I'm not crying. You're crying.

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I don't understand what you've written, Jessica, but I know you have one of the purest hearts in the world and I'm privileged and grateful to consider you as a friend.

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lol... it's that saying where something makes you cry, but you're not really an outward cryer, so you kind of pout and sort of hide your tears, and say, "i'm not crying, you're crying". meh. i'll send you a message and you'll know what i mean :)

and man, thank you. i feel the same.

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Even I understood it Joel! And I am Spanish!

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I looked it up and still didn't understand it until Jessica explained it. Now I get it!

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Perhaps if is easiest understood by the old saying that the greatest lie women say when asked "what is wrong" is "nothing". In other words they keep the hurt inside.

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Lovely comment.

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You guys are cute. Even where we occasionally disagree, you are among my heroes and would certainly be my friends as neighbours.

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It’s just something some of us know from circumstance 👍

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I've got something in my eye LOL

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In my 80 years I can count my true friends upon one hand. so many pretend to be a friend but want you around when it is to their advantage. even relatives, especially in-laws and outlaws are there for themselves only. How to tell? they call only when they need something. They make a big show at family events telling all that they are so much more successful than you are. Always must have things that say they are one level above you. I call it the "smell me" syndrome. In our 54 years of marriage we always lived frugal ways. as such we have plenty to be independent and without worries. Then the complaints from the outlaws that claim we got all the breaks. they partied every week end going to the casinos and needing to drive the biggest and most expensive car. needing to have the "designer" clothes. We settled for the economy cars and quiet life and chose to send our girls to private schools. It gets tiresome to listen to people whine how unfair life is and how they need to scrimp because they have no money saved for retirement. sadly most of my true friends are dead. I outlived them and my inlaws that always needed money. Now I get to enjoy my great grandkids and our dogs that are always a true friend. Fate has provided me with a frutefull life. as I have so many miles behind me and few that lay ahead i am content to see the end coming.--------I, Grampa

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A very wise life lesson.

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thanks for your response. Wise? I dont know about that. a truth about life that when accepted make life easer as we know and accept the fact, that trying to make things different will only cause you stress and shorten your life. I have been lucky. as a less than a man can have in good looks I have gone out with some of the most gorgeous women around and one of the tallest (6' 7") my secret is simple treat the women well. never say anything bad about them when you stop seeing them. I have walked away from a few lovely girls who were not compatible with myself. one I was engaged to. As fate would have it I saw the redhead beauty I would have wed and lasted fifty four years. with three grand kids and three great grandkids I will be in someone's memory for a long time. a legacy that many never attain. Many people never think of what is possible in life with having only the few selected friends and a good woman. We dont need to change the world, just our small part of it. You have a name similar to mine. I am Noel. lucky to have parents who taught me the value of good morals and responsibility. Today we have so many without that benefit. having only government as parent. judging by your picture you have lived in a time that had more freedom. Using your skills to improve the chances of freedoms are gratifying. well I have gone on far beyond my intent. Enjoy the day-----------------I, Grampa

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I’m with you, Gramps. I’m only a few years younger. We are retired and are not wealthy but we are comfortable. The reason we are okay financially is my lovely wife. Every day, she made my breakfast. Every day, she packed my lunch. Every day, except twice a month when we went out, she made our dinner. I could have easily afforded to have lunch out every day, and I even offered to do that to spare her some work. She said, “That would cost $100 a week. I’m happy to do this. Mind you, we always had a good life. We had reliable cars, good homes and we took two vacations a year. But her wisdom in directing our small sacrifices gives us the live we have.

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You seem to have found one of the few good women available. I saw mine walking with her sister. Two redheaded girls. the temptation was too great I had to talk to them. I rolled the window down and Margaret leaned on the door to talk. I said they were letting in all the hot air so jump in and we will go for an A&W. well I asked Margaret out that night and I was hooked. We both came from dirt poor families so she knew how to make each dollar go far. she gave me the incentive to advance. I went on to have my own contracting company and then working for Fords programming robots made millions and retired in comfort. I always see the hands of my in-laws and outlaws ready to beg for help. as always their excuse is that I got all the breaks and they had bad luck in finding jobs. why they expected to find jobs they applied for in the after noon was why. I can remember the day that Margaret told me she saved our first thousand dollars. She was so proud we celebrated by taking our two girls for a picknic. It seems that we were both lucky finding the only two good women left. Give that lady a big hug from this Grampa and buy her some flowers. she deserves them------- I, Grampa

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Agreed. I try to learn from other's mistakes and not make the same one myself. Living quietly within ones means is important as stress can shorten a person's lifespan and make retirement difficult. I have seen it many times.

