i am a physician, and never ceases to amaze me at how little interest the medical community and its leaders have no interest in inquiring as to why and how death rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated compare. The only endpoint that means anything and with digital vaccine passports chosen by so many , why has no one either accessed or requested to access those digital passports that have already been registered. Wasnt it the medical establishment and the WEF that are pushing for digital passports? Are they for any other purpose to be able to increase the level of control the globalists have over us? Their actions belie their words.

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I apologise for including you in the collective medical establishment. I know there are still some decent physicians out there!

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And although they are a minority, there are more of these good doctors than we realize since their efforts have been and continue to be so heavily censored and shadow-banned.

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Here's my fave:



[If that link doesn't work, try going to https://qpp.life/videos

Click on the video that shows a blue-skirted conference table ]

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video was livestreamed by the speaker himself, Dr. William Bay, who is a GP in Brisbane, Australia. On the screen of his livestream recording numerous comments appear (I believe it was filmed for TikTok, although the link to view the recording goes to Vimeo). I have also transcribed these many comments separately, following the main transcript.

Dr. Bay filmed this at the Australian Medical Association conference held in Sydney in July 2022. https://www.ama.com.au . The video shows the banquet room filled with doctors, all masked, and sitting at large round tables. As Dr. Bay begins his protest speech, we see most of the doctors quickly get up and leave the room. Without ado, security guards escort Dr. Bay out to the corridor, and then down the escalator, as he continues to shout out his protest.

A story about this incident appeared appeared in the UK Daily Mail, August 7, 2022 together with a shorter version of this same video (cut at 2:12) under the title "Doctor's crazy anti-vaccine rant disrupts medical conference"




[indistinct speech by speaker at podium]

DR. WILLIAM BAY: Omar*, I'm sorry. My colleagues of the AMA, my name is Dr. William Bay and I'm a GP registrar and I'm here today to ask you to join with the people of Australia and stop forcing these vaccines on people who are getting killed by them. Dr. Professor Paul Kelly [Australia's Chief Medical Officer] is a liar, he is gaslighting all of you and there is only a 0.27% fatality rate with the infection and natural immunity has been proven recently in a Qatar study that it gives you 97.3% immunity for life against all variants.

[suddenly, most of the doctors get up and start to walk away]

All GPs, all doctors of Australia, you are on notice by the people of Queensland, this is the Queensland People's Protest and you have been warned!

[security officers escort him out, he shouts from door:]

You have been warned!

The people of Australia hear you!

[now in the hallway, shouting to a scattered crowd]

One shot, two shots, three shots, four!

How many shots before you hit the floor!

One shot, two shots, three shots, four!

How many shots before you say no more!

One shot, two shots, three shots, four!

How many shots before the people say no more!

Case fatality 0.27%!

Natural immunity gives you 97.3% protection for life against all variants forever!

Look it up, that's the Qatar study!* Look it up! The people need you, doctors, don't let them down!

[a professional cameraman appears, walking backwards, filming Dr. Bay as he walks towards the escalator]

Do not let them down! My name is Dr. William Bay and I'm from the Queensland People's Protest and I'm here to say that we must stand with the people of Australia and not let them get injured by this vaccine anymore! They cannot be harmed! The should not be harmed! We must protect them! We must protect the people of Australia!

[now riding the escalator down]

There is nothing scary about covid 19! Or the money pox! Money pox, what a joke!

[professional cameraman riding escalator backwards before him, continues filming him, is casually chewing gum]

Nobody's scared of that! Why is that an international incident of concern? A public health emergency of international concern for 44 cases in Australia! We are not afraid! The people of Queensland are not afraid! And Professor Paul Kelly and the AMA, we call you out for the disgrace, for the travesty you have put on the people of Australia! So help you God!

[On escalator, in a normal vice, to security officer, standing behind him]: Thank you for being gentle with me.

SECURITY OFFICER: It's in my nature.

DR. WILLIAM BAY [laughs, then, to his camera, louder voice]: Yeah, so just being escorted out, out of the AMA national conference, 2023 [he misspoke, it was 2022] after exposing the hypocrisy of Professor Paul Kelly, the AMA leadership, Omar, and all the people who keep pretending that covid 19 is killing you when it's the vaccine and the injuries that's killing you!

[shouting out:]

You must stop the injuries from these mRNA vaccines! They are modifying your DNA! They are causing myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, dementia!

