Yes - brilliant, utterly brilliant. I just loved the side reference to ‘Jacinda’ (New Zealand’s WEF-trained woke prime minister). That was indeed a nice touch. I think that the elites who orchestrated and facilitated the combined Covid-Injectables assault on humanity all need to be subjected to the blow-torch of biting satire and humour. That is probably the best way forward.
Yes, I agree Gralin – I could have been more severe - but as these blog sites are no doubt monitored by the out-of-control U.S. alphabet agencies, one must be restrained in what one says. I live in hope that eventually there will be justice and something like a Nuremberg 2 will take place, but I suspect that the wheels of justice will grind slowly – if they grind at all. It all depends on how quickly the next generation comes to fully understand what has actually taken place and how severely their own health and life prospects have been degraded.
To get an insight into the depth of political corruption that now seems to control the U.S. security agencies, it is worth listening to an ‘American Thought Leaders’ (Epoch Times) podcast interview of journalist Miranda Devine - released today (10 December). In this, Devine points to how deeply politicised security agencies such the FBI have become. Devine is the highly-credentialed journalist with the New York Post who originally broke the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 U.S. election. She recently published a book in which she describes the dirty tricks used by the security agencies to suppress the story. I was surprised at how forthright she is in the podcast in talking about the obstruction and barely-veiled threats made by the security agencies against the fellow who owned the computer repair shop. He was forced to close his business and flee Delaware for Colorado.
I am from a generation that grew up in the post-WW2 era – a time when the U.S. and its law enforcement processes & their agencies were held in high esteem. I find it profoundly disturbing that the power of those same agencies is now being used to serve dark political ideologies that seem to have taken possession of the minds of the oligarchies who control the United States. From my vantage point on the other side of the world, it is clear that U.S. society and its political structures are in severe decay, and its commitment to the rule of law is fragmenting. The current Covid-toxic injectables assault on the global population may be a precursor of worse to come. This is what happens when psychopathic billionaire elites who control the corporate media take it upon themselves to pursue Malthusian & Eugenics objectives – under the pretence of achieving improved health outcomes for the populace. The United States is not in a good place – one hopes that there are enough good Americans left with the courage to rescue a once-great country.
I'm sorry Lapun, but it's almost as if you're "Surprised" by these "Turn Of Events Since WW2". From what you coherently wrote above it would have been just as easy to "Quote Matthew 24 -The Last Days". 2,000 years ago Jesus told us all these things would be happening "Especially For The Last Generation - That's Us By The Way".
Speaking for myself, I have no reason to expect things to get better, or to expect any "Accountability From All The Evil Doers You've Rightly Pointed Out". In fact, I simply expect "Things To Get Progressively Worse" - if you can even contemplate that being possible.
My advice to the entire world that's being "Oppressed And Lied To" is to "Turn To God For Any Salvation", because it sure as heck "Isn't Going To Come From Our Governments".
We need to prepare ourselves for "Empty Food Shelves, No Jobs, No Housing, No Nothing" because that's what our Governments are preparing for "US".
Their simple plan is to get rid of as many of the population as possible with "Only The Elite Being Able To Survive", and they're all "Selling Their Souls To Get Rich In The Process".....surely that should be clearly evident to "EVERYONE".
They stopped caring about the "Little People" years ago.
Today, it's "Me, Mine, Ours", and the rest of us are left standing in their rear view mirrors.
Sorry but you are ill informed about what is really going on currently worldwide and have missed the now considerable "breadcrumb trail" that attests the immense and covert push-back by an Earth Alliance against the real evil doers - The Khazarian Mafia.
'.........(US) political structures are in severe decay, and its commitment to the rule of law is fragmenting.'
I'm afraid from '71 onwards the US simply ignored 'the rule of law' in that it used the CIA & IMF to enact 69 regime changes worldwide whenever a country failed to agree to use the dollar. The leader of said countries being given a choice of being bought or being assassinated. There are 800+ US military bases worldwide outside of the US - let that sink in.