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This is what our young people need to learn. sadly they seem to know everything until they dont.--------- I, Grampa

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My Step-Mother complained that her sons never got the life chances that I had.

I went to the local comprehensive (state) school, where I studied hard , did my homework assignments, and got the grades for University.

Her son also went to the local comprehensive . . . but he smoked ciggies behind the the bike sheds, got pissed on cheap lager, and partied on the weekends.

But I'm over it now . . .

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I had the same whine coming from my inlaws and outlaws. Always had money to buy alcohol and cigarettes but not to pay the bills. My wife and I never bought anything we couldn't pay for in cash. we saved up first. this was the way we bought our first home. both sets of siblings thought that life was a big party. we can now set on our patio watching the deer walk by in back of our home. we sit on a half acre lot that is still in the city. having good neighbors that are friendly and peaceful has made retirement pleasant are you sure we dont have the same relatives.(HA ) well enjoy your day.------ I, Grampa

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Don't worry mate. All my friends are on the internet :(

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Expect many of us have more virtual friends than 'solid' ones. 2020-2021 was a big reveal for those who could see ( or wanted to see) the 'bigger picture', rather than judging who along their street weren't out clapping, or, those who judged others who didn't mask up, or, those who refused to cross your doorstep because it was "against the rules" ( constructed to control the masses). I found there was an absence of genuine compassion for their fellowmen - it was a rude awakening!

Of course, there were people completely naive- too long invested in msm - maybe they realise now what was done to them.

As for those close who were given evidence of the big covid con but maintained their subservience to State diktats, well, I can't see them in the same light. It is as if those years stripped away the surface and showed their true self.

"No one is safe until everyone is safe", exhorted by the WHO and our own ex-PM, one removed, is a manufactured politicised compassion...corrupt to its core.

However, contact with others via substack forums, is like a green shoot for trust and respect. Paragons of virtue? No, we're all human , of course, and fallible. But, you can be a more open version of self than being in the company (still) of those on a 'different page'.

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Yes and yes! And sending a hug to kindred spirits!

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"No one is safe until everyone is safe" that mantra was repeated ad nauseam and from the very first time on hearing it I was filled with dread, I could feel it drag me along with the faceless masses to some unkown destination I had no knowledge of. This was before I was aware of the manipulation and lies that involved covid.

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Mar 1, 2024
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I think your experience shows resilience and facing reality mine demonstrates intimidation, it was not pleasant.

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Don't know you but consider you a friend mate.

Stay you, grieve and consider but the task doesn't change

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Always nice to hear from you. Thank you, as always.

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It has been a rough four years Joel. But Hairy Bikers Dave, who passed away two days ago, was an example to all of us. We must find the joy in everyday life, the kindness, the peace.

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I know I can always count on your support.

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For what it's worth, I admire and respect your integrity, courage and pursuit of facts and truth. You are an inspiration, one of the beacons of light in a world where there can often be darkness. Therefore, you offer hope of a better world.

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thank you, Lulu.

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It is a strange comfort that as the world grows darker and darker, the small - and Smalley - lights shine brighter. Venceremos - eventually.

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I still have fond memories of the start of this new journey on LinkedIn mid 2020 when you were one of the first and most inspirational lights, Hugh. Odd times.

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Yes can relate - sending you much gratitude & respect for the work you’ve done/do, the fellow travelers from the last 4 years are our buoyancy aids! Xx

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I’m in same boat Joel. A number of contributors probably, like most causal analyses(!) Bar one or two, all my old friends melted away as I spoke out. They just don’t want to hear. And some believe what msm tells them, that what we say is conspiracy theory. My sister and BiL unfortunately fall into this category. I’ve had to leave them to their vac injuries now. When I try to link them to detox or doctors like Tina Peers they just tell me to stop sending them quackery.

