One coincidence after another.. week after week ..

It must be global warming

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Don't you know, it's officially "climate change" now, otherwise you can't blame cold spells too?! So, that would explain both the winter and summer excess. Definitely not the jab.

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let's not forget ... I showed an earlier version of this global phenomenon to a top barrister ... the smartest of the smart right... his response - correlation is not causation (well done - cnnbbc...)

I replied so what's the cause of all these excess deaths -- this is beyond the numbers from a global war.... and what about the low jab countries that have no excess deaths?

Pregnant pause..... covid.

I hesitated... giving him the opportunity to recant.... covid? Then clearly the vax does not work cuz the deaths are much higher than when the supposedly more deadly Delta was in circulation -- and there was no vax....

Should there not be an immediate halt to these vaccines?

Silence... there has been no further communication with this smartest of the smart.

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I received exactly the same response from a physicist and a mathematician. Both PHDs. They both then proceeded to vax their kids.

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Climate change does not have to mean bad effects. The Earth has been getting greener than ever. This can only be a good sign. This can lead to the disappearance of deserts and the creation of more farm lands.


There is evidence there used to be a water canopy over the surface of the Earth.

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Coincobal warming...

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I was going to say global warming! Caused by cow farts! AOC said cow farts would kills us all!!! REEEEE!

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Someone once said then we all need masks we all fart

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Just a correlation, just because it keeps repeating in every country in the world doesn't mean it deserves further study just ask Rachelle, Tony and Debra, they are monitoring all the data with a fine tooth comb and they have not seen a thing. Their scientific and statistical expertise cannot be matched, if you don't believe me just ask them.

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Learnt the hard way, that you MUST add " /Sarc." at the end of your post .. because and this is a fact, many people no longer understand sarcasm ... and the Americans (USA) never have... or satire (well, that is what I found anyway IN GENERAL).

Obviously does not apply to all: https://rumble.com/v2vku5s-the-rogan-rfk-jr-hotez-twitter-meltdown-explained.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Awaken+With+JP&ep=2

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To be fair, our sarcasm meters are all melted down after the last 3 or 4 years, because we keep hearing things we think are an obvious joke, only to find out the speaker was sincere.

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Sarcasm is not understood because people have a pernanent "On screen" mentalitiy that tells their tiny brains what they are reading is a statement of fact. Nothing more nothing less. Critical thinking has been thrown out with the dishwater. I see this in my workplace which thrives on SFB, people say things and others start waving the red banner of offended or start wading in on the individual for what they perceive is an expression of their whiteness or colonial genetics.

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But Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken--wonder whether this genre illiteracy arises from late 20th C public education?

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Sure- but....What about ‘ The Too Woke Boys’? JP Sears? And the millions who follow them?

I’d agree that progressive MSM and its followers lack the intellect to even understand sarcasm.

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Is it because the frontal section is not working well anymore. Or the groupthinking thingy, all for the best of all..

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Alternately JK :) dont forget the smiley because the really challenged still might not grasp your "just kidding".

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I shouldn't laugh ! And on that note, see Scottish Government's 'Long COVID' expert having a mental breakdown on twitter. Wants masks back and all kids jabbed !


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Many self-proclaimed COVID-19 experts have developed severe cases of 'long bullshit' after swallowing official propaganda during the pandemic. The disease is characterised by foaming at the mouth and frequent eruptions of diarrhoea out of every orifice. Eventually they succumb to irrelevance, but only after they've given everyone else the shits.

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Brilliantl- ‘Long Bullshit’! Permission to borrow that phrase?

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Thank you, Tim. You have just provided me with the perfect two-word rejoinder (‘Long Bullshit”) to anyone who ascribes the abnormally elevated causality of illness and excess death to ‘Long Covid’.

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No worries, you're welcome!

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Next one will be long birdflue...

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Long baloney?

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Jabbedoo crowd at it again.

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Munchausen-by-proxy with that one

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Holy shit even I can still interpret that graph

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Is that real? And how many people have died in total during this three years?

Also, when now publicly available information confirm, that it was bioweapon and the covid vaccine was produced by Department of Defense, can someone already conclude what was the main goal? What were they trying to achieve by this military action? I mean, the USA and other countries are falling apart and are bring of civil war and collapse, so what was the main aim?

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Of course it's real. That's why it's routinely ignored by the governments and their propaganda wings in the media.

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Hm, I know but still, when it's so clear, why people are still so confused about that.

I am going to write article with few questions which is still unclear to me but can someone from older generation or readers explain to me the viewpoint, that someone prepare this and carry this military action forcing people to take injection and they still go on with their normal job in office, go to pubs and don't dicuss it? I mean, the substack is now around 3 years old or more, there is planty analysis so why they still so desperately refuse it and act as total idiots? I mean, I always thought, that when someone attack you, you will defend your life and I can not belive that so many people are willing to get crippled or die just becouse some old people or folks in TV or in government tell them so.

I was observing era of start ups and I don't get how people who can innovate so much are now incapable to normal basic organization and structures. What the people do in their time? I was on three, four summits and they present it, get coffee, laugh about how silly the government official for public health is and produce nothing. How is that possible? Am I only one, who think that when people are presented with this knowledge they have to act? Or are everyone so lazy that they will do nothing which couse them just little bit discomfort? For me it's still puzzle and mystery.

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You are not alone, Explorer!

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My current hypothesis is that we moved since 2010 with smartphones and social networks in 10 years directly into Idiocrary. I also think, that the decline in IQ, knowledge and other inteligence factors been rapid in this 10 years.

