It alleges that the defendants were responsible for the injury and/or death of the plaintiffs due to their creation and subsequent release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Laboratories in China.
Since the force of the flood can be expected to be so great (global distrust in governments? Widespread political destabilization and unrest?) and since the tentacles of WEF have to be presumed to, by now, be so deep and wide reaching that they are able to suppress, through a variety of means, the emergence of the truth on a broader scale, courts have to be presumed to be weighing the effects of a ruling against the value of truth. But at some point there is bound to be a crack in the dam, and once a small amount of truth starts to seep into the consciousness of the deluded the picture may start to become clear enough to be undeniable. Here’s to hope!
IMHO, egos of these "factions" will be their downfall - don't know of a dictator/regime etc consisting of more than one person that survives the battle of competing egos - history, recent too, is littered with them; "they" do not have the advantage/legitimacy of having their backs against the wall and whilst the "Resistance" also can be plagued by egos, the impetus provided by the existential "threat" will prevail....eventually; the "threat" might not be close to "peak" yet, but that will be "their" error - pushing too far. Bring it on.
Are these individual egos or state egos? My suspicion is that DARPA is behind the whole "gain of function" research. This will have to come out .... and then can countries that have had their economies destroyed expect "reparations"?
It’s my understanding from the original documents that DARPA refused to fund the EcoHealth study because they deemed it ‘gain of function’ research and said that it was too dangerous. Fauci then approved the funding through NIAID.
You know something is wrong when even DARPA doesn’t want anything to do with it....
There is enough publicity available evidence of wrongdoing by Faucl, NIAID, EcoHealth, UNC/Baric, Moderna, the Chinese, and others to warrant several real investigations of what happened.
Wrongdoing in the Covid mess’s origins, the failed mitigation policies, the failed vaccines, the mandates, and the rest..... should lead to the most severe punishment allowed by law.
We also need new oversight of GOF and similar research. New research should be beneficial to mankind, not a chance for scientists to play with new toys (which could possibly kill a large percentage of the population). These people have sufficiently demonstrated that they lack both the knowledge and ethical foundation to continue this work without adult supervision.
I'm with the hundreds of scientists who signed the letter demanding a ban to GoF. There's no therapeutic value. If you want to find treatments for naturally occurring viruses, study them and what can be done to fight them.
There are promising avenues of research in genetic engineering, but fevered demons like Baric want nothing to do with them. They are bad boys and they need punishment.
I agree with your precis; if there was any possibility of "real investigations" it is inconceivable ( unless the people in charge were 100% corruptly bought off) that culpability would not be proved given the vast amount of data/information already disclosed and the knowledge of people such as Dr David Martin can be called on. Still, not a given that the outcome would arise, given the "tentacles" and their reach. One thought occurs to me; if the US was a quoted corporation, the threat of investigation, then litigation may impact their share price in the markets to some degree; litigation might never get to court and a deal may be done "on the steps". The compensation to the millions affected/killed worldwide by these drugs, whose development was funded, enabled, encouraged, patented in part by "Fauci directed individuals", despite egregious denials, all of which is documented as I have read - might be uniquely astronomical and may destroy the US economy. But that is a long way off if ever it was to come to pass. Would it not be ironic if it turned out to be a CCP "sting" operation...?
States are, allegedly, "run" by people so to my mind it effectively means the same; someone's nose will be pushed so badly out of joint, perhaps over a period of time, they will kick back like, eg, Snowden (if they have the information, naturally). I find it very difficult to see how these "egos" can keep a lid on it all and perhaps the evidence is already in plain sight they have failed. What seems not to have been said loud enough , with due respect to anyone in the US, is that the US Intelligence and Military have combined with the CCP ( no doubt not intentionally given the activities of Daszak aka Satan ) to unleash WMD, and trashed other economies into the bargain - reparations will indeed be sought I reckon leaving Putin/his successor and a few other rogue States in pole position. But then again, the CIA would not cock up something that is potentially so deadly, surely?
GoF research is out of control and that intimidates me, massively (viz. Boston Uni disclosure?)
I used to think of the US as a force for the good. It has become a centre of evil. What country (apparently) bombs the energy supplies of an ally just before the onset of winter to ensure its unwavering support for a war the US has pushed so hard for?
