When are we going to see accountability for this absolute debacle? It’s bad enough that we had yet another pseudo epidemic but the crime is enhanced by the forced, yes forced, vaccination of millions of unwitting test subjects with a product that doesn’t work, doesn’t prevent spread and in fact it looks as if the “cure” is worse than the disease. Don’t even get me started about vaccinating children.

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I met a Doctor friend at the weekend. How many children and women of child bearing age did he inject with a experiment drug ? The absolute shame and yet he thinks he holds some sort of moral high ground.

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My husband is a Dr, he’s not injected one single person. We are also among a minority who haven’t had 1 PCR test.

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I'm there with you. Not an MD, nor my husband though. So glad your husband isn't injecting that stuff! Staying away from those pcr's as you also. Not one.

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It’s the grand pyramid scheme of abused trust.

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Argh! "Superiority". I'm getting tired of that complex going around rampantly.

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Nicely done. However, I think we give governments far too easy a ride in accepting the premise that all or even most of the Covid-labeled deaths would have occurred anyway in the absence of the policy changes.

I think we have dramatically underestimated the effects of disruption to fragile complex systems such as healthcare, and to that you can add the immune system.

See this thread:


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I had you in mind when I wrote the pre-penultimate paragraph! ;-)

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I thought you did!

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Yes, the elderly suffered terribly during the lockdown period and many deaths were not covid viral deaths. Many gave up the will to live in such horrible circumstances, and dying of heart break is a very real thing and many succumbed to that. It was easy for the system to label them as covid deaths to boost the fear factor, because autopsies weren't done for the most part. The silencing of the health care system was effective and all those that were stupidly compliant will suffer some mental anguish when they understand their weakness.

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Your work saves lives. Such studies help regular folks make right decisions concerning vaccinations. Thank you.

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It is an abomination against everything that life should be that people died alone in hospitals and care homes, and were buried/cremated without a single family member being permitted to attend.

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I will never forgive any monster associated with enforcing those policies.

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I’m not in any way detracting from Joel’s analysis, constrained as it is by the generally poor quality of publicly available data, but to borrow Mark Steyn’s catch phrase “we live in a blizzard of lies”. I fear this applies in spades to the manipulated, mis-attributed, exaggerated official statistics on Covid-!9 deaths.

A few months ago when the official total was 150,000, I reported in my paper “How the general public was kept in the dark over Covid”, kindly hosted by Joel, that FoI requests to the ONS revealed that the number of people who had died of (not with) Covid was between 6,183 or 17,371. Slight wording differences between the two FoIs yielded the two different answers.

The higher estimate was not much more than 10% of the official estimate of total Covid-19 deaths at that time, the lower estimate a tiny 4%.

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Thx Joel, really great work. Really appreciate it. The cracks in the dam are getting bigger.

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I would argue that many of the other excess death have been mediagenic. Fear, panic in itself is one of the most efficient killers out there, and it kills in a multitude of direct and indirect ways.

Not only is anxiety the most important risk factor for severe disease and death in COVID patients, it is also the most important risk factor for medical professionals that often leads to maltreatment or even outright neglect of patients. All the huge initial death spikes in countries like Italy, Spain, Belgium or States like New York can be linked to general panic among hospital and care home personnel. Anybody remember the nurses who raised alarm about how people were put on ventilators more or less to die?

Im positive that without the massive fear campaign by media and politicians there would have been nothing out of the ordinary, just a regular flu season.

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MEDIA-genic!!! first time i have hard heard of this... is it aka "mass formation"? hmm... have seen Dr Malone discuss m.f., but may need to look into this more... FEAR (false evidence appearing real) is the virus, some say...

The World Is Suffering From Mass Formation https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/the-world-is-suffering-from-mass-delusional-psychosis_4350211.html?utm_source=andshare

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Yes. Labeling the recent excess deaths as due to the injections is letting the government, media, and public health officials off the hook. This extreme focus on vaccinations vs the broader public health failure is missing the forest for the trees. The PHA’s can shift blame for the failure of the vaccines, but the can’t shift blame for the fact that their overall policy has led to an ongoing increase in excess deaths.

