Has anyone analyzed the batches injected into Swedes? Are they consistent with batches utilized in other countries with higher all cause mortality?

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Great question, I want someone to analyse the batches and excess deaths and display it on a John Hopkins-esque map which can be later utilised when we prosecute those responsible.

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Google How Bad is My Batch. How bad.info

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Exactly. It’s the first thing I thought of.

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And furthermore, which types among those available? I would expect Aus and NZ to be similar, Sweden possibly quite different.

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that is the first thing that came to mind.

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COULD BE because, as they did not lockdown, much of the population had been infected prior to the injectables. In his rundown on those most vulnerable, Geert Vanden Bossche suggests that the immune system of those in this category (infected before jab) are not subject to the same dynamics as those injected =>2x prior to having been infected.

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Exactly my hypothesis...

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Any idea how this effect scales with doses? Odss ratio after infected after 1x, 2x, 3x, etc?

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Yep mine too

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I recently saw a study that tried to DARVO this idea, namely by claiming that CD8 T-cells increased *relatively* less upon getting jabbed if one already had the virus versus if one was ostensibly naive to the virus. They claimed that it showed that the virus itself damaged the immune system by their own very narrow measure. Natch. But honestly, in what universe is it really a good idea to get vaccinated against a disease that one JUST had? Again, it sounds like they are pulling a DARVO to make the jabs and even the NPIs somehow look good and justified in hindsight.

But the real world data speak for themselves, and it is really NOT at all flattering for the jabs or the NPIs.

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Darvon? You might want to define your psychobabble, such as an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender", and Narcissistic Personality Inventory(?).

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NPI in this case refers to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (i.e. lockdowns, masks, antisocial distancing, etc.). But Narcissistic Personality Inventory also works as well.

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But then on the other hand those who had already had C 19 and later got 'immunized' with the mRNA products, actually suffered adverse events more frequently and more severely than those who got vaccinated without having been previously infected.

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🎯 Mark A Chlapowski

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I noticed multiple people get the shot and immediately get sick, AND spread their contagious illness. Because this was the first time I saw any REAL illness, assumed the vaccines were the illness. But what do I know.

Just a nurse...

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I saw exactly the same thing.

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Everywhere that vaccines started, spiking illness and deaths happened within days!

More vaccine delivery results in more cases and deaths!

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It is a mystery. If they had a good exposure nationally to covid initially to get good immune response, then it is suppose to have a neg impact to vax against the same virus (strain?). Maybe it is because they did not have the lockdowns like the rest of the idiot govs did, due to the fact that they have a very obediently trained socialistic environment. These peoole are socialistic per excellence. They are the first nation to get the passport chip implants as well and are quite happy about it as well. Obedient people don't aske too many questions about their govs and don't worry too much, because they are conditioned that "papi state" will take care of every little problem.

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If Sweden had broad exposure to the virus ('cause they didn't lockdown), then a majority of people had antibodies to several viral proteins that are shared across different strains. Australia and New Zealand had no exposure prior to the jabs, so their bodies were programmed to make antibodies to the Wuhan spike.

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Australia and NZ didn’t have the bug until the 2nd or third variant. Despite that we were all vaccines bated for the Wuflu. Both countries had greater lockdowns and restrictive rules beyond comprehension, and our medical bureaucrats and overlords had complete control.

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What do you all think about Dr. Vande.n Bossche's theory of what's to come?

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I don't know what to think. We don't know the full extent of the harm caused by the mRNA jabs. GvB's theory is just one more awful harm in the pile.

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Original Antigenic Sin, in other words.

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The data is consistent with the SARS and SARS-COV-2 viral family leveraging Fc receptors uptake to infect non-ACE2 phagocytic cells. Wang etc al. showed that this requires higher antibody levels but wanes with very high levels (like blocking cell fusion mechanism). Hence, COVID-19 mRNA and adenoviral vaccines provide protection for a brief window from 2 weeks to several months followed by increased susceibility. Getting booster shots will continue protection but quickly starts isotype switching to IgG4 tolerance antibodies - more booster results in more adverse events and lower protection long term.

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Indeed, there is break-in period of increased susceptibility, followed by a honeymoon period, followed by susceptibility being worse than if they were never jabbed in the first place. And "boosters" (i.e. artificial immunity as a subscription service) only make it worse in the long run, like pushing an elephant up the stairs.

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That image says it perfectly~

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Yes, good call. I define it as BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM as we haved lived alongside trillions of various particles in our environment for a long old time however with lockdowns this was severely disrupted so it makes perfect sense immune suppression was far greater in lockdown countries than non lockdown. Then we have the mask. How harmful was that ? Sweden no mask of course.

