Mainstream Media is Starting to Get Squeaky Bum
Time to turn off the comments sections or start reporting honest information and cease with the government propaganda!
Last night I heard from someone operating in much higher circles than me with respect to the COVID scam. He informed me that this is the talk in newsrooms all around the UK:
There is discordant amounts of public commentary, speaking against the narrative. We (the editorial team) cannot allow our paper to fall behind public insight and opinion.
So, they’ve got a bit of a quandry, haven’t they? The tide of public opinion has already turned against them. To continue on their current course of ignoring the facts in favour of the false narrative is just going to make things even more difficult for them to ever regain public trust. To continue the analogy, they are “swimming against the tide”. Or, as I have to tell my kids quite often, when you’re in a hole and want to get out, the first thing you do is stop digging!
And then to prove the point, my inbox is full of links to this Daily Mail article, trying to denigrate the courageous Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, Andrew Brigden for daring to try and bring public and political attention to the evident harms of the mass mRNA experiment, especially to children who are at zero risk from the disease:
I wouldn’t subject you to the torment of having to read the pathetic attempt at “journalism” but you should take a look at the comments section!
Take a look now before they disable it!
Propaganda works really well.
Until it doesn’t.
And then those that peddled it suffer the consequences. Let’s hope they are very dire because they have been trying to hold back this tide for too long!
I'm waiting for Jeremy Vine to do his BBC radio 2 show on "Covid - did you get misled into taking the toxic jab?" "Masks - were you bullied into wearing one?" "Lockdowns - did your business fold due to illegal lockdowns depriving you of an income?"
When this happens we will know that the bell is tolling somewhere for all these crooks, charlatans, thieves, liars, narcissists.
When we have put a fork in the COVID19 fakery, can we all agree to move on and finish the job on Net Zero Carbon nonsense, then move onto government CBDCs? Piece by piece we can take back our democracies from these international mobsters and use actual science and common sense to cure our planet and have good lives.