I am a technical specialist in respiratory protection for the respirator manufacturer named in the video by Stephen Petty. I have been astonished by how colleagues of mine, many with much more experience have gone along with the mask nonsense. They must know it is utter rubbish as I do.

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Aug 9, 2022
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...okay.....I work in the IH safety portion for chemical industry...This guy is SPOT ON!

You are going to say a "medical" mask or some other MEXYZ-95 mask is going to stop a 50 micron airborne virus, but even the best masks can only stop 300 microns at an efficiency at 95%....IF they are fitted best, but only for a short period of time....

Your going to kill more people...with masks...

I want to punch every one of these idiots on TV saying a mask works.....please....just one

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I am with you 100% on this. I saw a post in Twatter by a Dr that said something about an electrostatic charge stopping the virus getting through masks, and that is why they work. Is there any truth in that at all, or were they just spouting make believe nonsense? Thanks

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A proper FFP3 respirator has filter media which is electrostatically charged and therefore attracts tiny particles that may otherwise be small enough to pass through the gaps in the fibres. However, such a respirator will only work if correctly worn and the fit validated by way of a fit test. Any breaks in the seal, even by the smallest amount of facial hair will render the respirator useless as the incoming air will take the path of least resistance and go through those gaps, bringing the contaminant with it.

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Thanks Glenn. Thats a really informative reply. I will be able to spread the word from a position of more knowledge now

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I am BSIF Fit2Fit accredited by the way 😉

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Masks don’t protect people from aerosolized viruses, but they do pollute the environment and torment and kill animal species.

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And distress children.

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So true. Wish I’d said that. Well done!

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And ensure that the CovIDIOTS can virtue signal each other that they are doing what they are told like good zombies.

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I've tried to tell the brainwashed this.....forget it. They like being told what to do.

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No brain No pain

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I passed the clip of the guy with the mask outside in the cold air with all the steam puffing out the spaces .... he's in Hong Kong where you must wear a mask indoors and outdoors otherwise it's a massive fine (even at the beach hahaha)

And said -- this mask rule in HK is a joke (it's one reason I have not been back in nearly 3 years)...

No response.

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I have told so many people that, if they can breathe whilst wearing a mask then it is clearly not doing anything. That the mask would only work if it was plastic-backed and taped to their face. That ideally they would need a filtration system and oxygen tank on their back. And goggles, just to be on the safe side. People look at me like I'm mad, they tell me I'm a Covid-denying, anti-vaxx, granny-killing wicked fascist. So weird. Masks might stop you swallowing a gnat flying at you head-on.

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I have listened to many of the talks and testimonies of Stephen Petty over this period of immense misinformation. He has the credentials, knowledge and experience to make a strong case about the ineffectiveness of (cloth, surgical, ect.) masks. However, even when politicians feign interest in his very clear talks, the information is relegated to the fringe, and, though we are currently not being mandated to use masks. There is a lot of talk about having to bring it back for the winter, not to mention the requirements in government buildings are still in force in Canada, Germany is planning annual mask mandates. How can this be justified with so much evidence?

Though I am not confused by this state of affairs, I am saddened by the lack of open scientific discussions on so many crucial topics, that it is feels like the death of science and the rise of scientism. This new dark age being assured in will be of no benefit to the common man, that is abundantly clear. The sad thing is that acceptance of the drivel is based on nonsense statements like "the science is settled". The science, specially in the biological sciences but generally true, is never settled. The "scientism dogma", is always settled by the ordained high priests/priestesses, where you will hear even more ridiculous statements like "I am the science".

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Too true! A little off subject, however when a bloke chooses Remdesivir over two other drugs, in a trial to treat Covid symptoms, (knowing that it was the least effective and had a 30% mortality rate, advises the populace to wear two masks, flip-flops on just about everything and happens to be the Chief Adviser to the US President), you have to ask yourself, wtf is going on. Don't get me started on ventilators and, "Go home and wait until you can't breath and your lips turn blue before calling an ambulance". Midazolam usage in the UK? Why isn't that being investigated by the W.H.O? Two years supply used in a few months, ON RESPIRATORY PATIENTS. Please. You don't go near a respiritory patient with Midazolam and Morphine derivatives.

"I am the science", will go down, infamously as the most condescending and utterly self opinionated statement I've heard in years.

There were very safe and effective drugs found to be extremely effective, and cheap, available..Vit D, C, Zinc, IM, HyQ. Unless you read the studies where they used 2000 times the doses recommended for HyQ. I'm pretty sure most would die from that overdose! Doc. F will go down in history, just not in the way most people think.

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Off the subject? I think you are voicing the summation of a large part of "THE ONLY RELAVENT SUBJECT" of our time. The corruption and big money infiltrated science and government is bringing one great nation after another to their knees. The entire political and scientific edifice we were taught to trust has betrayed us all, even onto death. There is little to no remaining uncorrupted power that is answerable to we the people. The elections have been turned into money driven clown shows. The education has been redirected to promote political and mind killing propaganda.

You and all of us must stay on the relevant subject, we must scream it, until even the comatose awaken and hear our pain, suffering and obvious truths. When we awaken, we the people have always had the power to curb the elite's narcissistic agendas in the past, we must recognize, together the same promise awaits us in the future, but it is has never been easy and many sacrificed to allow us even the chance to recognize the tyranny upon us. So, please shout your relevant subject, so we can find a way to be free again. Thank you.

