Thanks Joel. And.... this is using dodgy underreported and under recorded CDC data..... and misdiagnosed (knowingly and intentionally) by many doctors......, imagine the Truth with the actual real data...... and same for Adverse Effects too.....

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Explicitly so. If it is this bad with their official data, one can only imagine how bad it really is.

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And doctors are baffled.

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Many have supplemental degrees in bafflement 101.

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Yep. Expect a Chair in Advanced Medical Bafflement to be created at Johns Hopkins.

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They can't afford to take a stance for the good of humanity. It might disrupt their high-paying careers. They might get fired or have their medical license taken away.

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Yes, and we can't have them down here at the bottom of the heap with us mere mortals, now, can we?

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This is assuming the data is relatively accurate. I think the truth is much more devastating.

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The plan is proceeding as expected.

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Even a staunch, vaccine-promoting journalist oughta be curious enough to want to know why more people have been dying in the last 2 years. I guess unless it’s something that could be helped by a trillion dollar drug industry it’s just not important or interesting enough.

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Even if it's not COVID...you would (incorrectly) assume our world would want to know why...so sad...so so sad.

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Joel , Thank you , they know ... it’s to control and depopulate the sheep.... oh and to make money 💰 lots of money .

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Thanks for doing the hard slog the "experts" won't. Most of the medical industry here in America is concerned with laying the foundation for total censorship of anyone who questions CDC/FDA/WHO in the next "pandemic", and presumably about anything and everything, The near complete denial of continuing excess mortality makes the whole system look like it has been turned into a killing machine. Meanwhile I have been seeing an increasing number of articles mocking the anxiety of men and particularly white men for their increasing mortality rate.

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My neighbor is an airline pilot. Found out yesterday he is diagnosed with ALS. I am not suprised, (have been expecting sad news re this person in particular, because they took all the jabs offered and early on) and for this I am seen as callous by the person who informed me of all this. I suppose I am.

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At least we have our integrity. Once you stop caring about the opinions of dogmatic fools, life becomes easier!

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I guess they haven't put together why I have been freaking the eff out for 2 years, and don't make nice conversation anymore. Like you said, thank you. Feel like a dog gone hoarse from barking.....

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So this is saying that the vast majority of the excess deaths are directly related to people dying from/with Covid?

As you go down the age groups that ratio changes with more excess deaths in the younger groups not associated with dying from/with Covid?

I track the weekly ONS Eng & Wales data and the % of those from/with Covid is tiny (at all ages)!

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If you accept the CDC definition of a "COVID" death (I don't), yes, the majority are "COVID" deaths. Even in spite of this, overall outcomes (correctly measured using life years rather than absolute deaths) are much worse for younger ages. It's extremely difficult to paint the result of COVID policies in a favourable light even using the official data which we have shown to be heavily biased in favour of policy. See here for example, where I explore it in more detail, using a more reliable dataset. https://metatron.substack.com/p/covid-intervention-caused-at-least

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Looks like it's time to implement the "climate change" lockdowns to help cover all of this up... and there's still no one being arrested for what's being done.

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The data isn't improving.........

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I'm a bit confused - the 85+ age group had less death after the jabs? Yet everyone else had more death? It would be illogical to think that was because the jabs worked so is it because those over 85 who might have died post-jab were already dead? Or have I misunderstood?

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That would be my first hypothesis. It is the most limited "pool" and where the pull-forward effect would materialise soonest.

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I noticed your cutoff date for pre vax is April 21. In the UK the roll out of the 'vax' was Dec 20. The elderly and partic those in care homes were targeted first. In 2019, there were 58661 recorded deaths (in England and Wales) up to week 13, of those over 85. In 2021 for the same period, there were 72612 deaths ie a 24% increase. I know these are raw data but I reckon that's a big increase. I have not seen any explanation, but there is evidence that the vax kills the elderly and vulnerable shortly after injection. There as also a lot of anecdotal tales of no Covid pre -vax and lots after. Don't know what you think, but may explain the drop in deaths. Definitely not due to the effectiveness of the vax!

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Correct. It was rolled out in mid-Dec 2020 for the US too. I have explained why I chose the later date, to show how awful the product is without having to make any allowances. I have written hundreds of other articles showing that mortality consistently increases coincidentally with the initial roll out. Things are evidently so bad now, we don't even need to argue that.

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In the US, 2021, there were 7,277 DEATHS in the 3 day period post vax.

Day 1-3,396

Day 2-2,621

Day 3-1,260

Kind of hard to argue with causation when death happens so quickly after the Jab.

What does this same data look like worldwide? ex: Europe, UK, ASIA?

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It's very interesting. My cousin is 55 and she's vaxxed to the max and now is completely out of her mind and has all kinds of things going wrong with her physically. Yet several neighbors of mine who are in their 80s took all of the "safe and effective" and seem to be doing fine. If one was conspiratorial they might think that the shots were designed to kill and maim the young and leave the very old alone because they're going to die soon anyway... Creepy as hell!

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Was looking at UK deaths week 30 2023 compared to week 30 2016 for 45 - 64 year olds, I think it was about 25% higher in 2023.

Population +3.5%

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Don't trust the registration-date data. https://metatron.substack.com/p/nothing-to-see-here

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Joel, in spite of the obvious issues with data accuracy from the gubmint fear porn purveyors, it seems to me that the -52% excess death rate for the 85+ cohort might stem from a lack of immune response to the jab. The lack of response could account for the relative lack of adverse side effects. If we had the means to assess the immune response of this cohort relative to the others, we might find something that further supports your analysis. Key takeaways are always the same: the jabs don't prevent infection, transmission, or hospitilization. Those standing at the edge of the grave with one foot on a banana peel were the first to go when the bug arrived. The second "wave" of deaths had much less to do with the bug than the effects of the jab. Criminal bastards.

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That's interesting. I hadn't considered that.

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Thanks Joel, I was using this data for a talk but was a bit worried about the % difference column in your pre- and post-vax era deaths. Given these are actual numbers rather than rates, do you need to correct for the first period being only 1 years, compared to 2 years in the post vax era? The results are bad enough without being accused of exagerating!

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