I hope those who follow metatron watched the Highwire last night July 14. Episode 276. Incredible. Please watch the Highwire for a wonderful boost. People like Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, Joel Smalley, robert Kennedy, Senator Ron Johnson, gov Ron DeSantis, Ivor chudhov, Drs Robert Malone, Zelenko (RIP) Battacharya, Atkas, Kuldorff, Kory, McCullough, Gupta, Lawrie, Craig, McCullough, Cole, Fenton, Bhakdi, Fareed, Tyson, Vanden Bossche, Risch, Rose, Craig, Seneff, Malhotra and so many more are returning our freedoms to us. Thank you.

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Yes please give Dels organization donations so they can fight this madness in court. I did. We must fight.

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Dr. Malone himself talked about traveling to Rome for a sit down with the Pope. I believe this was discussed with Joe Rogan on his podcast. Malone was dead silent until that trip to the Vatican, and ever since, he’s been doing the media circuit, masquerading as one of the good guys. There’s no way in Hell that I would trust that man, and anyone out there that does is foolish! I’m telling everyone who will listen, please don’t fall for this wolf in 🐑 clothing. Let’s not forget that The Vatican brought us the Jesuit Order, and the current Pope is a Jesuit. These people are the most diabolical men/women to ever have walked the face of the earth, and they are masters at deception. I could point fingers at some of the other people listed above as well, but my main concern is with Dr. Robert Malone.

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God bless this person for trying. Absolutely correct that it will likely have no effect, but it's creating receipts for when justice is finally done.

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People that even think “Justice will be done” neither know what’s going on, nor do they know Bible Prophecy.

This entire pandemic has been planned for decades, and some aspects of it, even longer. This entire thing is about ushering in a New World Order. People are so blind as to what’s really going on. It’s sad!

Governments all around the world have had WEF globalists installed to guide their nations through this orchestrated chaos, as they have certain goals in mind. One of them is depopulation, and the other is the introduction of digital currencies. The vaccine passports are the new system being introduced to get people used to being tracked and traced. It’s no different than what’s already going on in China. Think “Order out of Chaos” - they’re causing the chaos, so they can implement the “Order” they want installed. In this case, a “New World Order”

The Bible has already prophesied about many aspects of this. Certainly enough to give people a clear warning as to what’s coming.

Many people have heard of the Mark of the Beast, and may even know that it’s the number of a man, 666. However, they have no clue about what any of that means. (I will post a detailed comment below this one explaining this) The term, the Beast (represents an Empire, or a Global Government) it also represents a man who will rule this Empire. Whoever this man is, he hasn’t been revealed yet, but once the foundation has been laid, he will show up to take his seat of authority. It will be this man who causes ALL to take his mark, rich and poor, free and slave…and anyone who refuses, won’t be able to buy/sell anything.

This obviously can’t be done currently with a cash society, so they’re ushering in a cashless digital currency system first. In order to accomplish that, they must destroy the way the old one works. The entire financial industry world wide will be purposely collapsing so they can implement their digital currency. These vaccine passports are nothing more than a very clever digital system being introduced that will transition people over into a digital currency system.

Along with the purposeful destruction of the worlds financial system, earth will see Wars, rumors of wars, famine, pestilences, etc…

Jesus mentioned all of this in Matthew 24, when his disciples asked Him about the end of days scenarios. What we are seeing right now is the time Jesus called the beginning of sorrows. Go read it for yourself if you want to see the truth and accuracy of God’s Word!

Once all of these come to pass, people will be start dying off in massive amounts…

There will be no Justice coming, sorry to burst your bubbles. Look around now…complete lawlessness, and it’s only going to get worse.

Justice will finally come when the skies open and the entire world can see Jesus coming in the clouds. He will utterly destroy the wicked, and restore all things. Then He will set up His Kingdom on earth for 1,000 years. This is also known as the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.

Daniel chapter 2, can explain all of this for those who aren’t familiar.

