Per the FDA, “Health fraud scams refer to products that claim to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for those uses.”

We have Brix saying she knew the vaccine didn’t work, and we have the CDC changing the definition of what a vaccine is. Yet we have, on record forever, numerous high level entities claiming, vigorously that the vaccine will stop you from catching COVID. Full stop. That was the claim. “You will NOT catch, or spread COVID, with this vaccine.” So where did they get this data, hmmm? From the pharmaceutical companies.

Now what needs to happen, is teams of lawyers need to find every widow, every person who was vaccinated yet hospitalized with COVID, who can claim that they relaxed their personal security because they were vaccinated.

I want to see people crying “I only left the house because they said I was safe.” “I only visited grandma because they said I was safe.”

And I want to see lawyers suing every last one of these bastards for personal injury.

The evidence is there. People died, people got hospitalized, people got permanently injured because they were told they were protected, which was a lie. Fraud.

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I don't think you can have it both ways. If the injected with toxins are getting ill because they let down their guard and left the house because they were told they were safe, then the authorities were right; isolation, lockdowns, masks and distancing do work to save lives.

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I think juries wouldn’t be willing to say they deliberately pained us yet, but they would be willing to say that they lied and that lives were risked and lost because of the lies.

Lawyers care about cases they can win, not the whole truth.

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That nonsense doesn’t matter in civil court. Lol. They sued big tobacco for over a billion dollars, and everyone can still buy cigarettes.

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Lawyers have been conspicuously silent during this whole debacle. I would have expected them to be at the forefront of this battle for truth. I am disappointed and disgusted.

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Like the doctors and nurses and firemen and truckers who push back, you need to hunt for any news about them or legal victories. ICAN with Aaron Siri and Childrens Health Defense both have lists of lawsuits as long as my arm & other lawyers like Thomas Renz working with DMED whistleblowers.. Brooke Jackson's lawsuit has a dozen lawyers involved.. just like Adverse Events they are there but not being shared with the public.

ICAN lawsuits https://www.icandecide.org/lawsuits/

CHD lawsuits https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender_category/legal/

RTE interview w Brooke & lead atty Warner Mendenhall


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Yes, it is a near total blackout on any successes.

I just found Warner's substack a few days ago:


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Wow thanks, that's new to me and I'm an aggressive hunter of sources. Irritating as can be you need to be flippin' Sherlock Holmes to find honest sources buried by Big Tech Overlords but Substack is a virtual Camelot in the wild world of censorship & propaganda and feel very lucky to be in this community that sprang up beyond the wildfires of Covidian madness.

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Isn't that the truth.

I actually found it via Mathew Crawford's stack, Rounding the Earth (excellent btw). He interviewed Warner a few days ago.

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Prof Norman Fenton makes a similar point about university academics https://www.facebook.com/drgarysharpe/posts/pfbid02QXN1mbwJDZC6d1aSt422tCPKM1ShcEwJoqzWZmsfBNQx7vg5CzrYgHSp68BGXvePl

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Universities have been captured for a while.

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Here's another lawsuit & action brought by State Attorney Generals..

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD - I recently joined as a plaintiff in this lawsuit against government sponsored censorship of science, brought by the state attorney generals of Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration.


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I’ll bet you anything that they are working on it.

They have to prove fraud. It’s in their best interest to wait for more information to come out. And there is more seeping out every day.....

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Lawyers have probably been threatened with expulsion from the law society if they challenge govt mandates

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Part of the issue is our outdated legal system that uses precedent. If you bring a case in front of an unsympathetic judge, an adverse opinion risks setting a bad precedent for everyone else down the line.

I have been literally told to shut up when discussing anything vaccine related by employees of judges in the area where I live.

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The historical path for lawyers on this: At the start they are lined up with Big Pharma - charging large fees to protect them and prevent the truth from coming out. After they have sucked as much money as possible from Big Pharma, then they will turn on them and represent the victims of Big Pharma - and suck more money from Big Pharma. Reference: Big Tobacco, Opiods/Sackler, etc.

In my estimation we’re a couple years out on Big Legal turning on Big Pharma. I thought it would take a decade or more but I think the damage of the lockdowns and the polarized nature of society led to more scrutiny at the RMNA product launch.

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The UK's Simon Dolan case was very enlightening though when you read the reasons the judges gave for not doing a judicial review into the Covid legislation and lockdowns.

Basically summed up as:

The original judgement said that as the UK Gov changed the law a day or 2 before the court date it wasn't worth ruling on as they could change the law whenever they wanted.

The appeal judgement was that there were too many pages of evidence for the judges to read so they never bothered and said they couldn't make a judgement as they never read the evidence.

