People often ask why heavily-vaxxed Sweden is not currently suffering the same magnitude of excess death as other comparable countries (e.g. Australia and New Zealand).
Not being an epidemiologist, virologist or vaccinologist, I couldn’t really tell you with any degree of certainty.
However, one hypothesis that might be feasible, though to my knowledge, untested, goes like this:
The vax makes people more susceptible to COVID (first, in the two-week window of immunosuppression when your body is totally pre-occupied with dealing with the trillions of spike proteins you’ve just programmed to produce for itself; second, later on, if you managed to survive the first window, when challenged with the whole natural virus, your stupid body naively produces a whole load of antibodies against a single part of an old strain which is no longer circulating - in other words, immunocompromised in both cases).
COVID (and most notably the way it is “treated”) results in a whole load of death.
If there is a good level of natural immunity (e.g. Sweden) then the impact of 1 and 2 are mitigated.
If the hypothesis survives testing, it might result in excess mortality that looks like this?
Are there any decent epidemiologists, virologists or vaccinologists doing this research? I guess, it’s probably difficult to get the funding? Too busy looking into the impact of “long COVID” instead?
And the lame-stream media? Look over there! Climate change!
Has anyone analyzed the batches injected into Swedes? Are they consistent with batches utilized in other countries with higher all cause mortality?
COULD BE because, as they did not lockdown, much of the population had been infected prior to the injectables. In his rundown on those most vulnerable, Geert Vanden Bossche suggests that the immune system of those in this category (infected before jab) are not subject to the same dynamics as those injected =>2x prior to having been infected.