Have you seen this in-depth article about what happened in northern Italy? The authors argue it was panic and the protocols that led to the huge spike in deaths. Highly recommended article.


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Yup. Probably because it was in the main! Not just Italy.

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What happened in Wuhan in late December and January gets all the attention. But that just got the "narrative" and pre-panic going. What really changed the world was what happened in Northern Italy. After that, the consensus was iron-clad that this was the "big one." Lock-downs, etc. had to commence forthwith. But these authors say the vast majority of those excess deaths can be explained by reasons that don't include a new "killer" virus suddenly spreading through the population.

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Indeed, and obviously that’s consistent with my belief that there never was a novel virus, just appalling tests & a huge PsyOp.

The reason they’re pushing so hard on GoF is that it’s implausible.

It’s was iatrogenesis.

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New York City's data is clear: We killed people.

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Canada as well...

Essentially this could simply be the annual flu --- lots of people die from that .. but if you deny treatment and administer a respiratory inhibiting drug ... which was done ... it is easy to drive the deaths higher.

The thing is... the deaths did not rise dramatically ... it is my understanding that deaths involving the elderly were a bit higher than for a normal flu season ... so the murder barely budged the dial...

CNNBBC had everyone believing it was a charnel house...

Then the magic bullet was offered. And they queued in parking lots for it.

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Do you live in Canada?

Looking for data on where the nursing home residents died.

Did they die in the nursing homes or in the hospitals?

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I think there was a small spike in deaths in many states among the older age cohorts ... before March 15th. That is, some older people (the most likely victims) no doubt were dying from Covid. These deaths were just attributed to some other cause of death. But even with this, the vast majority of older folks were not dying.

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"They" not "we."

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I saw a report on how the US government regularly suppressed the number of deaths annually attributed to pneumonia and influenza. Perhaps to prop up their useless flu vaccine?

Researcher John Cullen showed how when you look at death charts filed with numbers supplied by medical examiners and coroners the annual number of P and I deaths in the US is usually around 200,000, not the 70,000 deaths Fauci espoused.

But now we see that suppression of the true annual pneumonia and influenza death rates allowed for the deaths attributed to ‘Covid’ to seem alarmingly high. And ‘scary.’

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I'm going to do a story at some point on the huge "revisions" that the CDC does on the number of flu deaths in a given flu season. For example, the 2016-2017 flu season is said to be one of the worst in the U.S. in decades. For years, the CDC estimated that 80,000 people died from the flu that year. Then they revised the number down to 61,000 and now (I think) it's 51,000. In other words, they were "off" by 29,000 deaths. How does that happen - three years later? One day are we going to get a silent revision on their website that says the number of Covid deaths was also "off" by 40 percent?

And about 15 years ago, the flu deaths were tiny. Then they started promoting the flu shot incessantly and the annual deaths sky-rocketed ... to 80,000 in one year.

I guess it should be noted that half the population getting "their" flu shot hasn't reduced the death numbers from flu.

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Dr. Yeadon, I've seen you in recent interviews developing that point. I agree all or almost all of the deaths are iatrogenic and the PCR tests are of course a joke. I'd be interested in your opinin on the ANTIBODY TESTS. I think "early spread" was happening but my "evidence" is simply people who had symptoms and later tested positive via an antibody test. What do you think about these tests? I happen to think they can be manipulated just like the PCR tests but I think they are/were picking up some of the early infections. I also note that the "non authorized" tests administered by independent clinics or assays seem to have been intentionally discredited as "junk science." These produced higher rates of positives. All of this said, I think your theory might be true.

I am looking for experts who can help educate me on the credibility of the antibody tests. Could they be manipulated in any way? If so, how? My email is:


Here's my summary of "early spread" cases.



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Mike, I think this apparently ludicrous hypotheses is the only one that fits the facts. Its absolutely extraordinary that we just 'Imagined a Pandemic' and made it happen, but it all adds up.

