This is obviously extremely inconvenient for the Scottish government. I don’t live permanently in Scotland but do have family here and spent a number of weeks around December/January 20/21 here. The push for boosters was merciless to the extent that I avoided driving on the motorway due to the number of overhead signs telling me to go and get boosted (can’t boost what you’ve not had of course). It will be like pulling teeth to ever get them to admit that they were possibly implicated in these deaths. I would, however, like this information to be widespread before the next Autumn push for even more jabs begins.

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Especially since from the fall of 2022 onward there will be ZERO safety testing of the shots. The FDA has already given Pfizer the green light to "ship without testing".

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That’s correct. Appalling but true.

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It's reprehensible.

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Shared on twitter and tagged the usual public health officials. Absolutely disgraceful that the Scotgov / Parliament is turning a blind eye to all these excess deaths.

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I don't know of a single government that is looking at all the excess deaths. They all seem to be turning a blind eye to it. Captured as suubstaack mentioned.

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Yes, totally captured by pharma/Gates/WHO etc. . Probably unwittingly at first, but now in full denial and cover-up mode.

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They knew. They were following orders.

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Captured Govenment

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I suspect they’ve been told they’re all getting golden tickets & we’re not.

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Wow those finds of age breakdowns of deaths matching the age breakdowns of vaccinations is exactly what we found in the Philippines! Worldwide trend! Causal death! Many researchers are thinking along the same lines and finding supporting evidence!


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Thank you very much to Professor Ennos, Graham Crawford and Joel Smalley for your bravery to speak out.

Steve Kirsch should add this letter to his list of reasons why the safe and effective narrative is falling apart.

Just one question Joel. In a previous article, you wrote that the vaccines do not seem to be responsible for the increased excess mortality that we see in so many countries.... On the other hand, the letter from Professor Ennos clearly seems to confirm that the vaccines are (at least in part) responsible for the excess deaths. So what is true now?

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I don't think the vaccines cause enough death directly to explain the excess deaths. Most of the excess deaths correlate with COVID deaths. I believe the vaccine's ability to enhance infection and disease is responsible for the excess deaths much more than the adverse events.

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See also https://twitter.com/lapogus1/status/1546191991268167680 which to me suggests the jabs are taking significant numbers of frail and elderly in the weeks following jabs / boosters, and then there's low/negative excess mortality until the next jabbing session begins.

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Joel, I am not so sure about that. There were very few 'covid' deaths from June to mid September 2021 in Scotland. (and I think that many 'covid' deaths will have just been influenza / pneumonia re-badged after fraudulent PCRs). See https://twitter.com/lapogus1/status/1477968520428376067 for one of @scojw's graphs, which clearly shows at least 50% of the excess deaths in June to Dec 2021 were non covid.

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So you think the vaccines mainly increase all cause mortality via causing more covid infections and covid deaths?

Have you seen what Alex Berenson just wrote about Dutch? The official data there show:

"After seven months, vaccinated people (applies to two vaccines) in their fifties and sixties had a 68 percent higher risk of being hospitalized for Covid compared to the unvaccinated. They had a 41 percent higher risk of needing intensive care."

I wonder what causes this... Is this ADE or have the vaccines simply destroyed the immune system and once the vaccine-induced antibody levels decrease, the risk of severe infections increases drastically?

These data actually show that vaccinated people developed a dependence. Like drug addicted people. If they do not get a regular shot, they will get very sick and suffer.

And I fear the more often you take the vaccine/the shot, the worse it gets.

And also in case of drug addicted, with time they need more and more... And the same happens with these vaccines. Each time they get a booster, their effects last for less and less time.

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And, 'more and more' means more toxic spike protein (from both the mRNA and constant reinfection) and lipid nanoparticles. The cumulative effect on all cause mortality will be horrendous. This is undoubtedly a DIRECT result of vaccination!

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Yes, this is a direct effect of the vaccines. Unfortunately we do not have (or I am not aware of) running prospective or longitudinal studies which directly compare adjusted all cause mortality rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people.

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"I believe the vaccine's ability to enhance infection and disease" I'm interested in your definition of 'directly'. I would argue something that sets off a reaction that subsequently kills is direct enough.

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I think we're just talking semantics. I just differentiate between what is put down as a COVID death and what is not.

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Yes, I tend to agree with this. I get that there is a distinction between a direct adverse event and the jab inhibiting the immune system such that disease wins out, but direct or indirect, the end result is the same - premature death.

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This is the graph I was looking for, Scottish excess mortality by cause, for Q2/Q3 2021: https://twitter.com/lapogus1/status/1456211502629797889

Very few were due to Respiratory (including 'covid)' Big increase in cancers and circulatory and 'other'. Most cancers will likely be lockdown collateral, undiagnosed/untreated, or too late. Suspect Circulatory will include many jab induced fatal cardiac and stroke events. Others who knows. Keep doing what you are doing, much appreciated.

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I think some of the excess deaths are direct acute vaccine deaths. But others will be from other causes related to the vaccines, but not as immediately acute (within 48 hrs to 2 weeks) impacts. Other deaths also may be attributed by lack of care and the cumulative stressors that people have been under for increasing durations.

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The professor addresses this. The temporal consistency and distributions of the excess deaths, being consistent with the vax rollout, precludes cumulative stressors and chronic conditions.

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They know. They’ve no intention of finding the actual cause. This way, the scandal is merely them not holding a proper enquiry, with them maintaining the fiction that there’s nothing to see here. That’s the official position for the media & the media are paid not to question this.

