When are the majority of the population going to wake up to this vaccination is not safe in any form

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When they are dead?

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When information like this is broadcast on every “news” channel.

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Depopulation in full operation.

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So the Palestinians, not having the luxury of Pfizer, got Covid en masse fairly early on, and even those who took the jabs later often would have already had it. Their immune systems had already learned the real thing, so that now there is a good level of proper immunity amongst their population. I wonder whether many are also wary of the miracle jabs because they are being pushed by Israel.

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Since Israel wants to remove every non-Jew, Palestinian Christians and Muslims, in Occupied Palestine to make room for illegal Jewish settlers, mostly from the US, and has dotted Palestine with illegal settlements, of course the Christian and Muslim Palestinians would be wary of anything their colonial rulers want to do to them. Common sense. One can only assume that the Israelis really did believe in the Jabs and hoped Covid would kill off Palestinian non-Jews, hence they did not provide the genetic treatment called a vaccine to them. Poetic justice perhaps if the Palestinians endure and many Israelis do not. However, one would not wish suffering or death on anyone. Unless perhaps you are living under murderous occupation.

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Actually I've checked now, and I was completely wrong about Palestinians distrusting them because of suspicion of Israel. There is a survey published Oct 21 by some v pro jab authors - sorry no link, search Palestinian attitudes to Covid injections - there was a high degree of suspicion based on Does Covid Really Exist? and Rushed Product, What At About Side Effects etc, especially among those with degrees. Men over 45 (from memory, could be 40) were especially suspicious, unfortunately the young, and young women were more likely to take the jabs.

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On the basis that it is not possible to trust anything said about Covid from official sources and the fact it is not possible to trust anything which Israel allows to come out of Occupied Palestine I would not put any trust in such a survey.

The reality is that Israel controls Occupied Palestine and any survey would require permission from the Israelis. Since the Israelis committed totally to the Jabs and I have read, have strong financial interests in Pfizer, they are not going to want the Palestinians used as a control group.

In addition, any credible survey would involve those doing it to spend time in Occupied Palestine gathering data and no-one who was independent would be allowed to do so.

Common sense would decree that the Palestinians after 75 years of being subjected to human rights atrocities and war crimes from Israel, designed to kill as many as possible and to make life so unbearable they will leave would not believe anything the Israelis say.

Because Israel's intention, clearly seen by its illegal settlement building, is to remove all non-Jews from Occupied Palestine which is everything beyond the 1947 UN Mandate and annexe it all as part of Israel.

Palestinians would never trust their colonial rulers on any count.

Logic decrees that Israel cannot kill 6 million Palestinians and would have great difficulty driving them out with so many illegal settlers camped in Palestine, connected by roads only Jews can use, and so the average Palestinian would look at this medical treatment and believe the worst. How convenient to get rid of a few million Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

So, I suspect your survey is not worth the paper on which it is printed. Human nature being what it is.

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On the other hand, you seem to be implying that the Israeli health and govn't authorities actually BELIEVE their own sales pitch about the Pfizer mRNA shot. If they were trying to cull Palestinians and move in more settlers, they'd have restricted the shot to Palestinians, not let them refuse it. Are they really THAT STUPID?

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Pfizer is I think Israeli owned to a large degree and Israel is a very corrupt country. I am sure they 'believed' in what they were doing and also believed the spin that Covid was dangerous. So, they were protecting themselves and hoping Covid would kill off the Palestinians.

As to non-Jews in Occupied Palestine being able to refuse a Jab from the israeli Government, I suspect while the Israelis shoot and torture them at will, even they would have a tough time forcibly 'vaccinating' 6 million men, women and children held under colonial occupation.

Are they really that stupid? Given the apartheid State they have created and the human rights atrocities they commit against non-Jews in Occupied Palestine, the answer would appear to be Yes.

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I'd label an apartheid state and atrocities as "ruthless", or "evil", rather than "stupid", but I get your point. Scientists and public health officials ignoring science, making up their own story, and then BUYING it is something else.

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Why don't you take the time to look at it?

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Because nothing about Palestine or the Palestinians which comes from Israel can be trusted. It is a waste of time.

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What will it take for the masses to see this and accept it. I understand nobody wants to believe that they may have done something injurious to their health (although I also know several who have conceded this and are mad and afraid in equal measure) but surely at some stage when the evidence is all around you and you are getting sick still you have to quietly at least say no more?!

