You know damm well why they are doing this.

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They are doing the same thing in Canada. I am thoroughly convinced that they aggregate a pile of data and run it through an AI to find usable statistics. Aside from public comments to that effect, it is the only way to account for the bizarre statistical abuses that no human could come up with reliably without severe cognitive dissonance. AI has no cognitive dissonance, so there is no level of absurdity they won't stoop to.

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Enlightening comment here from November 2-- "The scary thing with regards to the Saskatchewan numbers is the province was undergoing a mass vaccination push (in the middle of a wave because Canadian health officials are idiots) as they imposed mandates everywhere and more vaccinated still died in that time period (37v vs 35 uv). Due to the 21 day rule and the amount of vaccinations in that time period likely accounts for a good chunk of the unvaccinated doses and at least a few of the deaths (if not more than a few)."

"!! Note: Unvaccinated here means “Unvaccinated or First dose <3 weeks” and the reasoning given is “Vaccines Work”.

From : Saskatchewan, Canada’s “COVID Vaccine and Severe Outcomes - September 2021” report.1

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Breakthrough Infections

Analysis based on new COVID-19 cases reported September1-30, 2021

Based on the number of deaths in September, the estimated rates were

8/100,000 in the unvaccinated group;

11/100,000 for residents with only a first dose; and

4/100,000 for those who completed their series."


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Remember the Scottish data used to first report crude deaths, then changed to rates per 100K, despite all the rigging, the fully vaccinated showed higher death rate per 100K than "Unvaccinated". That is, people injected with the serum didn't die at the rate they expected in the 21 days, likely due to youthful vaccinees forgetting they are supposed to die for the perpetuation of fear and propaganda through mislabelling. They then changed to age standardized mortality to overcome this problem. But when in the last week of October, even that failed, they wrote the following- I still remember the awful coverup note at the bottom


"In the last week, age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are similar for people who have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that are unvaccinated or have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, however the confidence intervals for the unvaccinated age-standardised mortality rates are wide. In the last week, the mean age of unvaccinated individuals with a confirmed COVID-19 related death was 71.5 years old, whereas the mean age of individuals that received 2 doses of vaccine and had a confirmed COVID-19 related death was 77.5 years old."

Just why no Scotman called up to ask PHS if they were by any chance aware what the mean age of deaths in the group they failed to report was. Was it by any chance even lower than 71.5? The partially Vaccinated? How about mean of dead with and without injection? Same or different?

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The entire category of "Partially vaccinated" was created to offset the losses to the unvaccinated and capitalize on the immunity through survival of the infected.

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Exactly. This whole scam is so carefully premeditated, the crimes are undeniable.

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They will be even more undeniable when Mr. Paul Mainwood will keep posting his "Waxin Waning Booster Mooning!" graphs into the heart of incoming covid winter. I'm carefully documenting the egregious scam that ONS and UKHSA are running. I cannot believe these people are unaware, they are fully aware and they simply don't care.

Paul Mainwood wants to Attack Prof. Neil and Fenton while he literally posts graphs showing 120% "improvement" in Vaccine Effectiveness after boosters for UK seniors.

Would one walk into a corner shop that had a 130% off for Christmas SALE without checking if they were being robbed? No, but we can achieve boost ourselves into transcendental vaccine effectiveness numbers. Literally Buddha would be proud of the amounts of rebirths that happened since week 38-41 (all fully boosted of course)

Vaccine Effectiveness can be boosted by 200% at this rate and they will post it, without stopping and thinking what it actually implies about what the vaccine must have been doing in the days prior to boosting, if it can improve 200%.


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What have you done to me?? I followed that link and not only saw his drivel but that other data-torturing shill John Burn-Murdoch and Deepti Gurdasani too. My eyes!!

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Well I've decided it's better to let them make the errors in plain view and we should just document it for now. It will be plainly obvious to all soon enough. I added your post to a list of "partially hoaxvaxxed" list I want to keep of the local authorities trying to trick their taxpayers.


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Don't blame them. A product or service does not exist, or exist for long, if it has no or little customers.

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Suggest you read the footnotes in the report. The likely explanation for higher covid rates among the vaccinated is that they are good at taking tests so their cases are reported. The same table shows that the unvaccinated who catch covid (whether reported or not) have to go to hospital and die in higher proportions than the vaccinated. I am all for treating data with scepticism but not ok with statistical ignorance.

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Your point would be worth considering if this wasn’t hospital data. If all of these people have to go to hospital and need care, they will all be being tested the same regardless of vaccination status.

Your point only has legs when comparing cases in the general population.

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