Seriously, it’s like the terrible never ending infomercial at 3am....it just can’t get anymore ludicrous...BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! 🤯

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Will they give out free Ginsu steak knife sets with each vaccine now? STAY TUNED! :)

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And if you order in the next 10 minutes, you'll get not one, but two, ADVERSE GINSU KNIFE EVENTS FREE!!!!

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In Australia they now pay for your funeral if you die from the jab. Really.

Except that they'll never pay because they'll claim it wasn't the jab that killed you.

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This was at the top of my Substack this weekend...I made a funny-not-funny meme about it. Insanity...


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The grift that keeps on giving!

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I've stopped arguing with them and just say, "Get your boosters" and leave it to nature/Darwin/God.

Don't waste life on them.

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I agree! Retired from pharmacy, Let Natural Selection take over, you can’t fix stupid.

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After a colleague called me "an idiot" for not being vaccinated, and proudly declaring that he would take a vaccine shot every six months for the rest of his life if required, I have had endless fun asking if he has had his "twindemic" NHS booster yet. . . the excuses why he hasn't done so are very feeble.

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Sometimes I frame it like this UFM; what if they had asked us to shoot up with some random drug they found on the street, and we had refused. This is actually that ridiculous, and more, because their drug is MORE dangerous than a random drug on the street, much much more dangerous. Trust in 95% of people forever broken, with good reason. Best from Oregon

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Blimey, I haven't been to Oregon since 1984!

Those could figure it all out, already have. Those who haven't, never will.

It was easy for most of us, because we clocked it long before these injections rocked up. For me it was March 2020 when my BS detector hit the red zone.

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I'd take a random drug sold from a street dealer over this shit any day.

At least with the street dealer you know he has no interest in poisoning you.

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Funny how that works, eh Fast Eddy.

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Agreed! Friends and family revealed who they REALLY are... Some of the people I thought were very very smart... are just f-en dopes!

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nietzsche was correct in asserting that almost all humans have the intellect of barnyard animals...

I would expand on that and refer to the highly trained ones as circus animals

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thanks BMcG33, I think I finally realized through this that I am cut from a different cloth, and it ain't spandex....probably a wool blend of some sort....best...

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Wonder if we can get hold of the booster uptake numbers? That's my normie wakey-wakey bellwether.

Seems around 30% of British adults are swashbuckling free thinkers and clocked this from day one. Then another 20% got clued up as booster uptake fell to 50% by round three.

I've no idea what round this is, but it has to be down to 20% by now.

I saw it mentioned, bivalent booster uptake was 1.2% in America.

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At my local Tesco’s Pop up Kill bus this week, I saw a large queue of mainly old normies waiting their next jab. It was a much larger line than I expected, the last few weeks prior were basically empty.

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We are being lied to the MSM tells us huge numbers are not taking the latest booster.

Everyone I know who is on the booster train has had it.

Of course why would anyone believe anything the MSM publishes?

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It still surprises me how many people lined up to take the first 3. All 30 and 40 somethings I know took 3. At least most similar aged adults in USA woke up after the second...

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Steve Kirsch interviewed 3 CovIDIOTS last week.. one of them walked with he put forward the VSafe info ... the other two essentially said they know people are getting injured and dying but that's the price we have to pay to save the world.

They believe far more people are saved by the injections that die from them.

It is impossible to convince them otherwise... so why bother trying.

The PR Team running this psyop is the best there is .. thinking that any of us (basically we are like beginner chess players taking on Kasparov in his prime) can undo any of this ... is silly.

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We have the advantage of the truth, and that has a power of its own.

Some are too well trained to react allergically to truth, but some, after decades of being starved of it, will discover its nourishment and salvation.

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...and the cynical shall inherit the Earth.

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It's the kids I worry about. Those getting shot are in no position to express informed consent. Adults, yeah - they can do what they want to themselves

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They have parents. That's what parents are for. Nothing you or I can do about it.