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I used to watch these 2 closely bc the juxtaposition is damn near perfect for monitoring approaches but had fallen off in the last few months. Your piece had me counting deaths in the last 3 months...

Israel: 489 Palestine: 7

Now Israel’s pop is about 2x higher than Palestine’s. But so is their vax rate... and cases? Forgetabout cases!

Current 7 day avg:

Israel: 7,964 Palestine: 14

These numbers should be the only thing anyone in COVID world is talking about yet all we get is deafening silence

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Israel's population is not twice that of Occupied Palestine. There are 6 million Christians and Muslims in Palestine and another 8 million in the Diaspora, denied, for the moment, right of return. Israel's population is around 9 million but nearly a quarter of those are non-Jews, ethnic Palestinians. And a significant number of Israelis who call themselves Jews are atheist/secular Zionists and therefore not followers of Judaism and not Jews in any rabbinical sense.

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Yes, death follows “vaccination” like night follows day. And all-cause mortality increases with increasing “vaccination” rates to startling proportions. Disability is through the roof. Birth rates have dropped by 6-sigma levels.

But think how much worse it would be without the vax. Why, you might have to spend a miserable week in bed!

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I went to work every day and didn't know I had it till later. I came down with it in Feb-March '20. I had daily exposure to people going in and out of the large Chinatown population of Houston.

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Is Palestine smashing ivermectin? That's a cheap drug man. And it's a good one for Covid.

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https://ivmstatus.com/ Lebanon adopted IVM last year , so it wouldn’t be a surprise if Palestine is getting g their gear from them. :-)

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If anyone was wondering why Baked Potato Biden is “donating” a bunch of Fauci Sauces to the Palestinians, you now have your answer. Inconvenient control groups are distressing for the narrative keepers.

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You just insulted baked potatos. Atleast they have some utility.

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When the inefficacy & dangers of the jabs started to become apparent in early (& ongoing) Israeli & other studies, I was struck by the fact that they kept doubling & tripling down w/ demands for more boosters & passports as proof of being “fully vaccinated”, which got up to what? 4 or 5 shots?

After what the Jewish people went through w/ the Holocaust & ongoing efforts by their neighbors to wipe them off the face of the earth, I found it remarkable that these resilient people are murdering themselves.

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Nazi Germany was kick-started, then built up by US tycoons, US and Jewish European central bankers; who were also trying to fund a fascist military take-over in the US at the same time with US Marine General Smedley Butler.

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And in concert with a German vaccine manufacturer, no less.

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O geez, did not know that. Yikes

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100% covid deaths follow covid19 vaccination... and within very short thrift! My data shows that too.

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...and I just finished reading a media article on how the majority 'don't trust the MSM'- yet 86% of Canadians gobbled up and shot up with whatever the talking heads told them to ( "c19 vaccines will stop the spread"..."safe and effective", blah blah blah....). Now, here we are, lamenting what was predicted to happen if we listened to the media by those of us who REALLY don't trust the media. ( (Which is evidently only about 14% of us. SMH)

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The clarity in that last graph is amazing - a genius criteria for comparison. Unfortunately, most people just refuse to accept the evidence - I see this as inability to accept they were fooled by our governments and media on pretty much everything to do with SARS-COV-2

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Do we have all-cause mortality for Israel?

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In terms of cumulative Covid deaths, the two are pretty close, it's the current trend that is strongly in favour of Palestine. Will be interesting to observe through the rest of 2022, unless there will be a push to eliminate this control group through vigorous jabbing enticed with ice cream of all flavours, like offering an ice cream truck to the PLO.

The excess mortality data is not available for Palestine, unfortunately.

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Lo and behold: https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1548376159166943233?s=20&t=MP34g4CXCxz9TPsAlAhP4A

The ice cream truck comes in the form of: "Biden: “We're donating 1 million doses of COVID-19 to the West Bank and Gaza”".

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I remember Israeli press reporting that they would not be injecting Palestinians.

I thought at the time...... "Deep joy! What a blessing!"

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Surely the accurate reference is that Israel occupies all of Palestine and the two are one colonial entity. And Gaza is a prison, the world's largest open-air prison, in essence a concentration camp where the Israeli Army has built an electric fence around it, and has its Navy guarding the Meditteranean side, and shoots any man, woman, child or dog who goes near it.

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