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I think it will be a year or two yet before the full extent of the harms caused by ill-considered interventions are clear. It's inspiring to see such detailed and dedicated analysis at this stage. Your results and interpretation seem to put some meat on what we already suspected. I hope you're able to revisit this in a year or two as more data come in.

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I hope it's not that long. The current excess death trajectory is showing little sign of abating. Thousands more people will die too soon at this rate.

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I'm sure you're right about the deaths. I believe we're in a world 'information' war - a propaganda war - like the world wars of the 20th century where the elites vied for control using the common people as pawns. WW1 started out with young men flocking to sign up for honour and glory but after 2 years of trench warfare and 'lost-in-action' telegrams the propaganda stopped working and the government had to introduce conscription. That conflict lasted 4 years, the next one (or perhaps the continuation) lasted another 5. I think we've a few painful years of this war to go before the majority will see reason. It could be worse: we've had 30 years and 100 years wars before!

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Is there any way these thousands more people won't die? If the jabs are killing them then nothing can be done. If it's govt restrictions then they have (currently) disappeared. So why are they all still dying? It's like being thrown into a dystopian horror novel!

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"Long" interventions and injections.

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Thank you for your dedication. I hope you will be able to provide a similar analysis for Canada but I suspect our data will not be forthcoming. What a colossal waste of lives.

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I live in Canada and it feels like I'm living in a nightmare that I can't wake up from!

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I figured as much... mortality data from the feds is so far behind, the Ontario covid data mixes unvaccinated with those within the first 14 days post jab so they are clearly trying to blame and/or hide illness and death in those unfortunates on the "unvaxxed".

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Now add I. The deaths that occurred as a result of the government denying early treatment.

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In America the Fed is reporting 2.9million more disability claims since the vaccine rollout. Assuming 35-50% of those who died, died with Covid rather than from, 500,000-650,000 died form Covid probably 90% of which were over the age of life expectancy. So it becomes clear more and more each day, the vaccines are far more deadly than this Corona virus.


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Joel, you are thinking clearly.

Important questions mostly unasked by others which you ask.

1) Do official measures, including vaccination, reduce covid and harm from covid?

2) Do official measures add to harm from covid or subtract harm from covid?

Clare Craig asked question 2 wrt myocarditis and found that harm from vaccines increase harm from covid by about 50%, relatively. One case in 2,000 in patients at VA hospitals. That's not all that rare. And the damage may be greater because doctors likely aren't checking younger patients for myocarditis in VA hospitals.

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A nearby neighbor had both injections, both boosters... AFTER which he contracted covid and spent two months in the local hospital's respiratory intensive care unit. Thankfully, he is now back home. Why there isn't more "buyer's remorse" over the covid injections is beyond me.

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Not sure one can assume all excess deaths after April '21 can be classified as fatal AEs. Some of it could still be lockdown harm.

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Yes, but I could also have transferred the COVID deaths during that period over to the govt side as vax-induced too though.

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The estimated vaccine-induced covid death count for a population of 67 million seems to be proportional with the same Democide charts you made in the US, which my eyeballs counted maybe 150,000 vaccine-covid deaths under the curve for a population of 330 million.

Perhaps one could calculative cumulative covid deaths per 100,000 people, per cumulative vaccine doses given, for the relevant covid death spikes following vaccine rollout. These may track similarly in different countries. Can do the same for all-cause deaths. Not sure if I explained that well.

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You have a better memory than me! I don't even remember doing that analysis!!! But I guess it's a good signal that the analyses are consistent?

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I consider it to be one of the most important analyses you have done:


Wait, I got my wires crossed...I mean all-cause excess, not covid excess. And I t think I counted 150k deaths under two curves combined. Your absence of false memories is a good sign.

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What happens to the excess deaths from Covid19 when we consider the Government's aggressive suppression of early treatment protocols? Protocols that have been proven to be highly effective (>85%) at reducing deaths from Covid19. These deaths shift, en masse, into the excess deaths due to Government response. This leaves the Government responsible for the vast majority of excess deaths.

What is the argument against this conclusion?

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I don't have one except conservatism. Even with that, there is more than enough evidence to prove the risk completely outweighs the "benefit".

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