I'm afraid this is going to make most people regard us a loony-toons, though!

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Unfortunately it is for me by far the most likely explanation.

Many people think that creates unanswered questions but it actually doesn’t.

The fact that it’s difficult to explain why it’s a good fit to the actual data means the crooks will likely get away with it.

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If there wasn't any novel virus, what did the papers' authors look at, finding unusual features, such as apparent inserts of HIV sequences into the spike protein, the furin cleavage site and other stuff that, some say, make this more damaging to humans? There are papers from many years back, of Ralph Baric experimenting with coronaviruses and adding such features.

Substackers "John Paul" @ "Things hidden in complexity",

and Brian Mowrey @ "Unglossed",

both had a number of articles looking at studies w.r.t. genetic features,

and, IIRC, both concluded that every big name variant was an own release, in more than one place ~ simultaneously, i.e. there was something going around, with such marked, deliberate seeming differences impacting how it afects humans (often several at once), that it didn't look like evolution to them.

So if there wasn't anything new, I wonder - what is it they were all looking at?

I don't know, just a layman trying to sort things out.

Couldn't it be both?

I.e. a novel(ty) virus that would be somewhat more impactful in some ways,

but the effect wasn't big enough, either by design*, or they didn't get enough virulence by the time plan. Swine flu 2009, C19 in 2019, 10 years grid, a number (even evil) humans like, but viruses couldn't care less about. Isn't that funny.

So they needed to amplify the effect, murdering people by treatment protocols.

I only have an anecdote from someone I know from Italy - to me, it means something, I have no reason to think he's lying.

He has a nurse friend there, 40-ish and then healthy, who got _something_ pretty bad (respiratory) in early 2020, where they were "stacking" people categorized as "C19 case". Given much increased exposure vs. average population, and it being at a time when most are vitamin-D deficient, it seems plausible.

He didn't die, so he didn't get _that_ kind of a protocol, but he was reportedly still impacted in late 21 (although by then it might have been worsened by certain products - but he did have issues before rollout)

I heard other stories like that, but not from people I know.

* "they" don't want to be affected, and their, probably also researched but kept under lid, treatments needed to remain effective. How quick they were to aggressively demonize and make unavailable, Ivermectin, ... as if they knew quite confidently it would spoil their party.

Though, deliberately releasing "Omicron", with higher infectiousness but lower health impact, to control the situation, might also be part of "not overdoing it and get our own hides scratched"

EDIT: Just saw Igor Chudov posting this, where he shows how countries he says did not use those protocols, were also seeing excess mortality in 2020: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/to-prevent-the-next-pandemic-punish

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They don’t first purify the alleged virus & then sequence it.

Instead, they sequence everything in the sample and then use computers to try the assemble an alleged virus. A similar technique is used to find an alleged virus in the first place.

Now you can sequence and see if you can find variation in a region of interest. If yes, that’s how they make those claims.

I think those techniques are vulnerable to bad actors and almost nobody understands the assumptions made. Even experts dispute the results.

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All nonsense. HIV is also a scam. Read Jon Rappaport's blog/substack for example.

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"all nonsense, go read some paid-only garbage of some not very technically apt seeming 'reporter dude' there, while I offer no sentence of explanation" - yeah right.

Respiratory viruses and related illnesses are not a scam, and that there's one tinkered with isn't that far off. You throwing HIV in here is a red herring.

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We know the PCR tests are ridiculous and massively inflate "cases." But what about the antibody tests? Can and should they be trusted? What are those positive results picking up?

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Hi bill, interesting article. I agree that it was iatrogenesis and the reduction from the Italian government of health care staff and beds. I'm an American living in northern Italy and many northern Italians have "badantes" (care givers) that take care of their elderly parents. Most come from Moldavia and Georgia. In early Feb/March, many of these badantes left their patients to return to their countries, sensing fear or worse, I don't know. That left hundreds of these elderly Italians without home care. Was the only choice for these Italian families were to take their elderly parents to the hospitals that were already overflowing with patients?