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Worse than the FDA's definition of a health fraud in my opinion. What we have here is a small but significant excess mortality in the Year of the Great Covid Pandemic 2020 in an age group highly vulnerable to the 'new deadly disease' - 70-79. Then, after the roll-out of 'vaccines' sold initially by the authorities as preventing hospitalisation and death in vulnerable groups, then as preventing infection and transmission across all ages (which was always a provable lie), we see a marked increase in excess mortality in not only the 70-79 age group but also in all younger age groups bar 0-14, not previously vulnerable to Covid, most notably in the 40-49 year olds. The conclusion would appear to be: mass 'vaccination' resulted in an increased vulnerability to fatal Covid and/or other non-Covid morbidities. Not only did the product not work, its harms far outweighed its alleged benefits.

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i seem to vividly remember that the deaths in the elderly in the early part of the pandemic were from people that exceeded the average life expectancy. that wouldn't increase the excess mortality as they would be past their expected death date.

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When the foxes are in charge of the chicken coop, the chickens have to protect themselves.

The system is corrupt. Normal channels are not working. This needs to be recognized, en masse.

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Hmmmm…. Wonder what caused all the deaths with a cutoff age same as the vaccine. Coincidence!!!

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2020 - The Year of the Deadly Covid Plague

2021 - The Year of the Deadly Coincidence Plague

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Coincidentitis is the real killer.

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I am not sure if you are aware of the FOI request as of yet, but we now have proof how many people were killed by the covid injections. The ONS has released data how many people die within weeks of the injections. Between Jan 21 and May 22 roughly 82.000 people died within 5 weeks of taking the vaccine: https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1january2021and31may2022/referencetable06072022accessible.xlsx

The ONS also publishes reports on monthly mortality. Taking a comparison time frame from Jan 19 to May 20 (which even includes the height of the pandemic), this gives us an expected mortality of roughly 48.000 per month: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/monthlyfiguresondeathsregisteredbyareaofusualresidence

After adjusting 5 weeks to 30.5 days (average per month), this leaves us with an unexpected excess mortality of 1 in 1500 vaccinated.

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I did another calculation for 8 weeks from vaccination. It's even worse.

145,226 deaths within 8 weeks of vax: 18,153 per week


773,748 deaths Jan 2018 to May 2019: 10,503 per week

821,402 deaths Jan 2019 to May 2020 (includes covid peak with >88,000 deaths in Apr 2020): 11,150 per week

Weekly excess 7,003 to 7,650 or 62.8% to 72.8%.

44,480,115 people vaccinated

Excess deaths 1 in 727 to 794 vaccinated.

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I believe that mRNA injections continue to maim and kill for months and years, so how much of the iceberg are we seeing?

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Exactly. Sometimes it kills quickly, and sometimes it releases a cancer that takes a while.

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Well whatever it is, it isn't the vax because it's never the vax. /s

LMAO. I wonder how much longer they can hold onto that one? Sort of like people with 2-4 shots getting sick with covid and proclaiming "It would have been worse without it".

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Yet more coincidences, everywhere we look. What do you want to bet we would find them here if we were looking?

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How damning would it be if the death rate amongst vaccinated was shown to be the factor making up the entirety of the excess in ACM?

This is why getting every one vaccinated was so critical to the perpetrators of this abomination. The last thing they want is a control group.

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So this shows that during 2020 (peak pandemic year) only a normal amount of 80 to 89 year olds died? Presumably they were going to die anyway so, if they were covid deaths they were still expected by the grim reaper anyway. The other age groups died in 2020 presumably of covid or of an unavailability of treatment for other conditions.

But the excess deaths in 2021 presumably weren't of/with covid because anyone likely to die of it would have done so in 2020. So what did they die of? Did they all die of the new disease "Unknown Cause" or the other new one "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome"? Did they all die of some long term illness that a lack of medical care in 2020 didn't affect but a 2021 ability to get inside a hospital did?

Watch the people who pushed all this retire with nice pensions and knighthoods. Watch the public enquiries which will find nobody guilty of anything but will insist that "Lessons will be Learnt". Watch the public fall for the next one.

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Agree. See also Prof Homburg's analysis of the Destatis data: https://twitter.com/SHomburg/status/1550011486894014464

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How did you know this is perfect for the letter to the German Bundestag I'm working on right now? 😁

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Because our stars are aligned, Margaret!

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Sis is vat ve need! What about a translation into German? I'd be happy to help with that.

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I'll ask the authors. They are German after all!!

