Great picture! but I would cover up your address and child's school. Unfortunately, there are a lot of nutters around.

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Sad, isn't it?

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Yes, wonderful picture, and a sentiment that, with 2 kids of a similar age, I could not agree more with. However, I would add something more to NE's comment, and that would just be to weed that step before the roots go in to the foundations ;-)

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I think it´s pathetic. I can´t believe where we came since last decade. I know I am minority, but for Jesus Christ just stop with this nonsense. If there are some crazy pathetic, sad, psychologically damaged, emotionally unstable people who spend too much time front of computer and compensate all of this in online discussions on facebook, twitter, doing fact-checking, writing hateful posts, making crazy NGOs, supporting gay, lesbians, making their body joke and doing all stuff which mentally unstable people do. Please, stop with that. For Christ, send kids to school, let them go out, talk to others, let them fight, let people normally work and just stop with this nonsense. If you wish, just kill each other in gun fight but stop with this stupidity. I am amazed, how many people just went along with this and I still can not believe that. How they become so stupid so quickly?

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We are seeing an increasingly emotionally fragile population whose parents didn't teach them limits or coping skills with a perverse lack of discipline. While the parents caused the problem, the adult children still have to fix it because it's clear the parents are clueless on how to help.

In fact some psychiatrists are calling "extreme coddling" abuse because it produces adult children who simply cannot care for themselves at all, and are not socialized properly for many reasons, and one is the kids never were taught limits, or respect for others. But the leftist psych industry won't publish these articles or studies. On purpose. It's like they have a narrative to push, to make many generations of people fragile and dependent on gov't programs.

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I understand what you are saying, I have also read article about so called "snow flake generation" but still I don´t understand why everyone is still going along with it. In my own experience, it´s not only the kids who are incapable to deal with that, it´s also their parents, teachers, adults and it´s because they are unwilling to admit their mistakes. They refuse to argue with anyone who has slightly different opinion and they say "I don´t argue or I don´t wanna fight or it´s just your opinion". I find it really strange, that everyone let them go away with it. For me, when someone uses this "technique" or try to discuss something with me like this I don´t take him seriously anymore and don´t listen. Also one big topic related to this is that most adults are alone, divorced and they are having problem to even survive by them self's. Let´s talk about this, stop with this nonsense about technology, politics, lgbt, covid, microbes and let´s talk about relationships, morality and family. That´s where the true problem is and any serious person should ask questions and demand answers.

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I agree, I'm glad someone else notices the issue with relationships. No one teaches people how to do relationships, especially close relationships like dating or marriage. So people don't have the facts on what makes a relationship work, and they end up using only emotions to make decisions on who to marry, and that's why the divorce rate is so high. The divorce rate is even higher for people who married under age 25, because the brain doesn't mature until age 25-30. By the time the brain does mature, the goals of the person have possibly changed, thus making the marriage they are stuck in even harder.

There's a whole science behind relationships and what makes them work. Communication is the foundation. Compatibility really matters a lot too, in 3 main areas: money issues, issues with kids, issues in the bedroom. And my own observation: Getting to know the person under stress after the initial "puppy love" phase which lasts about a year.

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The helicopter moms generation, look where it got us! I’m glad I’m 56, remember fighting it out on the playground, & knowing how to agree to disagree.

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...and this ends what problems how? Can One Person here or anywhere tell me HOW any of the suggestions by the host or the people commenting SOLVES a Single Problem?

1) Do the vaccines mandate themselves? No? Then who DOES? Tony Gates? Bill Fauci? No! Then who DOES? How many people HAVE the legal ability to (now listen VERY carefully) MANDATE the vaccines?

Only these people here http://allaregreen.us/. Can we end the mandates WITHOUT them ending them FOR us? NO!!!

Are they ACCIDENTALLY enforcing the mandates they know are harmful? No. Will denying this to ourselves & continuing to beg them to please reject all that lobbying $ CAUSE either them to reject those lobbying millions & end the mandates? No. Is anyone doing anything else but begging, then waiting for exactly that to happen? No. So nothing anyone here is suggesting CAN POSSIBLY solve The Problem you're all whining at.

I have been trying to get even just One Other Person to remove their heads from their comforting infantile wish-fulfillment fantasies FOR DECADES. Every time you realize that begging THESE people to rescue won't work, you beg Some OTHER Great Force to come rescue you.

You may as well leave a fire full of school children to burn down while you point the hose away from it & "turn to Jesus & wait" you utter HYPOCRITE! While you're Waiting For Rescue, CHILDREN are DYING!!

Why you think Jesus wants you to allow that to continue is YOUR CONCEIT. Not that of any God. It's not a God but the delusions of ego-maniacs that make up fantasies where all YOU have to do is wish for something, & Your Wish swoops in & does the dirty work without you having to get up & act like a Responsible Adult.

I can\'t PAY people here to stop wishing & start acting.

Mandating (forcing) anyone to inject untested products is illegal. Even taking private, corporate $ while in office is illegal, as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us every day for two years. We HAVE all the legal, non-violent means to end this at our disposal, but...

But you utter cowards, faced with getting off the couch or allowing children to be killed prefer to shove your heads further up your excuses for allowing the child-murder to continue & ALLOW the child-murder to continue!

In CHRIST'S effing NAME no less! Okay, let's all turn to Christ tomorrow at say 10:00 am Eastern time. THEN what? Is Christ gonna make Ted Cruz or Nancy Pelosi voluntarily reject THESE AMOUNTS of $ http://allaregreen.us/ first? Or are you simply going to turn around disgusted, blame "someone" for failing Christ & allow the child-murder to continue?

