The same may be said for Israel and Palestinian territory. Note rate of vaxx. 61% v 18% respectively, same COVID death rates by population (same as seen in NZ hospital data).


There appears no indication here that the clot shots are effective.

Given the differences with Jordan, I contend there are also other unaccounted environmental influences

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you trust the numbers of either country to be correct?

i have a very nice bridge to sell...

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Iran probably got the shots with the "special sauce" in it.

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This one hard to tell. Can’t even expand the picture. Please compare the numbers. I can’t see them if I try to expand

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Iran used a traditional protein-based vaccine, the one developed by Nicholas Petrovsky, the Australian vaccine scientist

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Thanks Joel, couldn’t be clearer.

Let the Covidians put that in their pipe and smoke it!

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Before watching the video I’d guess Iran, but not because of the vax, I thinks there was something more sinister going on.

They used very little mRNA vaccines, is what I’m led to believe. Looks like they’re all just as bad.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

you're displaying total deaths, right? However, Iran has slightly more than twice the population of Iraq (87 million versus 40 million), so we would expect twice as many deaths in Iran as in Iraq, other things being equal. But Iran has way more than twice as many

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Also check out Israel vs Palestine in terms of jabs and deaths. Hint: the one who was systematically denied the jabs for so long by the other one, ended up with the lower death rate.

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I'm obtuse but do I interpret this as IRAN (85k+58k = 143k cummulative covid deaths) and IRAQ (14k + 11k = 25k cummulative covid deaths)

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FYI: Iran banned the import of all US&UK "vaccines" and called the vaccines totally untrustworthy (News, Jan 2021):


I remember seeing a Irani med. scientist in an interview and they were discussing Iran-made juice and how it looked really good at that point*. Here is the long list of the injection they have used, they'd tried also Janssen and A&Z, Sputnik is there and it's derived from AZ [chimp adenovirusvector]:


*) "Vaccine success" in a short time window probably had nothing to do with their injection, more to do with seasonality and natural immunity, when it wasn't hampered yet. Interestingly the guy also told how low vit. D levels were a problem esp. for females because female wear them black sacks and many stayed also inside because of the heat (and because you are not allowed to walk alone).

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