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The aim of this extermination is to prevent 8 billion predators from ripping each other to pieces when the global economy collapses https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

“I’m sitting here staring in the face at the biggest and probably the broadest asset bubble — forget that I’ve ever seen, but that I’ve ever studied,” Stanley Druckenmiller said at the May 2023 Sohn Investment Conference.

We are on the precipice -- they are pushing on a string re inflation - raising rates is not stopping it:



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Chaos as a constant, as if we are to expect chaos as the new normal as well.

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"The COVID-19 vaccine approvals were based on rigorous assessments of robust data, and every batch is independently tested by the MHRA for quality before being released onto the market."

According to a letter from the Dept of Health & Social Care sent to my MP after I sent a copy of the Perseus Report a few months ago.

So that's alright then isn't it?

All this is mere coincidence or illusion.

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Holy moly, it just beggars belief that this picture does not stop all in their tracks!

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Thanks Joel -- great Posting. No Statistical Analysis needed to see the obvious Correlation between mRNA-Injection-Rates and All-Cause-Mortality-Rates.

I featured your figure, with attribution, on my most recent Post:


where I point out that this high (up to almost 90%) Correlation is also seen in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and in Germany.

Funny how no one at the CDC or FDA can see this.

But DATA tracks, made by the mRNA Injections, have been left around the world, and all the Censorship in the world will not be able to cover them up.

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Jeremiah 5:21, "hear now this O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not, which have ears and hear not."

Their pay depends on their not seeing it.

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Nothing to see.

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Thank you again. A coloring-book could be made of your very useful graphs.

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Don, And the kiddos could even understand them. I can just picture an eight year old looking up from his coloring; "Umm, Mom? Why did you make me get a booster shot when it's so obvious that it's dangerous??"

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Would 1 excess death per 1000 Clot-Shots be a higher fatality rate than Wuflu?

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Yes, by a long shot!

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(Un) Natural selection?

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The correlation that exists in Japan does not exist in Sweden (I can’t post the chart from OWID in a comment), although Sweden is also highly vaccinated.

The vaccines have to be considered as a cause of excess mortality, but even if every other country in the world shows a relationship as in Japan, it only takes one exception to disprove the hypothesis.

It may be that the vaccine manufacturers were different in those countries, or some other factor, but Sweden is still the outlier.

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come on man!

Don'tcha remember when cnnbbc said all the Swedes were not dying when they did not lockdown cuz all the Swedes live alone... and even though there were no forced lockdowns most of them voluntarily locked down (along of course)...

Even though we saw loads of clips and photos of Swedes not locking down ... and know that most Swedes do not live alone....

I lost another long term friend over that one ... when I confronted him with logic he said - my mother is a doctor and she said Awwwwk Awwwk Dr Fauci said ... insinuating that I am a MORE-ON and my logic has zero value.... he can get f789ed permanently.

And there there's that other pc of sh-it who recoiled when I suggested lockdowns were not necessary and there would be a hellish price to pay from this... he ended contact as well. Two weeks ago one of his good friends shows up with the begging bowl online raising cash cuz he's got Turbo Cancer + a heart attack (that's two people I know with a double whammy).

You can bet your bottom dollar that's come courtesy the Rat Juice shots cuz he's an industry that mandated it

I normally don't contribute but he was in such dire straits that I made a substantial donation. Funny thing -- I scrolled the donations and saw nothing from his good mate.

I am wondering what sort of condition the good mate is in as he would definitely be onto jab 5 or 6. And chomping at the bit for the next one....

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Joel can you post link of where you pull all-cause mortality for Japan from?

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Joel - thank you! This was the only country I was missing weekly data, appreciate it. And pissed I somehow overlooked the March post.

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Joel --

Steve Kirsch has been looking for that "smoking gun" for a couple years now.

And this is it.

Billions of Injections, and death rates of 100's of millions, if not billions, or people.

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Can you ask Steve why he banned me for suggesting he offer 'Tiffany Dover' One Million Dollars to be interviewed -- after 'she' had just done a freeibie on NBC?

Tiffany looked nothing like Tiffany... so interviewing her (she said she was eager to put the rumours to rest) would have been an excellent litmus test to see if that was really her. If she refuses One Million Dollars... then she's dead - right?

Maybe he was pissed off because previous to this I provided details of her husband's place of work and suggested he hire a PI to poke around ... surely she must leave the house to by groceries etc... maybe ask around and see if anyone has seen her ... all that stuff that PI's would do... Our boy Steve ignored that suggestion

Seems Steve is not interested in any strategies that might actually red pill the CovIDIOTS...


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Tiffany is long dead, or severely maimed, at the very least..

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I dare everyone to visit https://stevekirsch.substack.com/

And ask him to offer Tiffany Dover One Million Dollars for an interview.

Let him know he can contact Dustin with the offer https://conandaily.com/2020/12/19/dustin-dover-biography-13-things-about-higdon-alabama-man/

Check this out https://yournews.com/2023/01/17/2494656/watch-man-goes-to-tiffany-dovers-home-to-find-answers/ The lady doth protest too much.

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Suggest this is the smoking gun: covid jab rolled out in a population with no covid. Injuries 24x the rate of all other vaccines combined. That is PER DOSE. Has nothing to do with the number of doses given or 'covid.' Government data too. They knew and kept jabbing. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-worlds-eyes-are-on-western-australia

Kirsch has already seen this. He is a weirdo and friends with Bill Gates. He could pick up the phone and tell Bill to knock it off any time yet does not.

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SARS-CoV-2 is a manufactured pathogen. This is scary.

Millions Killed For Profit - Dr. David Martin to EU Parliament


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