Another interesting thing took place in early Jan 2020 in Lombardy, Italy.

Not all of Italy was hit by the "virus", and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths occurred. The epicentre of the covid virus was in Lombardy (Bergamo area) which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. Why there? Well, in January, 2020, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths). The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated in Lombardy. Within two months, Lombardy was experiencing the majority of "covid" deaths and was the first area of a Western country that was locked-down.

So, could it be that the meningitis vaccine in Lombardy (and/or the 2019 flu vaccine given in Western countries) caused these "covid" deaths? Or made those people injected more vulnerable to getting "covid" or whatever the illness was? The Lombardy epicentre of "covid" deaths and the timing of the meningitis vaccine seems to show correlation. The 2019 flu vaccine, which is pushed on people over 65 years of age, were the largest group dying from "covid" in 2020.

Parents of a friend of ours took the flu vaccine in March 2020. Her father died 3 days later of "covid", the mother died 3 months later of heart failure, they were fit, healthy and in their early 70's.

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Fascinating line of enquiry.

I wonder if this can be cross-checked against any other parts of the world which also vaxxed against meningitis (and indeed, flu, pneumonia etc). If proven to correlate, it is more than curious that Covid-19 seems to favour heavily vaccinated, more affluent, regions of the planet: but there are many other variables so the danger is that this grain of truth might be lost in the chaff.

What happened in Amazonia, by the way? Anyone recall the lurid descriptions of mega-death, which appear not to be copied in other less developed parts of the world? And why were the figures in different parts of the Andean countries like Peru so different again? So many questions, so few answers.

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Agree, the vaccination status should be checked of the deceased in Italy as well as other regions where there was an abnormally high number of covid-19 "cases" and deaths reported. Could it show a correlation between vaccines and getting covid? Probably so, but big Pharma and its media pundits will use the usual argument of a "coincidence in timing" between vaccinations and covid-19.

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Another possible line to explore is fear itself. In very superstitious societies like say, Haiti, witchcraft and social exclusion are popularly believed to cause death in susceptible individuals. I have no idea how true this is, but imagine being an elderly, maybe confused and demented tribal or isolated person in any society with almost no means of checking facts, and everyone is fearful and warns of a 'Great Plague' - ?

Can a thought kill?

I don't know, but it seems possible.

Can loss of will to live also kill?

I don't know, but my father died shortly after my mother: he just lost all interest in living, bless him: he was 99 years old, and just quit.

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I watched the UK Utopia series years ago ... was on a long flight and watched the US version - they only made one season...

A couple of lines interested me:

'The virus could not spread so fast - rather it is being released in various locations'

'How much evil do you have to do to do a good' asked the mastermind ... then he reels off why it is necessary to reduce the population

Well worth watching ... much of this aligns with what we are experiencing (then there is the London Games opening ceremony... )


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Jonathan Couey thinks similarly.


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I also read at the time, that a ‘flu vaccination programme had been rolled out just a couple of weeks prior in the area hit hardest with CoVid. The implication being the ‘flu jab weakened the immune system making it less able to cope with the ‘novel’ virus. I also read that there was a US Army report of soldiers having had their ‘flu shot being particularly affected by the virus compared to those who hadn’t had the shot. These reports never gained any traction. Maybe they had no merit, or were ‘disappeared’ - it’s hard to say these days. Also worth remembering, the Italians were (maybe still are) heavy smokers and that certainly would apply to the older generation who were most affected at that time. That is another detail that ‘disappeared’.

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John, I also have this sneaking suspicion that the flu vaccines, perhaps in combination with the coronavirus, somehow caused many deaths. I've noted the huge spike in deaths in November-December 2020 and January 2021 - the second year of the pandemic. I can't help but think a lot of these deaths started occurring after old people had gotten their flu vaccines that fall and early winter. A few people have theorized the same thing, but you are right, there's been no follow-up on this hypothesis. How could there be? This would also implicate the flu vaccine, which the CDC has been incessantly promoting for decades. So maybe public health officials killed even more people by pushing their beloved flu vaccine.

