Welcome to the second level of The Conspiracy Theorists Rabbit Hole Joel! You are not insane :)
Correct, there is no climate change other than the natural cycle of the planet. CO2 is being impacted by us, but less than 3%. CO2 contributes less than 1% to global temperature. I have the statistical analysis to show if necessary, beware not easy reading. Typically temperature goes up, then 800 years later CO2 goes up, not the other way around.
To end on a brighter note, I won my case in court for not wearing a face mask. Judge declared not sufficient evidence to violate freedom of movement, in Belgium. I will now sue the mayor for violation of human rights.
Unfortunately, I must conclude your friend is bang-on, as bitter a red-pill it is to swallow. The fact that our fellow-citizens are so blinded to the unfolding agenda, is one of the hardest parts of this nightmare. It is like living a parallel universe most days. I don't understand how the useful idiots (e.g., docs, MSM reporters, politicians) don't see that they are helping to ruin the world for their own families too?
Most do see, but as toy said it is a bitter pill to swallow, so most choose not to. It is simply too painful to accept they were lied to at every turn, and they were stupid enough to believe it or to cowardly to stand up to it. It is simply too bitter for most.
maybe they love Gates or Pfizer bribes more than their own children? The Guardian received 12 Million from Gates, Der Spiegel 8 Million. That is enough for some to throw any morals overboard.
Large established institutions and monied interests have always been at war with the humans who make up the overwhelming majority of the world population. The power elites will use every dirty trick to consume the labors of the people to maintain their wealth and power, while harvesting their children for wicked consumption. The Devil really does wear Prada. The administrative state of DC is at war with the entire republic of We the People of the United States. Thank you for clearly discussing these tactics being used.
I think this is the case throughout history. We have had elities in control who have a propaganda agency and an enforcement ageny. We are at the bottom working to pay for it all. Only the elites change, from kings and emperors and now it is the institutions using the media as their propaganda machine. But I think in the west the elites lost control after WWII and the masses started to increase their wealth. The elites now want it back.
Precisely. Keep in mind that the elites didn’t lose wealth to the workers. They just want to kick out t he e rings beneath them once they climb the wealth ladder. Pure evil.
It's not just the USA - It's "The West" for lack of a better phrase, and that includes the Anglosphere. Happening everywhere. Sweepstake on what the next government sponsored hysteria will follow on Ukraine, when the media loses interest in that?
Hats off to Mr. Brodie for doing a fine job cataloging so many sources of conspiracy theories. And though I love using sarcasm, in this instance I'm not being sarcastic.
The difference between conspiracy theory and fact is currently 3 to 6 months.
I agree with every word you have posted. We know what they are up to, so what action can we take to stop them? I have put my life on hold for a year in order to study all these various avenues in detail, and I have arrived at the same conclusion as you. I read and read but I'm still not finding a concrete answer on how we defeat them. I have stopped shopping at large organisations (I support local independent businesses instead), and I did not download or use the NHS Covid app. I use cash everywhere where possible to keep cash in the system to avoid centralised digital banking currencies, I have written to my MP several times and I have completed every government survey (which have been designed to bias outcomes in their favour by the way), I have donated to solid causes, and I quit my career to not have to implement covid policies that treated children as walking vectors for disease, and so much more.
The time to take action is now before they erode every last one of our rights. What lawful actions can we take today to stop this? Let's start generating ideas together.
I would love nothing more than to break away from this system and live in a sustainable community of likeminded individuals, but I do not have cash flow to buy into such a community, sadly.
I believe no one will be held accountable for what has been done, even if our worse fears are proven in courts of law.
The reasons why are explained in Chris Hedges' book "War is a Force that Gives us Meaning" (highly recommended btw). In it Hedges describes the nature of war, which he saw up close and personally in many instances. His descriptions of what went on in Guatemala, Sudan, the former Yugoslavia, etc. are in many ways descriptions of what has gone on in the west during Covid. He describes how in the end, when the people who supported the war lords, realize that they were guilty of causing the war because of their support, they do not persecute the war lord who is of course more guilty than the people. The people were victims too. Victims of propaganda, of lost minds, lost livelihoods, lost lives, lost relationships, etc. But in the end, they prefer to bury the history and not talk about it than to face their own culpability.
