Absolutely, sign up for everyone speaking Truth to Power... nurture UNITING is Priority 1.. One voice.. in defiance, We can turn this tide.. Cat's is completely out of the bag. Big Brother's Ministry of Truth is hanging by a thread..all across the G20... Do not Comply, Unify.. We are coming for the Psycho's... Absolutely.. ... Nuremberg...

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RemovedMar 2
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I have been ready for a few years...

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Feb 29Liked by Joel Smalley

Yes to signing such a petition, thanks for 'heads up'....there's no point people saying "what's the point....don't achieve diddly squat...", except the post office part time vicar had to cede her gong ( these people get them for doing wrong)...because every signature shows how many are on 'the same page' with a particular issue. It shows the 'controllers' of power and the narrative/agenda that we, the people, are having none of it.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29Liked by Joel Smalley

IMHO one of the major issues in the UK is that it does not have a written Constitution, Even Turdeau in Kanaduh has been reprimanded under theirs. And that's only a Colony still run by "The Crown". Governments make all sorts of ongoing arguments about why, due to Common law and tradition, it isn't necessary. But when is the last time the Government told you the truth about anything. The fact is that without a written Constitution, Government can do all sorts of things, legally and administratively, that would not otherwise be possible if constrained by a Constitution. As the US, sometimes, demonstrates.

The other glaring problem is that there is a political and democratic crisis. The "Uniparty" is even more obvious in the UK than in the US and, essentially, there is no political opposition. The Labour Party is "led" by a member of the Trilateral Commission, a/k/a a "Trojan Horse" who provides NO opposition to Government Policy, agreeing in over 90% of cases, and spends most of his time obfuscating this fact on issues that his Globalist masters couldn't give a single shit about - like transgender bathrooms, what is a woman, Net Zero etc.

I'm a long-term (Very) Expat Brit living long-term in Asia where, despite all the wrinkles, the rate of progress has been enormous, and I have no intention of ever returning, if only because of the dreary weather.. But the UK now is not the country I left long ago, sadly for the worse. In Asia, we have the best infrastructure in the world (Airports, airlines, roads, trains, Hotels etc.) and we still have actual service! When I now less frequently return, I find the level of incompetence and inefficiency to be absolutely staggering. Put differently, in both absolute terms and in comparison to Asia, the UK ha s become a shithole with rapidly declining living standards. And nobody in the UK gives a shit about anything. That's not a recipe for success. And sometimes, it requires external context and perspective from exposure to alternatives, that alone can see the issues because they are always slow and incremental in nature but add up to a transformation of what was once a great country.

So, and I mean no disrespect, petitions are important, but Jeez there's a lot of heavy lifting to do, especially with all the "midwits" in charge these days. IMHO.

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The Magna Carta and bill of rights are meant to be our constitution

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Parliament has been captured and used to enable government by decree ("regulations") amid excessive centralisation and engorgement of power.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Yes. I give you the behaviour of Parliament particularly over the past 6 years, most recently over the Covid and Net Zero issues. The "oversight" of Parliament has become a rather sick joke?

And as for Magna Carta, I include that in my "Government excuses" category.. History, in context, has an important role, but, especially now the Government has bought into wokeness and "cancel culture", that presumably cancels their own arguments? The US Constitution and BOR are accused of having the same strenghts/weaknesses, but the US Constitution is more "modern" in the sense that it only goes back to the 1776+ era. So might be slightly more enlightened? In fact, IMHO the US Constitution and BOR are amongst the gretaest acgievements of humanity. It's just sad that they are no longer being used?

And actually, wrt the English "Common law", an integral part of the UK "fairness" system, I would ask how much of Common law still actually exists, other, perhaps, than in the Criminal law area? The EU crucified most areas of English Common law, noting that the EU and most of ROW use Civil Law (a/k/a Government legislation). In reality, however, Common law had largely been replaced by Civil edicts long before the EU, which just accelerated things.

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Constitutions, which exist to protect the citizen against the state, mean nothing if people forget or repudiate the experience and ethics which give rise to them.

The Common law principle of 'do no harm' and its negative protection of the individual allows individuals to exercise personal sovereignty without spelling out lists of rights.

When judges create a limiting framework of principles - judicial review - within which ministers can exercise their Parliament conferred statutory powers, the judges are using their customary jurisdiction as part of the Common law.

