Bret of all people should know it was not a blunder (as he articulated in his excellent rebuttals in this Unherd interview with a narrative apologist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLp9YMM7CI4) and needs to stop employing the perpetrators' self-exculpatory language.

“It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.”

—“Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

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Not sure those were his words and not Mercola's. It's two hours long so I might have missed it. The other 1 hour 59 mins is still good though!

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Haha, okay, thanks for clarifying, Joel! I have heard Bret use that kind of language (even in the Unherd interview), though. It is easy for us (myself included) to inadvertently use words like that without realizing the dangerous implications, so I am trying to be very conscious about avoiding such verbiage and encourage others to do so as well if they wish to emphasize culpability over amnesty.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023Author

I take it back. Bret's words. Minute 42 onwards. He's not using the term to downplay events though. Listen to it for context. It's a place where I find myself quite often, trying to establish the extent to which this virus was manufactured in a lab for GoF purposes and either "escaped" or was "released" and thereafter whether all the subsequent activity was part of a massive depop plan, etc. or just people opportunistically profiteering. He implies it is anything but an innocuous blunder. Fast forward to 1 hour 20 if any doubt - he's essential describing psychopaths without using the term. Plus "black budgets"...

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These scams have been going on for over three decades. Covid is just the grandest of them all due to many factors we have disucssed.

There are many voices out there who speak to this and do so far more in detail and in-depth than the likes of Weinstein, Malone, Kirsch etc.- they have FAR more knoweldge than those who seem to have grabbed the megaphone. Why is this?

What is happening has nothing to do with a pathogen and all to do with power, money and control. The pathogen is beside the point.

The crimes that were committed in nursing homes and hospitals and the fact that there was NEVER a pandemic should be highlighted in most every interview. If that is not done people will never know what happened and history will record the "Covid response" as some "blunder" which is a complete lie.

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I listen to his podcast with some regularity...I can attest the the fact that he seems very aware of how deep the evil goes...and how tied in it is with the many other psy-ops of the day.

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My views are evolved from a Washington career that spanned Watergate to Poppy Bush election. Back then it was a very small town, far easier to identify factions & motives, but how the machine runs is not fundamentally changed.

Old adages stand as reminders to weigh current events and one that has rung like an alarm for me from the outset is this foundation, "An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance." Covid fear porn a textbook example.

That said my own belief now is that JJ Couey is spot on with the biology and the more important point is that GoF viral clones cannot possibly have the fidelity to create more than a localized outbreak in an area where purified clones are released. Mother Nature follows her own rules for replication & favors the stable coronavirus proteins human immune systems recognize.

All the power play needs is an unseen enemy and hyping fear with a threat that does not exist is older than the Pentagon.

My summary hardly does justice to Dr Jay in his own words ~

2023 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1702756429

2021 ~ lmmuno-mythology Cliff Notes https://vimeo.com/664911506/2b84dbe55a

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CIA runs everything from Murder to Murder by Toxins.

Installing Biden, destroying Nixon, on and on.

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CIA are powerful and largely unaccountable but Washington is very far from a single, central power source; it's far messier and riddled w factions and bureaucracy than folks imagine.

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Random aside to keep under your hat.. I was excited at the idea of Unherd and early subscriber but the volume of Rockefeller-Gates gmo propaganda and biotech shills given platforms soon made me gag even in my email & trust them like WaPo et al.

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Pretty sure he thinks that, but he also knows that by sticking to a narrative that is evidentially defendable he gets maximum impact and minimum 'debunking'. Every MSM outlet in the world is sat waiting to write "Whack job claims covid was a bond villain secret plan" and nobody gets past the headline. Rogan's show reaches multi millions, it matters.

The transformation from blunder into deliberate can come from low value speculators like me, and the investigators, when that happens.

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Gordon, I think that you have got it exactly right. If Bret Weinstein stated what he really thought was going on, then “Nobody would read past the headline”, as you so succinctly put it. From where I sit, I agree that this is the worst catastrophe in human history - and it was all man-made, launched by psychopaths who had acquired great power.

