Too bad Trump didn't follow the Swedish model.

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The Sweden bashers are idiots, you're not! Anybody who could think, knew that Sweden got it mostly right by not following the CCP fraudulent model. They were excoriated by the main stream losers in this world. He who laughs last, laughs hardest. Those death numbers are going to increase. You were right they were wrong!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This Our World in Data graph of UK vs Sweden “Covid deaths” shows the same thing: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths?country=GBR~SWE#country-by-country-data-on-confirmed-deaths

Sweden did relatively better on Covid-attributed deaths through 2020 under the medical leadership of Anders Tegnell. Unfortunately for the Swedish people, the Swedish politician pushed the unsafe and ineffective vaccines just like all the other globalists, resulting in the integral of Swedish Covid-attributed deaths from the start of vaccine rollout being not much different from the UK.

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Too bad we all didn't

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Yes, one of the trade marks of the 'Covid era'. When the village idiots, backed by the full force of the State, lined up to tell the wise and thoughtful how stupid they are.

It became tiresome listening to their criticism, so abundantly ill informed, and so fundamentally at odds with reality.

Yet mock and condemn they did, without any clue as to how idiotic they were. The government agreed with them, so, how could they possibly be wrong.

The biggest surprise for me, was the sheer number of idiots out there. And boy oh boy, do they revel in their idiocy.

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I remember a British professor furiously scolding Sweden in early 2020 for performing worse than Norway due to Sweden's 'reckless' 'pandemic' policy.

The legitimate counter-argument was that Norway's effective population density is much lower than Sweden's. The British professor said that you do not get to choose your own comparison countries. She conveniently neglected to say that...

1. Britain ― with comparable demographics, effective population density and climate ― performed worse than the Sweden while causing more collateral damage

2. if Sweden is refused the right to NOT be compared to Norway, Britain should be refused the right to NOT be compared to Sweden

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It might be interesting to do comparisons between countries which did and did not aspirate the needle (Denmark aspirated e.g., and is currently at the bottom of eu excess deaths league table?)

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