Daniel 2:43 - is referring to the final kingdom upon the earth before Christ returns. It says something very interesting that most people don’t know about. Here it is:

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Daniel 2:43

Iron mixing with clay - nanotechnology mixing with humanity

*they shall mingle themselves with the seed or dna of men!!!

Whoever is being represented as the word “they” - it isn’t human. It could be fallen angels, demons, aliens, or all of the above, but whatever it is, it isn’t human. And whatever they are, they will seek to mix themselves with our dna.

The reason I am even mentioning this is because it’s directly tied into these MRna experimental shots. They contain nanotechnology, they change our dna, and they all have an ingredient in them that makes them glow, it’s called LUCIFERASE. If people can’t see what’s happening by now, they’re probably screwed.

I will wrap up this post with a video that I believe most of you who have read my comment; and are at least concerned about what you read, will find most interesting.


It’s called “Pharmakeia” - which means to poison with drugs, witchcraft, sorcery. (Mrna 💉)

Strong’s concordance (G5331) - Pharmakeia

This word is used in the Bible several times. One of these times is in Revelation 18…

and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (G5331 - Pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.

Revelation 18:23

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In Revelation 13, the Bible mentions a Mark that everyone will take in order to buy/sell. We refer to it as the mark of the beast. In the Book of Daniel, several of the dreams Daniel interprets show wild beasts in the dream, and they are always revealed to represent World Empires. The Mark of the beast is basically another name for the New World Order’s Mark. They are rolling out their Beast System now, and will collapse and kill off a large portion of the earths population through Famine, and Pestilences before introducing their solution.

This can be confirmed in Matthew 24, when Jesus was asked by His disciples about the end of days.

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation (G1484-ethnos), and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24:3-8

G-1484 ethnos - implies race vs. race

Perhaps you recognize the things above as happening right now. I believe we are in the beginning of sorrows. Moving forward…

The Beast System will collapse the world economies in favor of a global digital currency. Instead of cash, there will be a mark scannable on everyone’s right hand or forehead. Nobody will be able to buy/sell without it. Revelation 13 reveals the following:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

Here is the revealing of the mystery of the Mark: It’s a barcode, to be specific, it will be a QRCODE! (I’ll explain later)

The first six numbers of a barcode is the manufacturer’s identification number. The next five digits represent the item’s number. The last number is called a check digit which enables the scanner to determine if the barcode was scanned correctly. What they won’t tell you is that in between these numbers are numerical placeholders of 6, which are found at the beginning, middle and end of each number. Thus, they all contain 666 in them. This is the same number Revelation 13 says will identify the mark. An example of this would be the number 123456789012, which would look like this: ||123456||789012|| or 612345667890126. QRCodes codes, which can hold as much as 7,000 digits or 4,000 characters of text, are used by companies to share information or websites and videos with consumers, or by healthcare facilities to monitor medication, and even to integrate data with programs like MS Office, MS SQL Servers, and other databases and files.

This is why I believe they will be chosen as the mark, and yes they have the same number system embedded into them based on 666 placeholders.

Having explained that, I have been on the lookout for its application matching the prerequisites shown in the Bible.

I believe that I’ve identified the coming Mark. It’s being called a quantum dot tattoo. Financed by Bill Gates and developed at MIT. The man who was responsible for creating it, has since moved his operation to the University of Rice 🦉(mason mascot) in Houston for further tweaking. If you look at the wiki page for Rice University, they brag about being a leader in nanotechnology and they also brag about their close ties to NASA. I mention this because NASA is clearly a FreeMasonic organization that gets funded over 50 million of our tax dollars per day! For what purpose? To lie to the World about everything under the sun.

Many people know this already, but haven’t connected all of the dots. Well, that’s what I’m here to do. I’m not wasting my time writing these comments to receive praise or attention. I’m revealing truth for those of you who have ears to hear.