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I agree, I use:

"We better hope this was just a money grab, because if it was a depop gambit, we are truly screwed."

I think it is the latter, but most people aren't used to wearing a tin foil hat, so they can't even believe the former. I know my elderly, Sunday school teaching mother thinks Fauci cares about Americans, she'll never accept that he is a pyshcopath.

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I'd also add that by framing it as a blunder, you get far less resistance to getting an investigation up and running. Politicians being part of a pharma blunder is a manageable possibility, politicians being part of a deliberate act will be fought every step of the way, even if they are/were unaware of what they were doing.

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I agree. Guilty.

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This is an extermination -- it is impossible to conclude otherwise

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Did Weinstein highlight the slaughter in the nursing homes that occurred in Spring 2020? If not the interview is worse than worthless.

Did Weinstein highlight the iatrogenic events in hospitals around the world and how they were called "Covid?" If not the interview is worse than worthless.

Did Weinstein highlight how "Covid deaths" were manufactured through false attribution and recategorization of mortality data? If not the interview is worse than worthless.

Did Weinstein reinforce the pandemic narrative- falsely claiming that there was one? If so the interview was worse than worse than worthless.

You see this is the kind of garbage that becomes the "acceptable alternative Covid narrative" and it isn't just a host of omissions it is completely misdirecting people AND covering up what ACTUALLY happened which had NOTHING to do with any BS "Lab leak" or GOF.

Everyone is doing acrobatics to dance around the issues and this is a proven failed strategy.

Repost here:

Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story.

There are a handful of quasi-public voices that are essential viewing/listening in order to understand the totality of what has happened, (and what led into it) over the past three years- Catherine Austin Fitts sits at the top of the list.

Here is a recent interview w/CAF:


A few others that I would put on that list are Denis Rancourt, John Rappaport, Paul Schreyer, Ernst Wolff, Kit Knightly, Simon Elmer, Leslie Manookian, Kevin Corbett, Andrew Wakefield, David Crowe (RIP), Sheri Tenpenny, Jacob Levich, Tom DiFernando, CJ Hopkins, David Rasnick and a few others.

There were many others that are not in the public eye who were screaming from the rooftops and actively working to expose this fraud as early as January 2020. I am one of those people.

Those who have the higest visibility, such as RFK, Bigtree, Kirsch, Malone, GVB, Bret Weinstein, Bhattacharya, Berenson, Kuldorff, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory et al, will simply never- NEVER- bring the reader to a comprehensive understanding of what we are facing- the totality of the forces at work.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no 'lab leak'- there is no unique viral pathogen- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "There" there. It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

It is all a massive intel/military/psyop operation designed to wipe out the global economy and install a digitized control structure in the context of a 'hot' geopolitical economic war that is being waged by the West. All of this as the Western financial system was in total freefall culminating in the aforementioned Repo crisis of 2019- this is what 'triggered' the engineered pandemic in March 2020.

Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it. There was no pandemic- EVER. If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.

"The Virus®" is the new Al Qaeda.

If this is not highlighted and understood one will always hit a dead end in their analysis and functional response.

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Not sure you aren't short-changing several folks on the list who are pushing back far more than they are given credit for here. Also remember we are all humans w so much time per day to learn and revise our views.

Try these - The Courage to Face COVID-19

Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex

John Leake, Peter A. McCullough, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


RFK Jr The Defender Show w J. Jay Couey, Ph.D., Robert Malone, M.D., Meryl Nass, M.D., Tess Lawrie, Ph.D. and Jessica Rose, Ph.D. They discuss the calculation of all-cause mortality statistics and its connection to COVID


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I've seen the entirety of the interview you link to twice now. Once live and once for review.

I've also listened to an extensive interview w/Leake and McCullough on their book.

There is so much wrong with most of that interview it would be an excellent exercise to use it in a propaganda course in deconstructing certain narratives.

Same could be said for the book. McCullough is well intentioned and an excellent human being but knows next to nothing except the narrow aspect of the medical components of the injections.

