The graph looks like a two-humped camel 🐫 compared to a squirrel 🐿. Remarkable and devastating all the more because this emperor in funeral attire is being stridently avoided. Now nearly everyone is the yokel who got scammed into believing he or she bought the Eiffel Tower, until they get heart disease or cancer or blood clots from a common cold that triggers an overactive, imprinted immune response. Tragic.

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Maybe you can tell me how a cumulative tally of deaths goes negative?

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I don’t believe it cumulative (because cumulative would only go up). The graph indicates the number of deaths above or below average. Now I am not sure if that average is an annual average or a five year average but it is an average. That would explain the negative because certain diseases are seasonal and thus deaths are cyclical. With excess deaths over average in a flu season for example and below average out of season because the deaths were stacked into the disease season period. This explains especially elderly deaths. What is alarming is that cycle has been transformed into a chart that looks cumulative but is really increasing deaths above average now out of season and out of cycle. And it is now indicating out of season spikes in younger populations.

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Oh I see. You are looking at “cumulative EXCESS deaths over time”. The key here here is “excess” (above or below average) over time. If you added each column as positive and negative over time you would get a running graph that looks relatively flat because normally people die of predictable causes until you have an intervening event which causes a spike in deaths above average. In this case inappropriate COVID measures including vaccines, lockdowns, denied medical care, deaths of despair, etc. but those others might have been operative pre-vaccine. The vaccine intro date looks like a forest fire compared to spot fires. One can argue that all the other factors hit a tipping point at the same time as introduction of vaccines but given the accelerating condemning scientific physiological data on vaccines I would say there can be little doubt now about the main factor.

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Thank you Zeus. My brain didn't consider that.

Mea culpa. Cheers!

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No mea culpa necessary. It was a good catch and appeared contradictory so it was a good question and helped deepen understanding for readers.

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Now everybody will ask for their country data!

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Joel, please may you provide the source of the raw data ( Some friends in Germany may not know this and from visits earlier in the year, Germans were living in abject fear of the "mask" tyranny in February which abated a tad when we visited again in September (different regions).

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Agreed! We're all sure you're up to the job, Joel! It's very morale-boosting for those who aren't so good with figures...

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How does a cumulative tally of excess deaths go negative? (As we see in 2016, 17, 18, 19?) A cumulative tally of deaths would be monotonically increasing.

Are they arising from the dead?

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Any reason why in this case the blue "covid" deaths don't look particularly excessive as compared to other countries?

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What is your baseline?

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Many thanks again!

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Nov 7, 2022
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Get used to the feeling.

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Nov 7, 2022
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Bob you forgot to include specific link. This just links to YouTube generally.

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