But doesn’t everyone believe they are an alien?

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Absolutely not! The Dunning Krugers might but definitely not the Lambs!

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The lambs are not sufficiently self aware to believe anything.

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Au contraire mon ami. "Believe" is ALL they can do. They can't question the authorities, especially the medical ones. As such they will become the victims OF authority.

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Nov 12, 2022
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Long ago I decided to forgo belief and just try to understand things to the best of my limited abilities. It has worked great for decades because it is easy to change one's understanding but horrifically hard to change one's beliefs.

I also follow the "look for the lies" method of dealing with "authorities". I first heard this line of reasoning from colonel Robert Bowman 15 years ago. "You can speculate all day about what is going on and it's kind of fun but once you can prove a lie you have all the information you need to make a decision". Why would you do what liars are telling you to do?

In this case there are so many lies so I picked one that I was 100% sure of as my falsifiability statement. What would it take for me to change my mind about the vaccines? Prove that going to cycle threshold 45 with the PCR process for virus is valid.

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Nov 12, 2022
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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence in both quality and quantity! Anything over 90% deserves the fine tooth comb treatment.

Not going along with what liars are telling you to do is just the best strategy. To demand that they acknowledge that they lied is the first thing on my list (long long list lol). Second is the immediate release of ALL raw data from all experiments. Third is release ALL agreements our governments signed with these companies. Signed I might add on OUR behalf and at OUR expense, ahem!

These are, and MUST be, non-negotiable. That is our "right to informed consent" on the line. I refuse under any conditions to give that up because without that we are livestock. And that's a Baaaaaad idea (you knew there was a sheep joke in here somewhere).

The agreement the pharma cartel, and their lackies in governments, are demanding you accept is the following:

Large corporations with a blatant financial conflict of interest, a recent history of killing thousands of their customers annually, get to decide what information about their products we get to see AND we have to take it. Again and again, to infinity and beyond. Now with ZERO testing in humans for safety and efficacy BEFORE approval. Approved on the basis of an 8 mouse experiment. And all 8 mice got covid when they were exposed. 8 MICE? 8? EIGHT? What is this, a high school biology lab?

Who negotiates for these people? Pee Wee Herman? Sponge Bob Squarepants?

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Thank you. This is what I was clumsily trying to say.

Lambs accept the beliefs they are spoon-fed, but lack the insight to come to their own conclusions, perhaps.

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Nov 11, 2022
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I personally know people like that. The only thing they say is "You're not the expert. You're not the expert" repeatedly. In some cases these individuals have an IQ in the genius range. Their weakness (perhaps fatal) is that they can't question authority. Smarts without a spine is not much use in these situations. Some are on their 4th or 5th shots and getting sick constantly. For all their intelligence they can only recite mantra.

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Nov 12, 2022
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It is more of a personality trait than intelligence. Ivor Cummins did a survey and the INT-J personality is 2% of the population and over 20% of the refusniks. We INT-J's question authority obsessively. INF-J were a close second. Together those 2 of 16 personality types make up almost half the refusniks (40%). INF-P and INT-P round out the top 4. Combined those 4 (11% of the general population) make up over half of the refusniks.


Very basic survey and not a study but it would explain a lot. The Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons (provincial equivalent of your state medical boards) has stated that "hesitant" folks like you and me need "pharmacological & psychological counselling" so help is on the way ;)

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Nov 14, 2022
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I am a hobbit. Trees are my religion. Aliens have no fur. I am from the Earth. This is clear to me because the plants and trees are my medicines, my ancestors knew this too. If you have hair on your body, anywhere, you are not an alien. Ok.

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80% of car drivers rate themselves as above average.

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i drive a thousand miles a week., 80% of drivers are wrong

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Boom boom!

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Another example is doctors have been found to overestimate greatly their objective knowledge of nutrition.

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I would assume most people do - which makes it very entertaining.

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"You have made me angry. Very angry indeed!" - Marvin the Martian

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The lambs believe...that there is nothing better than watching their favorite TV show or Tik Tok.

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LOL. First I thought "I'm an alien".

Then, almost immediately, I thought "I bet everyone thinks they're an alien".

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I seriously question if we are the same species? I mean questioning authority is fun and entertaining but most people just can't bring themselves to do it even when their very LIFE is on the line.

Mentally we are definitely a different mindset. So much so that they see us as "alien" and "dangerous".