[Still riding the escalator, to security guard, in normal voice]: Just over here. I've been here before, yeah. If I could get my bag on the way out that would be nice, so I don't have to come back.

SECURITY GUARD: [inaudible] want me to get your bag [inaudible]

DR. WILLIAM BAY: Well I have to get it sooner or later.

SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]

DR. WILLIAM BAY: [laughs] I do have a ticket for it, yes.

SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]

DR. WILLIAM BAY: [inaudible] 335, please, sir.

[louder voice, to his own camera] So I'm just getting kicked out of the ICC*, very nicely, I must say, thank you, security, you've been very nice to me.

[to security guard:] Thank you for respecting my human rights.

[louder:] Thank you for respecting my democracy.

[shouting out to crowd:] This is the Queensland People's Protest! Stop 26 and we will not give in!

And we will win!



# # #


* I believe Dr. Bay is referring to Dr. Omar Khorshid, president of the AMA.

* "The Qatar Study" he refers to is the paper published by The New England Journal of Medicine, July 7, 2022, "Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections" by Heba N. Altarawneh et al


* International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney

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Ask Mrs Awkward's GP anything off-message and his answer is "above my pay grade".

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YES Matthew!

We need to start sueing the private companies who store the ID data.

In Germany it's the Bundesdruckerei GmbH.

They showed a great amount of cunning by delegating this to p´rivate companies who we can't address with FOIA requests.

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I am not a physician, but wonder now what the word even means. The Moderna injection consists of 40 trillion (Pfizer's has 12) genetic molecules, each wrapped up in a lipid nanoparticle. As any doctor should know, but do they?, we only have around 4 trillion nucleated cells in our whole bodies. Ei 10 genetic molecules per nucleated cell. And yet, whist the 'physcians' stayed mostly silent, the people were double pinky promised that the 40 trillion genetic molecules would stay in their around 40 million upper arm muscle cells. They were also told, rather lied to, that these 'vaccines' were not a gene therapy. Jeez.

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Hello, you are agreeing with Darwin's friend Alfred Wallace who said in a report about the smallpox vaccination in 1898 'This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.’

It makes interesting reading- pre vax there were about 2000 deaths a year allegedly from smallpox but vaccine producers claimed that there were 4000, and repeated this lie over and over! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense


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I’m a retired nurse. Do not expect a return to anything. Trust, faith , belief?? No . No is a complete sentence.

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Kudos and ditto from another retired and disappointed nurse; disappointed in the loss of the sanctity of medical and nursing practice to care for our fellow human beings.

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They lied to us from day one and they continue to lie to us about EVERYTHING!!!

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“Primum Non Nocere” has a nice resonance to it. So does "Carthago delenda est".

The perpetrators should be punished. If a lowly nazi prison guard can be pursued & imprisoned many decades after the event for simply following orders, then so should vaccinators, council lockdown enforcers and the rest of them. All the way up to Hancock, Whitty, Vallance, Horby, Farrar, Ferguson et al.

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How come virtually no one in the "health freedom movement" is covering what happened in the hospitals throughout 2020 and certainly not with any depth or consistency.

That story not only posseses the most ironclad evidence that refutes the entirety of the Covid fraud but also has the most concrete, already obtained and prosecutable evidence to go along with it.

The silence is deafening.

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Let’s hope their squeals as they’re executed for crimes against humanity are heard throughout the world!

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The silence is helping to doom them. Problem for them is that they never changed the law (yet), and homicide is still a crime, genocide an even worse one. They stand in a studio, or write an article, and outright lie to people, whilst the media looks the other way. This will be too much, even for stupid sheep. And it certainly won't wash in an uncompromised Court of Law. It may take a bit longer to get thoroughly through to the sheep, but it will in the end. And, however stupid sheep may seem to be, they certainly don't like it when harm comes to their lambs. And harm has already come, and will likely increase exponentially. My square brackets.:

A 2005 study on mice had a control group (saline) and a group given the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) inoculation. After 120 days [equal to 24 human years!], they injected them with a single dose of epinephrine. 70% of the myo mice died! 0% died in the control group.


Too many have already died/sickened - the people who supported this had better watch out.

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Yes the silence is deafening. And I think it's really difficult for many people to get their minds around the fact of what was done to people. You hear a story or two, or even three, and you think, well, that's crazy, that can't be, but then you hear more and more and more and they are all substantially the same... I've transcribed several of these testimonies.