Private citizens don’t have the necessary reach to force the hands of those in any position of authority. At least, I’ve not found a way.

Extraordinarily frustrating, because of course, you’re right!

There was never a significantly elevated population health threat early in 2020, only ordinary people & their regular illnesses, coupled with appallingly untrustworthy PCR, deliberately bad healthcare in hospitals & care homes plus withdrawal of usual care. That was enough to produce the pulse of deaths everywhere such policies were enacted.

None of the “measures” had the slightest beneficial effect.

The vaccines are also superfluous, ineffective & toxic.

That’s it. There’s nothing else. That’s the entire scam, accompanied by appallingly craven behaviour by everyone who if they’d stood up, would have stopped if in its tracks.

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Hi Mike. I notice you were not on the BBC unvaxxed program last night. I take it you were asked but were busy. I have come to the conclusion the participants were all actors.

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They wouldn’t dare ask me. I know far too much. I know 3 of the 4 crooked scientists responsible for the “vaccines”.

The entire global event is fake. None of it is real & the only prop is the PCR test.

The rest is all PsyOps.

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Naked Emperor has a nice review including details of involvement of the Gates funded Vaccine Confidence Project part of the vast NGO psyop machine. Truth tellers like Mike are Kryptonite for Pharma's Superheroes, they avoid contact with truth like vampires evade sunlight! https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/a-review-of-bbcs-unvaccinated

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Clear evidence that the Scottish government is complicit in these deaths. They are ignoring the most likely cause of this increase, due to either their corruption or incompetence.

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It's getting harder and harder for these complicit health bureaucrats to cover their butts.

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But is it? What consequences have they faced?

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Consequences are a long way off. First, we'll need to see a continued broadening of awareness, then a plethora of resignations ("to spend more time with the family" etc).

Only when it finally sinks in that people's health and lives have been demonstrably damaged will there be a pursuit of those responsible.

I'm not saying this is inevitable, just that we're slowly progressing in that direction. Too slowly. But 6 months ago it was looking like forced vaccination would be unavoidable, with 'vaccine passports' inevitable. This week Fauci resigns.

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Even Dr Campbell is joining in: https://youtu.be/uIFSvnB1WlQ

(I don’t think Fauci has resigned just yet. He did say he would be gone by the end of Biden’s term though.)

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We are greatful for the world is now stopping to listen and act against those who pushed the mRNA poison

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Anyone looking for analysis of the Scottish data should follow @scojw on twitter who produces good weekly summaries in graphical form of the official data. Also posts at substack, e.g.: https://scottishunityedinburgh.substack.com/p/scotland-mortality-2022-week-27

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This seemed apropos. I linked to this article. https://youtu.be/Iac2qlQokHo

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"Where is the much-vaunted concern for public health we have had hammered at us for the past two and a half years?"

No shit!

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God bless Professor Ennos! A man with integrity! There seem to be so few out there in the world.

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Shared on twitter

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The exact same tbing has occurred in New Zealand. That, of itself, drmonstrates causality. 2021 had 2300 more deaths than 2020, following precisely the vaccine roll out in late April and a government propaganda drive and mandate inspired coercion in August through to October. And there were NO Covid, nor flu deaths to mask the correlation. Then, in late January through March of 2022 the booster drive saw mass uptake in Boosters. In perfect synchronization, deaths soared after the boosters. In the first 6 months alone there have been 2000 more deaths than the same period of 2021 and that increase is accelerating. There have been 4000 more deaths in the 61 week period following May 1st 2021, than the previous 61 week period, a rise of 11%. And the kicker is, that January 2022 deaths, the month prior to boosters, had 90 less deaths than January 2021, buy boy, have we made ip for it since with 2090 more deaths, or a 12% rise.

At first the government ignored all this, but even the media has picked up on it. Officials like Ashley Bloomfield and members of his team, have demonstrated gross incompetence by failing to acknowledge the link between vaccination and ACM.

Add to the negative effects of the jab, its utter failure in preventing infection and serious outcomes. Today, for instance, 30 of the 31 Covid deaths were amongst the fully vaccinated the vast majority of those were boosted.

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Add to the negative effects of the jab, its utter failure in preventing infection and serious outcomes. Today, for instance, 30 of the 31 Covid deaths were amongst the fully vaccinated the vast majority of those were boosted.

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While it seems reasonable and appropriate the look to the government to investigate the jab and it’s relationship to excess deaths, history shows us that government investigation does not occur without public pressure. Typically that pressure is picked up and broadcast via the media. Absent a significant independent media, there are two options grass roots spread and battling in the Court system.

I’d propose that grass roots efforts could include the personal lobbying of government officials and non-captured corporate stakeholders. This lobbying should be done patiently, diplomatically, and continually.

While it’s sad that our government and media are unresponsive and perhaps “captured”, this is the hand we’ve been dealt. It seems wise to acknowledge the battlefields best suited for this conflict and focus on them.

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There are no links in the article to the datasets used for the analysis. Can someone contact the journalist or the professor to have this attached as well. The message will be much more powerful if linked governmental data clearly shows the increase in mortality.

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The datasets used were NAtional Records of Scotland's standard COVID releases, link below. The initial analyses were made and found the temporal 'staging' of the excess - then two other people got those datasets and independently recreated the findings. Since then the same this has been seen in other nations.

You will likely also need the prior years by age in order to build the 5 year averages (these are not given to us). The link at which those can be found is also below.



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