You are a brave and persevering soul crying in a wilderness of brainwashed idiots.

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And you are not alone!!!

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None of US NOW!!!!

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Hypnotized blue Covidians unable

Unwilling unaware under a mass

Genocidal spell.

Dead but it could of been worse

Now you get to go to heaven

And obtw now we’ll use your ghost

To vote for the great blue democrats

In our mid terms

Thanks for playing the genocidal

Game of gimmicks

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She is not wrong.

They did everything under rule of law/regulations, that they had put in place as far back as 2017.

The prevention of early treatment killed millions, along with mandatory DNR, Vents, Midozalam and Remdesivir, and the closing of hospitals and doctors offices...

This ranks up there with every other mass murder of populations. Hospitals killing of

the elderly, and the sick by order of the CDC/NIH/HHS/FDA/NIH etc..(not to mention insurance companies) .followed up by the murder (not manslaughter, MURDER) of anyone who were terrified into

getting the MNRA shots, ranks up there with Pol Pot, Stalin,Mao, Rwanda, and yes, the HOlocaust.

Nothing else matters but this be prosecuted. In full view of the world, every country. Espeically Israel and the democracies of the West. Europe, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Canad, the US.

And the WEF and the Foundations (Epsteins, clinstons, gates, wellcome trust, etc etc. etc. and everypublic private partnership should be abolished along with the politicians who did NOTHING Down to Governors of states and State Departments of Health need to be PLUCKED OUT ROOT AND BRANCH.



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So many thoughts came to mind. An 85 year old friend, retired farmers wife, who raised five children, attended agricultural college, a smart woman announced recently to me, covid was all about depopulation. She gets it.

Yesterday, I attended an appt at the hospital in Exeter, annual visit to rheumatology…..everyone masked including my consultant. You see if the damn doctors, who should know better that masks do not work are wearing them again, what hope is there. I had to ask him to take off his mask. He thanked me. What a crazy world we live in. If doctors who are highly educated, current on medical issues, read all their medical journals, witness the adverse events and deaths in pts. post covid jabs continue to be silent, what hope is there. If these people who administer our healthcare roll over and comply with mask mandates, covid injections, social distancing, they have no one to blame but themselves when one of their own is killed by a covid vaxx as has happened recently in Canada to five doctors. Maybe a light bulb will go on. Until then I admire your pursuit of the truth. Please don’t give up.

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Mary Ann, I think you might be giving doctors too much credit. Many are in it for the money. Many are not in it to save lies or because they care. And as we have seen, many have been brainwashed by the medical-industrial machine they signed onto in medical school (by any other name, its a captured cartel not much different than the mafia). This medical cartel has clearly shown its cards that deviation from the anointed and designated alphabet soup of central authorities will not be tolerated--they are the new totalitatarians that must be resisted. If doctors with cohanes who have resisted the scamdemic have learned anything, they need to create parallel new medical system that is based on health care of all kinds of healing structures and being wary to creat new forms of the same global medical apartheid accreditation system.

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Wearing masks in Drs offices is so aggravating. It reinforces repeatedly how sad the state of medicine is. Here is an entire staff full of people from clerical to MDs and perhaps some PHDs who cannot rightly see the folly of the official C19 countermeasures. Repeated in tens of thousands of medial establishments worldwide! Drs who 3 years ago would have laughed at you for wearing a mask in defense of a respiratory illness. Now they beclown themselves daily with non-science.

About a year ago I had an open thread then PM exchange on a non-medical field internet interest site with a doctor who was defending the bioweapons and I was posting about various issues such as the trial fraud, lack of informed consent and VAERS, etc. He opened a PM discussion with me wherein he stated how many other members following the thread supported him and not me. Then he came clean in the PMs and told me I was right and he did not want the shots but couldn't afford to lose his job over his principles. The medical practice that employed him

mandated it. Wow! How sad that more Drs don't have the personal intestinal fortitude to stand up for reason. Even when they know it.

Each of us has to personally implore people to open their eyes and self inform and seek the truth.

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Barney, as the bible says "the love of money is a root of many evils" which also has an affect on one's ability to stand for the truth when there is a large cost. the medical-education-industrial cartel has pumped these doctors full of promises and bought their allegiance. and now this is showing in that doctors are knowingly willing to look the other way knowing what they are doing may kill. And its terrible that they are doing so either out of fear for being out of sync with your cohort or just to maintain their lifestyle.