The Epoch Times has covered some stories, for example, Gail Seiler's


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How do these evil, evil bastards sleep at night!

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I wonder that, too. My guess would be, lots of sleeping pills.

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Let’s hope they end up taking more of them than they intended with the right outcome, a bit like they did for the elderly with midazolam!

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I agree and add 'care' homes for the elderly- separated from your loved ones and being deliberately dehydrated is a horrible way to die

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First do no harm went out the window 60 years ago. It's now first collect a fee and then find a disease.

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And I for one, with great reason to mistrust medics, will be "conscientiously sceptical" until the so called medical profession regain that principled approach will may lead to "trust regained" - however, as with politicians, it is very long way off, possibly at least a generation away and until (and if) that happens we, Joe Public, are effectively without a meaningful Health Service in many respects.

How come we have regressed back to the latter stages of the last millennium in 3 years? ( I acknowledge the seeds for this were planted circa the 1920's onwards)

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I don't think the current system of "governance" can be fixed. Too far gone and too many stupid politicians. Such an abject lack of integrity. They are only motivated by self-interest.

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Old wisdom: Never fight a strongly established system . Built a new parallel one in such a way that it will make the other one obsolete and then people will come to you effortlessly.

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Agreed. I think a parallel system is evolving; resistance is growing.

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Agreed; it is a scary moment when you (first) realise we stare down the barrel; in hindsight, that penny should have dropped in the late 1990's when I met a very senior figure ( not out of choice, business meeting) of the then Tory party who made no secret of the fact that he was only motivated to make as many contacts and therefore money as he could.

If Putin had been a deal cleverer he could not have wished for a more opportune period in the rest of Europe (and beyond) to regain "The Empire"....

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The proof is in the pudding. The shots maimed and killed (still do) and saved no one.

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It's like we've created a parallel universe on Substack... overwhelming evidence of malicious intent and a comprehensive cover up.

It's so over the top that once cannot help but think - surely the Vaxxers must see what's going on...

But having been embedded with some Vaxxers on recent trips -- and they are 100% oblivious to all of this ... they remain deeply wedded to the cult.

Unless an injury happens within hours of a jab --- they do not connect the dots. Cancer? Now way - jabs don't cause cancer! And even if they make a connection - it's rare (and it is if you are unwilling to accept or are unaware that the jabs can cause everything from ALS to brain cancer)....

The only possible way a cultist might change their mind is if they or a family member goes down with an injury --- and it has to happen the day of the shot otherwise they will not make the connection.

And even then -- most of them will still support the jabs... cuz tens of millions have been saved... they were just unlucky

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For now. But once the numbers pass a certain limit (who knows what that is? just that it will be surpassed) the frogs are gonna hop out of the pan. And they're gonna be pissed.

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Doctors lie. They don’t get a pass that they stood by and watched this stuff happen. They complied, they pushed the jabs, they refused treatments that could save lives and pushed the ones that harmed. They killed people and got paid to do so. The one profession we are supposed to trust with our lives. I’m disgusted by the medical profession (my apologies to the very few good people who stood by their oath to do no harm).

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Governments lie. Mainstream media lie. Doctors stand by. People die. T-Shirt

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Patients were manipulated, lied to and finally, betrayed by the corrupt medical establishment.

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i thought i read somewhere on substack that there was an effort underway by a good citizen to get the death certificates of persons in Massachusetts (county by county) and cross reference with available covid vaccination records (where/when available). The challenge, i read, was the vax records as the death certificates are public records and provided upon request (i believe for a small processing fee).

has anyone heard similar or seen and USA based efforts?

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It is a substacker called Cochin de Chien.

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What really amaze me is that everyone,or almost, knows about :" Prim non nocere" but very few ever quoted the very first moto of medical care which is :" Search the cause and the cause of the causes".

Why not begin there as this moto, if totally respected in it's letters and spirit, encompasses everything else and in each and every human activity?

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Imagine the retraining effort that would be required to move allopathic-trained physicians and other personnel over to a more osteopathic and similar methodologies for treating patients. Today's MDs, trained only in allopathic pharma-centric medicine are not in the business of curing patients; they're in the business of keeping patients coming back for more and more drugs that, in many (most?) cases are both toxic and not necessary.

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Thanks Joel.

Time for any ethical, moral doctors in the UK to leave the BMA immediately.

The BMA silence over the injection genocide is CRIMINAL.

Form your own Drs. association. With zero govtard or politicoturd's involved.

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