Jessica Rose, Meryl Nass and Robert Malone are particularly egergious in that interview. All three of these individuals are so far removed from understanding what actually happened they can never speak to the truth of the matter. Rose and Malone have zero historical background on any of this and have no point of reference.

Sorry but we are way past the point of having the so-called "Covid dissident expets" limit their discussions.

Why do you or anyone turn to these people? There are so many others who have far more knowledge, insight and use a much deeper reservoir of evidence and data.

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"Why do you or anyone turn to these people?"

My muckraking career tracking dirtbags in Rockefeller-Gates biotech space dates from 1997 so dividing folks who sell snake oil and genuine sources is pretty easy. Your dismissal suspect.

"There are so many others who have far more knowledge, insight and use a much deeper reservoir of evidence and data."

Always open to better sources changing my opinion. List six sources you consider not only superior but able to support your disdain & discounting of science my sources detail. Thanks!

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1) Denis Rancourt

2) Catherine Austin Fitts

3) John Rapapport

4) Leslie Manookian

5) Kevin Corbett

6) Paul Schreyer

7) Jacob Levich

8) Simon Elmer

Give me another 30 seconds and I'll come up with another dozen.

I'm not speaking to just the science of the situation I'm speaking to the entirety of the situation.

The whole "divisive" issue is a red herring. Facts are facts Pamela.

Jessica Rose, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Brett Weinstein, Alex Berenson, Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough and many others at the forefront of the current iteration of the "Covid dissent" movement are historically illiterate on the long history of these scams and have shown zero interest, at least publicly, in learning about them and using their platforms to speak to these frauds.

Virutally ALL of them (I think in fact all of them) actually belive there was a pandemic. On that biggest of lies they are absoutely, unequivocally wrong. They would be embarrassed if they attempted to hold that discussion with any of those I listed and they actively avoid this discussion.

The story that the likes of Weinstein, Malone sell is a dead end and an obstacle to useful action.

There is no health emergency and never was- it is a massive money laundering operation and a con job to ram the Biosecurity State down everyone's throats.

The most apalling aspect of all of this (and I've heard these "Alt-Covid celebrities" speak many dozens of times) is that the "pandemic story" they trumpet hides the truth- it was mass murder via eldercide and hopsital protocols.

That this is not front and center dishonors the people who were killed and is a slap in the face to the families. I don't say this abstractly I say that as someone who is in weekly discussions with family members of those who were slaughtered and virtually nowhere are their voices heard.

If these stories were front and center people would see exactly what happened in 2020 and know the entire "Covid pandemic" story is complete bullshit.

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Longtime follower of Catherine Austin Fitts & Jon Rappaport and adore them both. Only had brief exposure to Weinstein & never saw the appeal. No clue who the rest are but could add a dozen more I also like including James Corbett & Whitney Webb & Ryan Christian but aside from my point. Jonathan Couey has been spot on opposing the pandemic claims from the outset.. Jessica Rose is focused on jab injuries & fraud in monitoring systems where she has groundbreaking research and valuable discoveries. others varying focus but none defend the Covidian policies as medically driven. Failing to narrow their focus to your central theme exclusively is a ridiculous arbitrary metric to use.

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Bret's use of the word 'blunder' refers more to the unforeseen(?) consequences, and should not be construed to mean that he believes that Covid was an accident. I don't think he's EVER offered such an opinion.

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I agree. He strongly implied that certain people benefitted and that if you were inclined to pull off large scale fraud, this could be how it would be done. And he left enough grey area around how the virus was released from the lab to leave the possibility open that it was deliberate (though, has anyone been able to unequivocally prove this? I don't think so).

Given that they had 3 hours only and covered a broad range of topics, I think it's a bit much to expect him to wade into grand accusations that would take hours to unpack and would be difficult to prove on someone else's podcast. It's also a bit reductive to think this was 'only' a blunder or 'only' planned. It was most likely both, at different levels, working in tandem to create the world's largest man-made clusterfuck.

