The trouble with Tice and Farage is that they're always dragging their feet on issues until public opinion catches up rather than "leading from the front", so to speak. This is frustrating to those of us who are ahead of the curve but, I guess, politically expedient. No doubt Tice will make a deft change of tack on the vaccines (and Ukraine and any other issue) just before the point at which it becomes obvious to the public that they've been poisoned.

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Spot on!

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having been studying life under 'the people' and Chairman Mao in China and the aftermath, destruction of life, power struggles and chaos following the Reformation and French Revolution- I've completely changed my mind about introducing a new system of government in the UK! We have some issues yes but we don't really know we're born compared to what happened in these countries.

I think we work with what we have but remove many powers, and stop lobbying immediately. We also leave the UN and WHO as a priority. We take the 'pressure' from the NHS by empowering ourselves to look after our own health and by understanding that no one ever needs a mask, vaccine or a lockdown for anything ever.


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That's exactly right. When people say "the system is broken, we need a new one," I agree that it's broken, but I think it's because we've been systematically abandoning the principles it was founded on that attempt to protect individual freedoms and liberties for many years and have allowed those protections to be eroded by a combination of power mongering and profiteering. Klaus Schwab wants a collusion between private interests and the state, he wants to "defragment" our society by pushing a singular narrative and shutting down all dissent - this is exactly what fascism is. We need to reduce the power of government and corporations and increase the power of the average individual, and decrease the influence of centralized powers over media. People with differing opinions from those who currently hold the reigns of political and financial power absolutely must be heard.

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Yes that's right. I have completely changed my mind on this, I think the powers that be would be very happy with the chaos and violence of a revolution and the removal of the protections and freedoms that we are trying to give each other and have been working on, with some success, for many years.

To me it doesn't make any difference who the party in power is or who the prime minister is, I'm only vaguely aware who it actually is, because party politicians are not running the country. Corporate interest, profit and the algorithm controls everything and the algorithm cares nothing for the planet, the people on it nor any living thing.

I think we definitely have to fight for freedom of speech and democracy, flawed though it is, it's better than many alternatives. And to individually awake and free ourselves from the global profit system.


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What do you mean by the global profit system? Are you talking about the WEF and the giant corporations and their unlimited donations to reelection campaigns of elected officials who then allow people like Fauci to profit from the sale of vaccines to the government? So, legalized bribery of legislators and regulators, basically. That's one fundamental problem we have.

When people talk about eliminating the profit motive *in general*, that raises big red flags for me. Private ownership of property and the free exchange of goods and services, that is, free enterprise, are The Cornerstone of individual empowerment which is the cornerstone of individual liberty and freedom. You cannot have freedom and liberty without private ownership of property and free markets. But when giant corps and government agencies are allowed to become huge and powerful and are allowed to share confidential information associated with their employees and customers and citizens, etc., and pay each other and thereby control (heavily influence) each other and collude, then we have facism (tyrannical control of a population, affected through cooperation between powerful government and private interests).

Important things we need:

Free markets

Currency that cannot be controlled by corporations or by governments

Anti-trust laws and anti-trust law enforcement

Limits on government powers (eg., Medical Freedom)

Limits on corporate powers (can't hush employees who have political things to say)

Limits on reelection campaign fund donations

Elimination of conflicts of interest on the part of legislators and regulators

Term limits for regulators

Election of regulators by all parties

Limits on the powers of regulators

Transparent elections that can be proven to be valid and correct

Elimination and disallowing of government control/influence/sponsorship of news and media

Elimination of Eastern Communist ownership / control of Western assets

.. to name a few.

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Maybe we need to keep in mind that actual Fascism (and its cousin, Nazism) was wildly popular in the 1920s and 30s before it lost a huge war, and that the same forces of greed and general stupidity and superficiality of the population that made it so exist no less today than they did then. All that today's fascists, like Schwab, need to do is change the name to something that sounds nice like "defragmentation", and the masses follow them just like they followed Mussolini and Hitler.

(Of course, I don't mean to minimize the "rival" poison of Communism/Socialism, but the way they sell themselves is a bit different.)

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Nationalism etc was encouraged in Germany in the 20's and 20's because of the dire state it had been left in after the Great War, which happened because the alliances between the great powers, who were taking it in turns to prop up the Ottoman empire, in order to keep peace, was working Ok for many decades, until it didn't. I think all the great powers were equally culpable in that war could have been averted.