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I can't argue with anything you said in your first paragraph but to your second I'd say Orwell saw all of this coming and worse it's been happening for centuries. Sadly I think it's naive to think humanity can ever defeat an enemy we can't, or won't identify. I could be wrong but I think it was Voltaire who said that the greatest trick the devil every did was to convince the world he didn't exist.

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I think Orwell has a keen understanding of the tyrannical undercurrent in history and the perverse mind games played on the populace; however, a total defeat of ‘the enemy’ is not necessary. Identification is also not that onerous. Historically, victories have been won, one example would be the magna carta, and there are many more. The sad fact is the loss of those hard won rights over time due mostly to complacency and cowardliness. An extreme form of over throw of the “elites” would be Mao’s flip-flop wearing comrades victory over the western backed Kwo Ming Dang. The out come was not ideal, in my opinion, but “the elite” in China was eliminated, and some may say replaced, which is not my point. The point is historically, when people are forced to stare into the hell created by “the elite” for them, they will sacrifice what ever it takes for a future any future.

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Right on. Tried to "love" your comment, like I did some of the others, but wasn't allowed to. Just fyi. But I do agree.

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Hey I’ve noticed the like button not responding also, but when I go back my like is there- so I believe it’s delayed in the acknowledgment- every time you hit it you are turning it on and off. So try again hitting it just once and move on, when you scroll back it should be there.

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Re: "F will go down in history, just not in the way most people think".

I don't want to bum you our but it really depends on who writes the history and we all know or at least should know that history is written by the victors.

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Doctor "F!!!"

Complete and total FAIL, he is. I love it!

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I'm a civil engineer. Last year, to go through my Hazwoper refresher, my IH wanted me to wear a PAPER MASK while we talked about respirators. I refused to wear the mask, so I am no longer Hazwoper certified. Clown world.

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Heil Hitler!! Salute the System or "OUT!"

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Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


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Aerosols are suspended for almost and up to 2 months....as calculated in days...just stop and think of this...

Ever watch a weed-seed be carried by the current of air....dandelion or some other plant....they go many many meters...

And to think aerosol viruses are managed by random....masks...LMAO


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Bacteria and viruses are known to travel at least 10,000 feet. Some bacteria are way up into the stratosphere. They are everywhere. Don't panic though. We've been doing this for millions of years, it's just that people don't know this and think they're invincible... we're not..we get old and weakened immune systems, get ill and die. Oh well.

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Actually, it looks like the SARS-COV-2 virus is actually rendered inert within a few minutes in respiratory droplets--there was an article by some chemists about this. Of course, masks may aerosolize the virus, which means that there will be no change in droplet pH to render the virus inert.

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Masks give viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold a nice warm, moist home in which to grow and replicate.

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This is the best most informative and concise presentation of why masks are BS I've yet to see. Bravo.

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I want to send this to the CovIDIOTS in my life... but I already know what they'll think/say (if they even watch it).

Dr Fauci and CNN says the masks work therefore they work.

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Eddy its pathetic isn't it. Zombie apocalypse is here now.

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Fortunately I realized what was coming just after GFC --- which signalled the beginning of the end.

And I've had 10+ years of intensive bucket listing knowing we were on borrowed time.

That's my silver lining.

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Of course masks do not work as advertised. We can talk about it another hundred of years from now. Just talk, some will understand, some will refuse to understand...Nothing else will happen, like with all other things. But they work as phsycological tools on people and that is their purpose, plus to make them more sick.

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The human face is like our DNA, iris, voice, fingerprint, personality, and autobiographical memory. They distinguish us as individuals, from all other members of our species. Masks destroy human individuality-independent thought, transforming us into robots-clones. As such, masks are a psychological weapon, being used to transform us into lemmings, willing to join the herd, and go off the cliff together. This is an important component of the psychological war being waged against us.. Check out "Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump" Alberta Canada.

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Yes, I know...nothing I can do about this...but I will wait for the others at the cliff, where we all will be pushed in a way or another or by force, forever unmasked.

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FOREVER UNMASKED: Fantastic slogan!!!

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This is the best mask info I have seen. Masks don't and can't work.

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A brilliant explanation of the complete and utter uselessness of masks to prevent contracting or transmitting the covid virus. Now, how in the heck do we get the minister of health and all the “experts” running the health authorities to drop these mask requirements in clinics and hospitals. It is beyond insane.

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Been saying it for two years.. It's like me, "The virus", driving through the Grand Canyon. There's your size comparison. The only way is forced air/BA. Masks are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

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"Masks are about as useful as a chocolate teapot."

Absolutely wonderful!! May I quote you here?

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7da588bbf314

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You can quote me to the entire universe.

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Will do! ;-)

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very clear presentation, great slides!

(anyone found the slides PDF?)

some links:

. https://youtu.be/J3dnkbKoj4A

. https://rumble.com/v141xj6-stephen-petty-on-the-lack-of-effectiveness-of-face-masks.html

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In case it helps, I captured 3 of the slides here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/fec5420179ba

For those who are interested, you can see my full collection of mask resources here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/7da588bbf314

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Weird how this backs up the hundreds of years of mask studies that we suddenly forgot in 2020.

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