Joel you may have come across Prof Valentina Zharkova, she presented her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the GWPF in Oct 2018: https://youtu.be/M_yqIj38UmY?si=uAv0jzILjVN8EF6y&t=243

I watched it pre-covid and every time I return I feel this is what pushed TPTB acceleration of loony green policies (EV, wind turbines, solar) and mass immigration. People descended from warmer climates (like me, Indian) living above the 33rd parallel struggle with vitamin D, unless supplemented. Easier to control a sick populace.

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Thanks. More confirmation. I have added it as post script.

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I also covered this by her - https://metatron.substack.com/cp/143735141

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One of the substacks I follow, I forget which, sent out a mention this morning of a 2+ degree temperature rise in a river basin in Japan due to PV panel installations! The climate fanatics are driving the worst of the change, go figure.

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Ya know I've been predicting this heuristically for years and alluded to it recently in another article's comment thread without specific real world examples. Barney's real life avatar occupies a quite blue state where quite a few monstrous PV farms are sprouting up in places that used to be grassland or farm field. Gee I wonder what the impact to temperature in that locale will be???

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Found it, it was Naked Emperor: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/todays-must-reads-15-may-2024?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=602373&post_id=144648211&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1fm3c&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Kushida River basin, Japan. Land Surface Temperature rise averaging 2.85⁰C over a 10-year period! Note that I didn't read the actual article, let alone the study, so I'm just going by NE's blurb.

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My opinion: People, specially Scientists, don't know very much!

Verifiable Climate data provides less than 200 years of a Baseline, meaning that we have little to compare with. The astronomic cycles underpin some of the theories because they can be calculated mathematically. But, even there we don't know all of the interactions.

One obvious thing we do know; is that for the past 5000 years, the Earth has had a stable climate, conducive to Human Development. Beyond that time frame there is some evidence of extreme climate variations.....Without any Human contributions!

My advice: Be self sufficient and learn to Adapt.

Most probably, nothing dramatic will happen in our lifetimes?

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So in just 6 years the climate cultist will have to come up with a new scam? I guess they can just recycle the coming ice age they were trying to sell us in the 1970s. By then, no one under the age of 60 will have any memories of that.

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At least it would have done merit. Not sure what stunt they might try to pull as a result though. Get us all to burn more coal, perhaps?! The normies would believe it would work too warm up the planet, of course!

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Consider this though. What if the 'great and the good' (lol!) foresaw a time when competition for affordable energy would become a matter of life and death? We all know more people die from cold than from heat. So, they push the global warming scam while they can, making energy less affordable, 'for our own good'. When the cooling occurs, they can claim they have saved us all from burning up from our own excessive use of fossil fuels. All the time knowing they have thrown the poorer members of society under the bus of the coming cold.

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You know then eh? It's Peak Oil and finite resource. The elephant in the room.

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You'd better be careful, you are becoming an honorary meteorologist, LOL. Love your posts and your LinkedIn stuff. timothyminnich.com

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weather modification is very, very real. cloud seeding, chemtrails, are having significant impact on weather and climate.

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Joel smalley is one of the few ...

If he "talks" pay attention

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Great podcast from Professor Dilley and Tom Nelson, the producer of the climate change hoax debunking documentary Climate: The Movie: https://rumble.com/v4k2ij6-climate-the-movie-the-cold-truth.html.

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They will drop because they are blocking the sun. I know a guys who says they will have indoor farms with LED lights in repurposed shopping malls.

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You won't even need that because they'll be synthesising the "food" from chemicals!

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‘They’ will have real fresh veg grown in vertical underground hydroponic farms. idk what they’ll do about meat & bread.

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Enjoy your synthetic fat from coal.

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You can right now today buy a shipping container "farm" with irrigation and UV lighting which is equivalent to 1 acre in productivity depending on crop.

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Thank you! I’ll be forwarding this to many!

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Absolutely makes sense why they are pushing the 2030 agenda!! They know and are totally aware of this actual science but are trying to fool the world with bullshit science do they can turn around and say their bullshit worked which will give them the power create even more bullshit.

In the old days shamens and sorcerers used the same trick knowing when a solar eclipse was about to happen. Telling the dumb masses they could block out the sun. When it happened they were then idols or gods to the masses.

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"...have been observed over several hundred thousand years..."

I would love to know about these people who "OBSERVED" the cycles over this period. Please don't confuse INTERPRETATIONS of phenomenon in geologic records with direct observations.

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Isn’t that the case for all arguments and viewpoints?🤔

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I'm always interested to see the latest industry regurgitation; it's getting hotter naturally, it's getting colder, it's the tilt, the orbit, the saturation, manipulation of data, urbanisation, co2 has no effect, co2 has an effect...

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The Men Who Run the World know that climate change is Bullshit...

But it is necessary bullshit... just like the Covid Vaccines are necessary....

The Three Pillars of Bullshit

Because nobody can handle the truth


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Yet more breathtaking lack of scientific understanding from Joel playing right into the profits of the hugely influential fossil fuel industry. Could the two be connected and on purpose?

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