I have a bookcase for all my nutrition and biochemistry books and I’m getting close to needing a new bookcase solely for Covid books. It’s the scam that keeps providing awesome books. I’m not looking forward to having to buy a Climate Change scam bookcase as that’s going to get a bit repetitive. Still same principles apply.

She is an amazing person and like many who speak out and stand up so publicly have such grit and determination. Truth always wins in the end.

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She, along with Joel and a few others, have kept me sane these past 3 years. An amazing person and one I regularly point to as an example of what professional integrity looks like when you get that pathetic excuse from others that they cannot take a stand because ....... We have to win this fight; the truth has to emerge and be accepted and she deserves all accolades for helping to make that happen

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can UK readers help? Need another 1,000 signatures for UK petition to



Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005 (is part of treaty with WHO).

We are concerned that Parliament has not discussed and will not have a say on the 307 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, AND the amendments to 5 Articles of the IHR that were ADOPTED by the 75th World Health Assembly (WHO) on 27 May 2022.

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and excellent it is too. I first heard Clare speak at Pandata's conference, "Question Everything" I still use her data re 5000 viral particles needed for someone to be infectious and we are testing for 4.!

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks Joel. I have just ordered her book. I am stunned that I had not previously heard about her

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Just listened to preview interview and can totally agree with both their comments regarding bullying and how anyone being innovative is targeted as a troublemaker and got rid of by whatever means. I was one of those people, albeit on a much lower level. The Trust I worked at just wanted order followers, not thinkers or questioners and it's no surprise the system is failing.

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That book cover art is haunting. Satanic - a soul being captured.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks Joel. Just ordered. Clare has been brilliant through all of this. Always a pleasure to hear her logic and critical appraisal of data.

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Agree dear Meryl

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

This sounds exactly like research in the UK (politics, games, bullying, dishonest research and data fishing, etc.). I am European but worked in a so called prestigious lab in one of the cities Clare did her training in and I got completely disillusioned!

These labs are filled with psychopaths that select and protect each other. They produce unreproducible data. People with integrity leave, drop dead or go on taking meds for anxiety.

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It’s disheartening to hear that good, ethical people have been bullied and discouraged from contributing to the medical fields. I hate that this is happening. It’s not what medicine is supposed to be. It’s concerning.

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Hi Joel,

Thanks for all your doing. Tried emailing you but it bounced. I still have live ET complaint, must decide to go forward with philosophical belief discrimination and health and safety re vaccines /mobiles. Do you know anyone else who was fired for raising safety concerns? Thanks

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She has been slandered beyond belief for pretty mild takes.

Other than the Matrix convincing, via centuries of programming, folks that governance is necessary and moral, Covid1984 is the biggest fraud (medical, criminal) in human history.

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Thanks to everyone who signed this petition,


it's now over 100,000 and has 100,486 signatures as of 10:30am today 25th july.

Unfortunately, citizens who have been trusting, hardworking to enrich the elites and tech/pharma/banking/telecom moguls are being rewarded with being treated, surveiled and controlled like hackable livestock. We know what happens to livestock, right? They get sold off for slaughter. Humanity has become one big livestock operation by the global elites since they believe they own 90% of all global assets and thus by extension, they own us especially as they succeed in using experimental gene therapies injections --disguised as vaccines--that alter our DNA into some kind of subhuman who then has the same rights as livestock.

But we are not livestock and we don't speak in a cow language of moo's or a sheep language of baa's. At least not yet, but far too many have succumbed to 'yesmenitis', that is, saying/nodding yes to whatever the elites say and want at the expense of their souls and their future as a human being with a conscience and a g-d connection.

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'Winning' and overturning The Plan .... contrary to popular SS opinion ... would result in a far worse outcome. The level of violence and suffering would be monumental.

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