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I'm almost 80 in 2022 on Nov 26 I took the flu vacs. for over 65...on Dec.6 I got a stroke spent 5 days in hospital and discharged, Had a loss of memory and confusion for 4 to 5 hrs that was all I was lucky.....but I always wonder about that

last vaccine which I use to take every year and now will no longer take! Multie Vitamins, D3, quercitin, and NAC daily and NO FN jabs...they had me on Statins as well stopped that when I got chest pains....no longer have much faith in the pill doctors! My dad was a OBS & Gyn and surgeon he was not keen on pills for this and pills for that!

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Well done getting out of the death house alive!

One of the best (non dietary) things to do for cardiovascular health is ground to the earth! https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref12622091

Be very wary of non-organic produce, glyphosate is an insidious poison which destroys the blood vessel walls, among other horrors such as vitamin D destruction.

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Good for you!

I just heard an interview with a Dr. Thomas Levy a cardiologist who left the western medicine paradigm for alternative therapies. He has written books documenting the successful treatment, even the cure of patients with disorders western med would seem incurable, such as AIDS and ALS, Alzheimer’s, with simple inexpensive vitamin C and magnesium. Has a couple of books out.

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And now they tell people they need both the flu shot and their Covid booster. And conveniently you can get them at the same time in any neighborhood Jewel-Osco grocery!

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....and they are both (now) mrRNA based,

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You are correct. That part was purposefully omitted from the article. There was also a meningococcal vaccine campaign rolled out in N Italy in early 2020.

In January, 2020, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini "epidemic" (PR campaign) of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths).

The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated.



One of the many perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology

Right before the "virus" landed in the north of Italy and exclusively attacked the old and those in care homes, these same elders all received a "flu" vaccine.

Contaminated flu shots weaken the biological system.

The new “cell-based” flu shot called VIQCC or QIVc that was made available in Italy for the first time in 2019. It is discussed here:

Italian physician Dr. Luca Speciani (a doctor at Bergamo): a “great number of flu vaccinations” were done in Bergamo and scientific evidence proves that the flu vaccine made elderly people more susceptible to COVID. Listen to him here for more details:


In September 2019 was made available for the first time in Italy a “cell-based” flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs.

VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It is approved for people ages 9 and older.


Cell-based vax available in Europe ... 2019. Not just Italy


and more specifically, Germany (i.e. Not just Italy):


The PEI in Germany is responsible for monitoring vaccines. 2019-2020 is the first season it mentions vaccines created in cell culture (as opposed to hens' eggs):


"Between December 2019 and January 2020,1.2 million influenza vaccines of a new type were administered in the Lombardy region Northern Italy. The widespread distribution of vaccines through pharmacies and the good adherence of general practitioners are reaping good fruits.

The influenza [vaccine] campaign launched by the ATS is in fact already recording record numbers,and is not yet completed. With this new model we have dispensed 1,183,660 vaccines in the entire Lombardy Region."

This experimental vaccine was presented by the ISS as a “brand new quadrivalent vaccine” and was injected into the bodies of 1.2 million Lombards (most of them elderly). This was an unprecedented amount of vaccines in all of the area’s history. Additionally, for the first time in Italy’s history, these vaccines were distributed to not only hospitals but also to general practitioners and pharmacies. Within a few short months, elderly people suddenly began to get sick and die in Lombardy and adjacent regions where all of the initial so-called COVID deaths were reported.

On top of all of this, there were NO AUTOPSIES ALLOWED BY THE ISS in the early stages of the pandemic. When a few brave Italian doctors began to perform some autopsies they discovered thrombosis/blood clots in the patients, most likely caused by the vaccines.

