up 1 out of 100 adverse events (including death). Steve Kirsch did a lot of work and thinks the multiplier should be conservatively about 41..

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Well said . . . on all of the above.

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That’s a very confident statement to make at this point in the timeline…

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Also, see Dr. Hrubec's findings inre the use of quaternary ammonium cations in disenfectants alongside lab mammal populations. Most countries sprayed that stuff like it was free, even after the peak of the panic.

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It's not about depopulation- THAT was already in the bag. Look at the F0, F1, F2 studies on glysophate and humanized rats and reproduction rates worldwide.🤔 Among all the other, horrible effects. Then consider that glysophate (main ingredient in Roundup) is a water soluable chemical that has entered the soil, water and air cycles.🤔😐

We were depopulating ourselves waaay prior to 2020.😐😑😢

No. It's not about the money. Our financial systems globally, were already cracked, tapped out, stanked! Choose your word dejour.

Back in 2008, it was supposed to blowup and stop being propped up. This system was activated with fiat, and setup to be ever increasing. It was basically a ponzi scheme- for few to make a lot of money, before it blew apart. BUT it was delayed instead, and has been in a controlled crash ever since- because there is no money to pay the enormous debt bills that come due in 2027, for countries around the world. But we have blown up financial systems before. IE serfdom, slavery, among others.

Its not about tranhumanism, it's not about, corrupt pharma or regulatory, it's not about Ukraine/Russia, its not about covid, it's not about spike proteins, not about amyloid proteins, or Tau, or HERVK2. Its not about Monkey pox, or injuries, deaths or zombies. Its not about technocrats, metaverse, CIA or DARPA. Its not about climate change, food shortages, supply trains, it's not about politics, or aliens, or military. It's not about Klaus, Yuval, gates, Epstein or Davos or Q or red, white, blue, pink or green....these are all symptoms, all distractions from the root cause...

It's about HIDING mistakes. Big mistakes.

The bigger the mistake (intentional or not), the more convoluted the lie, the more desperate the behaviours to salvage the lie.

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Dr. David Martin has some chilling data on *both* of the agendas (money and depopulation) ~ and he's been tracking the corona virus saga since the late 1990s. Well worth taking a closer look :

> https://www.bitchute.com/video/FgvsNdQS0V0b/

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Dr. David is brilliant. Been following him since seeing him in Plandemic the movie. His story telling ability to keep people interested in subjects that they normally wouldn’t pursue but should is epic.

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David Martin has some good points, and I believe he is doing good work. However, some of his assertions are off. First, as far as deaths from mrna shots goes, much of the world has not been exposed to them. These mrna shots are primarily in use in north america and europe. China and its satellites are using traditional attenuated virus shots, and they have exported billions of these to south america and africa. Also, most africans have not taken any shot, let alone mrna shots. Russia and its satellites also have their own attenuated virus shot. So the fact is that at least 2-3 billion people on the planet have not been affected by these mrna shots at all.

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I live in Chile and our government has always used Pfizer, since they began giving these toxic shots in July of 2021. The main shot they gave out at the beginning was China's Sinovac. They've also given and are currently using Astra Zenica, J&J, other shots but now they're using mainly Pfizer and Moderna. We are the 3rd most injected country in the world, and our government continues to remain silent on the deaths and injuries. They've been giving children as young as 3 years the shots since this past January, and they have it ready to go for those 6 mos and older. I believe Chile, along with Israel are test sites. We know of many people who have died after they got the shots and even more injured but the doctors tell them it's not from the shots. The majority of Chileans are still asleep wearing masks outside but I believe they're finally waking up to reality. Many more are protesting in the streets. Even more of the Congress are finally speaking out. Those going for additional boosters have dropped by several million. Fingers crossed we can stop it here.

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@Gavin ~

TBH, I don't think the fact that Africa and Russia have not been using the mRNA technology has eluded David.