'''We not only found evidence of potential long-term effects of masks but an increase in direct short-term effects for: carbon dioxide retention, drowsiness,headache,feeling of exhaustion,skin irritation and microbiological contamination.''


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Good point. In my hypothesis, I only consider the negative impact of the "vaccine". The hypothesis of natural immunological training across all pathogens is an important one, especially WRT children.

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Sweden mainatined more normality therefore had much less effects from the incessant sanitizing, masking, distancing, fear propaganda and also kept the protective effects from being around children vs other countries that recoiled in perpetual terror. It would be good to compare North and South Dakota vs excess deaths post jab into 2023. Maybe you've done it ?

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As a remote worker my only prolonged masking during the whole Scamdemic was on a flight to the Virgin Islands. I slept the whole time. Couldn’t keep my eyes open. I NEVER am able to sleep on planes. Funny what happens when your brain has no oxygen.

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biologyphenom, speaking of BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM…

You might be interested to read this article about measles, published in 1962:



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I didn't really understand the context of this until I realised the first measles vaccine was created in 1963. So all that decline in deaths was purely due to adaptation and I suspect increasing living standards.

Here is the UK measles deaths. Again you can't see a marked decline from vaccine introduction beyond the natural fall:


This is the same as seatbelt introduction and road deaths where if you look at the actual data is appears safer if passengers wear seatbelts but the driver doesn't. Hence you don't get the risk compensation effects.

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Too many people with god complexes.

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They should never have interfered with an artificial intervention. and disturbed the natural equilibrium…

The article concludes: To those who ask me, “Why do you wish to eradicate measles?,” I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, “Because it is there.” To this may be added, “…and it can be done.”

As you say…god complexes…

Measles is not the deadly disease it’s promoted to be…but it became deadly when a vaccine became available.

We’ve seen what happened with Covid, a disease being beaten up to justify a vaccine intervention.

Covid should blow the lid off this thing…we need to go back and examine all the vaccine products…and revaccinations…on the ever-increasing vaccination schedule, the womb to tomb vaccine load.

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I agree 100% with that ! 'Vaccines' are complete quackery and are a nice way for depopulationists to reduce our numbers whilst promoting otherwise. The sheeple lap it up. Like a religion now.

Please read Dr.Crofts recent submission to the Scottish Governments COVID inquiry. He is the most qualified and more importantly ONLY independent expert to testify. Of course it's not perfect and completely overlooks PCR pitfalls and really there was no pandemic.



''At a population level, all of the currently-available COVID-19 vaccines are effective (or

“probably” effective) in reducing the incidence of COVID-19 and severe COVID-19.

The Cochrane review of COVID-19 vaccines states that it is unclear as to whether

or not vaccination has made any difference to the numbers of deaths from COVID-


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Demand the safety studies be published. Studies with controls have not been published (see Turtles). In the meantime we have only https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40/163

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Epidemiologists, virologists or vaccinologists are all playing on an Ouija board. Making it all up as they go along. None of these "sciences" are even close to being real. The bottom line is that why one person dies from a drug, vaccine or mRNA injection and another person doesn't will remain a mystery.

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Dripping with sarcasm!!! Love it!!!!

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So you're saying the Swedes all got covid back in 2020, took some Lemsip and got on with things but weirdly rushed to get the toxic jabs. Due to the immunity they obtained in 2020, the jabs only killed a few of them through being toxic. The rest of them haven't had covid again because of natural immunity so haven't been killed by their health service. Whereas the Antipodeans all tried not to get covid first time round but often caught it and got killed by their health service, then rushed to get the toxic jabs which killed some of them through being toxic and now are dying because their compromised immune systems don't know what they're meant to be doing - killing the toxic stuff/killing the covid stuff/generally killing anything at all. Nobody who might be interested in working out why the Swedes aren't dying like everyone else can't look into it because nobody will fund them because nobody wants to know the answer because they already sort of know.

I dunno - sounds like a possibility but surely you know that covid killed millions, the jabs are safe and effective, young people drop down dead all the time and it was important to stop the very elderly from dying, regardless of the cost?

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Almost. I maintain that the vax-induced COVID deaths are much greater than the non-COVID vax deaths. So far, at any rate... COVID is pretty much done but the jab has a lifetime of work to do (ironically).

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Well. It’s a gene therapy which never ends.

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This seems like the key point (which I hadn’t grasped from your article). Which of your articles supports that hypothesis?

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I'm a bit confused though. I thought "covid deaths" had fallen off a cliff and everyone was now dying of "other things which have nothing to do with safe and effective jabs". But you are saying that covid deaths caused by jabbed people catching and dying from covid are higher than deaths of jabbed people who haven't caught and died of covid but have died of something else. Am I being a bit dumb here (it's fairly likely that I am!)?