Ventilators and heavy sedatives accelerated their demise. Americans will remember a similar story that took place in New York.”



One article about this here also,


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Thanks for adding this info about the other vaccines. That SHOULD have been considered as potentially being a cause of the excess deaths. As I posted, there's no way any officials are ever going to explore the possibility the flu vaccines might have contributed to greater numbers of "Covid" deaths. But I wouldn't doubt that that's a partial cause.

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Well..... it's 'free' - why wouldn't you take the offer? ! LOL

"The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated".

33,000 stoopid people.

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Midazolam can slow or stop your breathing, especially if you have recently used an opioid medication or alcohol. Midazolam is given in a hospital, dentist office, or other clinic setting where your vital signs can be watched closely.

Related/similar drugs

lorazepam, diazepam, topiramate, promethazine, Ativan, levetiracetam, Keppra

Before taking this medicine

You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:

narrow-angle glaucoma;

untreated or uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma; or

an allergy to cherries.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:


breathing problems; or

congestive heart failure.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Exactly what you would give to someone on a ventilator.... if you wanted to murder them.

The thing is...

If I can find this ... surely all the medical staff shooting this into gasping patients know about this ... it's like giving a huge dose of cocaine to someone who's experiencing a heart attack.

Did I mention last year I was at a drinks function .. I asked a nurse about this and she admitted they were giving Midazolam to severe covid cases... her justification is that they were suffering and this put them out of their misery ...

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Well there ya go. It was I believe sold as mercy killing to some.

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That nurse and all the many others doing this should have been prosecuted for suspected, routine, cold-blooded, mass murder. Sadly, the police and courts are often pwned, as others have discovered, so multiple angles of attack maybe required, like fraud, to get a wedge in there, to then allow raising mass murder.

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That's what happened. They sped up their curve by infecting all the at-risk at once.

Then NY and other states did it again a month later.

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No- they did not "infect" anyone. They physically killed them.

The story that you have been led to believe about what happened in NYC nursing homes is not accurate. Individuals were not "put back" into nursing homes and then reinfecting others- that is the cover story.

They were taken from nursing homes and killed in hospitals from ventilators/midazolam/fentanyl and neglect.

The "curve" was sped up by nursing home residents being killed in the hospitals.

More information/data/evidence on this will be forthcoming.

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My take/thought has always been that they sent some nursing home residents to hospitals - where many died, but they also sent many nursing home residents back to nursing homes, where they died in increasing numbers as well. So the traffic was going both ways, but the care/panic/drugging was taking place at both facilities?

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I thought the same but this was not the case in NYC.

Would like to see data on this from Brussels, Montreal, London and Madrid.

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It was definitely happening in care homes as well as hospitals in the UK. The CQC and Amnesty did investigations into the use of DNR orders at the time and found that large proportions of staff had felt pressured to place them on patients without the patient or families being involved in the decision.


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Did they infect the at risk? Or did they simply declare them infected with or without the use of the faulty PCR test and then (mis)treat them?

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They shoved covid-positive patients (whatever you take that to mean) into nursing homes to "make room" for everybody else.

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I just believe they shoved inconvenient vulnerable into nursing homes or hospitals so they could kill them under the cover of Covid, a true infection wasn’t even needed.

But we both their actions resulted in a death sentence.

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Thanks good to get verification of what we we’re concerned with.

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Was just gonna link this!

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I had not seen this particular article in Global Research. Thank you.

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It's quite convincing to me.

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Quite tragically it makes total sense to many of us. I have been reading about things like this not always well documented since the early days when we did not know much - just surmised from observations.

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A perfect storm of events/factors all converged at once and caused this sudden huge spike in deaths in some locations. It wasn't the virus suddenly changing and becoming more lethal or contagious.

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PsyOp with all of humanity in the Kill Box..and still remaining in the Kill Box...