The insights on the inability of the heart to repair damaged tissue, and the expanded understanding of myocarditis were enough alone to make this well worth the listen, I think.

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I think he actually described his use of the word whilst on Ron DeSantis CDC review panel. That's an additional level of context. Not sure you can start a credible review with expected end results.

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Also as viral pandemics are scuttlebutt the only pandemics that there are are spread by needle. How can that be a blunder? How do you get advance notice of this?

I went off Bret a long time ago. His wife is a little smarter but still seems prepared to spread the on high version(s) of this pandemic.

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''Weinstein explores the possibility that a select group may have had advance notice of the impending pandemic and used that knowledge to position themselves for a financial windfall'



''He stopped reporting his ownership stake in Microsoft in 2020 after he stepped down from the board of directors.''

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The Pfizer exec in Project Veritas' latest video describes it well, except he uses present and future tense. Seems like manipulating the vaccine/virus is the cabal's past/present/future endeavor.

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This was such a good interview. I thought Weinstein walked the line. He's an academic. Academics don't make claims they can't rigorously support. They are leery of speculating. Frankly, I was surprised that he went as far as he did. I respect the fact that he is careful with his words.

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As I understand it he is no longer an academic and became an academic in later life as well. So although I have yet to listen to the interview that's no excuse.

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The reason I think it was "lab-created" is that I KNOW no public health official or scientists has investigated any of the early cases. If they sincerely wanted to find out when/where/how this virus originated and began to spread, officials would have rushed to investigate claims of people like Michael Melham (the Mayor of Belleville, NJ who was sick in November 2019). But they haven't done this. This tells me they don't want to investigate any possible early cases because if they did, they might have to "confirm" these early cases. If they did that, there goes their "natural origin" theory that this virus came from from bats in China and the first "outbreak" was a live market held in December 2019 in Wuhan. What they are really doing is trying to steer everyone away from their own involvement. It's worked so far.

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I know they released something in Winchester, VA, ( December 2019 ) that the professionals had no answer for. They said it was not the flu. It may have traveled down US15 to US50 (from USAMRIID), or it may have come from the local airport. It was very bad, but did not send people to emergency rooms in great numbers. Just out a lot of people on heart meds. Have often thought about doing surveys to see how focused or widespread it was. I think it was a prototype. USAMRIID was responsible for the US Anthrax attack. For sure, no government entity is interested in investigating anything, which tells you who is responsible, and that it was intentionally done.

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For every anomaly local populations are able to flag there are probably a dozen where these psychos tested bio-agents on local populations or delivery systems like vape contents or air filters in certain buildings w new spin on small pox blankets... creative m-fers.

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Anthrax spread throughout USPS. Whitney Webb (Unlimited Hangout) did a deep dive on the perpetrators, some of them still in the mix today. Mark Groubert, America’s Untold Stories, is sending many of us down the JFK assassination rabbit hole. Also on the Unlimited Hangout site you will find information on J Edgar Hoover and how the mob had completely compromised him, with connections, that go all the way through to Epstein, between CIA and organized crime and even their own in-house criminal enterprises. This includes Bill Clinton, William Casey, Bill Barr in the Iran Contra affair, etc. Basically, for the past sixty years this country has been run by the agency, a criminal enterprise that is essentially world-wide, and appears to be working for a hostile foreign power.

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Abso-frigging-lutely adore Whitney and long time supporter of her work; she's an impeccable researcher and gifted reporter. Being more than twice her age there is much done at the time of events and foundations laid by many greats she builds on. I'm also fairly certain she shares the view that transnational corporate power is the threat & National sovereignty mostly illusion. :~)

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Totally off subject, but I saw mention of Cathrine Austin Fitts in the discussions here. Speaking of credibility, she linked the Antifa movement with an attack on the Federal Reserve banking system. Now, let’s have a look at where the police vehicles were burning yesterday. It was Peachtree Street. Guess what you can find on Peachtree street, just a few blocks away? A Federal Reserve bank! She said that they were trying to drive real estate values down around these banks so that their financial supporters could acquire locations close to these banks, and linked the whole scheme to the conversion to a digital currency. I thought she was crazy when she said that there would be multiple injections to attempt to build an OS in your body. “Who would be stupid enough to fall for that?” I thought to myself. She was correct about the injections, and her Fed Reserve thinking checks out as well. All intel is intel. It’s why you monitor all the traffic on the battlefield. People who lie always use some truth in their stories.