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Some of us aren't in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand. Please define colloquialisms. Is Lemsip brand sold in Sweden? Paracetamol and oral phenylephrine don't work, and paracetamol is positively dangerous. Leave the Lemsip on the "chemist"'s shelf.

I'd suggest high-dose vitamin C and moderate dose zinc is probably more effective, even if one can't get hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.

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Sorry! Lemsip is a nasty powder you put in boiling water and drink. It's meant to help get rid of your cold. According to the adverts on the TV. Obviously, it doesn't. It's a bit of a joke in the UK to tell people with colds to stop moaning and take a Lemsip. I imagine there is an equivalent in Sweden which also is disgusting and does nothing for a cold.

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I looked it up. We also have things like that in the U.S. Antihistamines provide very partial symptomatic relief since a significant part of cold and flu symptoms are essentially allergic responses; remind me of the "cold pills" on Lassie. (Atropine/hyoscyamine if you can safely titrate it for severe rhinitis. Benactyzine also works, but not long enough, so must be repeatedly dosed.) Aspirin and ibuprofen provide relief from other symptoms, but don't take them or any other antipyretics if you have any fever at all (adjusted for time of day), as they can exacerbate the illness by suppressing interferon. Why I think Vioxx should be available for very short-term use (not for chronic conditions such as arthritis). Angelate and tiglate help a little, without being immunosuppressive. But all this is secondary to zinc and high-dose vitamin C. And of course make sure you have adequate vitamin D3 entering and continuing through cold and flu season. I suspect bodily stores are defunct within 2 months.

Would your "chemists" keep stocking and selling Lemsip if most people realized it's just a joke? They keep selling Nyquil and the like here!

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I reckon the people who buy Lemsip from the chemist are the same people who buy covid home testing kits and believe the masks they buy from same chemist protect other people from germs. They are the same ones who believe the flu jab and the covid jab both work wonderfully well.

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The trusting Swedes may have lined up heavily at the start of the roll-out. But, like the Danes, the Authorities seem to have discarded the really bad batches (or good? ie the doses which contained the viable mRNA molecules in the designed amounts); they also have effectively stopped any further boosters, and kids were not targeted anything like they were/are in Anglo-dominated lands, such as down-under.

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I think that you’re underestimating the effectiveness of the cooler temperatures in Sweden. Climate change for the win! You see, the experts are right again! What about countries with similar climates and much worse results you ask- RACIST!!!!!!!

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With Sweden being a northern country (similar to Michigan where I live, similar with weather and population size is what one study said), the people are less exposed to sunlight and make less Vitamin D, unless it's common to supplement with vitamin D at the country level. But Sweden didn't have full lockdowns like Michigan did, and the people might have gotten more fresh air. Sweden only cancelled public venues like rock concerts. People were not required to stay home, businesses were not closed like Michigan, you didn't need travel papers like Michigan, and you didn't have to wear masks which collected problematic bacteria like Michigan did, adding to the pathogenic load.

However I don't know how many from out of Sweden actually go there for fun and thus spread COVID. In Michigan, it's a big state for vacation for camping, hunting, fishing, skiing, snowmobiling, canoeing, boating and more. Thus we had many people travelling from out of state here during all seasons when it was possible.

Finding more about the variables in Sweden would be interesting indeed.

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Jul 29, 2023
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It's not correct.

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From one relative layman on medical issues to another, that seems like a pretty good hypothesis to me!

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Thanks, Doug! A shame we can't test it properly!!

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The data is consistent with the SARS and SARS-COV-2 viral family leveraging Fc receptors uptake to infect non-ACE2 phagocytic cells. Wang etc al. showed that this requires higher antibody levels but wanes with very high levels (like blocking cell fusion mechanism). Hence, COVID-19 mRNA and adenoviral vaccines provide protection for a brief window from 2 weeks to several months followed by increased susceibility. Getting booster shots will continue protection but quickly starts isotype switching to IgG4 tolerance antibodies - more booster results in more adverse events and lower protection long term.

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The recent Danish study shows that there were good and bad batches. Some 1/3 had no adverse reactions whatsoever. Someone is playing at targeted genocide.

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...had no adverse reactions whatsoever.

So far.

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Have a quick look at the graph, the 'yellow' batches are so safe they have got to be saline... https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13998

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I have seen the graphs before however I have not seen anyone follow up with antibody testing those who got the safe saline shots vs those who did not. Have you seen any information on this issue? Thanks

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John Campbell interviewed the Danish scientist who did the study, there is more detail here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7G3_yrY9II

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The interview did not add any information that I was looking for but thanks for sending it to me, I enjoyed her interview.

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I think "Stockholm Syndrome" should really be called "Melbourne Syndrome", because #SwedenGotItRight.

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