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I never did think it was the virus but the engineered tragically bad medical treatments and the vaccines. Likely some other factors such a masking, stress, and lockdowns. Iatrogenic.

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A couple of other Italy data points to be aware of:

Hug a Chinese Day launched February 1, 2020 in northern Italy


The virus was circulating in Italy from September 2019 - antibodies in blood


And then Joel note of the 3-4 x normal Midazolam order


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This is yet more proof of the iatrogenocide.

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They simply put people down like dogs.

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I can understand the need for midazolam in ICU situations for patients needing ventilation, and patients who need to be sedated for anesthesia procedures. What I cannot fathom - except to assign rank ignorance or malevolent motive - is why otherwise healthy stable nursing home residents (like my stroke-disabled mother) got "Midazolam p.r.n." added to their medication instructions for no good reason. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine. It can cause dysphagia, loss of speech, urticaria, rash, itching, runny nose and anaphylactic reactions. My mother is highly allergic to benzodiazepines (and penicillins). It's in her file. They have her bracelet with this engraved info. Yes, she was given Midazolam starting last fall (we think) How much? How often? well, that's the magic of "p.r.n." The deterioration happened fast and was upsetting to me as we could no longer Skype together. She's been suffering horribly - ALL those adverse effects - for months, the cause blatantly obvious but ignored and undiagnosed. There never was a law forbidding unjabbed family from visiting, contrary to what the home was telling the public. I found that out in December 2022. I had not been allowed inside to see her for almost THREE YEARS based on a LIE. So now I have been visiting her constantly. She is unable to speak, move or swallow solids. I just found out about the Midazolam two days ago, and the penny dropped. I have POA and would NEVER have authorized this drug, for fekkin' obvious reasons. I don't know what action to take first.

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I am so sorry I wish more people had stood up but there were too few and the propaganda and control of MSM was too extensive. Andrew Bridgen MP is collating reports on midazolam use. He can be contacted by e-mail andrew.bridgen.mp@parliament.uk

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Thank you. This is in Ontario Canada. But I just learned to my enormous relief that my mother has not been given Midazolam in the past three months, and possibly not everbefore that. I was able to have the order removed from her medication file, for peace of mind. Now my concern is with her severe allergy symptoms, loss of speech, and inability to swallow solids. I just can't believe this would happen suddenly for no reason last fall.

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How tragic for her. And by extension for everyone who knows and loves your mom.

Just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers which is all I have.

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Thank you. It helps.

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AR-15? Once the truth becomes widespread, there's going to be a run on stock at the gun-stores.

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See a lawyer....sue the low lives!

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The "Law" won't help, because the Judiciary are also in it up to their necks.

There will be no bloodless end to this unfortunately.

C18th France and "The Terror" is going to seem like a Vicars' Tea Party in comparison, because there are just so many that are complicit in this genocide.

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AGREE 100%!

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Joel Ty for you’re tireless work on enlightening the public about this Covid nightmare we currently enduring. Your reward will be great in heaven that I can promise you from the gladness of my heart!

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El Gato Malo has a great article about the iatrogenocide here as well.


Looks like 1918 was also largely iatrogenic as well, by the way.

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Biologist JJ Couey is exploring evidence of a limited release of a bioweapon. Just enough to make a few very sick with scary symptoms like ‘glass’ lungs in NY. This was part of the setup for iatrogenic policies. It was all a hoax. I’m probably not explaining his position accurately. He is on Twitch at GigaohmBiological. Couey points out that the purpose of this week’s Congressional hearings is to craft the narrative for the next pandemic.

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He has never put forth a shred of evidence on his "theory" and has been asked repeatedly to do so.

