I'm not crying. You're crying.

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In my 80 years I can count my true friends upon one hand. so many pretend to be a friend but want you around when it is to their advantage. even relatives, especially in-laws and outlaws are there for themselves only. How to tell? they call only when they need something. They make a big show at family events telling all that they are so much more successful than you are. Always must have things that say they are one level above you. I call it the "smell me" syndrome. In our 54 years of marriage we always lived frugal ways. as such we have plenty to be independent and without worries. Then the complaints from the outlaws that claim we got all the breaks. they partied every week end going to the casinos and needing to drive the biggest and most expensive car. needing to have the "designer" clothes. We settled for the economy cars and quiet life and chose to send our girls to private schools. It gets tiresome to listen to people whine how unfair life is and how they need to scrimp because they have no money saved for retirement. sadly most of my true friends are dead. I outlived them and my inlaws that always needed money. Now I get to enjoy my great grandkids and our dogs that are always a true friend. Fate has provided me with a frutefull life. as I have so many miles behind me and few that lay ahead i am content to see the end coming.--------I, Grampa

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Don't worry mate. All my friends are on the internet :(

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

It has been a rough four years Joel. But Hairy Bikers Dave, who passed away two days ago, was an example to all of us. We must find the joy in everyday life, the kindness, the peace.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

For what it's worth, I admire and respect your integrity, courage and pursuit of facts and truth. You are an inspiration, one of the beacons of light in a world where there can often be darkness. Therefore, you offer hope of a better world.

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It is a strange comfort that as the world grows darker and darker, the small - and Smalley - lights shine brighter. Venceremos - eventually.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

Yes can relate - sending you much gratitude & respect for the work you’ve done/do, the fellow travelers from the last 4 years are our buoyancy aids! Xx

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

I’m in same boat Joel. A number of contributors probably, like most causal analyses(!) Bar one or two, all my old friends melted away as I spoke out. They just don’t want to hear. And some believe what msm tells them, that what we say is conspiracy theory. My sister and BiL unfortunately fall into this category. I’ve had to leave them to their vac injuries now. When I try to link them to detox or doctors like Tina Peers they just tell me to stop sending them quackery.

For 4 years we’ve been empathetic, working hours on papers and going through independent writing and analysis, writing letters to MPs, MHRA, DoH, PM, yet family and friends still listen only to those that deceive them. Although still empathetic towards them I now spend time on new friends made in last 4 years.

I recognise that some old friends may not reply because they are ill. Some will be cognitively affected and not able to cope. So I don’t look at it that our friendship was empty necessarily but rather that they have been hollowed out by manipulators and are living with trauma, physical or mental. We went through our own trauma of course but come out the other side as we still have our health and faculties intact.

I found this short speech on the politics of compliance quite a used way of looking at the problem: to take a Birds Eye perspective rather than ground-level mourning of an altered individual relationship. Lots of love and thanks to you, Katherine


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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

It's a true thing. But not only that. I also struggle with the friends I still have but who think very differently about things. I love them, and I dread being with them simultaneously, because of what kind of conversation we could end up in. I tried to avoid pointless debates, as I don't think they do anything good and only bring misery, but it also feels bad and frustrating that there are such taboos.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

I’m in tears Joel. Thank you for sharing that. I love crying tears because of something that warns my heart instead of something that crushes it. 🥰🥰🥰

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you . Video speaks volumes. 🤗

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Real friends would have shared their pie & chips instead of dumping rabbit food in his lunch box.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

What's going on for you Joel? Please expand a little.

When I was about 8 years old I didn't have school lunches. I made my own sandwiches, but there usually wasn't anything to put on the often stale white bread. For about a year I had little more than marmite (vegemite) on them.

If this video was a real situation I'd be asking - why is no one asking the kid why they have no food and what's going on at home? Giving him food like that helps his immediate situation, but a true friend or a good teacher would be trying to find a permanent solution to the kids problem, which is that they have crappy parents that will let them go without food.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

Hey Joel,

Hang on in there and stay strong in this obviously horribly difficult patch of your life. I think you are amazing with what you have done and shared, and I agree, it is all worth it,, though so hard as we are forced through these immediate personal challenges. You have my support, always.

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Mar 1Liked by Joel Smalley

Love that!! Very powerful!!

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

The kid suffering is white. White supremacy!

I am not in the same boat. I have been betrayed so many times that I don't have any problems cutting relationships if someone does it again. Apparently it is just a matter of when. FOr me, it was in the past, for you it is happening now.

Of course, many friends are still there. But I won't suffer if something happens.

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