Bret of all people should know it was not a blunder (as he articulated in his excellent rebuttals in this Unherd interview with a narrative apologist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLp9YMM7CI4) and needs to stop employing the perpetrators' self-exculpatory language.

“It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.”

—“Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

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''Weinstein explores the possibility that a select group may have had advance notice of the impending pandemic and used that knowledge to position themselves for a financial windfall'



''He stopped reporting his ownership stake in Microsoft in 2020 after he stepped down from the board of directors.''

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This was such a good interview. I thought Weinstein walked the line. He's an academic. Academics don't make claims they can't rigorously support. They are leery of speculating. Frankly, I was surprised that he went as far as he did. I respect the fact that he is careful with his words.

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The reason I think it was "lab-created" is that I KNOW no public health official or scientists has investigated any of the early cases. If they sincerely wanted to find out when/where/how this virus originated and began to spread, officials would have rushed to investigate claims of people like Michael Melham (the Mayor of Belleville, NJ who was sick in November 2019). But they haven't done this. This tells me they don't want to investigate any possible early cases because if they did, they might have to "confirm" these early cases. If they did that, there goes their "natural origin" theory that this virus came from from bats in China and the first "outbreak" was a live market held in December 2019 in Wuhan. What they are really doing is trying to steer everyone away from their own involvement. It's worked so far.

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Love that Joe and Bret tactfully lay it on the line... the tide is turning.. the growing US appetite for Truth is giving Big Brother and its Ministry of LIES nightmares now.. to much momentum now to stop it.. the nonviolent Ruination of Fuuccchiiis retirement coming up.. oh yes..

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"Weinstein believes the COVID-19 pandemic is the largest blunder in human history". No, it was NOT a blunder. It was systematically planned. Why else would there be so much brain washing, manipulating and cohesion (from vax lotteries to free donuts) of the masses plus threatening, degrading, bullying, censoring, and ridiculing anyone who will not happily agree with the nonsense narrative? This entire thing was planned. The only "blunder" they made was assuming they had enough power, money and influence to control everyone, and that led them to do even more ridiculous and over the top nonsense. Evil ALWAYS over plays its hand. There were NO blunders. Change my mind.

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Rogan needs to Ed Dowd on to discuss his new book.

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As I intuitively knew, the third dose really seems to be the Rubicon dose. I am so glad I stopped at two, after getting the first two grudgingly in April/May 2021.

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Another blunder they made was not outlawing rope manufacturers.

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I believe the interview is from January 5. Not from today (January 21 in Aus)

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Thank you Joel.

Blunder? No way, no how. Pre planned & evil genocide right to their plan.

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"Weinstein believes the COVID-19 pandemic is the largest blunder in human history."

With all due respect to Brett Weinstein, Covid was not a blunder. It was carefully planned. I think people don't want to believe it, because of the implications. It wrecks their previous worldview.

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“Blunder”! I doubt it. As many people are now asking, what is the REAL reason the globalists want to jab EVERY HUMAN(apart from themselves maybe)? What’s in it? What’s it for? Because it certainly IS NOT to treat ‘Covid’ !! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why is Tony Blair still trying to push vaccine passports on us?? Why?? What’s in this cocktail which contains “secret” ingredients. Allegedly because of parents! Yea right🤨... there is FAR more to this than merely a botched “vaccine”!!

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No mention of intentional global democide. How do we explain that?

- Lack in depth of research done?

- Selling greed as primary motive instead of

mass murder?

- A blunder narrative being served up?Suggesting no intent. These guys should do there research on Karen Kingston's Substack.The fact that they don't says it all.

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I am looking for US Government Weaponization of Coronavirus before 2005, when they introduced the lethal Furin Cleavage Site (FCS) if anyone can point me in the right direction, thanks.


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Re: bolus theory, are you saying that everyone suffering an adverse event with mRNA or other vaccines have been injected through blood vessels?

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