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OK, I was replying to MAA :) ... but it seems that someone has written a German summary of the paper:


See also here, in German alternative media:


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Wow, that would be awesome, cm27874! You might want to wait and see how long it is before you commit 😆 If you’re still willing, let me know if you post it, and I’ll be happy to add a link to the translation and share it with my readers in a future update!

I’m aiming to publish it tomorrow, so keep an eye out :-)

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Excellent analysis again Joel. The 2020 Natural immunity with Lockdowns & other (rubbish) NPIs picture, versus, the 2021 & 2022 mRNA Inoculated picture post age based phased roll out from Dec 2020 of mRNA Injections. Crystal clear direct correlation. Painting Picasso’s with Data again Joel.

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Either the journalists are brain dead already, or they have been taken over by the artificial intelligence.

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The presstitutes are captured. The real journalism is happening in places like this.

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= ‘Captured’ - bought and paid in some way, so Conflicted via vested interests

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If only we had a statesman like Reagan who could fly to Germany and declare, "Mr. Bourla, tear down that mRNA vaccine factory!"

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The paper covers the period until June 2022. However, all-cause mortality in July and August of 2022 in Germany is worrying as well. High temperatures are being put forward (e.g., by destatis) as a possible explanation. I am not so sure, and will write about this. Unfortunately, I have only been able to find monthly temperature time series so far. If anybody knows and can tell where to get weekly data (maybe for the largest German cities Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt), I'd be deeply grateful.

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I don't know which is more infuriating, the fact that the FDA and CDC know all of this and keep pushing this garbage, or the fact that the United States is the only country that nobody can get any data on. How is that possible?

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Because Anthony Fauci, his wife, Moderna, and Pfizer control the data....and Joey Biden, his wife, and a thoroughly corrupt Congressional leadership won’t make them give it up.....

The data is there, but the powers that be won’t release it......

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Even if there were no other motive, many in the administration, the NIH, and in Congress have lots of money invested in Pfizer and Moderna stock ( same with electric cars and other ‘renewable’ energy companies). Any real investigation of the shitshots will tank Pfizer and Moderna stock. They don’t want to know and they will bury the whole thing as long as possible.

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fauci is evil, but his wife is most likely more evil since she is in charge of ethics.

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Absolutely. My jaw almost hit the floor when I first heard that Fauci’s wife was in charge of ethics.

All other considerations aside, isn’t that nepotism? And illegal?

If not, it should be......

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We're exceptional!

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I am not sure if you are aware of the FOI request as of yet, but we now have proof how many people were killed by the covid injections. The ONS has released data how many people die within weeks of the injections. Between Jan 21 and May 22 roughly 82.000 people died within 5 weeks of taking the vaccine: https://www.ons.gov.uk/file?uri=/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1january2021and31may2022/referencetable06072022accessible.xlsx

The ONS also publishes reports on monthly mortality. Taking a comparison time frame from Jan 19 to May 20 (which even includes the height of the pandemic), this gives us an expected mortality of roughly 48.000 per month: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/monthlyfiguresondeathsregisteredbyareaofusualresidence

After adjusting 5 weeks to 30.5 days, this leaves us with an unexpected excess mortality 1 in 1500 vaccinated.

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I did another calculation for 8 weeks from vaccination. It's even worse.

145,226 deaths within 8 weeks of vax: 18,153 per week


773,748 deaths Jan 2018 to May 2019: 10,503 per week

821,402 deaths Jan 2019 to May 2020 (includes covid peak with >88,000 deaths in Apr 2020): 11,150 per week

Weekly excess 7,003 to 7,650 or 62.8% to 72.8%.

44,480,115 people vaccinated

Excess deaths 1 in 727 to 794 vaccinated.

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Here's all cause mortality data from US from 2020 broken down into quarterly figures:

1st Quarter= -24,482

2nd Quarter= +168,887

3rd Quarter: = +127,127

4th Quarter= +194,464

Total for 2020= +465,996

One of the many things that stands out when you look at the weekly US data is how uniformly the excess spiked the very day, during Week 11, the WHO declared a pandemic. Leading into this the US had negative excess all-cause mortality for 2020.

Remarkably this occurred in country after country.

It's as if the virus knew to listen to the WHO and start killing people right at that moment. Clever virus.

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So is this basically showing that all the covid deaths in 2020 are of people who would of died naturally in that year anyway?

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The average age of death with covid has always been the same as the average age of death, AFAIK.

Edit: This was taken fairly early in the pandemic but the stats never really changed:


The only real difference is that very very very young children die of a lot of stuff but don't die of covid.

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Well statistically speaking almost yes. Statistics almost never showed an individual though.

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