I don't think the German 'masses', or anyone else were greedy or stupid, they were really struggling and that can be channelled in unhelpful ways.

I also don't think KS Square Pants has any real power. Davos, just a rich boys vanity club, is fizzling out as the leaders know the media is on to them and will be taking the piss out of them so they are starting to stay away.

Square pants may want depopulation for his descendants to enjoy a pristine earth but the algorithm doesn't, and the algorithm is in charge.

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What exactly is the 'algorithm' and who keeps it in power?

I hope your optimism is well-placed, but I'm skeptical.

You seem to know history, but it is true that the fascist ideologies were considered 'cool' outside of the countries where the real suffering was occurring, and the same is true today.

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Love this. I had a stab at working in the political system last year too. Not for me, system is so stuffed. Looking forward to following along here.

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The only constant is change. Good luck with this neat Substack idea.

About change ... it can happen real fast ...


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“the UK, like every other nation in the world, needs a new system of governance, not a new political party in government. The system is broken.”

Well done, Joel! I am heartened by your disenchantment with UK polyticks (SicK). I am even more hopeful that you, and those like you who value freedom but still believe in the God of Government, will become an atheist like Voluntaryist me.

“This is how the world will change. When the world becomes free it will not be by the creation of new laws, or the removal of old, or new political leaders, or any election result. It will not be because of a change in government, but because of a change in attitude toward government. Genuine change will come when the state is ignored, not reformed. It will not come when politicians are better, but when they are irrelevant. When state-made law is no longer deemed necessary or important it will not be respected. When it is not respected it will not be enforced because it will not be enforceable. The world can become free of the barbarous relic called the state. The state is a dangerous fiction whose power rests entirely on people’s belief in its necessity, or inevitability. It is not a given that a state must or will always exist. The state, like so many other superstitions [e.g., slavery once accepted as necessary] now thought to be outrageous, inhumane, and inefficient, can be left in the ash heap of history.” Isaac Morehouse

No one rules if no one obeys. www.voluntaryist.com


Pleased the Ikigai model, which I have been using for years, is serving you well. As to your “Evidence-based education”, this is new to me and just looked it up. Seems still too institutionalized and caught in Max’s (Weber) Iron Cage.

How about trying the Alliance for Self-Directed Education https://www.self-directed.org/

and Home-Un-Schooling supported by me https://www.responsiblyfreeschool.com/ --right now teaching two 12 y.o.’s university courses:

UQx PSYC1030.2x Introduction to Developmental Psychology; and,

UBCx ReligionX The Science of Religion.

If you have not read John Holt’s work, I hope you will https://www.johnholtgws.com/john-holt

“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.” Baruch Spinoza

Keep safe and free.

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I like your post apart from hoping that others will become atheists. I don't think that will help nor do I think it will help to rely upon religion. I'm certainly not religious in any way but I do believe there is a deeply spiritual and mystical aspect to this world that we all live in and very few people appreciate, understand or sense it. However, the fact is that many people and organisations have a great appreciation, understanding and respect for a supreme power / intelligence and we don't need to look very far to find that in our society and in symbolism etc. It is a sad fact that many of these people and organisations use their knowledge of secrets and position of power to their advantage, thereby controlling society and filling their own pockets etc. If we dare to disregard the spiritual and mystical nature of our world then we dare to enslave ourselves for eternity. It's certainly not a subject for everyone but we should at least endeavour to acquire and understand the esoteric knowledge which has been kept from the masses if we are to lift ourselves out of slavery and maintain some form of freedom.

P.S. I recommend that people watch the latest episode of the Highwire.com (Ep303) in which Dr Astrid Stuckelberger touches upon the esoteric in her interview with Del Bigtree.

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I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that by "atheism" he meant only rejection of the god of government (although it does seem that he probably meant it literally.) People who reject unjustified authority often do have the tendency to take this to the extreme and reject even God's authority, but they do sometimes grow out of that attitude.

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There you have it, folks. People ion Western society believe that if A will kill them & their children, but politicians say they have to inject them with A anyway, that they simply must do so & that there is no legal way to stop getting themselves OR their children injected with A.

“Because Mommy-Government told us we have to.”

They actually think that there are laws in place that say anywhere in their constitution that their politicians can mandate anything let alone untested products, & should they do so, then the citizens have zero choice but to comply with these decisions: that there are zero legal avenues against such tyranny in Free & democratic nations. & that this is written into their constitution.

