Dear Joel Smalley, thank you for sharing this testimony from Caitlin's mother Raelene. Last year I transcribed some of her heart-breaking words about Caitlin's death, and her warnings, which I sincerely hope more people will attend to:

Young girl DIES from VACCINE - Her mother has an emotional message to others (Caitlin Gotze))Feb 15, 2022

Starmax News


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at an outdoor protest rally in Canberra, Australia. Raelene Kennedy holds a card with photographs of her daughter Caitlin Gotze, a previously healthy 23 year-old woman who, after her second Pfizer jab, died of an enlarged heart on November 17, 2021. This excerpt is Raelene Kennedy's answer to the reporter's question about how she feels about the government's covering up vaccine injuries and deaths. For more information see also https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-4-caitlin



RAELENE KENNEDY (mother of Caitlin Gotze): I can't believe it because I'm just the most honest, law-abiding, we all are! Taxpayer, hard worker, like, I don't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm no conspiracy theorist, I'm just a normal person, and then one day, my daughter drops dead and all of this. I just started, I just, the only thing, I wish, I wish, I wish I had of been aware of this before. I wish I had of looked, I wish I had of researched.

If I can do anything, so far in this journey, it's been 12 weeks since Caitlin passed but she has saved lives, just getting her message out, and just so people know that if you have a shortness of breath, if you don't feel right, look up what pericarditis and myocarditis, look up aneurisms, look up everything that they're now putting out, Queensland Health and possibly the rest of Australia, I don't know, putting out, these are the symptoms. Look them up. And if you have that, MRIs are now free. Queensland Health especially has made MRIs free for vaccine-related or vaccine-suspected injuries.

So why would they do that if they've got nothing to hide? Why would they compensate you for vaccine injuries if they've got nothing to hide?

And they're saying it doesn't exist. Like, it it's just unbelievable. I just feel like it's not real, I just feel like it's a dream and one day I'm going to wake up because every other minute, like even here, I'm going, you know, I have to tell Caitlin this, or show Cailtin these beautiful German shepherds that are walking past, or there's a car that looks like Caitlin's car, or I just every other minute I think, because she was my best friend, you know? I think, I'll just talk to Caitlin. And she's not here.

And I think there are so many signs, so many signs. I think this is what she would have wanted, she wouldn't have wanted to have died for no reason. She would want to to save people, to help people, to get the message out that, just be aware and save yourself, and don't take no for an answer. No, don't be the next victim.



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Mrs B you fight so so hard for Australians. I do not know anyone overseas who does this for us. God Bless you in your divinely inspired work.

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We are all in this together, it's an attack on humanity. Thanks for your kind words. I'm sure many others do more than I do, the thing is, because of the censorship and shadow-banning, we have such a hard time finding out about each other. If you haven't seen it already, take a look at what Pam Popper is doing. Believe it or not, I, who am searching everyday, came upon Popper's work only a couple of days ago.

Dr. Pam Popper: http://drpampopper.com/interviews/

Her rumble page is https://rumble.com/c/c-641957

Her introduction to MAFA: https://rumble.com/v33kzpv-introduction-to-mafa.html

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>we were the first to file lawsuits against the creators of SARS-CoV-2: EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, Ian Lipkin and Ralph Baric.

The charges should be: treason, racketeering, mass murder and crimes against humanity. This needs to happen to all these mad scientists who are totally out of control. DARPA needs a clean out.

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Thank you for sharing Caitlin’s heart-shattering story, Joel. I included a video of Raelene telling her story in “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler), so I was especially touched when Raelene wrote to let me know how moved she was by “Mistakes Were NOT Made” in these tweets:

• “@MargaretAnnaAl1, these words are powerful. The verses are magnificent. You have captured the essence of this silenced war. This democide claimed my beautiful 23 yo daughter. The silence has almost claimed me. THANK YOU! 🙏” (https://twitter.com/RaeleneKenned20/status/1637402140032516097)

• “I am in tears. As long as we keep speaking out, they will not be forgotten. I have to believe Caitlin has a role to play, and she is now more powerful as an angel, than she could have been on earth 💔😢. Thank you again, truly deeply.” (https://twitter.com/RaeleneKenned20/status/1637411998991548419)

She was also kind enough to write me and share photos of a homemade “Mistakes Were NOT Made” t-shirt at an event where she spoke:

• “Dear Margaret, I attended an event yesterday, where I spoke, advocating for the vaccine-injured & telling Caitlin's story. This lady was in the front row. She printed this herself. I asked her to stand up and explain the t-shirt. How beautiful is this🤗🥰” (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1642505946185498624)

As I mentioned in this piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to), I would still like to find out the identity of that woman to thank her.

I am so grateful to Raelene for the extraordinary courage and strength she has displayed by choosing to share this tragedy in hopes of saving others from the same horrific fate. Few people can muster this rare resilience when crushed by such an unspeakably devastating loss.

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Died for the Greater Good? Jesus wept...

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Died for the greater good. This is the spirit of global collectivism. Since patriotism is dead, we are left with dying for a noble lie.

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When I read that sentence, I was filled with anger, disappointment, and disbelief. It is absolutely impossible to die for the greater good when you are forced to take a vaccine that kills you. What the absolute hell has happened to people's minds?