I believe this is what will happen here. Eventually the truth will come out, but the people will want to bury it because they will know their support of the psy-ops programs allowed them to happen. Their own trust and naiveté allowed these bureaucrats to wage war on us all. Better to bury it than look in the mirror.
Over the past two years there is one scene from Captain America 2 that keeps going through my head.
Captain America and Black Widow find the former head scientist from Hydra, Arnim Zola and engage in a discussion about Hydra’s failings to implement their evil plan. Substitute Hydra with WEF and SHIELD with world governments and you get a pretty accurate description of the last two years.
Dr. Arnim Zola: HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you tried to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded, and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew, a beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. For 70 years, HYDRA has been secretly feeding crises, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.
Dr. Arnim Zola: Accidents will happen. HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's New World Order will arise. We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your life, a zero sum!
Your explanation is plausible, but an alternative explanation might be instead be a 'perfect storm' of misaligned incentives. Politicians favor any cause that will give them more power or a bigger megaphone, and are adept at burying inconvenient information - not because that they knew beforehand how bad the results of their actions are going to be, but because they didn't know and didn't want to be held accountable after the results eventually came to light. In the case of the covid carnival, they 'buried the skeletons' both literally and figuratively. This allows a politician to claim success, having eliminated the possibility for others to prove them wrong.
The rest could be mostly profit incentive, exploited to insanely immoral levels by clever opportunists.
Again, this is just another possible way of connecting the dots. Will we ever learn what really happened? I fear we will not, but convening a Nuremburg 2.0 would be too good for the profiteers and politicians who foisted this travesty on the rest of humanity.
one has to bear in mind that "being labelled delusional and having one's mental health questioned" is a hallmark of the CIA style tactics to discredit anyone who speaks against the Establishment viewpoint, just like slapping one with the "conspiracy theorist" label.
There are 101 clues showing that this was a globally-coordinated conspiracy. One of the most obvious was the global banning of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at the start of lockdown. Follow the links in my first bullet point to find out why they did this.
Global warming has always been a joke. Michael Mann and others erased the Medieval Warm Period to generate his hockey stick graph. Obama parroted the 97% scientific consensus that was based on a junk study. Dissenters lost funding and we’re shunned by their peers (sound familiar).
Researching The Club of Rome shines some light on this subject. Tony Heller is also a good YT and Rumble resource as is Suspicious Observers on YT.
please remind yourselves whenever you type or say COVID that it's not been shown to be a unified disease (rather than a collection of symptoms) with a single cause, nor that the single cause has been detected, nor that the cause, that has not been detected, has been shown to be the cause of the collection of symptoms that has not shown to be a unified disease. Many thanks!
I’m no historian, but throughout the course of history when have governments ever worked for the benefit of the people they govern? Other than the great US experiment, which resulted in the greater benefits and prosperity for the people it governed than any country in the history of the world but is now becoming (has become?) co-opted by the grifters, thieves and charlatans, it seems that governments and leaders have very nearly universally acted only in their own self interests to gather more power and wealth over those they govern. Benefits to the governed are largely side effects occurring only insofar as necessary for those in power to remain so in order to continue to gain ever more wealth and control. The more power they have, the less they need show concern for those they govern, so as they gain power and control, the worse things become for the governed. They are simply needed less for the powerful to get and retain what they want.
Great job by your friend. Fantastic summary and links, thanks! Really enjoyed the short video by Rebel Capitalist he linked about the WEF and Club of Rome background leading us to the current frauds of Covid and Climate.
Welcome to the second level of The Conspiracy Theorists Rabbit Hole Joel! You are not insane :)
Correct, there is no climate change other than the natural cycle of the planet. CO2 is being impacted by us, but less than 3%. CO2 contributes less than 1% to global temperature. I have the statistical analysis to show if necessary, beware not easy reading. Typically temperature goes up, then 800 years later CO2 goes up, not the other way around.
To end on a brighter note, I won my case in court for not wearing a face mask. Judge declared not sufficient evidence to violate freedom of movement, in Belgium. I will now sue the mayor for violation of human rights.
Awesome work!
What is the best source for, shall we say, accurate information about the climate?
