I agree with every word. Certain there are many others who feel the same way. One thing that has been disturbing me recently is the infighting amongst “us”. For instance Mathew Crawford writes in his substack today about Stew Peters and the film “Died Suddenly”. He is critical,of Stew Peters and a few others. Another infight is between Dr. Robert Malone, who is suing Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife. By all means critique, comment, discuss, but don’t tear us apart. This will only take away our power, become confusing and risk losing our audience. There is too much at stake, we cannot afford any mistakes. I hope our crusaders will recognise the danger of attacking one another and pull together.

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Divide and conquer; a favorite tactic of megalomaniacal psychopaths, because it is so effective. So we have to wonder where and why this infighting is coming from. I don't know enough to say or even really believe that these folks are "controlled opposition," but their actions raise questions IMO.

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Not so certain that Robert Malone defending his decades long established professional reputation is "infighting", after I read the indictment prepared by his Lawyers - seems to me to be wall to wall defamation..?

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Mistakes will be made. With God all things are possible.

Is this time the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? I do not know.

Do not be fearful and be prepared for more persecution. T

hose that want world domination will not give up easily. We must fight on!

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A nice tidy summary/reminder/confirmation of what I was warned about 2 years ago...and many others have have squawking about for decades...well NOW’S THE TIME TO WAKE UP CITIZENS!

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The Ukraine war was orchestrated to provide cover for severe depletion of cheap energy resources...

Energy prices were in lift off months before the war started...


Better to blame everything on the war/Putin ... because then it's a temporary problem... the last thing you want is for the herd to become aware of the severe depletion as the cause...

'Renewable Energy' and EV's tie into this depletion story ... if you pound the drum hard on both of these 'solutions' the herd does not become spooked because we are 'transitioning' off of fossil fuels.

Notice how they have attached specific dates e.g. all vehicles must be electric by 2035 etc.... obviously that is impossible and of course the electricity to charge hundreds of millions of EVs is not generated by clean burning fairy farts.

It is necessary to control what the herd 'thinks'... the herd cannot handle the truth - nor does the herd want the truth (even though they claim to seek truth)

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I agree. And let’s take it one step further. I don’t believe any money was accidentally mismanaged. (In the same way that the plandemic was deliberately “mismanaged”.) Take one step further, and discover that entire underground cities have been built with the missing trillions. See Catherine Austin Fitts’ work for details. And Jason Breshears’ work for the timeline to the cataclysm they fully believe will occur.

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Interesting. Where does CAF talk about underground cities? I've not heard her mention that. She talks sbout missing trillions and about Mr Global building a parallel economy but I don't recall her mentioning underground cities. That would be cool to hear her discuss that.

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Thanks for asking. I took her description of a "breakaway civilization" and the massive underground bases + underground transportation and added the word "cities". Here's the recent conversation I'm referring to. The link will take you to the relevant time code: https://youtu.be/wYaH63evjMg?t=1697

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Thank you so much! I hadn't seen this interview before and I will listen to it all. It is interesting that she refers to the 'breakaway civilisation' 'underground' and 'in the skies'. Very thought-provoking. If you have any further videos of her revealing more of her thoughts on this specific subject, I'd be interested to learn more. I wonder if she talks about it more on her Solaris Report website?

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You're welcome. I don't have any further CAF videos to recommend. My thinking on this matter has been largely shaped by Douglas Vogt's work. This presentation focuses on the event that catalyzed the black budget spending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZqIvv2PqoA

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First paragraph….you nailed it. Now I will read the rest💕💕

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Agreed: all the mad, bad things that are happening are carefully premeditated. It seems to me that the government’s handling of Coronavirus had little to do with public health, that the climate change agenda has little to do with climate and that the war in Ukraine with its severely self-harming sanctions has little to do with defending plucky Ukraine against big, bad Russia.

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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All three parts of this series are not only exceptionally written and annotated, but they clearly outline the global threat of national sovereignty by TPTB.

Thank you for posting this.

-God bless

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Brilliant summary!

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Thank you Joel & Doug.

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The UK government has just released a technical report on its response to the Covid pandemic. In it, they clearly state that epidemiological models demonstrate the following:

"Effective widespread population immunity was almost certainly unachievable through vaccination alone.

Extremely high vaccination coverage in older age groups was needed before all restrictions were removed."

The government apparently decided not to 'follow the science' (even the science of the dodgy models) and instead required that two thirds of all adults over the age of 18 would need to be double-jabbed before all restrictions were lifted (eventually in July 2021). The NHS made the bare-faced claim that herd immunity to SC-2 would only be achieved when 70-80% of the population were jabbed. There was never any evidence to support these claims and the government's own technical report shows that 'the science' was saying the opposite. They blackmailed the entire British adult population into getting jabbed using the carrot of lifting restrictions and their own technical report published 1 Dec 22 proves it.

"The government set a target for two-thirds of adults to be double vaccinated by 19 July and hopes that all over-18s will be by mid-September."


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i take it they didn' reply nor even acknowledge these emails ?

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Both ‘To’ addressees have their email auto acknowledge turned off but a few on my Bcc list have it on, including Nicola Sturgeon and Rishi Sunak, which shows that my emails get through their firewalls OK. They stopped replying long ago.

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they are complicit. Criminals of the highest caliber. Have you thought about sending the info anonymously to the police ? I did in 2020/21.

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I recall a ex Police Officer doing likewise, but I fear that got filed under "NFA"?

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Interesting thought but I doubt if an anonymous complaint to the police would get far. Their first question would probably be “Do you want to press charges?”. Then what? It might even backfire as a “hate crime”!

A group including Dr Mike Yeadon and John O’Looney submitted a complaint through a lawyer to the ICC in The Hague but it has got nowhere. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich tried to use the courts in Germany but got nowhere. He is now concentrating his efforts in USA where he also has a licence to practice law. The USA is probably the best hope for a breakthrough.

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And let's not forget the massive ongoing cull of the human population resulting directly or indirectly from these egregious policies. It's a long-held dream coming true for our eugenecist overlords, who now (thanks to the arrogant pronouncements of Klaus Schwab and his WEF sidekick Noah Harari) are contemptuously open about their nerfarious depopulation agenda.

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You are right. However, this is all anyone does...talk about what we should do about “it”.

People write more articles. Talk about “it” on podcasts. Create more Rumble channels. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I see no one actually doing anything to stop our countries from toppling.

Everyone knows these marxists must face a tribunal and either be executed or lifetime imprisonment. If we actually “did something”, such as arrest Soros, Gates, Fauci, Pelosi, Newsom, Clinton’s, McConnel, Joe, Hunter, Biden’s brother & sister, BHO, Bush Jr., etc etc etc...and this can all be done & over with by using our strongest line of defense...our county Sheriff’s. They could return us back to a civilized country immediately.

Yet, here we sit. Reading substacks about things we already know to ve true.

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Some of us walk the walk too... the whole point of writing about it is to get more people aware and to do the same.

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I agree with your main point, but I don’t see how county sheriffs are going to make any difference at all.

When the Justice Department and the FBI come knocking, the county sheriffs will do absolutely nothing except say “Yes, sir” and “No, sir”.

There MAY be one or two who stand against them, but they will be immediately be removed/dismissed/arrested.

If I’m missing something please explain it to me....

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If you've not yet read it, go to globalresearch.ca and read Prof. Michel Chossudovski's free book about Covid and the global coup d'Etat. Peter Koenig has articles there as well as others who are economists and geopolitical analysts. I've learned so much from this website these last 2.5 years.

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Absolutely agree, you sum up my own analysis of this evil madness brilliantly!

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