Estimation of the deaths caused by the UK government's response to the COVID epidemic.
One-third of all excess deaths have been caused by the government's response.
Since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic in England & Wales on 29-Feb-2020, there have been a total of 227,406 cumulative excess deaths. This measure captures unexpected deaths at the time of occurrence, net of deficit deaths.
Essentially, the result takes into account those who were likely to die soon anyway and therefore is reduced by all those who were expected to die by 09-Apr-22, the end of the observation period.
For this study I am going to assume that all COVID-19 deaths were “due to” rather than “with” to be conservative and also because you will see that the measure tracks excess death almost exactly - up to a certain point. Nevertheless, not all of these excess deaths were due to COVID-19.
The official count of COVID-19 deaths is actually 185,530 but I have reduced it to 150,267 due to the COVID-19 deaths caused by the hasty deployment of the mRNA injection purported to reduce transmission, serious illness, and death.
There is now substantial evidence that the mRNA injection does none of the three above. I made the point back in February 2021 that, in fact, I suspected that the injection actually increased COVID-19 mortality because it increased COVID-19 incidence, which had a significantly more profound impact than any illusion of protection suggested by the rigged vaccine-efficacy studies.
Taking this into account, I estimate 35,264 COVID-19 deaths between 26-Dec-20 and 06-Mar-21 would not have occurred but for the mass rollout of the injection.
The inflection point and return to prior trend are evident on the chart above. 35,264 deaths are the area shaded in mustard.
Looking at the cumulative excess chart above, we can see that 16,201 deaths were caused by the UK government’s initial response in spring 2020. Collectively, I label them “iatrogenic” deaths - deaths due to inappropriate medical treatment or denial of healthcare altogether.
This number has been confirmed, even by the ONS themselves, albeit with tacit justification that hundreds of thousands of lives were saved as a result.
Alas, this too has been disproven. None of the interventions (school/business closures, quarantine of the healthy, universal masking, border controls) could have worked in theory which is why they were specifically excluded from the WHO pandemic guidelines. And, none of them worked in practice according to hundreds of independent empirical studies.
By the end of October 2020, the number of iatrogenic deaths has risen to 22,023 before dropping to a low of 9,013 mid-April 2021 due to the fact that COVID-19 is being over-attributed during the prior winter period.
On 17-Apr-21, we observe a pattern that is common in all northern hemisphere countries that aggressively injected during the winter, whereby non-COVID-19 excess deaths sky rocket by 32,863 in the aftermath, taking the cumulative tally to 41,876 by 09-Apr-22.
I label these deaths as fatal adverse events (AEs) to the injections since they are not associated with COVID-19, which means the net iatrogenic deaths at the end of the period, i.e. those that have not yet been pulled forward and are still “outstanding” stands at 9,013.
In total then, the UK government’s policies are currently responsible for 77,140 cumulative excess deaths compared to 150,267 COVID-19 deaths, i.e. a little over one-third of the total.
Some will argue that many of the other COVID-19 deaths are iatrogenic too and simply labelled as COVID-19 due to the presence of the virus as determined by a test that was stated to be inappropriate for diagnostic use by its inventor. I cannot argue against that so my figure is likely a conservative estimate.
What is missing from this short analysis, is age stratification because for reasons that only make sense to the ONS, they insist on refusing to share the data. At least, the 2021 data will be available in July.
I suspect that the story told in terms of lost life-years will be even more appalling than this one told in terms of absolute deaths because the ages of people dying directly from the injections is much lower than those dying of COVID-19.
When are we going to see accountability for this absolute debacle? It’s bad enough that we had yet another pseudo epidemic but the crime is enhanced by the forced, yes forced, vaccination of millions of unwitting test subjects with a product that doesn’t work, doesn’t prevent spread and in fact it looks as if the “cure” is worse than the disease. Don’t even get me started about vaccinating children.
Nicely done. However, I think we give governments far too easy a ride in accepting the premise that all or even most of the Covid-labeled deaths would have occurred anyway in the absence of the policy changes.
I think we have dramatically underestimated the effects of disruption to fragile complex systems such as healthcare, and to that you can add the immune system.
See this thread: