I agree - vaccine deaths are another form of collateral deaths.

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I have no doubt this is true. How can we almost daily watch young athletes "fall out" and often die and not suspect that this is the case? Additionally, your observations go along with other information I've seen such as the estimate, apparently by Toby Rogers that among children the "COVID" injections will kill 117 children for every one they save from "COVID". This phenomenon of all cause mortality increasing in the face of a vaccine pogrom (sorry can't call these things "programs" anymore) is not new. Here is a paper by a pro-vax scientist who had the integrity to look at all cause mortality among African children getting DTP vaccines: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5360569/ Here is a quote: "DTP was associated with increased mortality; OPV may modify the effect of DTP."

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Thank you, and please keep up the great work!

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This is definitely appearing to be a significant issue worldwide. While we know that some excess deaths have resulted directly from the vaccines, another explanation for increased death rates in younger populations is almost certainly collateral damage created by the extreme totalitarian policies. Unpacking it all would be a monumental task. If these trends continue, don't be surprised to see governments cease distribution of this data - there's still plenty of opposition to the assorted regimes watching it closely. Once the data becomes publicly unavailable, we'll know it's really tanked, eh? Thanks for your efforts!

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Well we shouldn't have to go as far as distinguishing vaccine deaths from other collateral deaths. All roads lead back to the same place.

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That's true, but knowing the vax contribution would help with anti-mandate/pass arguments

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It doesn't stop infection or transmission, passports are unethical and contravene numerous codes. You would think that would suffice?

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You would think, wouldn’t you! Instead I’ve written a 3 page letter to my MP

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Mine have had 30. Still waiting for a sensible response!

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I saw your one on Tess Lawry's website - way too clear for them!

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Fascinating Joel. Keep up the good work! ICYMI, you might be interested in this paper if you've not seen it. It's picking up some pace.


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Thank you! Please keep up the excellent work!

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Austria -near the beginning of the alphabet and Neo-fascist- I love it! Trends in the same, as well as different, populations look weird if you don't standardise for age, as you know. For example, in an ageing population graphs appear to show the number of deaths from respiratory disease drastically increasing- where as infact they are staying roughly the same when age standardised. I am fascinated to know why spike protein jabs affect young men more than women, (also why pesticides etc afflict men with Parkinsons and women with Alzheimers) I am sure finding out would tell us many things!

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Well we already know the what - cardiovascular events. Why men and not women the scientists will work out eventually. What's important is to stop the unnecessary death in the meantime. That's very simple. Stop the vaccinations.

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When Christian Eriksen collapsed and had to be resuscitated in front of the world , I was so shocked, I thought this is it, everyone will see what the vaccines do. Then they started rewriting history. Then it started happening all over. How bad does it have to get?

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The age cohort 15-64 is very wide, so difficult to point out "young men" in these graphs, although I won't complain with that definition!

Is there some record of when exactly vaccination of each age cohort commenced, and then rather than look at month of year, look at months after vaccine commenced?

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That is my ultimate intention. It's a very big project with limited data.

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