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They are part of the Borg... there is no coming back if you went pass 2 shots (I dont think)... I know at least 10 people who weren't fully assimilated and said F-No after the second... but I know too many insane borg who have gotten their 5th.... Dopes!

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best advice I have heard all along. Thanks Mike. Its the only way.. I choose Sanity!

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I feel the same way. But if they have 10k+ twitter followers and they are pushing the jabs, I find them here https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=Vaccine%20min_faves%3A10&src=typed_query&f=live

And will add a comment like "A healthy young person really is unlikely to benefit from a booster dose" FDA advisor Dr Paul Offit with a CNN video.


I usually get blocked but maybe someone might see the tweet and start to question the narrative.

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Hahaha, did Twitter actually just censor the Surgeon General of one of the largest states in the US, with a medical doctorate and PhD for disinformation? Hahaha. What makes the twitter censorship employee feel he's more qualified or education in medicine?

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They censored SG from Florida?

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Yes they did. They restored it later I understand. All crazy.

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...Yes. If you read the article. The SG put out the letter (image 1 in article) and (image 2) is twitter's response (they deleted the post).

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I was kinda being a smart ass. I guess the way I said it didn't reflect that. It is NOT surprising.

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Ladapo's stuff is on point, as always. One of the few both brave and thinking epidemiologists out there in a position to do something. But if the blue haired idiots at Twitter can decide to censor the President of the United States (whomever it might be) what's a state surgeon general?

One would assume this was all just a joke -- too bad it has real-life repercussions. Musk and the distributed resource he envisions cannot come fast enough. He may not be perfect, but he is way ahead of what we have.

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Twitter has been a mental cage, by design, since inception. It was engineered to be one.

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Well, Florida seems to be going in a better direction than politically incorrect Canada/Canuckistan/Chinada.

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Thank God our founders saw fit to forming a Constitutional Republic.

We can vote with our feet.

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The rabbit hole is deep, Joel. Much deeper than most people are able to cope with.

I would imagine even most of the people reading your Substack would reject what’s obviously happening. I’ll just say Kanye West is 100% correct.

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If Kanye West is right about something, we really are up sh1t creek!

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But seriously, the point is, you don't have to go anywhere near any rabbit holes, do you? In what surface world does a normie seriously think this is a "normal" turn of events?? WTF goes through their heads when they are faced with this?? Nothing at all???

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Spoiler Alert: Nothing at all.

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"Nothing at all!" I think you may be on to something there, Joel.

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Most people would rather the in the majority than right. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said "safety" is merely an illusion.

Given the constant bombardment of propaganda by government and media, coupled with intellectual laziness that plagues modern society I’m not really surprised we are living in an upside down world.

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“Intellectual laziness”...BOOM💥!

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And what is happening today, is exactly what the Founding Forefathers warned about to a tee! Damn!

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Kayne West is right about a lot of things because he lately advocates for traditional family values and quotes the Bible a lot. Both of these things, seem to produce better results than leftist theory/indoctrination ie unsafe medical products and drag queen story time. Society has gone down hill very fast over 30 years of leftist indoctrination at university and high school level; dramatically so. Self-report women's happiness is at an all time low, adolescents suicides all time high, etc.

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Summarizing Kanye, in his words (not mine), he has been subjected industry Jews and is calling it out. They destroyed his family and pushed him too far. This is what he is saying, literally, you don’t need to read between the lines.

You can decide whether you think he’s correct or incorrect but that’s what he is saying.

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He’s right about Jared Kushner, and so on.

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You said it!! Skeery, SKEERY DEEEEP..... I've been working on pulling my entire family's heads out of the sand for literally 2.5yrs - jUST on the cvd pLandemic aspect of things!! - and for the most part, they'd all assume be left in the sand and continue looking through their rose-colored glasses...everything is fine...Life is sO good.!. No wAY could they handle the depths this all goes. SOOO dang frUstrating, unNERVING!! I just want to screaM at them - why, WHYYYY!!!... CAN'T you see what I see?!? GRRRRR.... sighhhh...

p.s. gonna have to check you out, 'God of NQ'. ; )

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Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a brilliant mind. Together with Drs. Scott Atlas, John Ioannidis, Jay Battacharya, Martin Kuldorff, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Marik, Urso, Bhakdi, Clare Craig, Aseem Malhotra, Jessica Rose, Mike Yeadon and the thousands of doctors who support the truth. They deserve our support.