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To be honest that is how is escalated. The discussion was ongoing and I asked him how it tasted to swallow the hippocratic oath for money.

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Write a letter to amnesty international as well. Their silence has been deafening and I know their board members are compromised: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire?r=12n5dp&utm_medium=ios

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I ended my membership in Amnesty International when they changed from an anti-war organization to an organization that advocated for war.

I am not sure why you are asking a pro-war organization for assistance.

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Highly recommend the new book “Covid-19’s a BioWeapon” by brilliant scientist physician Fleming. If you can find his interview you will be convinced. Highly technical but Fleming emphasizes the key points for laypersons.

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Thank you for persevering, you are not alone. I have constantly written to my MP Bill Esterson and Sajid Javid. They are either complicit or brainwashed. Javid is complicit. I received a response from M Croup. A waste of time. I submitted 2 FOI after Aaron Siri ICAN done the same re safety of the jab in pregnancies. I got 2 different responses, work that out. I had to leave my medical course as I refused the death vaxx. If 90% of NHS are jabbed, that’s the end of the NHS, we are witnessing it now.

A brilliant post, thank you. You say what we feel

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I'm wondering if a spot of gamesmanship might help. Focus on 2020, the year before the vaccines. This takes the "to vax/not to vax" argument off the table, because there were no vaccines to be had. Focus on the deaths due to censorship of early treatment by the private sector, by doing so Facebook and Google's YouTube undoubtedly cost countless lives. If Fareed/Tyson indeed found a highly effective treatment protocol in the spring of 2020, with hardly a hospitalization or death among those that they treated, its entirely valid to blame both corporate entities for costing hundreds of thousands of lives by suppressing the very mention of the Fareed/Tyson drugs that would have saved those lives.

That might be the very lynchpin that unravels the entire ball of yarn. Once people begin to question the 2020 censorship, can scrutiny of the 2021 vaccines be very far behind?

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That is not a bad idea at all.

How do we crowdfund it and find an attorney?

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I'm wondering whether an attorney would touch it... I watched a video interview with an attorney a few months back, and he wasn't optimistic - he deemed the legal defenses deployed by big pharma to be too impenetrable. When chatting with individuals, I've been more successful... however committed they were to vaccination, the idea at least gives them pause.

Our best bet, I think, is to create more public outcry over this. Others have already pointed out that public demand for vaccines and boosters has been dropping with each successive rollout, so we already be seeing evidence of this.

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Amnesty International is part of the problem. It's odd but there is still a huge number of Americans COMPLETELY CLUELESS about what is happening in our world as we are being led to genocidal slaughter, and eternal slavery of those who survive the eugenics bioweapons, food degradation with deadly toxins like glyphosate, and so many more dangerous toxins being released in our soil, air, and water, while many morons still mask up due to fear-based mind control unleashed by presstitute bordellos like NYT's, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, etc. as a mind virus with the release of the bioenginered COVID19 bioweapon and the eugenics shot.

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Yes, definitely a scam. Obvious for over 2 years. For some, they watched it coming. By the start of April 2020, I had enough 100% proof of this. There are none so blind as those who do not want to see - maybe greed, maybe blackmail, maybe mind-numbing. What do I know. Good for you, Moira, that you have kept going, with your line of proof/

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There are none so blind as those who do not want to see. For whatever reason..

But there are also those who cannot look into the abyss....because their entire lives would

be rendered pointless....I see so many of these...to know you have believed a lie for the bulk of your life....I don't think most people can bear it.

I cannot imagine what knowing you took a shot and got aggressive cancer is going to do to people.

Or you are infertile. Or your heart is permanently damaged. To walk around wondering is this day going to be my last? Will I get a clot? A stroke? An aneurysm?

I think this is why most people cannot look into the abyss...because the abyss looks back into you.

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Re: "I cannot imagine what knowing you took a shot and got aggressive cancer is going to do to people." Maybe rage and holding the govt responsible. Just like some smokers who got lung cancer at the time smoking was promoted.

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Thanks for great summary!!!

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Hey Duchess hope your Well !!!