Most sceptic papers have been suppressed by the pal review process. So the blogs are still the best place - e.g. http://notrickszone.com , http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com cliveBest.com, http://www.wattsupwiththat.com/ http://www.climateaudit.org/ (for very detailed statistical demolition of the fradulent Hockeystick) http://www.judithcurry.com/ Bishophill is effectively an archive now but it is still a good place to start because Andrew Montford has a great ability to explain complex issues succinctly, e.g. http://bishophill.squarespace.com/blog/2011/2/8/steigs-method-massacred.html
Thanks for the pointers! Much appreciated
Fabulous win!
Funny that Climate warriors are fretting about CO2 in the atmosphere, but not about concentration in their kids respiratory gases after being masked
Well done Michael 👏🏻👏🏻I hope you end up with some compensation for your hard work.
Unfortunately, I must conclude your friend is bang-on, as bitter a red-pill it is to swallow. The fact that our fellow-citizens are so blinded to the unfolding agenda, is one of the hardest parts of this nightmare. It is like living a parallel universe most days. I don't understand how the useful idiots (e.g., docs, MSM reporters, politicians) don't see that they are helping to ruin the world for their own families too?
Most do see, but as toy said it is a bitter pill to swallow, so most choose not to. It is simply too painful to accept they were lied to at every turn, and they were stupid enough to believe it or to cowardly to stand up to it. It is simply too bitter for most.
maybe they love Gates or Pfizer bribes more than their own children? The Guardian received 12 Million from Gates, Der Spiegel 8 Million. That is enough for some to throw any morals overboard.
Nicely worded and I share the same exact sentiment
Large established institutions and monied interests have always been at war with the humans who make up the overwhelming majority of the world population. The power elites will use every dirty trick to consume the labors of the people to maintain their wealth and power, while harvesting their children for wicked consumption. The Devil really does wear Prada. The administrative state of DC is at war with the entire republic of We the People of the United States. Thank you for clearly discussing these tactics being used.
I think this is the case throughout history. We have had elities in control who have a propaganda agency and an enforcement ageny. We are at the bottom working to pay for it all. Only the elites change, from kings and emperors and now it is the institutions using the media as their propaganda machine. But I think in the west the elites lost control after WWII and the masses started to increase their wealth. The elites now want it back.
Precisely. Keep in mind that the elites didn’t lose wealth to the workers. They just want to kick out t he e rings beneath them once they climb the wealth ladder. Pure evil.
They also want us paying to be their guinea pigs https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-process-for-real-world-evidence so they can reach zero-disease for themselves
This includes the mystery of K26R. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/
It's not just the USA - It's "The West" for lack of a better phrase, and that includes the Anglosphere. Happening everywhere. Sweepstake on what the next government sponsored hysteria will follow on Ukraine, when the media loses interest in that?
Hats off to Mr. Brodie for doing a fine job cataloging so many sources of conspiracy theories. And though I love using sarcasm, in this instance I'm not being sarcastic.
The difference between conspiracy theory and fact is currently 3 to 6 months.
I agree with every word you have posted. We know what they are up to, so what action can we take to stop them? I have put my life on hold for a year in order to study all these various avenues in detail, and I have arrived at the same conclusion as you. I read and read but I'm still not finding a concrete answer on how we defeat them. I have stopped shopping at large organisations (I support local independent businesses instead), and I did not download or use the NHS Covid app. I use cash everywhere where possible to keep cash in the system to avoid centralised digital banking currencies, I have written to my MP several times and I have completed every government survey (which have been designed to bias outcomes in their favour by the way), I have donated to solid causes, and I quit my career to not have to implement covid policies that treated children as walking vectors for disease, and so much more.
The time to take action is now before they erode every last one of our rights. What lawful actions can we take today to stop this? Let's start generating ideas together.
I have had it up to my ears with these monsters!
The only way to defeat them is to live without them. Take a look at what we're trying to do in Zanzibar - www.libertyplaces.com.
I will check that out, but also consider RightingTheWrongs.org
I would love nothing more than to break away from this system and live in a sustainable community of likeminded individuals, but I do not have cash flow to buy into such a community, sadly.
I believe no one will be held accountable for what has been done, even if our worse fears are proven in courts of law.
