Such extreme efforts on the part of Gov/Military/Pharma/Medical Boards to flip this script, saying WE have to prove there is a problem with the whack-scenes. By the end they will be hiding in their closets fearing retribution, but only if we keep up pressure. Make these basturds hide!! Such great work, Joel, thank you so much.

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Another friend’s husband has just died from turbo cancer. Dead within a few weeks of diagnosis. Throat cancer? Or esophageal cancer, primary cancer in his lungs. I told this friend these are called turbo cancers. I did not have the heart to connect the dots for her. She knows my sentiments on the experimental biologicals. Heartbreaking.

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You can’t say anything as they are in complete denial. It is so strange to witness intelligent people consciously failing to join the dots. Crazy times.

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Usually if you try to warn them they respond by getting another Rat Juice booster.

Perhaps they are trying to cure their stupidity?

It's working!

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Consciously failing, but their subconscious will have done the work. It will haunt them.

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Their not intelligent, they are evil

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I would argue that they ARE intelligent, but have zero for spiritual discernment. Therefore, they are easily fooled by evil.

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I equate intelligence with being a good human.

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So sad, so needless and sad.

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Prof. Dalgleish explained the mechanism for those occurrences briefly at the TCW event. He also noted that it's happening particularly often after the 3rd shot. His observations among his patients are shared by many oncologists who contacted him after he stated them, but they are all afraid to speak up.

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They need to grow a pair, for the sake of humanity...

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Though booster intake has dropped off, we still have people who have taken 4 and even 5 shots, and I suppose some of these will even be taking #6 soon. I forget where I saw it, but some Canadian doctor said there's no way anyone will be able to take 7 shots and survive. I guess we're going to find out.

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That deaths aren't higher is an endorsement for how highly resilient the human body is through 200,000, plus years of evolution. Notwithstanding the 600-year history of medical certitude as to how to treat patients using dangerous interventions, humans continue to survive.

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Also the fact that so many people already died early.

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The damage from the jabs is often permanent and cumulative. Reduced lifespan awaits many.

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Agreed, and no doubt some people are more resilient than others in fighting off this attempted clobbering of the immune system.

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The MSM, in this case the Telegraph, are finally admitting something is wrong. It’s a start.


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"Vaccines undoubtedly allowed the country to get back to normal after the coronavirus pandemic, but information about potential side effects is not as well publicised as it should be."

They can't let it go though can they? It's like the "I'm glad I had the jbs.. imagine how bad it would have been if I were unvaccinated" contingent :rolleyes:

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The Telegraph used to be a decent enough newspaper.

It is now just another worthless rag that regurgitates "the narrative".

There are no worthwhile mainstream newspapers in the UK any more.

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I remember the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and my personal favorite "I got COVID but since I was vaccinated it wasn't as bad". Then the numbers came in and we found out it was the "vaccinated" getting COVID and that allowed them to repeat their trope about the vaccine cutting sick time at a time it was sending more to the hospital.

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Newsweek did a story, too. Hope these stories will be the turning point...

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The critique of that story by A Midwestern Doctor seems interesting too. Basically, the story is an effort to deflect the pushback.

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The jab-pushers clearly have no intention of proving or disproving anything! All they have to do is go on the BBC and say that excess deaths are because people didn't take their statins, did some gardening, went out in the rain, ate too many/not enough eggs, laughed too hard, drank too much, refused to wear protective masks...the list is endless. They know they don't have to prove anything because nobody at the BBC is going to ask them to.

It's just us lot screaming into the void!

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Keep preaching but some just won’t see it. The jab , The WEF , Digital world & prison these oligarchs are trying to impose.

We must keep marching forward and preaching and hopefully just hopefully they will wake. 🙏

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Safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective...you are getting very very sleepy... safe and effective, safe and effective............ good, goooood! Now go get your new bivalent "booster"...

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Joel Smalley: I saw your name mentioned, in RFK's, The Real Anthony Fauci, in the 'Thanks To' after the preface.

For an excellent summary and explanation of how the last three years happened read, The Real Anthony Fauci. If you still haven't swallowed the red pill, as you read it, your jaw will drop to the ground.

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Yes, one of my early contributions. Thanks!

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Darwin was right.

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So true. The irony is that many pro-jabbers had been openly and smugly hoping for natural selection to work against the unjabbed, when it was literally the reverse that happened.

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They won't make any effort to prove the jabs saved lives. These psychopaths, and their sycophants, will soon be overt on the number of deaths so far, and bragging about those coming.

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Despite the close temporal relationship between CV events and the jab (the 14 day "unvaxxed" cheat notwithstanding) the RPTB are doing a remarkable job of keeping the lid on it although more sheep seem to be awakening.

However, it seems the best may be yet to come :-


For a shorter version try this :-


In short, mRNA jabs will cause a host of autoimmune disease but proving causation will more likely be lost in the mists of time.

We have to keep hammering away at these dangers and prove a causal link.

Over to the likes of Joel for that.

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Any wonder the insurance actuaries are flipping out over the death rates in heavily jabbed areas?

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In the Pfizer and Moderna “gold standard” randomized clinical trials, the vaccine groups had 4 extra non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths overall (compared to the placebo groups), even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-2021. In other words, the net effect of mRNA vaccines in the gold-standard clinical trials was "4 killed for every 3 saved". The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials BOTH showed a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

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Well-said. This really puts the lie the claim that the jabs had a net lifesaving effect, or that they even had any redeeming value at all.

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I am grateful to the work of Josh Sterling a prod from The Daily Sceptic to do this analysis.

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Great writing!

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I think they are itching for a nuclear bomb so they can say hey the cancers are from radiation which yes they will be even worse then but they are already bad.

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