Just read a detailed report on nurses

On kovid from Pierre Kory substack

Knowing nurses are the heart and soul of this medical community

I’d send it if you want a link

If nurses ran the show

Medical and political we would all

Be in better care

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I saw it James, and I so agree...the nurses are not in the same club as the doctors. I hope the ones that said NO to all this and who are talking about what is going on can get together with

the Frontline Covid Critical Doctors, who are trying to set up NEW kinds of hospitals/medical care...(I hope based on a the concierge concept)...but first, we have to get rid of the strictures put on them by insurance cmpanies, corporations, and non profits, along with the CDC/NIH, etc. etc. I am one of those now I would rather die than go to the hospital or a doctors office unless I need a specific scrip. And I find it much easier to go online!!

I hope you are well! Keep the poetry coming...Save it in hard copy too...someone is going to write a book about the Substacker's who found the way out of the MSM...and formed a community to talk about what is really going on....I think your poems would make good chapter intros!!!

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Well… my niece is a critical care clinical specialist and she is still a jab advocate. I love her dearly but wonder what has happened.

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I think going into medicine today is like joining a cult.

And if she once sees something that she cannot deny she is

going to need your help. Her entire edifice might come crashing down.

I fear that might happen to a lot of our physicians and medical

personnel...I think a lot of our EMTs and nurses see it and know, but

the doctors and specialists cannot allow one chink of daylight to come through.

It would shake them to their core.

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the medical schools are totally run by Big Pharma to turn out legions of prescription writers

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My fear exactly. I am very worried about her emotional well being and hope to be there when she needs help. What I see with others though is pure justification of their decisions.

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Idk my two sisters are on the the

Blue Covidian team

But a nurse damn straight ought

To see know better

It is to me just me how anyone

Can remind blind

But people stay stuck in abusive

Relationship even tho they get

Beat up

Could be worse

Could die

Idk 🤷‍♀️

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That is exactly what I intend to do


I am keeping hard copies of most


If not me then who

Thanks for your compliments

And I agree 100% with your


I always thought Woman since they

Have the eggs

The capacity to see the whole

Story they are much more likely

To be compassionate.

They therefore make better visionary

Leaders because they are just not

Thinking with their little heads

But big Hearts ♥️

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Well this one I am keeping via a screen shot. Am so pleased

to know you are saving your posts/poems..

What a lovely man you are!

And you have invented a new form of poetry you know. The post poem.

A poem in the form of a social media post.

I think you are the first!!!!!

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Thanks !!!!! I am A Good Note taker

Me thinks


Has created a confluence




and Divine

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Well of course I am LOL first Born Lightning struck and said Boy you can write for Good Luck

And Guess What your Name will be in the Book LOL

in fact hold on send you some :

Man Bra

I truly think the vaxxines effeminate boys...

."Man Bra" Kramer on Seinfeld was ahead of his time.

Well any one saying men cant get pregnant ought to see the beer belly's on some of these men at the beach...dude

I swear it's true. It all makes sense now :-)

Nancy Pelosi

Stephanie Brail liked your comment

t“ Losing vanity is when someone becomes their full self” I Ching

Pictures of self on the walls is kinda creepy, I get family photos but if my Date had a hall of fame of selfies …. I’d run.

A little power goes a long ways.,unfortunately politicians find themselves with some power and look ....

What has happened over the last 2.5 years.

These people become tyrants. Cuomo, Newsome, Whitmore, shiff Pelosi my god ….

She is a Nancy And I know Nancy’s ….

But good lord For god sakes retire please.

She screams for term limits.

I have come to the conclusion that fortune Fame power are ego expanding to becoming an out of touch vain glory

Seeking hollow soul.

Most have not one Ounce of humility.

Our culture rewards look at me extroverts ostentatious people who have become So intoxicated with themselves they are Willing to start WW 3.

Me thinks anything The D Blue Covidians do now is to further Genocide, and attempt to stop the mid term upcoming elections. Even if that Means starting WW 3 that’s about as Vain as you can get.

Just blow the whole Thing up because I can’t be queen of the Heap any longer.

Nancy your expiration Date has come up. But don’t put us in Jeopardy.

Actors hmmmmm look at me

Politicians look at me

Little children look at me mom and dad

I guess there is a part of us that always Needs recognition.

It’s all in the way of how ya do it that Determined your character.

I saw a video that just came out on Nancy for over two minute she was Babbling gibberish and moving her Hands ….it was very very creepy.

