I live in this community. Nothing has changed. They are living their lives as before. I remember an article in the national press, I think mid-late 2020, titled, "This community has reached herd immunity, and why that is a bad thing." I thought, WTF? They were referring to the my community in Lancaster County, PA. While the world freaked out, their lives did not change.

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Can outsiders join the Amish?

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Amish power👏👏👏hardworking, successful, fulfilled people. Anyone who does not admire their approach to life might want to take another look. I realise they don’t participate in government, they don’t vote, pay into the social security system, use “English” healthcare if possible and certainly do not vaccinate the living daylights out of their kids. They want nothing to do with the US government. Most have no electricity unless they have a milking parlour, then they are required by law to meet health and safety laws for milk production. Kids do not attend schools, instead they learn a trade. Boys learn woodwork, building, plumbing, plastering, electrician and farming. Girls learn home economics, cooking, sewing, gardening, childcare. They are truly self sustaining. If you haven’t ever had Amish food, I hope you can find your way to an Amish community and buy produce, meat or baked goods, jarred jams, fruit, pickled “stuff” that the Amish excel. It is delicious. Their lifestyle would not suit many of us, but I still admire them and aren’t they a grand group of people that can be used to compare the differences between vaxxed and unvaxxed outcomes? Possibly.

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And they own their farms, are self-sufficient, independent, and free.

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I bet the Amish also don't like secular Ministries of Truth.

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YES!! I live in the community where Steve Nolt does his research on the Amish. I have some good Amish friends (from working at a Mennonite/Amish restaurant years ago) and this clip totally mirrors what I am hearing from the Amish community closest to me!!

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So glad for the Amish inspiration.

Also, here in the southwest, suburban Phoenix and rural Arizona, most of us did not lock down for even a day, masks and testing were ridiculed from the beginning, and vaccines were only for people with zero clue about immunology and microbiology.

Likely, rural and outlying suburban communities in most countries did the same.

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You could have walked into any rural country store or diner during the COVID era, and everything was identical to pre-covid except somewhat fewer tourists, and different tourists: covid-mania refugees.

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On day one of this global insanity I predicted all of this. Not because Im uber smart. It's simply because I dont have a TV and Im totally immune to mass psychosis. For anybody immune to the fear mongering it was obvious from day one that all these idiotic measures would only cause immeasurable harm but no benefit whatsoever.

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There are three things they don't get involved in. Government, public schooling, and public medicine. It's almost like they've seen this act before. Almost like history repeats....or at least rhymes.

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The Amish are cool, except I hear they don't allow to play music else I'd join.

Then again most new music is painfully gross at best. Mostly.

Why the Amish doent get Covid?

They don't watch t v

The running joke

Heard it from a hacksxxxxinated associate

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To be fair, most Amish don't have a MacDonald's belly and work out _a lot_, out in the sun. Fields don't plow themselves, and butter doesn't churn itself either.

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btw, here is a nice, genuine series of interactions, and as far as the particular people were comfortable, film footage of either people, and, or at least, accomodations, work equopment, and talk about life.


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They’re coming for the Amish, just as they’re coming for all of us https://www.sgtreport.com/2022/04/amish-farmer-faces-250k-fine-jail-time-and-losing-his-sustainable-farm-for-processing-his-own-meat/

Massive non compliance is required across the world, but it doesn’t seem to be happening yet. The Amish depend on the support of their non Amish neighbours. They are extremely vulnerable, due to their pacifistic nature. We have to start facing the satanists.

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The movie already a bit old. But thx for bringing it up again. This is important proof that the whole concept of lockdowns and mass vacciantion did not bring any improvement.

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Looks like the Amish did the 2 weeks in March 2020 and realistically determined that they had fields to plant, and necessities to trade. Their community is big on essential work; along with the deep understanding that direct human relationships are life-giving. Their independence depends on it.

The pathological propaganda of the divide and conquer crowd is just so striking in contrast.

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Dah! Let's make sure we censor this "misinformation".

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THEY were not fooled. Thank GOD.

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The same here where I live with Mennonites. They don't vote but they obey all laws. They pay all taxes, including education tax yet they build their own schools. They will not use free health care - if they go to the hospital they pay for it.

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There is no “Virus “!! They didn’t get it because they didn’t buy into the Scam. They didn’t get tested and life went on as usual. As a community! They don’t need to be injected because they’re all doing just fine without the government, the media or the crazy allopathic doctors who are pushing this whole lie and getting paid to do so. Smart people!!

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I think they did get the virus, they just lived with it. They have a more realistic idea of death than we do, they accept death as part of their life. Of course they have strong spiritual dimension which is so important. (I feel odd saying 'they' when I talk about 'them' but what else could we say?)

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