"The cure is worse than the disease."

Particularly so when the cure does not address the cause of disease. Your data continues to validate the terrain model of disease and the terrain of those who continue to quackcinate is deteriorating steadily.

Should we continue to quackcinate the fish in contaminated water, or clean the water? The answer is becoming clearer with every set of data you present.

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Well said. Every dataset I've seen so far screams the same thing... address poor health. But the med-sci establishment believe that's impossible. Because they are brainwashed *and* idiots. Or just filthy greedy.

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As far as being brainwashed, I agree that they have been brainwashed by the allopathic/nutrition doesn't matter/germ theory model. Our economic system supports it to our detriment. The technology and pharma advances every year yet the number of people who are unwell and need daily meds and body parts replaced grows. Something is not right.

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Greedy certainly. Idiots, well they know how to market a product that doesn't work, force people to get it, have the gubmint pay for it and not be liable for damages (so far). They are far from idiots in that regard, but they may be soon facing a reckoning which will cost them much more than the profit they just made.

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It was late and I was tired when I wrote that. I didn't mean the med-sci community as a whole is EITHER, I meant it's filled with both. Members are either/or.

A very large % of allopathic MDs are apparently idiots as they cannot make out 2+2 in connection with these terrible products.

And the people pushing narratives are greedy beyond comprehension because they absolutely know- it's all published at this point. The insurance companies surely know everything. And you better believe they are having convos with the med-sci community higher ups trying to figure out how to recoup losses.

I would argue though, this isn't clever marketing. It's "bludgeon the market into submission" marketing and suppress/crush all opposing views. Maybe that's genius in some way. I think it's just evil and an abuse of power. But I get your point.

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The medical establishment think they are smarter than most. Also, the average joe is not capable even with education of getting healthier and therefore the medical establishment has to use medicines and vaccines. Arrogance plain and simple and then throw in the greed, because they see the dollar signs once they get on that train.

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Yes, we have a problem in that people want to do things that compromise health and avoid the consequences. This leads to a pill for this and a surgery for that. Since meds are toxins and not food, eventually this leads to chronic illness and loss of organ function and/or loss of body part function. This leads to organ replacement or body part replacement and more meds to deal with side effects from the previously prescribed meds.

This is all very expensive and a drain on human productivity. As you say, this benefits a few.

Resources could be directed elsewhere that could enrich our lives, instead we are in damage control mode and this makes abundance for all humans unachievable. We aren't even feeding everyone on the planet. The money that has been spent on quackcines could go a long way towards feeding people, but that is not seen as an emergency, we have to chase a genetic particle that we are told is making people sick.

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Another thing to consider is medical doctors are among the professions most saturated with sociopaths.

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Thank you, again......"The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer."

Edward R. Murrow

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Have u done it also for Belgium? Because the data there stinks…

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I could but I already have a pretty good idea what the results are gonna be!

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That is the problem: they “changed” the data. Doctors can’t report anything. So the output won’t be as in other countries… that is why I asked u ☺️

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If the water is dirty and the fish sick in every other tank, then it is likely the same in Belgium. Is it better to quackcinate the fish, or clean the water? It depends on what the goal is. Some people think 'They' want less fish. So far, so good.

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The changed the data to hide the truth… it is seriously bad in Belgium.

PS: I agree with u

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They can put out reports that the water is ok, but at some point the fish will know for certain that the water is polluted. That day is sure to come.

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Unless they all die first!

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Quackcine hesitancy is on the rise. I am optimistic that this will stop long before that happens. The rates of death are elevated, but not threatening the survival of the human race. The rate of death is typically under 1% of the population per year. Are we even at 1% yet?

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It is what it’s happening…

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I hope that comes a day where justice is served for all the guilty ones. What they have done… I’ve no words for it.

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if the inoculations worked at all, one would expect to see a reduction or at least a slowdown in mortality.

but y'all know that already

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Looks to me like first these lock down cause death, then the hacksxxxine takes over

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This is much appreciated Joel. So interesting to see the data laid out like this. In stark contrast to the politicians, media and public figures in Italy who have behaved so horribly towards the non-injected. It seems like the vitriol has been unmatched. We've had regional leaders comparing the 'novax' to the taliban, doctors calling for gas camps, tv presenters telling delivery drivers to spit in their food, nurses promising to cause pain to any novax that comes their way, other leaders suggesting the refusal of any hospital treatment and endless right-wing comparisons, and the pm telling people that choosing not to get vaxxed is an appeal to die and to kill others. Vitriolic antiscience. Banned from public transport, restaurants, hotels, all social venues, even the workplace. Friends lost. Families split. And for what? For thinking critically about a novel treatment that appears now to be favouring the spread and having a very limited effect on severity which looks to be reversing with every new variant. Not to mention the avalanche of adverse events. Everyone knows someone. And of course the billions made and the extremely questionable science they call a clinical trial. It has been an eye opening experience to see how quickly polite society abandons all morals and ethics and plunges face first into self harming. But there we go. All this was present before covid - covid just brought it out into the open and I believe in the long run it might well be the beginning of a new and brighter chapter in the human story.

Thanks for your hard work Joel and good luck with your future endeavours.

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are dead man talking in Switzerland? quick inspectin of


certainly shows a suspiciously "wide" peak during winter 2021/2022

but I'd love to see a true "Dead Man Talking" analysis ;-)

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Looking at this after your Sweden post. Something is up with Sweden.

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Every damn chart had us heading back near 0 excess deaths until the shots roll out. Cannot be coincidence.

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Joel, can you or someone explain why in the 20-24 age group the vxx mortality is so low? I understand that April 2021 was the height of the lockdowns. Their rate is below negative which would seem to indicate that the vxx is not significantly affecting that age group (the death rate is below normal still) yet all of the anacdotal evidence of young falling dead and being admited with myiocarditus is a real thing. Secondly, can you elaborate on the use of combining two different unrelated graphs together as the blue line is showing on that chart--the scaling on the right has nothing to with the items on the left. Thank you for elaborating on this. thanks

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Do you think US data will ever be available? At least state by state?

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Can you do one for Ireland we are supposed to have a high rate of vaccination here.

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What bothers me is that the first steep rise always precedes the vaccine by a few months. Could there have been so many "early birds" in all these countries? Trial participants, perhaps?

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Same same story everywhere.

Let’s see in 5-10 years.

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