We never landed on the moon, and the earth isn’t a globe spinning through outer space. Anyone who opens a Bible and just reads the first chapter of Genesis should be able to come to this realization. NASA contradicts the Bible’s account of creation. One of them is 🤥. I’m here to tell you that it isn’t God’s Word. Someone posted the following link a few days ago, it’s for all of you skeptics to view for further research:


This quantum dot tattoo will be rolled out initially as a vaccine passport, but not for COVID. Rather for a future Plannedemic that actually kills off a large portion of the population.


A DARPA website named deagle, has been posting population statistics for future years. I noticed back in 2017, that there was a huge drop in population forecasted between then and the year 2024-2025. An 80% drop in population.

This website gets its information from the deep state, so the statistics got my attention. They clearly know something that we don’t, and whatever it is, well…it’s going to kill off a bunch of us. I’ve been pondering what they have planned for 5 years. Here recently, it’s starting to come into focus.

Again, another link below for those interested in digging a little deeper:


They will use the global chaos to roll out a charismatic anti-Christ figure who will deceive the entire world and force everyone to take His mark. This isn’t my opinion, it’s Bible Prophecy.

Research ‘son of perdition’ (destruction) within the scriptures to see for yourself.

These globalists seem to have dress rehearsals for all of their false flag events. I believe the COVID Plannedemic was a dress rehearsal for the depopulation event almost upon us.

They’ve already got the world used to lockdowns, 😷, and government tyranny.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that Daniel interprets as a Statue representing all of the Empires upon the world until the everlasting empire is established. I highly recommend people read the entire chapter, but I’m going to focus on verse 43 for now. It’s about the feet of the statue, representing the final empire upon the earth before Christ returns. It’s a mixture of Iron and clay. I believe this has a double meaning. I’m going to give a brief overview of the statue before making my point.

1.Babylon - gold head

2. Mede/Persian - silver shoulders

3. Grecian - Bronze midrift

4. Roman - Iron legs

5. Beast system - Part Iron/miry clay feet

This Beast Empire is the same One World Order that the elites are pushing for. Here in Daniel, we see a clue about it in verse 43:

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Daniel 2:41-43

This verse didn’t make sense to me for years. I think the mystery behind it, is starting to unfold now:

Iron = nanotechnology

Clay = humans

Seed of men = 🧬 DNA

They = fallen angels

Read the verse again with the above legend and it reveals a mystery. If I am right, the verse now reads:

And whereas thou sawest nano-technology mixed with human beings, fallen angels shall mingle themselves with the DNA of men…

That’s what I believe is going on with these Mrna “Vaccines” complete with the name of Lucifer as they’ve included Luciferase into them. I personally found proof of this on Moderna’s own website.

These Quantum dot tattoos that haven’t been rolled out yet, will include the QRCode (the number of the beast), the Luciferase the snake venom vaccine, and it’s applied by little bandaid like structures made of crystallized snake fangs. When they roll these out to be put onto the forehead/right hand…we will know for sure, as it will qualify for the Mark of the Beast.

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A courageous letter and great that someone within the NHS has pointed out the failings of the ‘vaccine’ and the whole approach to covid. How despondent I feel though that it’s unlikely to make a lot of difference unless there are many, many more NHS insiders like this. I live abroad - although I spend a lot of time in the. My lovely doctor has expressed his reticence about this treatment from the very beginning, encouraging me to avoid it and prescribing Ivermectin which was useful when I eventually caught very mild covid. At my last appointment last October (2021) he was more despairing than ever having had patients who had been injured by the vaccine. He felt certain that it must be withdrawn soon due to the side effects. He must be so disappointed that it’s still going strong and will all start up again this Autumn! This must truly be the most horrific medical disaster I’ve ever witnessed in my 67 years and it appears to all be done on purpose.

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Can you introduce us, please? Steve Kirsch has a doctor strategy to end this.

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Pro or Ho?