Earlier this year, the US military sequestered Iraqi oil fields in order to steal Iraqi oil. They are still there and not a single MSM outlet even mentions it.
It's not about revenge. The USA is so screwed I 'almost' want to sympathize, but alas, can't. There's a human 'rule of law' & a cosmic spiritual one, with very different functions. I doubt even 20 of those 800 installations will still be doing their thang in 20 years. I very much hope the USA cleans up its act - for its own sake. B/c the other rule of law ain't pretty.
Yes. I rate it 8.8/10. (Only movies I rate above 9.0/10 make my Top Ten.) I have seen a lot of very good movies in my 57 years on the Planet. Cinema is one of my major hobbies. I enjoy analysing, constructing and appreciating interesting narratives.
The Thin Red Line was an OK movie but the acting was subpar and the story had far too many extraneous subplots and confusing subplots. They wanted to make an epic and the ruined it.
The best era in film! (I am most certainly biased :) but my profile pic is my dad playing reporter Jack Burden in 1949's All the King's Men. If only reporters today would actually report - although we get that and more on substack!)
Just that people must get over the barrier to watch the ~5h series version, not the cinematic short one.
And... the English overdubs... are horrible. Distort what's being said, sanitized to make it more compatible with American theaters I guess - but the crude, dirty humor was in there because it was part of who the crew were, and it was in the book (so I was told).
I’ve got another one that may help brighten your weekend.
If you haven’t heard yet, Vanguard has pulled out of GFANZ which is the net zero banking group pushing ESG. They reportedly pulled out after ‘intense public pressure’ and because several states have started investigations into Vanguard, BlackRock, and others ESG activities.
Thanks for this, I believe there was a post on this on ZH.
Little by little at least some people seem to be coming to their senses.
Will their number and influence be able to end corruption, dystopia and plain maddness? Not too sure here. But the plan is certainly failing in important places
"And then there was Substack" - LMAO. So true, so so true. I simply checked who was being banned from Twitter and found them here. I like the format of Substack way better than Twitter anyway.
Maybe we should start calling it "SubStack" with capital S's as in SS? Just to mess with them and have them freak out and accuse us of being Nazis? Just keeping with the meme here :)
Yes - brilliant, utterly brilliant. I just loved the side reference to ‘Jacinda’ (New Zealand’s WEF-trained woke prime minister). That was indeed a nice touch. I think that the elites who orchestrated and facilitated the combined Covid-Injectables assault on humanity all need to be subjected to the blow-torch of biting satire and humour. That is probably the best way forward.
No, just the blow torch, like Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction
Nuremberg wasn't enough to deter these types from growing back like weeds. Harsh words and stares certainly won't deter their kids and grandkids.
Yes, I agree Gralin – I could have been more severe - but as these blog sites are no doubt monitored by the out-of-control U.S. alphabet agencies, one must be restrained in what one says. I live in hope that eventually there will be justice and something like a Nuremberg 2 will take place, but I suspect that the wheels of justice will grind slowly – if they grind at all. It all depends on how quickly the next generation comes to fully understand what has actually taken place and how severely their own health and life prospects have been degraded.
To get an insight into the depth of political corruption that now seems to control the U.S. security agencies, it is worth listening to an ‘American Thought Leaders’ (Epoch Times) podcast interview of journalist Miranda Devine - released today (10 December). In this, Devine points to how deeply politicised security agencies such the FBI have become. Devine is the highly-credentialed journalist with the New York Post who originally broke the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 U.S. election. She recently published a book in which she describes the dirty tricks used by the security agencies to suppress the story. I was surprised at how forthright she is in the podcast in talking about the obstruction and barely-veiled threats made by the security agencies against the fellow who owned the computer repair shop. He was forced to close his business and flee Delaware for Colorado.