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Regardless of the origin story the bigger fraud was the illusion of pandemic virus that required Enron accounting to make deaths raise fears and blocking of treatments to ensure deaths.

The real game is setting up Rockefeller-Gates WHO as head of global government using pandemic claims as justification. As long as folks argue about origin they miss the fact that no dangerous virus involved only dangerous propaganda.

Neurobiologist & gifted teacher JJ Couey explains this as immuno-mythology.


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Love that Joe and Bret tactfully lay it on the line... the tide is turning.. the growing US appetite for Truth is giving Big Brother and its Ministry of LIES nightmares now.. to much momentum now to stop it.. the nonviolent Ruination of Fuuccchiiis retirement coming up.. oh yes..

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I don't think either of them have ever laid it on the line.

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Obviously we disagree..

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"Weinstein believes the COVID-19 pandemic is the largest blunder in human history". No, it was NOT a blunder. It was systematically planned. Why else would there be so much brain washing, manipulating and cohesion (from vax lotteries to free donuts) of the masses plus threatening, degrading, bullying, censoring, and ridiculing anyone who will not happily agree with the nonsense narrative? This entire thing was planned. The only "blunder" they made was assuming they had enough power, money and influence to control everyone, and that led them to do even more ridiculous and over the top nonsense. Evil ALWAYS over plays its hand. There were NO blunders. Change my mind.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Watch the interview (all of it) and listen to what Bret is actually saying instead of reading Mercola’s interpretation of what he thinks Bret meant. You might be surprised.

Next step, why did Mercola write the article and require you to give up your personal information to read it?

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Rogan needs to Ed Dowd on to discuss his new book.

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Agreed. I finished his book last week. Ed is a very clever guy and would make for an amazing guest.

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Ed Dowd would not call it all a blunder either.

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As I intuitively knew, the third dose really seems to be the Rubicon dose. I am so glad I stopped at two, after getting the first two grudgingly in April/May 2021.

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Another blunder they made was not outlawing rope manufacturers.

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Rope, tree, technocrats. Some assembly required.

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I believe the interview is from January 5. Not from today (January 21 in Aus)

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Thank you Joel.

Blunder? No way, no how. Pre planned & evil genocide right to their plan.

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"Weinstein believes the COVID-19 pandemic is the largest blunder in human history."

With all due respect to Brett Weinstein, Covid was not a blunder. It was carefully planned. I think people don't want to believe it, because of the implications. It wrecks their previous worldview.

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“Blunder”! I doubt it. As many people are now asking, what is the REAL reason the globalists want to jab EVERY HUMAN(apart from themselves maybe)? What’s in it? What’s it for? Because it certainly IS NOT to treat ‘Covid’ !! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why is Tony Blair still trying to push vaccine passports on us?? Why?? What’s in this cocktail which contains “secret” ingredients. Allegedly because of parents! Yea right🤨... there is FAR more to this than merely a botched “vaccine”!!

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No mention of intentional global democide. How do we explain that?

- Lack in depth of research done?

- Selling greed as primary motive instead of

mass murder?

- A blunder narrative being served up?Suggesting no intent. These guys should do there research on Karen Kingston's Substack.The fact that they don't says it all.

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I am looking for US Government Weaponization of Coronavirus before 2005, when they introduced the lethal Furin Cleavage Site (FCS) if anyone can point me in the right direction, thanks.


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corona site:mil

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Use all the search engines.

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Re: bolus theory, are you saying that everyone suffering an adverse event with mRNA or other vaccines have been injected through blood vessels?

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That would make it that much worse, but probably doesn't explain all of it. Those mRNA lipid nanoparticles do tend to travel regardless.

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