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You might like this deep dive into the various schools of thoughts of "types" I did : https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/personality-types-traits-tests-and - I do find these sorts of ideas helpful for understanding what is going on in the world and what drives people. In particular, Laurence Heller's Trauma Survival Styles. ps I have to grin at every time someone brings up Danny Kruger (sounds like Dunning-Kruger) who is the uk MP speaking up for a vax inquiry.

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I knew there were be a pro in our midst! Thanks, Gary!!

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Thank you for the link to your piece. I have glanced - but it will take a real reading. I will do that later, probably tomorrow. Then, you and Joel - Danny Kruger??? Whoever that is - no idea. Probably some British reference. Same for Joel's other references. No-meaning words for me, and probably many North American readers.

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Danny Kruger is one of the few (2 or 3) members of the british parliament who are speaking out for the vax injured.. Dunning-Kruger is a well known psychological test for sheep-like behaviour in humans. The juxtaposition of these two just tickled my british sense of humour. Sorry. Yes my Types article end up a bit overlong long - just skip to the section of Laurence Hellers work - that is the most pertinent part.

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The U.S.A was founded by people who saw the dangers of rule by any small groups & therefore made laws to prevent such happening. We got a reminder of this in 2018-9 with the mainstream news outlets all reminding us that even a president cannot use their public office for personal gain.

This was in the articles of impeachment against Trump.

Here you ALL ARE waiting for any one of the small group of Daddy-Government's representatives to please come rescue you instead of using any of the laws in place already that allow we citizens to overturn their illegal decisions & actions, like illegally mandating we inject ourselves & our children with untested products, taking lobbying $ etc.

That can't be sheep following because they're not following. The laws do not state that politicians have Extra Powers. The notion that we have to wait for them to voluntarily change their own minds or beg for them to or we can do nothing is imaginary.

It isn't anything else on the list either. YOU HAVE MORE than enough resources to find what laws are being broken by your politicians & WAY MORE than enough public support for efforts to force them to change these mandates legally & non-violently & yet neither you nor anyone "against" the jabs will enter into a discussion about getting the mandates stopped.

Without the permission of mere corrupt authority figures.

That isn't on this list anywhere, people who want to save the lives of children but instead worship Mitch McConnell's wrinkly old butt. & all of you think that uselessly posting facts while doing absolutely nothing to stop the mandates yourselves = heroic. But you're sitting and waiting while children die.

You all lack the balls to stand up to mere authority FIGURES. & why? Not that anyone here will discuss it. You already have an inner voice screaming "I am SO against the vaccines" but that has nothing to do with anything. You're NOT acting to END the mandates, just trying to get more people help you beg "Daddy" to end them FOR you.

& there IS no Daddy here FOR you to beg. Just corrupt politicians who fully know what they are doing as they are not accidentally cashing the lobbying checks.

They know what the checks are for. & you ALL KNOW that they can't take that $ AND vote against it which is WHY it is illegal yet no one here will discuss holding their imaginary Daddy-figures accountable.

How can you end the mandates brought about 100% by lobbying without ending lobbying? & when will these people here http://allaregreen.us/ VOLUNTARILY decide that they don't want $ anymore, apologize to you, their Loyal Children, hold your hands & sing Koombayah?

& why are you waiting for that?

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Many, many people are trying to end mandates. But the courts are slow and often rule against them. In my town a huge number went to speak against the mask mandate yet it happened anyway because laws and regulations are now rolled out like software updates, nationwide. It is like trying to do anything about the undeniable election fraud of 2020. No court or authority will look at the evidence. So, what are YOU doing about the mandates, etc.? Have you engaged the local sheriff? Had doctors and Pfizer salesmen arrested?

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Read your own post here. YOU'RE not getting things done "because the courts aren't doing it FOR me." Then you ask wtf I'VE done by myself. There's about fifty things wrong with with what you're saying, how you're saying it & how you're going about everything. Where does one even begin?

1) Do you think that the politicians are deciding to push the illegal untested vaccines for FREE? That they're risking public retribution, prison etc. for nothing?

2) The lobbyists don't ALSO pay court officials to go against the law? Otherwise they would already have blocked the illegal activities.

3) Is there some secondary shadow court or government you are appealing to? No? We only have the one of each & they ARE accepting the lobbying $? Then

4) Who ARE you appealing to by going through the courts? The very people who are knowingly committing crimes & who would have to throw THEMSELVES in prison to do as you are asking them to do.