I am from a generation that grew up in the post-WW2 era – a time when the U.S. and its law enforcement processes & their agencies were held in high esteem. I find it profoundly disturbing that the power of those same agencies is now being used to serve dark political ideologies that seem to have taken possession of the minds of the oligarchies who control the United States. From my vantage point on the other side of the world, it is clear that U.S. society and its political structures are in severe decay, and its commitment to the rule of law is fragmenting. The current Covid-toxic injectables assault on the global population may be a precursor of worse to come. This is what happens when psychopathic billionaire elites who control the corporate media take it upon themselves to pursue Malthusian & Eugenics objectives – under the pretence of achieving improved health outcomes for the populace. The United States is not in a good place – one hopes that there are enough good Americans left with the courage to rescue a once-great country.
I'm sorry Lapun, but it's almost as if you're "Surprised" by these "Turn Of Events Since WW2". From what you coherently wrote above it would have been just as easy to "Quote Matthew 24 -The Last Days". 2,000 years ago Jesus told us all these things would be happening "Especially For The Last Generation - That's Us By The Way".
Speaking for myself, I have no reason to expect things to get better, or to expect any "Accountability From All The Evil Doers You've Rightly Pointed Out". In fact, I simply expect "Things To Get Progressively Worse" - if you can even contemplate that being possible.
My advice to the entire world that's being "Oppressed And Lied To" is to "Turn To God For Any Salvation", because it sure as heck "Isn't Going To Come From Our Governments".
We need to prepare ourselves for "Empty Food Shelves, No Jobs, No Housing, No Nothing" because that's what our Governments are preparing for "US".
Their simple plan is to get rid of as many of the population as possible with "Only The Elite Being Able To Survive", and they're all "Selling Their Souls To Get Rich In The Process".....surely that should be clearly evident to "EVERYONE".
They stopped caring about the "Little People" years ago.
Today, it's "Me, Mine, Ours", and the rest of us are left standing in their rear view mirrors.
Love your analysis from the Bible, the time left is greatly reduced.
Agree with your synopsis but that's why we also have the second amendment and what they are most afraid of - rest assured it's coming
Sorry but you are ill informed about what is really going on currently worldwide and have missed the now considerable "breadcrumb trail" that attests the immense and covert push-back by an Earth Alliance against the real evil doers - The Khazarian Mafia.
'.........(US) political structures are in severe decay, and its commitment to the rule of law is fragmenting.'
I'm afraid from '71 onwards the US simply ignored 'the rule of law' in that it used the CIA & IMF to enact 69 regime changes worldwide whenever a country failed to agree to use the dollar. The leader of said countries being given a choice of being bought or being assassinated. There are 800+ US military bases worldwide outside of the US - let that sink in.
Earlier this year, the US military sequestered Iraqi oil fields in order to steal Iraqi oil. They are still there and not a single MSM outlet even mentions it.
Is that the 'rule of law' you mean?
It's not about revenge. The USA is so screwed I 'almost' want to sympathize, but alas, can't. There's a human 'rule of law' & a cosmic spiritual one, with very different functions. I doubt even 20 of those 800 installations will still be doing their thang in 20 years. I very much hope the USA cleans up its act - for its own sake. B/c the other rule of law ain't pretty.
Let them monitor the honest opinions of their own people, then. Let them be aware, and never let them claim afterwards that "we had no idea".
what a brilliant post - best comment I've ever read
Never Ever be a Nuremberg II … there will be … another Plandemic, led gently this time, by a trusted “ Savior”
Well said.
Nuremberg was way too soft on many they were let go into the world!
They didn't the first time. Their kids died apologists in their hereditary castles.
I too loved that reference to our PM. ‘Unmitigated dumpster fire’ was also mentioned, and that describes NZ’s government quite well.
shoot... i was thinking he was talking about Canada there.
Oh right... same difference.
I so esteem her deeply sincere smile. -L-
The scum who run and control this world should NOT be referred to as 'elite'. Any group of people less 'elite' would be hard to find.
e-lite, entropy lite
I have been using "e-leech" for a few years...