I am expert on Nancy’s PhD And if she starts WW 3

She’d most likely take great pride In that

The ultimate look at me.

Rage over Hoping your next BF is less narcissistic Lol

He She It They we Bit

Never thought about that till now after reading.

Makes perfect sense Am I he she it they we he bit

I don’t Know Boy or girl

The enemy strategy takes you out of the game if you have an identity crisis

Also attacks your know thyself

Attacks family

Attacks anything that’s in line with Hey they are fucking us

Gee it must be because its an He,





be fuck that shit

I am gay

I am transgender

Idenytifying as sexually liquid

Depending on temperature

And how I feel

She, he, they we......

Self conscious to self

Knowing Snowflakes melt in adversity

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Reading again .really good...makes little known parallels ...def a keeper!

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Where online to you go for scripts? If u don't mind me asking?

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I've gone to Myfreedoctor.com and push health....and I think I have used honeysometihing health also...all good.

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Thank you.😊

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The CDC's job is to make recommendations. In the past, MDs have routinely ignored CDC recommendations.

This disaster happened because politicians passed laws that regulated the practice of medicine. MDs through external forces were prevented from practicing medicine using their best judgement.

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Rick: "external forces" = the global alphabet soup big pharma-medical-education-industrial-complex. I doubt this beast is reformable because the whole global enterprise is tied into both the CCP governmental death machine and AI.

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actually if you look at KAtherine Watt substack, she identifies the laws/regulations that have been passed and put in place to make sure that hospital corporations and doctors cannot deviate from the CDC/NIH...but really its the HHS, to whom they have ceded our informed consent.

It is like a trap that was laid starting in 2008, added to in 2017, then certain other key pieces put in place, Trump signed the warp speed in Sept 2019 and BINGO the TRAP was Sprung.

in the meantime, they bought up all the MSM into 6 corporations...recurited them and Darpa, DOD put pressure on facebook and twitter, and all the exits were barred.

We are in a trap that has been cleverly laid for us...and they know it. Now they are gonna squeeze us until we die.

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Spot on sister, spot on ! Love and Light to you, me. xx oo 🫂 (thanks for sharing Joel and Moira)

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Joel. I like the term "nudge teams". Did you come up with that?

My feeling is that this scamdemic was a test run of something with far more lethality and transformative (aka turning men into part cyborgs). Ok granted we do not know with any degree of certainty of the demographics who were vxxed might not die within several years and/or those of child bearing age or youths may never have children due to the vxx poison seeking the reproductive organs...we just dont know. But on the surface of things, the immediate kill factor was too small to stop the population of the world from continuing. It seems that the whole set up of CV was a test run for something far more lethal and diabolical by the depopulation agenda/satanic terminator team. If this was an intentional CCP operational weapon as a test phase, this was both a warning to the world and a test run of worse terror to come--they are very capable of mass genocide.

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We watched the “Manchurian Candidate”, the Denzel Washington version, last night. Dark, dark movie that epitomizes who Joe Biden really is...and who might be his manipulative master. But where is our Major Marco to figure this out?

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I wholehearted affirm this article in spirit if not universally in detail. Lets not forget that the IDC-10 codes were changed to classify existing symptoms to be C19 AND more importantly there were real and significant financial incentives to code for C19 and even greater apparently irresistible rewards for C19 deaths.

IMAGINE the difference in outcomes if the hospitals had been given the greatest payments for C19 recovery.

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I agree, in general, with her observations. She asks valid questions. The situation she describes is accurate, although it just skims the surface of how evil this planned event has been. What I personally experienced was not natural. It was a bio weapon. I believe that the origin was NIH/DoD, and that the continuation of gain of function development that was carried out in Wuhan was done to facilitate an intentional release to coincide with the 2020 US election. The vaccines are meant to sterilize, injure, and kill people. The evidence is clear.

The people involved are all guilty of murder and crimes against humanity. In many cases the evidence is so incriminating that the court would only need to verify that the defendant was in fact the individual who committed the acts. After that, they swing.

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Except our courts are now their courts. We have no exit.

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Their courts are a large part of the crime. I was thinking tribunals at the state level. Still a court, but outside of the reach of the corrupt DOJ. The tribunals would be formed by the states representatives via a convention open to the legal citizens of that state.

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Keep going. I'm listening. How do we get these Tribunals formed? Do we need citizens or legislation?

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