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Getting spicy, Joel 😹

This is where I wish we could insert images into comments:


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🤣 Ahh man, Margaret. ThAT could not have come at a better time. What a sad truth. Thanks for sharing!!

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Delighted you enjoyed it, Naunie4TrthXpsd!

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People really are dumb..your post made me laugh 😅

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I'm so fed-up with Twitter and people who run from truth.

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Bold prediction: If any MSM channel picks this up they will debunk the data because its Ron de Santis who's in charge here. No proper factual discussion but debunking people on all kind of non-relevant topics. Thats the pattern I see. Logic has left the building a long time ago.

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Coffee & Covid (Jeff Childers) had a really good take on it yesterday. In short, he predicted nothing but silence from the usual suspects. To refute the FL surgeon general, they'd need to offer facts and statistics which don't exist.

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Had dinner with my 80 year old neighbor last night. He just got the octomouse booster, which is his 5th Moderna jab. Plus a flu shot! Would not listen to my warnings. Says he doesn’t care what happens to him. He’s going to Hong Kong and I guess the boosters are required? I’m worried he’s going to keel over or get a really bad case of C19 while there.

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Octomouse booster🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣fantastic.

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It's interesting how many people (old and young) seem to have lost interest in what will happen to them.

Make comments like "well I could be run over by a bus tomorrow" when you try warn them of the vaxxx dangers.

Self preservation gone out the window.

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Its because we live in such a relatively safe world now. Like the water we drink won't kill us but for a hundred thousand years, finding fresh drinking water was a huge-challenge in my areas of the world. 99.99% of the food we eat, won't damage us but back when we were scavenging, all kinds of food would give you the runs or was poisonous like berries. Even old meat could be fatal. Let alone wars, abduction by another tribe, enslavement, etc. In 2016-2018, what is your highest probability of death? Death from car accidents, heart attack (usually elderly from years of smoking or bad diet), cancer (also often from excess smoke/alcohol/etc consumption) but many are non-environmental and just the result of aging so far long your telomeres get too short for proper replication.

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Lets fix that cancer thing and telomere thing.

Oh wait we gotta spend it on more wars, stupid entertainment, junk food, and feeding fried chicken to invaders.

Sorry nevermind.

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The “ octomouse” booster! That’s awesome. 🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭

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“Octomouse booster” Love it!

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I stole that from another Substackian.

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To be honest, he's 80. He's lived a very long life. If he wants to gamble his health at 80, he might not have many years left to lose. I feel like he's earned the right to gamble after 80 years of living healthy/succesfully/dodging cancer, car accidents, bullets, muggings, strokes, drownings or any number of things that could have killed him in the interm.

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You are right. It’s his life.

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It's his civic duty For The Greater Good to avoid a jab that makes it more likely he'll (re)-catch and spread a disease to his fellow human beings who he's In It Together with

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"Had dinner with my 80 year old neighbor last night. He just got the octomouse booster, which is his 5th Moderna jab."


Pic related: https://0x0.st/otVT.jpg

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Octomouse booster, omg....😹😹😹 I'm stealing that awesomeness, hahaha...

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Octamouse! Lol

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The normies are still whispering these dark thoughts among themselves. They can't quite come out and admit that we were correct the whole time.

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Crazy that the tweet has been removed for breaking Twitter rules.🤬🤬🤬

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The authorities speak. The authorities have a real study. Who will listen to the authorities?

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Only Great Spirit God can help us.

Pray daily please, and sincerely.

Remember, Goddess created science.

Physics is still God.


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