That's just the stuff children could understand. There's a lot more that pretty much everyone in society deliberately blinds themselves to, but the above is included in it. It's a simple choice: you want to do which more, avoid angering your surrogate Daddies in office or save the lives of children? MAKE the choice already & either hold them accountable, or Sleep Well knowing that Daddy will never get upset with you for acting as if Everything's Okay.

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The Coup of 2020 continues. You discount any strategy that doesn't achieve immediate victory. You imply our alternatives are battles in the street and execution squads.

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Our local sherriff seems very busy, it is hard to even lay eyes upon him. I have made efforts to have an appointment but to no avail. Will try again today. Our sherriff here in 97217 is named Reese last name. I also am finding the police ombudsman to be very afraid to even discuss the deaths or, as I suggested, interview some ambulance drivers or doctors and nurses to get any idea of the genocide. They are b l i n d to it, officially. Still. So when I hear the police are dying from the jabs, I at least send those notices along. Crickets. I guess its time to serve them with more official documents.

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Not over long. Good info. Good to have it. But to retain, I need to more than skim.

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Thanks for the explanation Gary. I was going to ask but you got in there first. Will check out your article too. Cheers

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Hi Joel, I like this. A good beginning. I have a PhD with a major in Psychology (very unusual PhD). I'm not a Psychologist - not my interest. My interest - awareness and understanding and sharing my understandings. What do I see? Something much more complex, many more shadings. I find seeing the shadings very useful if you want to intervene. For instance, you are much more likely to see the low-hanging fruit (almost ready to see - cracks in the sheepishness), often ready to come to seeing with the right nudge or two.

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Thanks, Elsa. I was even going to name drop you in the post for comment!

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I'm going to read Gary Sharpe's piece, let the stuff hang out in my brain (another way of saying this - I'm going to think about this). Maybe I'll do a post. Anyway, glad to keep the two of you posted. This is important stuff.

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Nice one. For some reason, your guest post from Doug was leading me down the same path. I too was mulling over different types of people and considering penning a short piece on the same, but you've done it brilliantly here. I can't top it, but I may be able to simplify it. Totalitarians and oligarchs aside, at this point, there are two types of people: those who want to know and those who do not.

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I really enjoyed this post! And I agree! My son (31 years old) is definitely of the Alien variety. Is another of the Alien's characters, by chance, that they are always frustrated and put our with everyone? LOL. I also REALLY appreciated the explanation of the term Dunning Krugers. That answers a lot of questions for me personally that I've wondered about for a long time. Thank you! I forwarded this post to a lot of people!

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Hadn’t heard ‘Aliens’ used in that context before. Must admit, it certainly is a good descriptive of how I often feel.

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I was an outsider& good student in high school. I was Annoyed watching idiocy clicks labels drugs,injustice glad to graduate into work force mostly freed from these influences. I feel like I am plunged back into the high school immature mentality chaos.

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The aliens are here!

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I would say 90-95 pct are slaves( elite are also included in this). The remaining 5-10pct have some sense of what true freedom is , but of course to varying degrees.

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Hmmm. Fits my observations.

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How do I meet fellow Aliens?

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Probably here

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Or in outer space, haha!

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I’m an alien. Better yet…I am an Errant! I am also auto didactic. 😎

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You’re not speaking about societies but groups within.

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Don't the groups all together make society?

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Thanks for a chuckle and smile. 😊

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You might enjoy comparison to Mary Douglas' grid-group analysis.

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Me fully paid Alien (!!!!ignore first version) through very tough personal experiences which illustrated to me, in more than one instance, that A) Some Medics can be intellectually very ignorant( especially about "stuff" I know) ; B) Some Medics don't bother to research the drugs that Pharma/NICE insist they prescribe; C) MOST Medics do not like to be questioned on their judgement, however obvious that is what is needed; D) A lot of medics think that their DB pension funded in the main by the taxpaying patient more important than medical ethics/professionalism/Do No Harm; E) "Career" Politicians are frequently a disaster, some unwittingly, most very deliberately, as far as "Critical Thinking" goes ( should be "Sceptical Mindset perhaps) and have A - D characteristics in spades; F) Very few of A - E qualify as "aliens". Not all Medics are "Some Medics" but "Some Medics" can automatically qualify as "Career" Politicians viz a certain Dr Colbern demonstrated recently...

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Oh dear- got me DKs and aliens mixed up - now sorted

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I can relate to those definitions Joel.

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