For 4 years we’ve been empathetic, working hours on papers and going through independent writing and analysis, writing letters to MPs, MHRA, DoH, PM, yet family and friends still listen only to those that deceive them. Although still empathetic towards them I now spend time on new friends made in last 4 years.

I recognise that some old friends may not reply because they are ill. Some will be cognitively affected and not able to cope. So I don’t look at it that our friendship was empty necessarily but rather that they have been hollowed out by manipulators and are living with trauma, physical or mental. We went through our own trauma of course but come out the other side as we still have our health and faculties intact.

I found this short speech on the politics of compliance quite a used way of looking at the problem: to take a Birds Eye perspective rather than ground-level mourning of an altered individual relationship. Lots of love and thanks to you, Katherine


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[quite a useful way]

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It's a true thing. But not only that. I also struggle with the friends I still have but who think very differently about things. I love them, and I dread being with them simultaneously, because of what kind of conversation we could end up in. I tried to avoid pointless debates, as I don't think they do anything good and only bring misery, but it also feels bad and frustrating that there are such taboos.

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I’m in tears Joel. Thank you for sharing that. I love crying tears because of something that warns my heart instead of something that crushes it. 🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you . Video speaks volumes. 🤗

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Real friends would have shared their pie & chips instead of dumping rabbit food in his lunch box.

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Rabbit food is easier to give away than to eat, espefcially for the blank canvas that is a child who is further away than we are from the indoctrination.

For me I found it a bit odd that his pals didn't just go to him and openly share. Actually, more than odd, quite disturbing, as if good deeds have to be hidden and anonymised. But I never had a telly so don't really know how this societal perception misperception and deception really works.

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What's going on for you Joel? Please expand a little.

When I was about 8 years old I didn't have school lunches. I made my own sandwiches, but there usually wasn't anything to put on the often stale white bread. For about a year I had little more than marmite (vegemite) on them.

If this video was a real situation I'd be asking - why is no one asking the kid why they have no food and what's going on at home? Giving him food like that helps his immediate situation, but a true friend or a good teacher would be trying to find a permanent solution to the kids problem, which is that they have crappy parents that will let them go without food.

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Sometimes you have to overcome the immediate situation first. Then, you can start thinking about it longer term. I'm just suffering the consequences of devoting so many years to this instead of ensuring that other aspects of my life remain on track. With hindsight, I wouldn't change that. We learn from our mistakes more than our successes.

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Virtual 🫂for you Joel.

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Thanks for this and earlier posts. I've found that, despite the psyops of the world, as you correctly stated, trashing the alligators on your ass is the first step to draining the swamp.

Way back in my teens I realised I was different. Not better, nor worse, just different. Since then, I've been happy in myself.

You did what needed doing and that will never change.

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Video made me think of my grandaughters that I haven't seen much of in the last 4 years. I'm going to change that now. Thank you Joel.

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Chickens coming home to my roost as well right now.

Chin up, chest out.

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Sorry to hear you are suffering the consequences of your devotion to the cause. I hope the situation isn't beyond repair. If you need someone to talk with, even if it's just to vent, I'd be happy to be that person. I've a lot of life experience, having been a Paramedic and an 'Emotional Freedom Techniques' advanced practitioner, so don't hesitate to get in touch. It's the least I can do for all the information you have provided. Sincere offer. Best wishes.

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Hey Joel,

Hang on in there and stay strong in this obviously horribly difficult patch of your life. I think you are amazing with what you have done and shared, and I agree, it is all worth it,, though so hard as we are forced through these immediate personal challenges. You have my support, always.

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Love that!! Very powerful!!

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The kid suffering is white. White supremacy!

I am not in the same boat. I have been betrayed so many times that I don't have any problems cutting relationships if someone does it again. Apparently it is just a matter of when. FOr me, it was in the past, for you it is happening now.

Of course, many friends are still there. But I won't suffer if something happens.

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