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I wonder how many of those ‘ITU patients’ were actually on ITU? Ventilators take over from respiratory muscles which become fatigued due to certain conditions which force patients to breath rapidly. But they are only of any use if the lung tissue is not damaged so that normal gaseous exchange can take place. Since the serious aspect of CoV2 (and all respiratory viruses) when it invades the lungs is widespread tissue damage, and normal gaseous exchange cannot take place, there is little point ventilating the patient, not least because forced ventilation causes damage to lung tissue and exacerbates damage to already degraded tissue. We used to know this before 2020. It is why we ‘suddenly’ remembered it after huge amounts had been spent on extra ventilators most of which were never used, precisely because it was apparent rather than helping, ventilating was hastening deaths.

Patients with serious respiratory diseases caused by viruses and pneumonia are not something ‘novel’ and present in large numbers EVERY Winter. What I cannot understand is how ‘suddenly’ medical staff didn’t know how to treat them. Oxygen saturation is about all that can be done plus sedation, but the outcome is predictable.

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There was no pandemic only a care home genoicde and then the vax did more damage aka ''wave 2'' over winter 2020 and beyond !

FOIA: NHS Greater Glasgow+Clyde

-serves a population of 1.2 mlillion-largest in Scotland

ICU data 2010-2022

🏥Admissions (invasive)

2020-394-lowest on record (26% below avg)

☠️Total Deaths

2020-23-(21% below avg)



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Exactly. It was as they say a culling of the ‘susceptibles.’

In the US not only did ‘Covid’ get costly to the system elderly and sick off the Medicare roll, but the deaths of nursing home residents also enabled the government to strip anything of value from their estates, thanks to the Medicaid recovery act!! Even family homes.

In my home state for example, https://www.medicaidplanningassistance.org/medicaid-eligibility-illinois/

While one’s home is usually exempt from Medicaid’s asset limit, it is not exempt from Medicaid’s Estate Recovery Program. Following a long-term care Medicaid beneficiary’s death, the IL Medicaid agency attempts reimbursement of care costs through whatever estate of the deceased still remains. This is often the home. Without proper planning strategies in place, the home will be used to reimburse Medicaid for providing care rather than going to family as inheritance.

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I also just found out in Scotland anyone that died with COVID on a death certificate any life insurance is greatly reduced, more proof this is a disgusting scam ! Most old people do have decent life insurance and they even steal that after they killed them !!

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Sickening. This really was such a kill off of the elderly and folks with many co-morbidities. I don’t understand how more people don’t see this.

The way it was pulled off, ie no visitors, allowed the system to ‘help people along’ and then tell the survivors their loved ones died from covid. And there was no real way to question the cause of death.

Disgusts me how proud of himself Italy’s Gabriele Cerratti is for procuring the death drug to dose his vulnerable sick and elderly countrymen.

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when you read how they recorded 'COVID' deaths it's all fraud. Normal protocols were suspended and or greatly reduced so they could label 'COVID' deaths till their wee dark hearts were content.

''From 24 March 2020, and as an interim measure, the percentage of MCCDs selected for review by DCRS will decrease from the current 14% to 4% (3.5% for level 1 reviews and 0.5% for level 2 reviews).''

There may well be deaths where there has been recent medical intervention but the medical practitioner still has some doubt as to the cause of death. In these circumstances, the medical practitioner should consider the symptoms to see whether, on the balance of probabilities. and to the best of their knowledge and belief, “COVID-19 Disease”

- A BELIEF in a disease can count as a 'COVID' death !

No evidence required.


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Just the greatest fraud ever perpetrated and there have been many great ones prior.

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Agree and it's the easiest to expose and yet has been the most effective !!

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A bit like Humza Yousuf's (and the UK Police) belief that anybody who 'feels' threatened or 'is upset' by something, renders it an offence under law..... even if they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

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John Lennon & George Harrisons' lyrics in 'Taxman' - 'declare the pennies on your eyes'.