When Parliament enacts legislation enabling government to authorise its agents to perform any illegal act without legal scrutiny, which the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Act does; or ignores informed consent, which vaccine propaganda, censorship and mandates do, we are living without Constitutional protection from the state, unless the courts prove willing and able to assert contrary Common law principles.

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I would like you to look up Lysander Spooner. As a Southerner, with deep Southern roots, I think very highly of this yankee abolitionist. He observed what Lincoln did during the War Between The States and said,

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

Realize that this was said by a yankee about the actions of the president that started the war. A constitution is only as good as the people it is written for, and John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." We are no longer a moral or religious people. A constitution is therefore irrelevant and useless for restraining the excesses of government.

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It's not new. I was wandering around London one day in 1989 and found a stereo boutique. They had a turntable set up with the cartridge I was considering, at about half the Canadian price.

I couldn't even get the two gay clerks to stop chatting each other up to put the needle on a record for me.

Look at Peckford42 on Wordpress to see the benefit of our written constitution as revealed by the last surviving politician who negotiated and promoted the deal. With captured corrupt courts and no specified penalties, our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been as much protection as a printed paper Loonie. Lawyers have done well however, and with the repeal of vagrancy laws our streets have become criminal drug-addled cesspits.

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Where in Asia do you live. It sounds wonderful. On another note Del Bigtree’s The Highwire on line each Thursday had a magnificent show today. Possibly one of the best in nearly four years. I have watched them all. It felt good to laugh, to listen, to know the truth is seeping out. If you have a chance, please watch today’s episode of The Highwire (Feb 29th). PS I recently voiced the exact sentiments about the state of Britain to my husband……quietly, I think he agrees.

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Feb 29Liked by Joel Smalley

They will need to coordinate/merge with these guys...


Both groups have the same initial aim, to elect a parliament of all independent MPs.

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You are quite right-fighting amongst "our" side over the details is exactly what the "other" side wants-we must concentrate on the bigger crimes--lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, suppression of rights, suppression of free speech---does it really matter where "it" started when "they" knew from March 2020 that it wasn't deadly (and that is even accepting that there was anything at all)

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Rishi Rat and Kid Starver are both out for me! Criminal, Corrupt warmongers, paid by UK Zionist lobby, not only killing people in UK during CONVID but also complicit of the genocide and starvation of the unfolding heinous crimes in front of our eyes, on the whole defenseless nation of Palestine. STOP shouting and ranting human right and freedom, Hypocrites. EVIL van never win.

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Each and every one of us needs to stand up and say no to this shit.

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it has been suggested to me that looking at who is signing petitions is a great way to get a list of 'dissidents' but at this point I am a dead man for my views anyway.....so I still sign most of them ....

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Whilst I agree that we must do all we can to head off and stop what is coming at us fast down the track I am uneasy about signing petitions unless I know who/what is behind them and their agenda. I can't establish that from the petition website. Can anyone enlighten me?

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International Public Notice: Self-Service Denies the Change

It is a Maxim of Law that actions taken in self-service to avoid prior obligations change nothing. 

We invoke and enforce this Maxim of Law in the Air Jurisdiction against Pope Francis and Emperor Charles III. 

Both these men have been playing a gigantic fraud scheme against the people of the world, and have been caught. 

Converting to Satanism and bringing forward the Ancient Paganism of Rome as an excuse for failure to uphold and perform upon the contractual obligations of the Ecclesiastical Law is grossly self-serving and convenient; it cannot excuse what these men have done and what they are trying to do. 

The Popes have been using the "Kings" of England as Overseers of the Church's Commonwealth holdings for centuries and have in fact given these "Kings" their crowns in that capacity -- a fact that has been withheld from the people in these countries and guarded as a secret by both sides of this quid pro quo: the Popes to downplay their very earthly erstwhile role as the Roman Pontiff and the Kings to pretend that their authority came from being the legitimate leader of the whole country and nation -- not just a small part of it and operating as a Roman Overseer. 

Their Predecessors, from Pope Innocent and King John to today, have been engaged in the same subterfuge for over 800 years, during which time there has been no Jubilee. 