The reasons why are explained in Chris Hedges' book "War is a Force that Gives us Meaning" (highly recommended btw). In it Hedges describes the nature of war, which he saw up close and personally in many instances. His descriptions of what went on in Guatemala, Sudan, the former Yugoslavia, etc. are in many ways descriptions of what has gone on in the west during Covid. He describes how in the end, when the people who supported the war lords, realize that they were guilty of causing the war because of their support, they do not persecute the war lord who is of course more guilty than the people. The people were victims too. Victims of propaganda, of lost minds, lost livelihoods, lost lives, lost relationships, etc. But in the end, they prefer to bury the history and not talk about it than to face their own culpability.
I believe this is what will happen here. Eventually the truth will come out, but the people will want to bury it because they will know their support of the psy-ops programs allowed them to happen. Their own trust and naiveté allowed these bureaucrats to wage war on us all. Better to bury it than look in the mirror.
Over the past two years there is one scene from Captain America 2 that keeps going through my head.
Captain America and Black Widow find the former head scientist from Hydra, Arnim Zola and engage in a discussion about Hydra’s failings to implement their evil plan. Substitute Hydra with WEF and SHIELD with world governments and you get a pretty accurate description of the last two years.
Dr. Arnim Zola: HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you tried to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded, and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew, a beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. For 70 years, HYDRA has been secretly feeding crises, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.
Natasha Romanoff: That's impossible. S.H.I.E.L.D. would've stopped you.
Dr. Arnim Zola: Accidents will happen. HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's New World Order will arise. We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your life, a zero sum!
I'm speechless. Awesome read. Thanks. Lots I intend to reread.
Your explanation is plausible, but an alternative explanation might be instead be a 'perfect storm' of misaligned incentives. Politicians favor any cause that will give them more power or a bigger megaphone, and are adept at burying inconvenient information - not because that they knew beforehand how bad the results of their actions are going to be, but because they didn't know and didn't want to be held accountable after the results eventually came to light. In the case of the covid carnival, they 'buried the skeletons' both literally and figuratively. This allows a politician to claim success, having eliminated the possibility for others to prove them wrong.
The rest could be mostly profit incentive, exploited to insanely immoral levels by clever opportunists.
Again, this is just another possible way of connecting the dots. Will we ever learn what really happened? I fear we will not, but convening a Nuremburg 2.0 would be too good for the profiteers and politicians who foisted this travesty on the rest of humanity.
one has to bear in mind that "being labelled delusional and having one's mental health questioned" is a hallmark of the CIA style tactics to discredit anyone who speaks against the Establishment viewpoint, just like slapping one with the "conspiracy theorist" label.
There are 101 clues showing that this was a globally-coordinated conspiracy. One of the most obvious was the global banning of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at the start of lockdown. Follow the links in my first bullet point to find out why they did this.
Global warming has always been a joke. Michael Mann and others erased the Medieval Warm Period to generate his hockey stick graph. Obama parroted the 97% scientific consensus that was based on a junk study. Dissenters lost funding and we’re shunned by their peers (sound familiar).
Researching The Club of Rome shines some light on this subject. Tony Heller is also a good YT and Rumble resource as is Suspicious Observers on YT.
please remind yourselves whenever you type or say COVID that it's not been shown to be a unified disease (rather than a collection of symptoms) with a single cause, nor that the single cause has been detected, nor that the cause, that has not been detected, has been shown to be the cause of the collection of symptoms that has not shown to be a unified disease. Many thanks!
I go into this in loving detail here! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w
You did a fabulous job wrapping up all of the evilness. Thank you.
I’m no historian, but throughout the course of history when have governments ever worked for the benefit of the people they govern? Other than the great US experiment, which resulted in the greater benefits and prosperity for the people it governed than any country in the history of the world but is now becoming (has become?) co-opted by the grifters, thieves and charlatans, it seems that governments and leaders have very nearly universally acted only in their own self interests to gather more power and wealth over those they govern. Benefits to the governed are largely side effects occurring only insofar as necessary for those in power to remain so in order to continue to gain ever more wealth and control. The more power they have, the less they need show concern for those they govern, so as they gain power and control, the worse things become for the governed. They are simply needed less for the powerful to get and retain what they want.
Mass formation now.....
One third people a lost cause
One third pursuadable to the truth
One third never fell for the scam in the first place.
Great job by your friend. Fantastic summary and links, thanks! Really enjoyed the short video by Rebel Capitalist he linked about the WEF and Club of Rome background leading us to the current frauds of Covid and Climate.