In fact, I suspect this recognition is exactly the reason why he calculated the deaths in the US would be approximately 70-100M out of the 700M global death toll.

(I'm not much of a numbers person, but it looks to me like this percentages excludes those parts of the planet where the mRNA jab has not been pushed.)

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These deadly shots are also being pushed upon the population of Australia.

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Great interview!

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what mistakes and whose mistakes.?

i see no mistakes, everything is going according to plan.

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Sorry, Glyphosate breaks down too rapidly in the soil and dead plant matter by bacterial action. It's airborne only during application.

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Mercola recently reported Glyphosate is in the urine of 80% of people tested

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Dr McCullough said the word toward the end : "EVIL". The world has fallen under the control of psychopaths. These people are greedy for money and they don't care if they kill your parents, your children or your grandchildren as long as they get the money. These people want to secure access to planetary resources for themselves, and they have no compunctions about killing off your parents and your children to achieve that objective. These people will foment fear and hate to turn one part of the population against another, exploiting the evil tendences of mankind in general. And secularism has eliminated God from our worldview so there is no fear of God to put the brakes on this evil.

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there never was fear of god to put the brakes on evil.

if anything the fear of god set people to commit acts of evil.

countless people have been killed for centuries in the name of god.

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In the 20th century, we have mostly documentation of acts of evil by the ungodly.

These are approximations.

Nazi Germany 15-20 million including Jews

USSR 30-45 million

China over 100 million.

Paul Pot trained by French communist 2 million

So don't talk to me about killing in the name of god.

We know how evil the secular Marxist actually are.

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And how many people worldwide has the US Empire killed? How many countries have they caused coups or supported them? How many countries have been destroyed by what they do? They don't care about the citizens of Ukraine or anyone else for that matter. Even their own people who they censor and destroy. The Empire will arm whomever they want, including the Nazis, Al Quida, ISIS, etc, and they will throw anyone under the bus when they're through with them. Until the US Empire is destroyed we will continue to see mass destruction of people and the planet until even they won't be able to survive. They must be stopped and it's up to the masses to do that.

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just last week i passed the spot were the synagogue of the city of geldern in germany was situated.

that is, it was up until november 1938, when the nazis burned it down.

the nazis all were, with only very few exceptions, good christians.

so others than the christians are evil.

and that does make the christians less evil?

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#Bingo 😏 I pray that if it be His will, that He “Deliver Us From Evil.”

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Well said.

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21 minutes that won't be wasted on folks who decide, however indirectly or directly, to view it. 21 minutes of facts spoken with out explicit reference to notes - a la Dr David Martin who has gone through the US Patent Office filings related to SARS COV2/vaccine technologies in a similar manner "without blinking". He ain't making this up - thank heavens he still has the personal integrity to pursue what he darn well knows is "right" about this scam. It puts what Fauci/Pharma/government Health quangos keep on trotting out into stark context - "evil" is an apt description. I think it is all about "control" and I will resist extemporising further. I hope he has good personal security

How right was/is Mike Yeadon....and all the others sticking their heads above the parapet. A modern day "War of the Worlds"; I hope "desperate"people in positions of power do not react to this avalanche of "truth" and do "desperate" things..

And for sure it is all about money.

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I should point out I am a UK citizen but what the Good Doctor says is entirely relevant to this side of the Pond.

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Here's the latest from Dr. David Martin. It one of the best overviews of the whole sordid saga, with an encouraging preview of what lies in store for the perpetrators:

> https://metatron.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-testifies-before/comment/7429200

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Gates and such have more money than they know what to do with. This is, at best, about power. It may well be deliberate depopulation.

Money is not so relevant to those who literally print it.

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I cannot get the image of Ernst Stavro Blofeld out of my mind when Schwab, Gates & co hove into view...

