In England & Wales, up until 2020 (when over 50s were included), the ‘flu vaccine was “freely” available only for over 65s. This has been the situation since the year 2000.
I say “free” but, of course, nothing is free. It is paid for out of public funds, i.e. your taxes and mine.
Since I have been enlightened to the flagrant lies of those in public office, I thought I’d double check that my taxes are doing good.
Alas, I could not see how the ‘flu vaccine has improved mortality outcomes for the 65 to 69 year olds who have been eligible since 2000, compared to the 60 to 65 years olds, who were not.
Can you?
As usual, the burden is on those making the intervention to unequivocally demonstrate its effectiveness. There is no such thing as a benign intervention, not least if there is an economic cost.
As a nurse, every time the flu shot was mandated and I got it, I got the flu. When the mandates for flu shots stopped, I stopped getting the flu. Anecdotal yes, but I am not the only one with this experience. We have to remember that the efficacy of flu shots is traditionally terribly low -- 30% one year, 10% the next. It just isn't worth it and now with what we have learned about BIG PHARMA, there are many who will never receive ANY vaccine and are willing to give up careers for this.
I'm 64 years old years lady and I never had any flu or ***vid vaccine.When it was flu season we got blocked noses, low fewer and it was done before the vaccines.
There is a saying in Turkey if you go to dr. for flu you get better in 1 week if you don't go you get better in 7 days.