Some days I feel like I live outside the matrix. I’ve been asking friends and family the very question “why is their no interest in determining the origins of Covid?” All I get is a collective shrug. The apathy is maddening.
too many other things to be enraged by, coupled with a strong desire to avoid confronting an uncomfortable reality... i often feel the way you do, but trying to empathize with that apathy, i can see how a majority get stuck in that pit of apathy and just sit there with it
President Putin, gave a speech today and also participated in a question and answer session, on stage at the Russian think tank the Valdai Discussion Club. Well worth a listen. Mentioned the new world order, mentioned the countries supporting USA sanctions on Russia, and spoke eloquently. There was no sabre rattling, he did not appear to be some raging madman. When I watch Biden, harris, and so many others in the current US administration speak, I think I know why Russia will come out the stronger. It does not sound like Putin is a proponent of the great reset. Is the tide turning? The premier of Alberta Canada, Danielle Smith, recently told the WEF where to get off. She also apologised to her constituents for the mishandling of the covid scamdemic. Who is next to (1) turn their back on the WEF (2) apologise to their constituents? We are waiting.
Very similar situation occurred with the Charlie Rose interview of Assad twice! Not the madman the American media has painted him out to be! WATCH IT!
Saw Danielle Smiths comments - the one I worry about the absolute most however is King Charles and his enormous wealth and POWER! Not to mention his mental instability!
African’s will be starved by the climate loons. They’ll have to compete on the open market for food imports and won’t be able to afford the inflated prices. Other countries won’t have the abundance to donate.
If, by some miracle, the full and real truths ever reached the masses, I think we would have a legit "national security" crisis. Certainly, the "swamp" could/would be belatedly drained. It seems to me if this was proven, America (and China) would be liable for massive reparations. The lawsuits that would results would quadruple the national debt (meaning that printing press would have to ramp up from 11 to 21).
I just wrote a story opining that the colleges of the SEC are "playing with liability fire" by accepting a corporate sponsorship of Pfizer. This implies these colleges STILL think these vaccines and boosters should be given to everyone, including the college's students (who face zero risk of "severe" outcomes).
Anyway, as I have written, there's no way any real truths can be definitively proven via any kind of truth-seeking or justice-seeking tribunals. Still, it will be interesting to see what happens with this lawsuit. Good for the plaintiffs and lawyers who filed it.
I would respectfully disagree on the 50 years to pass before the general public learns the truth .I am an optimist that way .We will soon ,in my opinion reach a climax ,if we have not already ,where the knowledge of malfeasance on the part of the pharma industries , WEF , the big media, organizations, and governments will become so obvious in the minds of the general public,world wide, that the flood gates of truth will burst wide open . The first dominoes have already started to fall IMHO .
I think the Boris/Whitty reaction is key to this. They originally followed proper science and said so. Then suddenly both of them were saying the exact opposite and supporting ever more incoherent and unscientific (and obviously so - masks) rubbish. Then the same, global push of the barely tested drugs. A completely new and unknown technology, mRNA. As everything was global and everyone came to such agreement (in the case here, after misspeaking originally) it is as if the release was deliberate, the response pre-ordained for its political benefits and the deaths of the elderly collateral damage, with the bonus of getting rid of costly, non-productive humans. Boris, of course hadn't read or forwarded on the memo. After a scary hiccup with the election of a PM on a growth agenda, things are now back on track with continuity Sunak, on message with the global agenda.
Another strategy to remove power from people has been to make legal system difficult for the common person to act on their behalf in the court.. this makes things expensive. Never understood why doctors have to write prescriptions in Latin.. Same thing why?. To make it difficult for the common person to function in society. I have 9 years of post hs education and our taxesystem, legal system intimidate me. I now Imagine that these are intentional
I think to have any hopes of an impact a speedy investigation and trial, is needed. For the those found guilty the public must be given an opportunity to view the sentences as they are carried out. Maybe then, our governments can begin to earn back public trust.
Today, now two years down the road, since the start of the covid jabs, I had a reply from my mp, Simon Jupp about the covid vaccinations. I keep sending him all the vaccine data showing how unsafe and ineffective these injections continue to be. No surprise, he responded “the covid 19 vaccine saves lives and studies have shown it has been clearly effective in reducing deaths and hospitalisations. In the Uk we operate a system of informed consent for vaccinations, which means that we provide as much information as possible about vaccine to individuals, who must then consent to receive the dose on an individual basis”. Yikes, I am pretty certain, those administering the covid jabs do not run through all the possible adverse events from these jabs nor ask what other meds a person is taking, allergies? Pregnant? Currently unwell?, had covid? Oh well Simon seems to think everything is hunky dory in the covid “vaccine” program. I wish I could I turn a blind eye to all the friends and family I know injured by these jabs. But I cannot. Nor will I.