During the reign of "King" Henry the VIIIth, the relationship between the Popes and their "Kings" in England took on an additional dimension of fraud and criminality, wherein "King" Henry had broken away from the Roman Church in a dispute over his divorce and founded the Church of England -- only to be forced to continue as the Head of the Church of England while betraying its members. 

Henry and every King or Queen afterward, kept track of every Protestant Baptism and counted the babies as "lost" Catholics and trafficked them into the jurisdiction of the sea, seized upon their names and property assets, and split the take 60/40 with the Pope, an arrangement that has continued into the present day. 

The position of these "Kings" as the Heads of the Church of England was thus a gross Breach of Trust and Scheme to Defraud, which deeply harmed both the freedom and the wealth of the people living in England, and after the Union, the people in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, too.  

The Trust established by the end of the Civil War in England requires that the British Monarch thus created as a separate Office must be Protestant, when in fact, all these men and women have been obligated to the Pope for their crowns and lavish lifestyles and could not expose this gross conflict of interest without losing their offices. 

This is yet another instance of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales being led to believe that Great Britain formed a combined Kingdom, and that the British Monarch thus empowered was a Protestant, while in fact working as a Catholic Administrator and literally owing his or her crown to the Pope. 

In the 1860's, Queen Victoria went quite mad with grief after losing her Consort, Prince Albert, and sought restlessly for soothsayers, spiritualists, grand projects that would have pleased her husband, and glory for her reign. She had none of her husband's scruples or business sense; for that, she relied on the charming and ruthless Benjamin D'Israeli. 

In vain, D'Israeli's chief rival, Lord William Gladstone, tried to alert the British Public and the Laborers in particular about the evils of "enfranchisement", it's impact on British Land Law, and the denigration of Voters as Persons and Shareholders in a corporation instead of being accorded their natural and traditional role as people on the land and soil of their country. 

Gladstone feared, and rightly, that this would not lead to any redeeming social good. The secretive enslavement of the British Working Class via enfranchisement bankrolled the Raj in India so that the enslavement of one people bankrolled the enslavement of another.

This pattern, once started, has continued unabated except for the non-violent non-compliance led by Mahatma Gandhi, which briefly brought the world's attention to bear on the problem in India, but unfortunately not on the same problem throughout the world at large. 

The British Monarchs and their traditional directors at the Holy See, together with the Successors of the Holy Roman Empire,  have promoted these Raj-like Territorial Governments via enfranchisement and enslavement and war-profiteering and privateering and tax rackets worldwide, and it has all been done on the basis of deceit, non-disclosure, and fraud. 

Now that these evils have been fully discovered, and the British-Romano Caste System decried for what it is, those responsible have added to the long litany of their depravity, violence, dishonesty, breach of trust, and commercial wrong-doing by investing in every kind of war-for-profit, racketeering and tax schemes, human trafficking, slave rackets, gambling, medical hoaxes, false flags, drug smuggling, commodity rigging, abuses of monopoly, impersonation, crimes of personage, barratry, kidnapping, inland piracy, identity theft, conspiratorial contract evasion, unlawful conversion, misrepresentation and fraud known to man. 

At present, no less than twenty wars are directly attributable to these governments and personages; millions of deaths have occurred as a result of them trying to create "transhumans" as patentable products and claim them and their estates as assets belonging to the patent holders. 

This pernicious pattern of evil and willful wrong-doing has been ongoing and observable for the better part of a thousand years, and now, we have called upon Pope Francis to honor his obligation under Ecclesiastical Law and dissolve these criminal corporations -- only to have him and Emperor Charles III convert to Satanism as an excuse for their actions and failure to dissolve these grossly offending corporations. 

We care not whether these men are sincere in their beliefs or not; their High Offices come with known obligations and contractual content, which they have willfully and knowingly breached in pursuit of their own unjust enrichment and the self-interest of their incorporated conglomerates. 

The enforcement of these contracts cannot be avoided on the basis of a religious conversion or denouement; coming out of the closet in no way changes the obligations owed to us or to any of the other land jurisdiction governments. 

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 28th 2024

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Am I the only one that cannot find the actual wording of the petition and who exactly it’s directed at? Perhaps I’m just a bit slow today, but appreciate someone providing clarity - the website has a lot of preamble, is that the petition, because if so it’s not clear to me who I’m petitioning other than myself and fellow citizens. Is that the point?

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