An assumption or two are in order:

1. Depopulation is intended from first generation “vaccines”.

2. Depopulation is intended everywhere (or nowhere).

Taken in isolation, I agree with the authors conclusions.

However I’m not in any way reassured because I don’t think these assumptions are correct. Obviously I can’t be sure of anything, but it cannot be purely about money, because the people running this global deception among other things stand astride the money creation processes in central & private banks. Sure, many people are getting hugely wealthy from this, but the evidence to me stinks of totalitarian control & I can’t think of a reason why diabolical characters like Gates would want to plough money in to feed what he sees as superfluous livestock in his lower meadow. Now he doesn’t need them, I don’t expect he’ll feed them,

If I was to guess, I expect the prime force of the Satanic Monty Pythonesque boot to stamp on European & North American faces, forever.

6uild 6ack 6etter first requires destruction.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Michael Deacon, a satirical political commentator in the Daily Telegraph- himself, pro vax, amusingly de-bunked the "depopulation plot" theory by asking "Why would they (TPTB) want to kill off all the obedient, unquestioning, compliant vax takers (my words, his sentiments) and be left with just a bunch of stroppy, independent-minded, freedom fighting individuals ( my words, his sentiments) to control? It doesn't make sense- so yes, I go with all the golden oldies of political motivation- Power, Wealth, Control, Corruption, Sleaze.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Adolf Eichman did it to exterminate.

IG Farben to make money.

and lots of others just because they were told to.

and some because they thought it was the right thing to do.

and neither of those are exclusive.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

In my opinion its too early to tell. People would take too much notice if the young started dying at too rapid a rate but we do not know yet if babies being born will be infertile, produce damaged gametes, fall prey to auto-immune diseases. We also have no long term data on those injected, whether we will see similar effects.

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From a reader who cannot comment directly:

"It's been plausibly hypothesized the "SARS-CoV-2" and "vaccine" bioweapons affect various ethnicities differently. In the US, where we have unlimited perpetual invasion by unknown border crossers who then are paid to "vote" Democrat there is no incentive and actually very good incentives to kill AND profit. I guess I'm saying that perhaps you are correct about South Korea but it doesn't translate to the rest of the world. I'm glad South Korea seems to have authorities that care about their citizens. The US does not. Here's an example of different responses to a vaccine: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-discovers-african-americans-respond-better-to-rubella-vaccine/"

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It would be easy to tell if the pandemic was for profit or depopulation.

Subject Bill Gates to a blood test. Certain artifacts are always visible in the vaccinated.

If Gates has artifacts, the pandemic was for profit.

If not...

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Everything is about depopulation.

The extension of abortion up until birth.

The extension of the right to die to people who are not terminally ill.

The pushing of trans ideology and puberty blockers on children.

The media portrayal of motherhood as undesirable.

All depopulation.

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If there is a depopulation agenda, it is likely more aimed at rivals to status quo powers or pensioners, driven by the Malthusian mind virus.

But depopulation could be the result of poorly controlled economic shifts. There is a challenging ethical question coming our way as to how to treat intention differently from incompetence, not to mention to whom each one applies.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

different arms of the octopus

stage 1, jab em, kill the elderly

stage 2, reduce the energy, kill em with the cold

stage 3, reduce the food, starve them

stage 4, control the money, control the people

in this process you remove the weak

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The greatest threat to civilisation is a naturally occurring decline in birth rates which I suspect the Elite are happy to allow to run its course if not actively encourage. The only nation I can think of that has attempted to correct this is Russia.

However, the main problem, as the Elite will view it, with a free fall in world population is one of demographics. As birth rates decline the population ages rapidly resulting in a rapidly increasing proportion of "useless eaters". It will make perfect sense (To a sociopathic technocrat) that as birth rates decline then there needs to be a corresponding decline in the numbers of the elderly to manage the population's average age.

Aldous Huxley was fully aware of this as I believe all people were euthanised at the age of 60 in Brave New World...

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

1. How reliable and complete are those data?

2. It takes a prostitute to really know a prostitute's experiences and thinking, and since you are not one, don't impute your thinking on theirs.

3. No one has satisfactorily addressed WHY they are funneling people into using the mRNA vaccines when non-mRNA ones have similarly poor safety profiles.

4. In contrast, pundits, apart from Berenson, have not mentioned that China DOESN'T use mRNA vaccines. Why not?

5. They have enough money - and they could have made more in ways other than injecting spikes into people. Why is the fetish with the spikes?

6. There could be confounding factors explaining the birth rates in SK. You cannot simply dismiss the data from many countries on the basis of one doubtful set of data. We are not dealing with a mathematical proof.

7. As you know, Bill G and other vaccine pimps are bigly on population reduction. I recall an interview where he contradictorily, yet revealingly, said we could achieve population reduction with good health care and good vaccines!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The South Korean government does not hate the historic core of its population.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

in my world one plus one equals two.

in 2014 Gates with the help of the WHO tried to depopulate kenya.

now he is behind a "vaccine" that is messing with fertility and is causing deaths.

that to me makes it two.

and i wouldn't be surprised at all if it turns out that he also is behind the coming into existence of sarscov2.

that would make it three.

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I haven’t fully bought into the reduced birth rates observed in many countries.......yet. I think there are many other factors that could contribute, particularly the decrease in social mobility that has affected most parts of our life. For many, it will take time to get back to normal. For that reason, I think it’s too early to draw any conclusions about linking birth-rate decline to vaccination rates although I will continue to look at the data closely. Of the expected 3-4 billion people expected to be added to the global population over the few decades, the vast majority of these will be in Africa. If there was a nefarious depopulation plan, there would have been much more effort to get Africa vaccinated. Given the vaccination drive has mostly focused on affluent countries who can pay top dollar for these vaccines, I too believe money is the key factor, not depopulation

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Did you happen to look prior to 2013? Mortality yes steady but from this it looks like something changed ~2014 to start a massive crash in the birth rate? But could also be a general trend and 2015/16 were better years.

So yes agree there is a preexisting downward slope, but at least by eye late 2021/2022 look like particularly bad deviations from it, and worse, not better than 2020.

Agree if the intent has been to kill us all off they’ve done a crappy job so far. More worried about future acts.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Nice to see some evidence pointing against depopulation for a change. I think the article at this link gives a fascinating historical perspective on the issue


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