They actually think that there are legalities forcing them to comply with decisions made by politicians/that this tyranny is legal.

What utter cowards you all are that you’d rather risk the health & well-being of everyone you’ve ever cared about than stand up for them against what? One Constipated-looking Scowl of Discontent From Mitch Pelosi? Or Nancy McConnell?

Your own children mean less to you than the Imaginary Love & Acceptance of these Complete Strangers who will never even know you exist?

Then take the damned jab already.

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Saffron Walden loss, but totally agree as to reasoning. Means you get more time devoted to saving humanity on Substack 😄

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“The U.K. and every country needs a new system of government”. I can only wholeheartedly agree with this. Ricardo Bossi from Australia has explained this very well in a recent interview with Dr Sam White. Actually we do not need ‘government’, we need to reclaim and re-assert our sovereign individual rights. This is the most important action which, once done, will fix the current problems we all see only too clearly. https://vimeo.com/791186714/e37ba6a0cc

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No to anything block chain! Block chain is a dangerous technocratic scam.

Please study the meticulous research of Alison McDowell of Wrench in the Gears.


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I must admit having seen Richard Tice being interviewed by Rich Vobes during which Vobes mentioned vaccines I was very disappointed that Tice did not have the courage to pick up the matter. Maybe he is uninformed but unless he gets informed he loses my vote. It is a number one issue for me. At least Nigel Farrage publicly states that he did not get a booster and has no intention of doing so or of following any future mandates.

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Agree we need a broad based system of education that is fully decentralized.

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With not a Union or ex Teaching Union member in sight ( or in site..)

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I imagine it as a grassroots effort rising from the participating humans. Once formulated and taught a 12 week preparation for parenting and childbirth class and it served as community nexus. Very interesting to contemplate the possibilities here. Doubt if we would want the teacher's union folks anyway. All the issues with school boards, corporate and government financing, etc.

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I was backing REFORMUK mostly because of yourself & Dr Bull . . . because I don't trust Tice. Now it's the Heritage party or being politically homeless.

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As 2024 approaches, I reckon the bought off MSM will be clamouring for Tice to give interviews so they can fillet him from their anti "No More Lies", SARS COV2 scamdemic /vaccine gullible positions, split the small "c" vote and no policy Stammerer gets in by FPTP default - I wonder if he is bright enough to have worked that out...

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Well said; agree about Farage - he is either constrained editorially - don't really believe that given the no holds barred positions of Steyn and Oliver who talk more sense than emanated from all WEF Davos devotees ever - or does not quite believe the horror show ( which he refers to more and more so don't believe that either ) OR he is lining up for a political re-entry and does not want to give too much "ammunition" to the opposition - but in one sense he has already done that - or he is playing a clever game and waiting for important elements of the MSM to finally admit they are 100% wrong about SARS COV2 - and this would suggest the tide is racing towards the shore:



Or something else - cannot quite make up my mind. He appears to "dip his toe" but won't get "wet all over" ( OK , allusion to "wet" is not well chosen but best I could come up with on the spur of the moment)

Tice has shown himself to be a man of straw with his lack of support and indeed criticism of Bridgen; given the email disclosures from MHRA ( assuming they are genuine and not a UK MI5 psyops scam), I think he has made a bad error of judgment and if he does not very convincingly do a volte face a la Malhotra, and very quickly, he and Reform UK are electoral toast imho - until that happens I am firmly in "political enfranchisement choice no man's land" with some very hard thinking to do.

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You're right - we don't need more political parties, we need a new form of politics!

It's unlikely to change and if it does, it won't be for the better. It's already more like multinational unaccountable corporations and NGOs simply do what they want and tell national governments what to say and how to pay. Not going to get any better without some sort of revolution and people just don't seem interested - the fire has gone out. So good luck with your new venture - I hope you're not going to stop this substack though as you're one of my favourites (good at explaining things!).

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I have the same frustrations about Reform - too much just reacting to current news items, and no basic setting out of principles.

I'll certainly take a look at your new substack, but $99 a month is serious money - like most SubStackers I subscribe (paid) to a number of newsletters (five at the moment) and so they need to fit that sort of budget. But, good luck !

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Best of luck Joel. looking forward to it. I think any honest person who has ventured into politics has felt the same. When strong people follow their life's purpose and the truth, they can have a more profound positive effect as they inspire people on the way. When enough of us do it, it makes politics and politicking impotent.

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A wise decision Joel.

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