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?". If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


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I know a few doctors who injected their pre-teens .... gonna be interesting when they hopefully at some point realize what they've done :)

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The mass formation/delusional psychosis is so strong that some will never admit it. They'll go to their graves claiming they did the right thing for their children. The truth is just too much for them.

Like that doctor in Australia who was in the ICU with his kid from a vaccine heart issue going online and telling everyone to get their kids shot up. From the ICU!!! The cult mindset of humanity is very strong in most people sadly.

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Yup, I know one who brags that he shot up his kids and grandkids! No way in hell people like that will ever consider that they harmed their whole family for generations. Too much hubris and cog dis.

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Great, this is so important to document that those in positions of power were informed of the lack of efficacy and side effects of this mRNA injection.

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When an inventor of mRNA vaccine (Dr. Robert Malone), tells the world to stop using these covid experimental biologicals because they are driving the virus, you have to wonder where on earth Dr. Kanani is getting his advice to continue vaxxing through 2023. Fascinating.

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Money not advice--fixed it for you

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"her"! All Pronouns Matter.

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What a shame they can't say "no thanks, our practice isn't signing up" as well. I bet they wish they could. I've got 5 members of my family with jab injuries, some ongoing, some life threatening, some treated, all miserable. It's vile that they're even contemplating a 5th round.

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Infections are rife in my area, boosting of 4th dose started in April and then the wave of infections, how do people still not see the jabs are the cause?

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"However, collectively, the public know better as they have seen the evidence all around them in real life situations as opposed to your flawed mathematical models and institutionalised lab-based, bubble-wrapped academic thinking and messaging straight to mainstream media, involving also Google, Twitter and Facebook."

What a courageous collection of truth bombs and fab bottom line.. folks see it for themselves.

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Please convey our respect to this whistleblower, Joel.

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They read this post. They will get your comments.

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Hi Joel, I was fired classed as an agency worker working for an NHS IT tech firm earlier this year for 1) not getting 2nd jab and booster and then 2) expressing a negative opinion about how unsafe and ineffective the c-vaxxes are as I had filed a yellowcard report after my first vaxxine injury. A bullying 'McNasty' manager was successful in not only getting me fired but having me banned from the office such that I was not even permitted the decency to be able to collect my personal items, or to say goodbye to co-workers or even setup an out of office email reply. I am having a devil of a time finding and affording legal employment advice to pursue an unfair dismissal based on discrimination/health & safety. Can you help advise? My once shiny bright career has been gutted and now I am blacklisted for ever being able to get another IT job with NHS affiliates ever again. Any suggestions? By the way, the cleaning ladies, one of them lost 3 out 4 of her brothers/sisters within a year after they got the c-vaxxes. Worse, how can the NHS turn a blind eye to the fact that graphene oxide is a key ingredient in these vaxxines? I really need some help. thank you

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It won't make any difference of course. In September, they are going to 'offer' (bully, coerce, shame, mandate) all over 50s a 'booster' which will most likely consist of an untrialled hybrid Wuhan/Omicron spike-based mRNA 'vaccine' containing twice the mRNA of the original doses (plus any other ingredient Pfizer/Moderna care to include but not disclose). So all those lucky over 50s will have not 40 trillion, but 80 trillion toxic, hyper-inflammatory, hyper-coagulatory little Covid spikes coursing through their blood and lymph systems and will most likely be even more vulnerable to getting infected and seriously ill with Omicron's next vaccine-evading super mutant. When do we clap?

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Slow clap in memory of all those gullible enough to line up.

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Which they will then shed all over the rest of us unjabbed. Stock up on the Ivermectin etc

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During Covid19 morally decent medical professionals are so rare, that those who are become heroes.

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How do you argue with this? What’s the argument for the other side? This send complete, logical, and factual.

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Also, the clock is ticking on a vax triggered autoimmunity time bomb.

Please share widely, thanks.

Autoimmune disorders: COVID-19, spike protein & homologous epitopes

A literature review


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Thank you Dead Man

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And yet here we go again.

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