"The blow torch of biting satire & humor" applied after marinating J & J (Jacinda & Justin) in a tenderizing wash of nitro + glycerine. Stand back.
That is too good a penalty for having killed millions !
Be nice if somebody edited this with Klaus Schwab's face over Hitler's. LOL
Or Fauci's
Klausi, Faucer, Hitwab
Over Here, I think that's utterly brilliant!
Oh did I laugh!! Going out to everyone I know. Thank you for bringing joy to all of us.👏👏💕💕
That’s awesome! Do you mind if I play it on my show? I’ll give you credit of course!
Do as you like, it's a leaked video! I have no rights over it!!
Cool beans. Y’all can watch it here: it will lead off the second segment but I have no idea when as we’re entirely unscripted and likely to go off the rails.
My German is even rustier than yours, but seems to me that you captured it, nuance and all!
"Don't cry Jacinda..."
Excellent !
Thanks for posting this Joel. Do you know who made it? I'd like to give them credit. Avagoodweekend.
P.S. "Downfall" is one of the ten greatest movies ever made.
"Das Boot" is another great movie.
Yes. I rate it 8.8/10. (Only movies I rate above 9.0/10 make my Top Ten.) I have seen a lot of very good movies in my 57 years on the Planet. Cinema is one of my major hobbies. I enjoy analysing, constructing and appreciating interesting narratives.
My Top Ten Films of All Time
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Diva (1981)
2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)
Playtime (1967)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Downfall (2004)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
Cat People (1942)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
The Thin Red Line was an OK movie but the acting was subpar and the story had far too many extraneous subplots and confusing subplots. They wanted to make an epic and the ruined it.
Nothing from the 40s and 50s?
The best era in film! (I am most certainly biased :) but my profile pic is my dad playing reporter Jack Burden in 1949's All the King's Men. If only reporters today would actually report - although we get that and more on substack!)
You mean Diva from 1981, yes?
"touche-pas ma Nagra"
Yes. Thanks for the correction. : )
Kudos for posting this; I just watched Playtime (1967) on your recommendation, and what a find! Got any more suggestions posted somewhere? :)
Just that people must get over the barrier to watch the ~5h series version, not the cinematic short one.
And... the English overdubs... are horrible. Distort what's being said, sanitized to make it more compatible with American theaters I guess - but the crude, dirty humor was in there because it was part of who the crew were, and it was in the book (so I was told).
I will always remember the scene where they all stood watching the depth gauge in silence.
My sister-in-law's company made that movie. (My husband is German.) I spit my drink out laughing; Merry Christmas everyone!!
Merry Christmas!
HILARIOUS - Saved my weekend...
I’ve got another one that may help brighten your weekend.
If you haven’t heard yet, Vanguard has pulled out of GFANZ which is the net zero banking group pushing ESG. They reportedly pulled out after ‘intense public pressure’ and because several states have started investigations into Vanguard, BlackRock, and others ESG activities.
Thanks for this, I believe there was a post on this on ZH.
Little by little at least some people seem to be coming to their senses.
Will their number and influence be able to end corruption, dystopia and plain maddness? Not too sure here. But the plan is certainly failing in important places
Oh, my. I've seen more than my fair share of take-offs on that segment, and this is one of the very best.
Bravo to whomever put that together!
¡ Jacinda ! Teeheeheehee... I hope she sees this...
"Don't cry Jacinda. I don't think you're an idiot" - EVERYONE ELSE DOES!!!!! LMAO
Pure gold.
Solid! 🤣
"And then there was Substack" - LMAO. So true, so so true. I simply checked who was being banned from Twitter and found them here. I like the format of Substack way better than Twitter anyway.
Maybe we should start calling it "SubStack" with capital S's as in SS? Just to mess with them and have them freak out and accuse us of being Nazis? Just keeping with the meme here :)
I’m scared 🤣 weeely scared
Brilliant. Loved the lines about substack and the comment to Jacinda. Shared on twitter:
Perfect. Just perfect. Loved it