Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Healthcare for my wife and I involves avoiding the NHS and our GPs if at all possible.

That given my wife was given a 6 to 9 months to live with bone cancer in December; we had both been on the Carnivore diet for some 18 months - eat and cook with only animal produce; in extremis, as my beautiful wife was, beef only (actually, not a problem!); we added in a, shall we say, "off piste" herbal medication producing astounding results for some.

My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. Chemo was hell, and massively delayed as she left hospital with Sepsis; on emergency admittance she discharged herself thanks to a vile and malevolent nurse who terrified her and horrified me. God bless the McMillan nurses who flew to our rescue on the Monday. Chemo hugely delayed as a result, and we both believe that the cancer had already spread and that the Chemo made it worse - it destroys your Mitochondria, ergo your immunity, to ... cure you.

June just past, another scan - cancer stopped in its tracks. Oncologist astounded.

The NHS made no contribution to any of this. We found out later that only ONE in TEN breast cancer sufferers respond to Chemo; we were not told this at the time. Nor were we told that there is a blood test that can tell whether the Chemo is effective. Now done by the NHS, but they could have told us and we could have done it privately. The Sepsis which left a suppurating wound where my wife's right breast had been for weeks could have been fixed quickly with a special vacuum dressing, withheld until it was clear antibiotics and whatever were making no difference, because of the cost. £100 per diem. Quite how much the effect of this delay cost God knows.

So my wife refused further Chemo.

And is alive.

Doctors thrive on disease.

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I will never understand the 1937 cancer act that prevents any treatment other than chemo. When I first heard of a patient recovering from cancer without using chemo I was incredulous. Now it’s almost commonplace.

I had a friend diagnosed with cancer at stage 4, too advanced for chemo. She made changes to her diet and her tumours began to shrink. Doctors were so pleased they told her she was well enough to have chemo. She was dead within a week. Severe allergic reaction to it.

So I’m delighted to hear you’ve had success too. It’s definitely worth listening to these doctors at the conference. They all know there’s more than one way to make people better.

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The medical system is, not to put too fine a point on it, FUBAR

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

Better to understand this later than never

I add this from another Substack


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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

We need to look upstream of the healthcare system. The true drivers of good health are a non-toxic environment, nutritious non-toxic food, and connection to nature and other healthy people. Better "healthcare" is just a bandaid.

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Indeed. This is all covered by the conference.

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Very glad to hear it -- it was not so clear from the web site. Very often alternative/holistic practitioners just use the same allopathic strategy, but using plant-based and other supplements instead of drugs. Traditional societies can have very low chronic illness rates and healthy old age; they don't need medical care except for acute illness/injury.

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Indeed. There is reluctance from both allopaths and nauropaths to grasp the nettle.... what REALLY causes dis-ease ..... Germ Theory or Terrain Theory.

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That’s what the conference is about essentially. Everything you’ve mentioned will be discussed

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Love this post - make so much sense rather than the hubris of allopathic medical choices being the only answer to health choices .

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Feel my best wearing all my tinfoil gear these days . Would love to see these the allopathic types , less hubris like , and more empathic for what actually works for people . I think with the uncovering of the motivations and being bought by Big Pharma , I do hope people will wake up to some alternative treatments because there is something for everyone it seems to me.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This sounds promising. Thanks for the information.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley


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Thanks for sharing. I limit my interactions with 'health' care after several very unsatisfactory outcomes. Started researching on my own (that's a rabbit hole well worth exploring) and am in far better health in my mid sixties than I was 30 years ago. I'm also familiar with some of these speakers and highly recommend them.

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Is Germ Theory v Terrain Theory on the agenda? It should be ..... and right at the top. And if it's not, then why not? Perhaps because Germ Theorists, both allopathic and naturopathic are protecting their professional basis?

I hope I'm wrong and that the elephant in the room will be debated.

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This looks great. Dr Klinghardt would be another exceptional speaker at a future event. And Dr Andrew Saul.

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Are there any integrative, whole person doctors from.Australia presenting at the conference?

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Delighted to see so many homeopaths speaking! I shall defo attend partic as I am a 4th year homeopathy student in the UK.

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