Too bad Sweden vaccinated... Would have been a lot more distinct

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They are at 75% of the adults shot up and that's too bad. They already had natural immunity from their correct call to not lock down or mask up.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, if we were in the old Soviet Union, you could take a long, well deserved, vacation in one of their world class sanatoriums. You would forget all about this nonsense. The US and the UK may even have their own version of these facilities now, considering who is running the show in both countries.

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Every day I wait for a knock at the door...

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We’ll be in neighbouring cells :)

Actually, the sad realisation I’ve had is they don’t need to do that medieval stuff because we’re simply not enough of a threat. The reason isn’t about what we say, but how many people we can say it to. Too few for the perpetrators to be bothered about. Due to the power of technology. Worse, if we get louder, they’ll turn up the censorship.

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You've been reading Mathias Desmet's book on Mass Formation and Totalitarianism, then! In chapter 8 he says "If the opposition is silent, the totalitarian system becomes a monster that devours its own children. For this reason, it is an illusion to think that silence is the safest option ..." He also argues that dissident voices do have an effect on the large non-proselytised group provided they stick to rational argument. I believe your message is getting across. It will take a few more years so don't lose heart!

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I was musing the other day that if just 1 in a 1000 of those who follow me on Telegram decided to throw themselves fully into the fight, wouldn’t that be great?

It would be 110+ people.

I’d guess that some who made that resolution would wish to tell me about their commitment.

Sadly, I’ve had zero such messages.

Plenty encouraging me.

I’m sorry. But if less perhaps far less than 0.1% of those who already know we’re being taken to hell are willing to help, then we cannot succeed.

I’m planning soon to close up shop. I’ve done all I can & ive nothing new to add.

I’m very heavy hearted.

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Please don't give up! What you've done so far has been tremendous. If you have 110K followers on anything then you're making a difference. Not everyone goes public on everything they do. For example, I wrote an email to Current Problems in Cardiology (Elsevier) complaining about the withdrawal of an accepted paper by Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough. I didn't get anywhere but many others may have done the same thing and that will help to change attitudes. Every little helps in this situation.

I think the tide has turned - lockdowns refuted, masking gone, 'vaccine' uptake rates collapsing and that's down to you and people like you.

We're in a world information war here. Indeed this may turn out to have been WWIII. The last two world wars took 4 or 5 years plus so we can expect this one to last a few years more.

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Oh you're such a Debbie Downer sometimes there Mike LOL. Here's something to cheer you up a bit. Have a brew!!!


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With booby traps, Moltov cocktails and firearms (USA) LOL

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Snarkiness is now officially turned OFF. Over here, we react to that with smoldering anger. This will not happen...period.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Lol, I think I got the first time :)

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Me too. Although I do like to see back to 2017 or earlier as it gives a historical perspective.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

"and came second only to Israel in terms of the success of their mRNA experiment" - Just a note the AZ "vaccine" was not mRNA it was the andenovirus approach with hollowed out monkey virus. So if you developed a craving for bananas after getting the shots, now you know why :)

By the way have you seen the ACM data out of Israel? Our "canary in the coalmine" is as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python sketch.


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So, like, what are you trying to say?


You really have to spell it out...I wrote what I thought was a clearly sarcastic article about bringing back lawn darts this week. I had to change the title because I was getting nostalgic comments about yard javelin 🤦🏻‍♀️. So I went with “If the covid jab was a backyard game it would be a lawn dart”. I feel like this should clear it up...tbd.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Oh yeah, the CDC finally responded to requests for information concerning their "Vaccine Safety Monitoring Teams." It is safe to say that top men are working on this...Top...Men!


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How much did the UK's use of midazolam contribute to the death spikes?

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Sweden had a not too dissimilar "issue" with their care homes (which they admitted) so I did not include that in the list of differences.

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Belarus would be an interesting comparison if we could get reliable data. In 2020 they had 2,000 excess deaths compared to Sweden's 7,000. Belarus was quick to use HCQ and Sweden missed early treatment so that might be the diff.

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This Our World in Data graph of UK vs Sweden “Covid deaths” shows the same thing: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths?country=GBR~SWE#country-by-country-data-on-confirmed-deaths

Sweden did relatively better on Covid-attributed deaths through 2020 under the medical leadership of Anders Tegnell. Unfortunately for the Swedish people, the Swedish politician pushed the unsafe and ineffective vaccines just like all the other globalists, resulting in the integral of Swedish Covid-attributed deaths from the start of vaccine rollout being not much different from the UK.

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Yes. And I have oversimplified things to make a point. The close relationship between COVID deaths and excess deaths may belie a more natural reason for the higher deaths in England. Much as I showed in my recent analysis of Germany, it could well basically be metabolic syndrome that accounts for the difference. One thing that is irrefutable - interventions and the "vaccine" DO NOT save lives!

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"success of their mRNA experiment?" I think you mean, lack of.

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Thanks for your great work.

Research from Australia shows the risk of dying from the covid vaccine greatly exceeds the risk of death from covid illness for children and adults under 60 years.

Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen (2022) COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 7(3):491-508.




After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of these vaccinations are slowly becoming apparent. This review has been written from an Australian perspective with the main focus on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We will look at the promises/predictions originally made and the actual facts. We will evaluate the safety and efficacy by looking at the literature and the data from government agencies. The literature review will be summed up in a table listing the so far reported side effects of which many are very serious including death, with this data coming from 1011 case reports. Long term side effects will also be covered and the risk benefit ratio will be explored. The review is ending with some very critical question that need further discussion.


Children under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the mRNA vaccines than from COVID-19 if unvaccinated. Young adults in the age range of 18 to 29 are eight times more likely to die from vaccination than from COVID-19. Adults from 30 to 39 are 7 times more likely to die from vaccination and those aged 40 to 49 are 5 times more likely to die after vaccination. People in the group aged 50 to 59 are still twice as likely to die after vaccination than after COVID-19. Only when over 60 years of age is the chance of death equal for both causes. Even when over 80 years old the likelihood of dying from Covid inoculation is just 0.13% lower than the risk of dying from the infection. The authors concluded that the protection from COVID-19 death falls far short of the risk of dying from the vaccine for people below 50 years old [51].

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There be a confounder based on ethnicity, vitamin D status, and which countries report this data point, as Dr. Malcolm Kendrick discusses in the end of his most recent blog post (at the end as a postscript). https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2022/09/22/saturated-fat/

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