Joel - keep writing. It is always a small group of people, taking a stand, that make lasting change

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Excellent rebuttal to Badenoch's reply, which was essentially just regurgitation of the government line. They (Cabinet Ministers and assorted MPs) answer as if they were programmed 'units'....robotic in speech and writing.

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Joel - your children will say, my dad was a true hero. He never stopped fighting for us.

God bless you dear warrior.

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I'm crying. 🙏

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So am I, Joel. I cry almost every day these days.

Just found out two family members (married couple) have health issues because of the shots. One has cancer the other is waiting to hear results of MRI on her pancreas. It’s like looking at them in a burning car and there is nothing I can do to save them. Telling them why would just be cruel at this point 😢

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Laura I am so sorry for your pain. The devastation is just so widespread - it’s a personal tragedy for so many families. You are in my prayers. Wishing you strength and positive outcomes for your loved ones.

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Bless you MB

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Same here, my oldest and her husband received the death jabs, & my father-in-law is on his 4th shot...

Just waiting for the 'phone call' for one of them one day. What can you do?

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Nothing. That’s what makes this all like psychological torture.

Just heard 1/2 hour ago about a 28 year old who is a friend of my friends father that died suddenly last night. No cause of death yet. Well, I’ll take a bet on what caused it. And I bet I win that bet. 😢

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Be in touch with whatever higher God/light/source you ascribe to...and pray..

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It is maddening, isn't it?

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LIke. So sorry, and yes, it would be cruel at this point.

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I had 4 patients, all vaxxed,.come up with cancer...in my 20+ years as a PT, this has never happened. And I have another patient who fell of the charts and I suspect her cancer returned. I am too freaked out to reach out and ask, expecting she will then be burdened with giving me her bad news. And she is the kind of person who wouldn't just drop off...and she had a cough that kept coming and going and never going away😔

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Heartbreaking 😢

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Please accept my sincere sympathy (and a virtual hug)....I know exactly how you feel. My best friends melanoma has come back with a vengeance after her shot...she was clear, and now .......I call every day, but I dread the day....

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Sending you and your friend a big hug too.

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Good stuff, I've been documenting London rallies since this mess. Amazed how the media complex have missed them through the City of London, Trafalgar Square and past the Palace these past 2 years. https://www.rajeshtaylor.com/babylon-control-centre-to-tower-bridge-walking-tour Let me know if you need any, I'm giving this sets away free of all copyright and watermark free to let the sheep know there's another herd.

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Thanks for that info on the protests. I like the sign that says Digital Currency, Digital ID, Digital Prison. Can I steal that?

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Pop a message over at rt@rajeshtaylor.com and I’ll send the image file via email. Or I could send you the whole set over WeTransfer if you’d like? There’s 20 more in the set than uploaded in that gallery. Cheers, Rajesh

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Thanks so much, Rajesh. But I’ll just hand write it on my car rear window for a long 9 hour drive I’m doing soon.

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Ha :) There's one image of a Hancock Wanted poster being carried past Mansion House I particularly like. You could stick that on the rear bumper on your next 9 hour road trip...

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But I’m driving from Northern California to Southern California, USA. No one here knows Hancock! LOL

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Wow, haven’t seen any coverage of this in the US. So impressed by the protestors taking a stand -- not only against medical mandates but against digital ID/currency. Gives me hope. Thank you for bearing witness and sharing. Wishing you continued health and strength as you continue your documentation.

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Fabulous, inspiring documentation! Sincere appreciation from across the pond.

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ive seen two UFO's but ive never seen a politician act with integrity and in the best interests of the people

best of luck

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Yessssss! Thank you for continuing to do outstanding research and fighting for your children and humanity.

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Great compilation of your valuable work. I'm not convinced there's any meaningful political process left to engage with, but I admire your tenacity.

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My MP, Simon Jupp, East Devon, has written similar fiction, each time I send him an email asking for clarification on the government’s (mis) handling of everything covid. These MP’s, most likely, have aides (stooges) who tow the government line and write the responses to our concerns. There is no possible way, that any MP, has this amount of knowledge about covid, the nhs, npi’s etc. Absolutely, no way. These pieces of fiction are thrown together and sent to anyone who dares to ask questions. It really is frustrating to recognise, these mp’s simply have no power, and are unable to change a thing.

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They all answer from the same script. Back in 2018 I was lobbying all British MEPs over a couple of issues. I often got identical answers - UKIP MEPs no exception.

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"these mp’s simply have no power, and are unable to change a thing"

Yeah we should just give up, right? Roll over, lose everything and be happy, huh?

Switch off, give up, drop dead, right?

No hope, all is lost - cos those in power and inflicting this crap on us have no power and it's raining when they piss on our backs, huh?


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We do need to keep on writing and asking questions and using the voices we have.

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Why do we bother? We are pushed from within to "bother"!!

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Wow - Excellent.

I'm going to structure my missives to my congressional delegation, and state "leaders" more in line with yours.

We have plenty of people that will do the job; these representatives had best get on board or get the hell out of the way.

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I write to my mp (lower case for a person of insignificance) frequently. Mrs Leadsom. She also assigns my emails to some underling who gives the accepted patter. That’s when she bothers to reply at all.

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Ouch! I'd be very surprised if you receive any meaningful response to that email. The thing is, by engaging with you initially, she has shown that she is reading and responding to your communications personally, so when she fails to respond, you will know that your truth bombs hit home.

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Kemi was dispensing eyewash - there was no emergency, they were just following the WHO agenda, despite knowing it was entirely unnecessary


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I think maybe the term is misdirection of policy. Certain that Whitty knew it was wrong. It was wrong on the government’s own admission.

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*clapping noises

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