You should see the medical cartel in California! I used to think it WAS one of the best (my mother retired after 28 years at UCSF). Now they’re implementing Assembly Bill 2098, so doctors cannot talk candidly with their patients. My health “care” provider is Sutter Health, and they’re STILL pushing all the jabs/masks: nonsense. I’ve basically gone on a holistic route. I trust none of this!
You are correct. Eventually, the truth will come out. The question: Will those responsible ever pay for this crime against humanity? As far as governments just going along and assuming that the virus bypassed 10,000 years of evolution; they have been bribed to the hilt. Mostly through campaign contributions, but also under the table payments. These are the very worst kinds of politicians, we call them the establishment. They must go. After losing their power, only then can we hold them responsible. People need to vote and hope after the last election that controls are in place to minimize the cheating by these terrible people. I speak for the world, if you think they are only cheating in America you are sadly mistaken.
Which is why it might take so long for the truth to come fully out. Once all the direct beneficiaries are gone, there will be much less reason to suppress it.
Assuming "it" stops. Last I checked, they are barely slowing down, even with the truth bubbling to the surface. More beneficiaries are created on a daily basis, especially in America. As Pharma companies become richer and richer, we will see even more beneficiaries as they spread the wealth to protect their investment. Ironically, it seems the small European nations who are the least corrupt are our best hope.
Since the force of the flood can be expected to be so great (global distrust in governments? Widespread political destabilization and unrest?) and since the tentacles of WEF have to be presumed to, by now, be so deep and wide reaching that they are able to suppress, through a variety of means, the emergence of the truth on a broader scale, courts have to be presumed to be weighing the effects of a ruling against the value of truth. But at some point there is bound to be a crack in the dam, and once a small amount of truth starts to seep into the consciousness of the deluded the picture may start to become clear enough to be undeniable. Here’s to hope!
IMHO, egos of these "factions" will be their downfall - don't know of a dictator/regime etc consisting of more than one person that survives the battle of competing egos - history, recent too, is littered with them; "they" do not have the advantage/legitimacy of having their backs against the wall and whilst the "Resistance" also can be plagued by egos, the impetus provided by the existential "threat" will prevail....eventually; the "threat" might not be close to "peak" yet, but that will be "their" error - pushing too far. Bring it on.
Are these individual egos or state egos? My suspicion is that DARPA is behind the whole "gain of function" research. This will have to come out .... and then can countries that have had their economies destroyed expect "reparations"?
It’s my understanding from the original documents that DARPA refused to fund the EcoHealth study because they deemed it ‘gain of function’ research and said that it was too dangerous. Fauci then approved the funding through NIAID.
You know something is wrong when even DARPA doesn’t want anything to do with it....
There is enough publicity available evidence of wrongdoing by Faucl, NIAID, EcoHealth, UNC/Baric, Moderna, the Chinese, and others to warrant several real investigations of what happened.
Wrongdoing in the Covid mess’s origins, the failed mitigation policies, the failed vaccines, the mandates, and the rest..... should lead to the most severe punishment allowed by law.
We also need new oversight of GOF and similar research. New research should be beneficial to mankind, not a chance for scientists to play with new toys (which could possibly kill a large percentage of the population). These people have sufficiently demonstrated that they lack both the knowledge and ethical foundation to continue this work without adult supervision.
I'm with the hundreds of scientists who signed the letter demanding a ban to GoF. There's no therapeutic value. If you want to find treatments for naturally occurring viruses, study them and what can be done to fight them.
There are promising avenues of research in genetic engineering, but fevered demons like Baric want nothing to do with them. They are bad boys and they need punishment.
I agree with your precis; if there was any possibility of "real investigations" it is inconceivable ( unless the people in charge were 100% corruptly bought off) that culpability would not be proved given the vast amount of data/information already disclosed and the knowledge of people such as Dr David Martin can be called on. Still, not a given that the outcome would arise, given the "tentacles" and their reach. One thought occurs to me; if the US was a quoted corporation, the threat of investigation, then litigation may impact their share price in the markets to some degree; litigation might never get to court and a deal may be done "on the steps". The compensation to the millions affected/killed worldwide by these drugs, whose development was funded, enabled, encouraged, patented in part by "Fauci directed individuals", despite egregious denials, all of which is documented as I have read - might be uniquely astronomical and may destroy the US economy. But that is a long way off if ever it was to come to pass. Would it not be ironic if it turned out to be a CCP "sting" operation...?