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Nothing happened to it... It is just executing the Code as expected.

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Yes she did... The morons that said that just don't know that the Greater Good is this one:


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God bless, Raelene. All of the information was there in the Diamond Princess Cruise ship details. Many scientists and data analysts and doctors were shouting it out, from Dr Mike Yeadon to Dr. Judy Mikovits to Dr. Tess Lawrie and the doctors in the Great Barrington Declaration .Its a cover up and intended, and it's still being covered up.

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Raelene, if you are reading this, I fight for Caitlin. You do not know me, but the screams of dying and gaslit Australians haunt my every waking moment. She was NOT 'just a number.' She is your daughter and our beautiful Australian girl, the sunshine in her hair, enjoying her horses.

(Thank you Joel. Bless you).

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So sorry for your loss, Raelene.

To lose a child, and then to be systematically gaslit by every Organ about it sounds unbearable.

To read about it was a shock, even after everything we've observed and experienced in the Plandemonium.

Please have faith that justice will arrive for Caitlin.

These Organs complicit in the criminality will be held accountable.


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‘For the greater good’! How I loathe that expression. How blinkered people were - and some still are - during this period and how effective was the propaganda. Such a tragedy.

I lost my best friend at 21 in a car accident. It is 47 years ago but I still remember the expression on her poor mother’s face. How terrible to lose a child from what can only be described as a medical experiment! I can no longer find the words to describe those who have perpetuated this ghastly experiment on humanity.

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the "for the greater good" line made me realize that the covid lies and the irrational fear created by those lies has resulted in MILLIONS of people divorcing themselves from their own humanity. These people can no longer feel compassion or sympathy. They are most likely permanently damaged mentally and emotionally. Their hatred and vitriol directed toward the unvaccinated was/is frightening. They were the ones pushing for forced vaccination and starvation camps for the "anti-vaxxers" a la Noam Chomsky.

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This is heartbreaking and I cannot imagine the pain felt every moment by this grieving family. This whole situation is criminal and a clear cover up for the murder of thousands. Those agencies and institutions that are meant to work in the interests of truth and justice are complicit and I pray eventually will be held accountable. I like to think the truth always outs, eventually..... but with these poisons it seems one step forward 2 back. I pray for justice for this family and all who have been harmed and killed.

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It is felt daily by mothers like me who's adult children ignored their pleas to wait and see before jumping in to take experimental injections, fearing will mine be next. The denial of them being responsible is criminal. My daughter and friends also took them using same phrase "for greater good."

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I am so sorry to hear this. I know what you mean my husband would not listen to my rational advice and then pleas. He had not 1 but 2 shots. He did eventually see sense once it became apparent they were a scam that offered no protection. However, the fact remains he chose not to listen to me and had no critical thinking skills at all. I have come to realise he is a follower, a sheep as we say and that has marred so much of our relationship now.

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It has affected friendships also, a few unfriended me, including some family members. I just pray they don't fall for it again, but lots will.

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Everyone will some day stand before God, and ALL will face judgement. The LORD is just.

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Many HONEST doctors & scientists around the world who know whats really going on, and who have carried out investigations re. the numbers of deaths around the world, say that somewhere between 10 million & 30 million deaths have occurred so far worldwide, not just thousands.

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This is heart-breaking, that poor woman. And for her friends to say that - what a bunch of tards.

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I just hope there is a Heaven, so his mother can meet again with her daughter. And a Hell for all those mosters.

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There is.

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Thanks Joel for covering this. It's such an important story. The corruption in the coroner's department runs deep and wide.

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These reports all fall short:

1) Name the hospital.

2) Identify the ER physician.

3) Name the coroner.

4) Identify the company.

5) Name the pathologist who signed the autopsy.

I would have been up before the College and the hospital medical committee if I had ever discharged (or prescribed) 16 puffs of ventolin in half an hour. (Granted the nebulised dose exceeds this, usually given with atrovent- I wonder what that would have done to the compromised heart? )The ER nurses would also have objected strenuously as well. No record of a peak flow measurement?

In Canada Dr. Daniel Nagase has been identified and persecuted for treating (and significantly improving) three patients with ivermectin.

By neglecting to identify the responsible parties we empower this behaviour.

Sadly, nothing will bring Caitlin back, and her family will not find "closure". Our sympathy is little condolence in these situations, but we need to expose those responsible, incompetent, and compromised. "I was only doing my job" still requires that the job be done.

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My condolences to her mom and dad, hopefully those who promote the so called vaccines will be charged with crimes against humanity.

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Heartbreaking, my twins are 24, both coerced into taking the jab. There is no greater good at work here. Only the evil plans of around 1,000 people. We know who they are and they will face justice.

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As a mother of daughters, this has made me cry. What a wicked world. There is no justice and this poor lady will get no justice because everyone is complicit in the lies and misinformation and cannot afford to admit the truth. Makes me sort of hope there is a heaven and a hell because it would be comforting to think of all these wicked people having to queue up at the fiery gates (or whatever they are down there).

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God Bless Caitlin and all the innocents that have died or been injured by this evil.

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My prayers for this family. My anger for the whole fucking, stupid, broken, brain-washing system that made it happen.

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