So long as the other options involve you having to DO anything to get what you want, you'll stay home & fling blame & continue to do nothing, only now with the justification that it's the fault of everyone else who is doing exactly what you're doing, waiting for someone ELSE to take action!

& blaming everyone else for doing the same nothing they themselves are doing, while allowing the child-murder to continue.

For CHRIST, apparently. That piece of garbage won't save children either if HE doesn't get what HE wants, according to you.

Damned fine excuse.

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I think it has been hard for everyone and I don´t blame people. There has been enormous pressure and psychological warfare, so I understand that some people were just to scary to say something, some truly believe that or they took money and they just didn't want to fight anymore. I don´t blame them but yes, it was very unmoral and many people are corrupted. Also it is important to keep in mind, that not everyone is so strong or in position to resist for so long. I personally experienced many people who went first against and stood up who were afterwards broken and silenced. It was due to their families, colleagues or other reason, which they use to manipulate them, scary them and nudge people to obedience. I really witnessed that and people who were first strongly against went along after they put different psychological tactic.

Still, my message is keep going. Firstly, we were disorganized, nobody know what hit us, neither we know who was behind this. Who could know, that they would bribe so many people and do it like that? But now, we know what we stand against, we know what is their tactic and who is making this attack against us. It´s easy now to start defending our self's. After this two years we have safe platform to share information, we have members of academy which are not bribed and we have information who did it and why. It´s just matter of time, till the people will organize again and counterattack the traitors. I am happy, that in Prague it already started and I hope it will expand broadly to other parts of world.



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With all due respect, this isn't a situation where anyone has the luxury to Take Time: children are dying while you all take time to figure out how YOU FEEL ABOUT holding criminal politicians accountable.

It's one thing to have a reaction. It does not take two full years to work through one. It takes minutes. You aren't working out HOW to go about resolving this while you're trying to figure out how to properly react either.

LISTEN to yourself: you're acting like this is the First Time you've had to face holding the politicians accountable. This is neither the first time they have sided with their cronies in industry for $ against us, nor the first time others paid with their lives because of it. This is no 'first time.' It's a pattern you all repeat, endlessly. None of you are still in the reaction phase. You have all come up with shallow justifications like you have just expressed that justify nothing.

You're all just sitting back & allowing this to continue because it's what's easier for yourselves. There are HUNDREDS of newsletter, websites & organizations against the vaccines &/or the human rights abuses, meaning there are MILLIONS of people wanting the mandates ended. & every single one of you is so personally terrified that you refuse to act. & what EXACTLY are you all terrified of? Saving children's lives?

If your pathetic fears of angering what are only authority FIGURES when you have NO REASON TO fear them is greater than the concern FOR those lives, then why come here? Why not get a job injecting them yourselves if you lack the courage to stop them? That would be more honest.

Politicians are Complete Strangers to all of you. You're allowing children to be murdered to protect your own FANTASIES that they are Caring Parents.

THAT is just sick. In Germany in WWII people faced being put to death for defying rule & yet thousands risked that. Now, all any of you risk is losing your Blind Faith in politicians. & somehow THAT is enough for you to say "okay, I guess child murder isn't so bad." Your need to conform to what authority figures SAY is stronger than your desire to save lives.

Hail Hydrah.

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You can always so no, nobody really physically forced you or any kids to get the vaccine. It was all just about non-compliance with rules, that someone imposed on you. I mean, anyone could do that but many went along and I am also surprised by that but that's responsibility of people who make this rules. You can only retrospectively judge them and make them accountable for their decisions and actions.

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Say no to MANDATES? Say no to MANDATES!!?! Pilots were FORCED to get the MANDATED jabs or lose their jobs. So were millions of others. & yet here you are, still delusional, suggesting saying no was simply A Choice with no consequences outside of that decision.

Just ask Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Just ask Maddie de Garay.

Wake tf UP!

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I came here to say the same thing - information security isn't just for the megacorps.

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Lovely kids and they look really happy. What better reason to fight for good over evil?

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They're beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

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What a lovely photo and great to see three smiling faces none wearing masks!

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Precious, happy kiddies. You are truly blessed.

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A redhead! My gang!

A joyful photo. Long may their joy (and yours last). Definitely worth the fight.

God bless all of you.

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Lovely! Gods blessing on you all!

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With all what has been allowed to happen in the last few years... us parents have to be our children's heroes in our fight against evil.

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Same here (Hessen/Germany) - back to school for three (plus my wife, who is a teacher).

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Great to see this. Ours went back 1 month ago. I think officially they are still recommended to wear fearmasks in some places, but very few are, hopefully. Still some stupid covid rules though, like having to use plastic throw away cutlery iif they have school dinners. I put this down to public sector inertia and that they probably still have warehouses of crap they need to use up rather than admit they ordered way too much. Not many have school dinners now, since the Scotgov reduced the amountr of sugar and salt in the food, it's now mostly unpaletable. So most of the older kids go down the town and get chips. Nanny state doesn't do the law of unintended consequences.

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Oh, the arguments I've had with other parents and the school staff over the last couple of years...

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Beautiful children and wonderful incentive to keep fighting for truth and freedom. God bless!

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Hope they have a happy first day back.

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They are amazing!!

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What a gorgeous picture.

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Adorable, my boy just started College today :-)

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Same - our boy just started and the empty nest is feeling... well... empty! 😭

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Ohhhhh, I remember those days. So "empty" feeling. Bittersweet. Nowadays, even more complicated! I feel it for you. Keep communication lines strong and clear. Hang in there. 🙏

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Oh, thank you, Kelly!! I keep trying not to text too much 🙈. Best to you ❤️

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You're welcome! And best to you too.❤️

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