States are, allegedly, "run" by people so to my mind it effectively means the same; someone's nose will be pushed so badly out of joint, perhaps over a period of time, they will kick back like, eg, Snowden (if they have the information, naturally). I find it very difficult to see how these "egos" can keep a lid on it all and perhaps the evidence is already in plain sight they have failed. What seems not to have been said loud enough , with due respect to anyone in the US, is that the US Intelligence and Military have combined with the CCP ( no doubt not intentionally given the activities of Daszak aka Satan ) to unleash WMD, and trashed other economies into the bargain - reparations will indeed be sought I reckon leaving Putin/his successor and a few other rogue States in pole position. But then again, the CIA would not cock up something that is potentially so deadly, surely?
GoF research is out of control and that intimidates me, massively (viz. Boston Uni disclosure?)
I used to think of the US as a force for the good. It has become a centre of evil. What country (apparently) bombs the energy supplies of an ally just before the onset of winter to ensure its unwavering support for a war the US has pushed so hard for?
Some days I feel like I live outside the matrix. I’ve been asking friends and family the very question “why is their no interest in determining the origins of Covid?” All I get is a collective shrug. The apathy is maddening.
too many other things to be enraged by, coupled with a strong desire to avoid confronting an uncomfortable reality... i often feel the way you do, but trying to empathize with that apathy, i can see how a majority get stuck in that pit of apathy and just sit there with it
we've been bred to feel powerless. that might be a better summation.
Another monumental effort from attorney Tom Renz.
Funny how underground bunkers are just a little version of hell. I hope the Cabal self buries and rots down there.
Jail is jail
I can scrounge up the money for an acetylene torch to weld the entrances shut.
President Putin, gave a speech today and also participated in a question and answer session, on stage at the Russian think tank the Valdai Discussion Club. Well worth a listen. Mentioned the new world order, mentioned the countries supporting USA sanctions on Russia, and spoke eloquently. There was no sabre rattling, he did not appear to be some raging madman. When I watch Biden, harris, and so many others in the current US administration speak, I think I know why Russia will come out the stronger. It does not sound like Putin is a proponent of the great reset. Is the tide turning? The premier of Alberta Canada, Danielle Smith, recently told the WEF where to get off. She also apologised to her constituents for the mishandling of the covid scamdemic. Who is next to (1) turn their back on the WEF (2) apologise to their constituents? We are waiting.
Very similar situation occurred with the Charlie Rose interview of Assad twice! Not the madman the American media has painted him out to be! WATCH IT!
Saw Danielle Smiths comments - the one I worry about the absolute most however is King Charles and his enormous wealth and POWER! Not to mention his mental instability!
Ah well, Russia seems to be rolling forward with their version of CBDCs, and they did run with an AstraZenica clone gene-jab.
As far as the current war goes, they spent years warning that further encroachment and placement of nukes in medium range to Moscow was a red line.
The wiser cohort of the DC establishment warned to take them seriously. But the demon clowns got the upper hand.
In a sense, we let it happen.
If it takes 50 years as you stated, there may not be anyone alive on the planet to hear about the SARS-COV2 gain-of-function hypothesis results.
Africa will be okay, they take ivermectin and hcq regularly, and very small vax uptake there
African’s will be starved by the climate loons. They’ll have to compete on the open market for food imports and won’t be able to afford the inflated prices. Other countries won’t have the abundance to donate.
They could grow their own food. Oh wait...
When the world's nuclear reactors lack both workers and electricity, even Africa won't be safe.
It's 42
More people have been killed than the holocaust!
Funny you can't ask questions about what that number is, in many countries.
If, by some miracle, the full and real truths ever reached the masses, I think we would have a legit "national security" crisis. Certainly, the "swamp" could/would be belatedly drained. It seems to me if this was proven, America (and China) would be liable for massive reparations. The lawsuits that would results would quadruple the national debt (meaning that printing press would have to ramp up from 11 to 21).
I just wrote a story opining that the colleges of the SEC are "playing with liability fire" by accepting a corporate sponsorship of Pfizer. This implies these colleges STILL think these vaccines and boosters should be given to everyone, including the college's students (who face zero risk of "severe" outcomes).
Anyway, as I have written, there's no way any real truths can be definitively proven via any kind of truth-seeking or justice-seeking tribunals. Still, it will be interesting to see what happens with this lawsuit. Good for the plaintiffs and lawyers who filed it.