"Let me tell you how it will be

There's one for you, nineteen for me

'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman

Should five percent appear too small

Be thankful, I don't take it all

'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman

(If you drive a car, car) I'll tax the street

(If you try to sit, sit) I'll tax your seat

(If you get too cold, cold) I'll tax the heat

(If you take a walk, walk) I'll tax your feet


'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman

Don't ask me what I want it for

(Haha, Mr. Wilson)

If you don't want to pay some more

(Haha, Mr. Heath)

'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman

Now my advice for those who die


Declare the pennies on your eyes


'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman


And you're working for no one but me (Taxman!)"

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Bribed the insurance industry into compliance.

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yes they bribed almost everyone ! This is their great fascist reset.

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I figured there was a real estate grab component but I didn't know how.

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Boom! and following your post... we have Lahaina on Maui...... and prior to that - wildfires in California and Australia..... and I heard earlier this month (April 2024) near Miami Fla.

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Do you know where the nursing home residents in Scotland died?

Was it in the nursing homes or in the hopsitals?

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NRS say both. I'm also collecting the funerals statistics for every area in Scotland. Thus far no pandemic.


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The trading figures from the Funeral Directors will be the only reliable data regarding deaths. Unless your name is 'James Bond', you only die once. There is no falsifying those data.

UK Govt (or any other Govt) 'statistics', including the ONS in the UK, are now worthless. Their reputation is trash.

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B Braun's wiki entry is strangely quiet around the 1939-45 period:


I have read other stuff saying 'no evidence can be found' for their involvement with the Nazis, to which I raise my eyebrows somewhat; can't have been many companies operating in Der Fatherland during that period which didn't at least pay lip service to the fascists.

They supplied chemicals used in US executions until a furore erupted, by the way.

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"No evidence can be found".

Precisely. If you don't look for it (or turn a blind eye) then......?

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

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Now, there's a slogan. Why on earth do they use war associated language? It was and is a relatively obscure vrius. A virus is not evil. Its just there, doing what viruses do. Reminds me of the much praised prime minister of New Zealand where they actually celebreated the defeat of Covid.


They defeated Covid in 2020! Oh wait.

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I've another slogan:-


Is long Overdue".

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Pierre Kory has an interesting view on this issue. They needed it to use the ventilators.

I know that in Spain morphine was used to kill in the nursing homes. The director of some of them said in the parliament that the doctors went there and just said the same to every ill old person: morphine, morphine... They went room by room: morphine here, morphine here...

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It’s almost as if there was a globally orchestrated plan to try and stave off the day of reckoning for economies built on corrupt banking practices and buy some time by getting rid of millions of elderly souls who after years of paying into the system now needed their promised returns.

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Well, there is of course the fact that national economies cannot afford the Old Age Pensions bill....... more people have (or were) living longer, and fewer and fewer people are paying into the pot to support that..... as Cynthia alludes below.

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At the beginning of the pandemic, before there was even a vaccine available to fire me over, I pulled the “our world in data” chart of “coronavirus deaths in the UK”.

There is a jump up to 40k deaths, then a flatline for months.

Just so happened that’s about how much midazolam the UK shoved into their elderly population, after they purchased it all from the European market.

Half a dozen quick internet searches show all this data.

Not one person seemed to care.

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It's just one piece of evidence after the next of premeditated mass murder. And yet, not only will people refuse to see it, nothing will come of it.

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Midazolam plus ventilator does not seem to qualify as "help breathing" in my book. Death by doctor.

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Dear Joel, did not see you on substack for a few days and worried. Nice to have you back today, although this story is disturbing. 10,000 doses? A shocking number considering, that if all these covid patients had been treated early with repurposed drugs and antibiotics, the odds are they would have NEVER required one dose of midazolam (versed), because they would not be on a ventilator.

Although if Italy did what Britain did in care homes and administered midazolam to the unvented covid positive elderly, well, that was just inexcusable medical malpractice. How many died (killed) in this way? I honestly don’t think we will ever know.

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I remember Gov Cuomo asking for 30,000 ventilators.

"Public Health" was the tool to drive the hysteria.

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