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I was so moved listening to Dr McCullough testify, especially since ABIM is attempting to decertify him in Internal Medicine because of his advocacy for patients and treatment/best practices and patient care. It is heartbreaking to see the suffering and persecution being meted out by #Fauci apparatchiks across this country to those who advocate for us. “Evil” indeed. And I am seething about it.

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His comments about proven early treatment medications have been the catalyst for unscrupulous people in Universities/Media/Pharma to trumpet "new developments" such as the mention of a University trial in the UK looking at "treatments" etc; they say they tested IVM and found no benefit; just like the meta analysis of the IVM trials all around the world that was spiked by Prof A. Hill of Uni of Liverpool - see the excruciatingly bad responses from him in the interview with Tess Lawrie and then scope the contemporaneous 40m funding from Unitaid to his University. Meanwhile Omicron "cases" of the S1 protein affecting people very badly are rising fast .....very bad news.

PS Forgot to say this Uni trial was trumpeted on a BBC Radio 4 programme this morning - for non UK folks, the BBC is as notorious a harbinger of the scam narrative as exists and would no more give Dr McCullough's testimony airtime as they would describe CV19 as a casedemic scam. No examination of how the part of the "trial" tested IVM, no details about dosage/how randomised/cohort size or endpoint ( all key as we know other so called trials have been deliberately skewed to gain the "right" result )

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incredible... is anyone in Texas listening? "We heed your warnings." was moderator's final statement... thank you for this!

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Bit late for heeding warnings isn’t it.

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We heed your warnings. We’ve heard your warnings before. We did nothing. We will do nothing. Is that possibly the outcome of elected officials hearing sworn expert testimony. Could elected officials be so callous as not to take action to address the legitimate concerns, proven information, and protection of the lives of their constituents? At this point the motive, the past explanations are history. All Americans deserve a new approach based on actual, unbiased, and non profit informed medical professionals. Time for legislative bodies to take action to protect and defend physicians, nurses, patients, and their families. Legislators have no greater responsibility.

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Dr. McCullough is such a powerful witness and incredibly wise and caring figure a Hollywood screenwriter would be hard pressed to craft a more perfect hero vs WHO/Gates biosecurity cabal.

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I liked the closing statement from the chair “We heed your warnings”. Dr. McCullough now being harassed/threatened by the ABIM. A disgrace. The ABIM plans to join forces with the AMA the licensing body for all medical doctors. “Evil” it has reached a new low

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This is Collins Fauci's Birx's and Gates fault all of those people need to go to prison soon Fauci may take care of him self.

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Yep! On his 2nd round of Paxlovid- hmmmm maybe rebound infection #2 coming up? Please Lord forgive me for what I am thinking

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No wonder they are trying to pull his license. Thank you Dr McCullough!


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You can support Dr. McCullough’s defense effort. https://www.givesendgo.com/G2DR5.

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The combined knowledge and creativity of many millions will ALWAYS trump the opinions of a few designated 'experts.' This has always been true, as so many have pointed out down through the centuries. That 'early treatment' got censored and cancelled months before there was a vaccine is cruel and indifferent to human life. Fareed-Tyson protocol had amply demonstrated success by the spring of 2020. The health authorities have blood on their hands - they and their enablers need to be called to task for the needless deaths they caused even BEFORE vaccines were distributed to the public.

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Hear hear!!!!!

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Join Ron Paul in calling for accountability here:

> https://www.chooseliberty.org/postcard-demand-covid-accountability/

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formerly known officially as: the bill and melinda gates foundation for population control.

the last three words were dropped along the way, the cause stayed the same....

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Exactly! Dr. David Martin recently confirmed this in his incredible expose:

> https://metatron.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-testifies-before/comment/7429200

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Brilliant! No wonder the big pharma and health authorities are trying to shut him up. His vast experience and knowledge shows how corrupt these companies and captured government bureaucrats really are!

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She ends with 'we heed your warning thank you.'

Link to the whole hearing: https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=52&clip_id=16963

A marathon watch/listen but worthwhile for a good overview and sense of the mood.

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