I would respectfully disagree on the 50 years to pass before the general public learns the truth .I am an optimist that way .We will soon ,in my opinion reach a climax ,if we have not already ,where the knowledge of malfeasance on the part of the pharma industries , WEF , the big media, organizations, and governments will become so obvious in the minds of the general public,world wide, that the flood gates of truth will burst wide open . The first dominoes have already started to fall IMHO .
I hope you're right.
I think the Boris/Whitty reaction is key to this. They originally followed proper science and said so. Then suddenly both of them were saying the exact opposite and supporting ever more incoherent and unscientific (and obviously so - masks) rubbish. Then the same, global push of the barely tested drugs. A completely new and unknown technology, mRNA. As everything was global and everyone came to such agreement (in the case here, after misspeaking originally) it is as if the release was deliberate, the response pre-ordained for its political benefits and the deaths of the elderly collateral damage, with the bonus of getting rid of costly, non-productive humans. Boris, of course hadn't read or forwarded on the memo. After a scary hiccup with the election of a PM on a growth agenda, things are now back on track with continuity Sunak, on message with the global agenda.
100% this ^^
What leverage was used to make Johnson change his mind?
Bill Gates’s slimy hands are all over this. He’s the Mengele of the new millennium.
Another strategy to remove power from people has been to make legal system difficult for the common person to act on their behalf in the court.. this makes things expensive. Never understood why doctors have to write prescriptions in Latin.. Same thing why?. To make it difficult for the common person to function in society. I have 9 years of post hs education and our taxesystem, legal system intimidate me. I now Imagine that these are intentional
I think to have any hopes of an impact a speedy investigation and trial, is needed. For the those found guilty the public must be given an opportunity to view the sentences as they are carried out. Maybe then, our governments can begin to earn back public trust.
Today, now two years down the road, since the start of the covid jabs, I had a reply from my mp, Simon Jupp about the covid vaccinations. I keep sending him all the vaccine data showing how unsafe and ineffective these injections continue to be. No surprise, he responded “the covid 19 vaccine saves lives and studies have shown it has been clearly effective in reducing deaths and hospitalisations. In the Uk we operate a system of informed consent for vaccinations, which means that we provide as much information as possible about vaccine to individuals, who must then consent to receive the dose on an individual basis”. Yikes, I am pretty certain, those administering the covid jabs do not run through all the possible adverse events from these jabs nor ask what other meds a person is taking, allergies? Pregnant? Currently unwell?, had covid? Oh well Simon seems to think everything is hunky dory in the covid “vaccine” program. I wish I could I turn a blind eye to all the friends and family I know injured by these jabs. But I cannot. Nor will I.
You should see the medical cartel in California! I used to think it WAS one of the best (my mother retired after 28 years at UCSF). Now they’re implementing Assembly Bill 2098, so doctors cannot talk candidly with their patients. My health “care” provider is Sutter Health, and they’re STILL pushing all the jabs/masks: nonsense. I’ve basically gone on a holistic route. I trust none of this!
Too bad doctors in California cannot stand as one.
It’s ridiculous!
Don’t expect anything from these narrative-following useful idiots. They are almost certainly selected for middling IQ and willingness to comply.
You are correct. Eventually, the truth will come out. The question: Will those responsible ever pay for this crime against humanity? As far as governments just going along and assuming that the virus bypassed 10,000 years of evolution; they have been bribed to the hilt. Mostly through campaign contributions, but also under the table payments. These are the very worst kinds of politicians, we call them the establishment. They must go. After losing their power, only then can we hold them responsible. People need to vote and hope after the last election that controls are in place to minimize the cheating by these terrible people. I speak for the world, if you think they are only cheating in America you are sadly mistaken.
Which is why it might take so long for the truth to come fully out. Once all the direct beneficiaries are gone, there will be much less reason to suppress it.
Assuming "it" stops. Last I checked, they are barely slowing down, even with the truth bubbling to the surface. More beneficiaries are created on a daily basis, especially in America. As Pharma companies become richer and richer, we will see even more beneficiaries as they spread the wealth to protect their investment. Ironically, it seems the small European nations who are the least corrupt are our best hope.
when did fuckin substack start adding fucking tokens to all the emails. this link:
now gets a personal idenfier added so they can track who is spreading links
when did fuckin substack start adding fucking tokens to all the emails. this link:
Leaf out of Twitter's book. Good spot! I routinely delete everything after the main part of any url on all platforms.